(202112057) The secret of long lasting marriages:
Many times I had read news/opinions saying/claiming modern marriages last much less than marriages of old times (in general)!
Of course, there can be many different reasons for any marriage to end, but what maybe the biggest/main reason?
I think, it is "irreconcilable differences" & its root cause is the lack of certainty/clarity of leadership in modern marriages!
Any marriage would naturally require endless/countless big/important decisions & often there would be disagreements/conflicts on them!
& so, IMHO, it would be extremely important for people to decide/agree on "Who will be the head of household (making the final decisions on all disagreements/conflicts)?", BEFORE getting married!
Because, otherwise, each disagreement/conflict would often end in a way that is quite unsatisfactory for one/both side(s) & overtime their bad/harmful effects would be keep accumulating/increasing!
(& so, IMHO, the biggest/main reason for marriages of old times lasted longer, was because "the head of household" was always clear, right from the beginning, unlike in modern times!)
(Also, (IMHO) people who are getting married, first & foremost, should/must agree that either side will be absolutely free to end the marriage, anytime they want, w/o being required to explain why & regardless of local divorce laws!)
(Some people may say/ask "isn't such a marriage would be a form of slavery"?:
Then, I would say/ask "how it is slavery, if done voluntarily upon agreement & can be ended anytime"? Marriages of old times were definitely NOT slavery!
Of course, it is always possible that people in a marriage can change their minds on leadership later (after experiencing some bad/unsatisfactory decisions/results, for example)!
Then, of course, "the head of household" would need to be re-decided! & the marriage should/must end peacefully/voluntarily, if there is no agreement possible!)
(& IMHO it would be really/extremely good idea to make (standard) prenuptial/premarital agreements mandatory by law!)
(202112094) Commented on the article:

"What if Einstein never existed?"

IMHO, thinking that revolutions in physics would still happen, even w/o true geniuses (like Galileo, Newton, Einstein) is a bit naive!

For example, isn't it really true that many false physics ideas from Ancient Greek times thought to be "obviously true" for more than a thousand years?

Are we realizing that how hard it really was for Galileo's or Einstein's true ideas to be accepted by "The Establishment"?

The way I see it, revolutions in physics only happen when there are very strong revolutionary leaders!

Otherwise, false ideas (like String Theory) take over the whole world of physics (& become extremely hard to defeat!) all the while true ideas (like emergent superfluid spacetime) stay on the fringes!!

(202112094) Commented on the article:

"I wrote the book on warp drive. No, we didn’t accidentally create a warp bubble."

"The Casimir effect isn’t equivalent to a warp bubble, but could, in principle, be used to warp space in the negative fashion that would be needed to create one.":

Producing attracting/repelling Casimir Force (which is experimentally proven to be possible!) surely means creating positive/negative spacetime curvature!

I always thought that spacetime is a superfluid emergent property created by medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum everywhere!
So, I think producing Casimir Force is actually truly equivalent of creating an artificial gravitational field!

(202112105) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Are galaxies without dark matter actually real?"

(I think existence of galaxies w/o DM is actually bad for the idea of DM being made of any kind of old/new particle!)

IMHO, actually the key to solving DM mystery is analyzing/uncovering true physical/geometric structure of the real Cosmic Web!

I had seen some old articles from the 80s saying/claiming that Cosmic Web appears to be made of bubbles (where galaxies located on the surfaces of those bubbles)!

But the modern pictures of Cosmic Web created using computer simulations do not look like made of bubbles at all!
(I think because they are created based on gravitational collapse assumption (which is actually wrong!)!)

So which one is the true physical/geometric structure of the real Cosmic Web?

Why that is really important for solving the DM puzzle?:

Imagine that if spacetime was a superfluid & the effect of incoming Dark Energy was bubbling that superfluid!
(Similar to the surface of a boiling soup or inside of a rising dough!)
Then, realize, we would get a Cosmic Web made of bubbles & most galaxies would be located on the surfaces of those bubbles (withing denser spacetime superfluid!)!
& naturally, there would be also a small percentage of galaxies which are located away from those bubble surfaces & would look like DM free galaxies to us!
(& there would be also galaxies located in (large) bubble intersections, which would look like (unexpectedly!) having too much DM to us!)

(I think, if Cosmic Web really made of bubbles, that would also be a huge blow to the idea that DE being an intrinsic property of spacetime (like a Cosmological Constant)!)

(202112153) Commented on the article:

"Here’s how NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will unveil the unknown Universe"

I fully support JWST but I also think space-based astronomy needs to move away from just keep trying to build bigger & bigger telescopes (at astronomical cost & huge risk)!
By doing R&D to design/create arrays/networks of (very) small (CubeSat) telescopes that work as a single (very) large telescope (which can be extended over time to larger & larger sizes, if needed/wanted!)!

(I also think that ultimate future of (optical) ground/space telescopes is just arrays of thin/flat panels!)

Here is more info on what I was talking about:

(202112164) 3 possibilities for space-based telescopes made of multiple satellites:
1: Multiple satellites flying in tandem!
2: Multiple satellites joined together into a honeycomb structure!
3: Multiple satellites in polar orbits creating a global grid!
(Imagine that, any given time, a bunch of the satellites in one side/part of Earth assigned to observe a certain object!
Each satellite is keep switching between assignments, as it keep moving over different locations on Earth!)

(202112186) My personal advice to anybody who still really/actually/truly value morality/ethics/honesty/justice/altruism is this:
Absolutely avoid having/fathering/mothering any child(ren)!!!
(& always avoid people as much as possible!!!)

(202112197) The way I see it, whole human society is full of social diseases (wrong/bad/worthless/harmful ideas/views/opinions/beliefs/assumptions) which are transmitted thru (in)direct social contact(s)!
& the obvious way to minimize chances of acquiring the new ones & maximize chances of healing from the old ones is minimizing (in)direct social contact(s)!!!

(202112201) Always minimizing (in)direct social contact(s), would also always minimize one's chances of getting manipulated/exploited!!!
(I also think that probably the greatest (& the most dangerous!!!) weakness of we humans is easily trusting/friending other people because of their good/friendly talk (which is often full of flattery & cute jokes etc)!)
(202112212) IMHO, whole porch pirating problem would disappear, if all online shopping companies/websites were forced by law to provide delivery company choices, which should/must include (at least) USPS!
(For example, in all rental apartments I ever lived, the situation was that only USPS delivery workers had keys to the apartment buildings & their mail boxes! & for large packages, they would leave notifications to pick-up anytime later, from the local post office!)
(202112271) Let's realize that paints are a massive source of pollution for whole world!
IMHO, humanity should/must work towards making ALL land/sea/air vehicles from stainless steel & aluminum & eventually titanium!

(202112271) IMHO, ALL EV companies need to realize that, so many people still do not have (easy) access to EV charging infrastructure!
& so, it is extremely important that ALL EVs should/must have add-on option (by law!?) for including a ((bio)diesel/(bio)fuel) flex-fuel (gas-turbine!?) auto-recharger/range-extender, to make them "backward-compatible" w/ ICE vehicles (to really enable full/wide-scale adoption of EVs)!
(Which would effectively make those EVs "series-hybrid" & they would be still significantly more efficient (& less polluting!) than ICE vehicles, no doubt!)
(202112282) Imagine a future world where/when all home/building heating/cooling & cooking done using electricity only & almost everybody charges electric cars/trucks/vehicles (at home/work) every night!
& so IMHO, it is extremely important that ALL country/state/city/town/building/house electricity/power grids to be upgraded ASAP, to be ready to handle such massive constant load!
(This would also enable disabling/removing all natural gas grids in cities/towns (which are always constant risk/danger for explosions or poisonings)/(& using natural gas to produce electricity for cities/towns, instead)!)
(202112282) Commented on the article:

"Is The Universe Actually A Fractal?"

I think fractals were seen as purely artificial/exceptional (even pathological!) human inventions, when they were first created!
But later, they were found to be quite literally everywhere in nature! :-)

I had seen recent articles saying/claiming that complex (2D) numbers were found to be foundational (& natural!) parts of our (quantum) reality!
(Instead of simply being useful (& artificial!) mathematical tools!)

I think, quite possibly, quaternions (4D numbers) & octonions (8D numbers) are also foundational (& natural!) parts of our (quantum) reality! (& maybe even sedenions (16D numbers)!)

I also think that quantum computers are also not really/purely human inventions but our whole reality itself is actually a quantum computer (like I had said before)!

I had read that Ancient Greek Pythagoreans believed that "all (everything) is number"!
I think it is actually quite true! :-)
I think it is also the reason for why our universe/reality is so extremely (but not perfectly) mathematical (which is something that surprised many great scientists)!
(& "not perfectly" because, for example, 0D points (singularities) or 1D ring singularities (or strings etc) do not physically exist & fields/spacetime are not really continuous (IMHO)!)

(202112304) Commented on the article:

"This is why physicists suspect the Multiverse very likely exists"

The idea of multiverse is really closely related to Anthropic Principle (which is the proposed solution for Fine-tuning Problem)!
& I think there is actually a huge problem w/ it!:

Our universe & world do not simply/just have necessary conditions for life & humanity to exist, but actually have absolutely the perfect conditions for them!
Our universe & world extremely easily could have conditions for life & humanity to barely exist!
Realize that, probability for life & humanity to barely exist, would actually be vastly/extremely/incomparably greater than probability for life & humanity to perfectly exist!
Imagine that, if the situation really is (as very strongly appears to be!), a single planet in a vast universe & both the universe & the planet have absolutely the perfect conditions for life & humanity to exist, then, is it still really logical/reasonable to think that it is just because of dumb luck?
At least to me, the answer is definitely no!!

(202112315) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: How long until our calendar needs replacing?"

I think what is way more urgently needed, before worrying about replacing/fixing date/time measurement system, is replacing/fixing all other measurements! :-)

I think it is way past time for USA to switch to the metric system, like the rest of the world/humanity (for many good/important reasons!)!

What needed is a (federal) law that makes using metric system mandatory, starting by a future date (something like 10 years ahead)!

(202201053) Commented on the article:

"The Universe is already in its sixth and final era"

Could it be really just a coincidence that (major) Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) are saying/claiming that God created our Universe in 6 "days" & it appears that our Universe passed thru 6 stages/eras, since the Big Bang?
(I for 1 do not think so!)

(202201064) Commented on the article:

"How the unstable muon could revolutionize experimental particle physics"

IMHO, it is quite/extremely likely that there are no new particles until Planck Scale!
Ideas like FCC or Muon Collider are only provide very limited collision energy increases for really massive cost!
It is extremely likely that they would find no new particle(s) & turn into truly huge disappointments/wastes!
& then, they would discourage/prevent better collider designs from getting realized!

Then, what is the right path for future particle physics research?:

IMHO, right path for going towards & eventually reaching Planck Scale collision energies is that humanity learning to accelerate & collide heavier & heavier (ionized) molecules!
(Which would require truly new accelerator/collider designs, for sure!)
Imagine, for example, being able to accelerate/collide (individual) C60 molecules someday!
Imagine, ultimately, being able to accelerate/collide (individual) tiny (charged) (iron) beads/balls (which have Planck mass) someday!

Realize that, if really there are any new particle(s), before reaching Planck Scale, above strategy would already show/detect that, too!
& even if there are no new particles, then, above strategy would still allow learning everything about all kinds of Neutron Star matter & Quark-Gluon Plasmas & eventually Black Holes!

(If the problem is "colliding large molecules would not gives us clean data" then I would say "we have AI to help us analyze all data now"!)

(202201075) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Could the ‘Breakthrough Starshot’ project even survive its planned journey?"

IMHO, such a project is actually possible but the current approach is absolutely wrong/impractical!
The right/practical approach would be first designing/creating arrays/panels of massive numbers of tiny/efficient (solid-state) lasers or (white) LEDs & having/carrying them onboard the probe!
(& use a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) as the power source!)
Yes, the thrust produced would be tiny but it would be continuous (just like wanted/required)!
& the whole project would be far less costly/risky!

(202201112) What is the best government system?:
I think, what pretty much whole human history really shows/proves is that, kingdoms/empires/nations/states/countries prosper when good/talented/smart/patriotic leaders come to power, regardless of what political government system is used!!!
So, the answer really/clearly/obviously is: MERITOCRACY!
Also, another huge lesson from whole human history is that people w/ great merits can come from all kinds of different backgrounds (like from poor/minority families)!
So, for creating/establishing best possible meritocracy, first thing to do would/could be creating/using a national general exam (that measures intelligence/understanding/creativity & general basic knowledge) that people from all kinds of different backgrounds can enter!
& then making sure (by law!) candidates for all kinds of government/public/private jobs are selected/ranked based on scores from that national exam!
(I think, such meritocracy system still would not be perfect though!
Because, especially people given top government/public/private job positions also need to be truthful/honest & unselfish & patriotic & such personal qualities/merits cannot be determined/measured by any oral/written exam, unless an extremely accurate lie detector tech is available/used!)



(202111011) It seems to me, pretty much our whole world, is in huge/desperate need of, long-lasting (at least a year!) (w/o freezer/fridge!) basic/staple food!
Like these, for example:
1/2/3 raw/boiled eggs in a can!
Baked French Fries in a can/box/package!
Baked French Baguette Bread (or bagels) in a can/box/package!
Mozzarella cheese!
Mixed dried fruits/vegetables in a can/box/package! (Also could be in Turkish Delight form!)
(Also, IMHO, all kinds of milk need to be (very) long-lasting (w/o fridge!) UHT milk, by national/global law!)

(202111044) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What if the Universe lives in a false vacuum state?"

"We had just measured the value of the vacuum energy inherent to space, and it was very small, but very importantly, greater than zero."

IMHO, physical reality of virtual particles of quantum vacuum is unquestionable because of overwhelming evidences & reasons!
& if that is true, then, I think, it is no surprise at all that measured vacuum energy is very small & positive!

Imagine, for example, if a particle like electron is keep popping in & out of existence everywhere then realize that it would be like having a static field everywhere (when looked/measured from large/higher scales)!
Then, realize, we could calculate vacuum energy for a certain volume by calculating how many electrons would be in existence, on average, any given moment, in there!
(Which, would be a very small & positive value, no doubt!)

So, IMHO, to calculate the true value of vacuum energy, what we need to know would be the full composition/properties of virtual particle medium of quantum vacuum (everywhere)!
(Like, what kind of particles it contains exactly & w/ what probabilities!?)

(202111066) Additional comment on the same article:

(By the way, if anyone interested, as I am a firm believer of our universe (reality) being a quantum computer (which is just keep processing real & virtual particle movements/decays/interactions), idea of our universe being like soap bubble that can pop anytime (false vacuum decay) is absolutely impossible to me!)

(202111125) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Why can’t black holes be made of dark matter?"

First of all, IMHO, thinking/assuming Black Holes contain singularities (which have zero-size & infinite-density!) is utterly ridiculous!
(How any 2 BHs could have different physical properties (like mass & spin), in that case, for example?)
I think progress in theoretical physics is pretty much stuck today, because of this kind of physically out-of-touch thinking!
Assuming that, if anything mathematically/geometrically possible, it is also physically possible!
Assuming that, our universe is made of perfect/ideal mathematical/geometric objects, like 0D points and/or 1D rings/strings etc!
Just like when Kepler wasted many years trying to explain whole celestial mechanics using 5 (perfect!) Platonic Solids!

BHs should/must be made of particles, just like everything else in our universe!
& guess what?: There is only 1 possible/suitable particle then: Planckion!
A particle that has min possible size (Planck length) & max possible density (Planck mass) & so can never be crushed or compressed any further!
A particle that is itself is a micro-BH! (Realize, for example, a Neutron Star is just like a giant neutron!)

(202111151) Additional comment on the same article:

Imagine, 2 zero-size(!) objects: one of them has the mass of a large star(!) & the other has the mass of a galaxy!
Logically/physically this really makes any sense?

& also, isn't it really unbelievable/outrageous that even ideas like this below get serious consideration by the theoretical physicists but not a logically straightforward idea like possibility of BHs being made of planckion particles?

Not to mention, possibility of BHs being made of planckion particles comes w/ (dis)provable consequences, like these:

Good/bad differences in values of any theoretical calculations which require including ALL SM (virtual) particles!

It could mean, GWs being discrete in units of Planck mass/energy!

& of course, it would mean all BH masses (micro to macro) being discrete in units of Planck mass!

(202111173) Keeping people in medically-induced coma (MIC) long enough may cure all addiction problems & overweightness & type 2 diabetes etc?

(202111254) Commented on the article:

"The science lesson we should all be thankful for in 2021"

I had read that methane gas released by cows is also a significant contributor of GW!
If so, then, why not humanity do some R&D to permanently alter/augment gut microbiome of cows, so that methane gas is converted to any other harmless chemical?
(Realize that, such tech would be also really useful for humans & pets too!)

"This is a novel coronavirus that entered the human population in late 2019":

A little personal story for anyone interested:

In the beginning of NOVEMBER 2019 I got a severe case of "flu", for about a week, even though I had a flushot already!
Afterwards I never had any similar sickness, even though chances of me catching COVID-19 was really overwhelming, for sure!
Not to mention, I lost my sense of smell maybe close to 2 years! (Even now I am not sure my sense of smell fully healed!)
I do not think flu ever caused me to lose my sense of smell for more than about a week!
I never got tested for COVID-19 but I have no doubt that disease was COVID-19!
In the middle of USA (Omaha, NE) & months before China informed the World!

(Actually, multiple times I had seen news stories later, claiming COVID-19 was already in USA months before generally known!)

(202111265) Additional comment on the same article:

By the way, I think probably the biggest reason for why COVID-19 death toll was/is really high in USA is because most people (including me) always try to avoid visiting doctors/hospitals!
Because (as I experienced myself before) health insurance companies often refuse to pay for some medical treatments/procedures/operations afterwards, which costs huge to the patients later!
I think healthcare is a basic human right & superpower of the world USA being unable to provide universal healthcare for its citizens (while so many lesser countries do) is a total embarrassment!!!

(I also think that it needs to be the responsibility of healthcare providers to make sure the patient never gets any treatment/procedure/operation that the insurance company would not pay for! & it should/must be their responsibility to pay for those, if happen!)

(202111291) If God really sent new (major) religions, each time, because of extensive/fundamental corruption of the previous one (as (Sunni(te)) Islam says/claims), then, what are (or could be) the major/clear signs of fundamental corruption in Christianity, for example (since it is the previous/most-recent (major) religion came before (Sunni(te)) Islam)?
(By the way, I know that this is actually a subject which was also covered (in much more detail!) by some old great Islamic scholars!)
1: Believing in 3 Gods in contradiction to the very first of 10 Commandments!
(So, before Trinity/Jesus, there was "Duality" but God forgot (or did not consider as important) to tell to Abraham/Moses?)
2: Believing in Jesus being son of God!
(My guess is somebody "reasoned" that having no human father means/makes God is the father of Jesus!
(Probably for making The Christians feel special and/or superior to The Jews and/or appealing to "the target audience" of The Romans/Greeks (who believed in King God Zeus who had children w/ human mothers)!)
But of course, then, what about Adam (who had neither father nor mother)?)
3: Believing in drinking wine/alcohol & eating pork is okay!
(So, God banned them to The Jews (for thousands of years!) (because they are bad/harmful/dangerous!?) but later changed his mind for The Christians?)
4: Isn't really wellknown that The Bible is full of contradictions & isn't that really imply/mean that it is not really suitable/trustable as a holy book anymore?
(For example, many times I had read many people criticize Islamic holy book Koran (mainly for "encouraging violence" (which is just an out-of-context interpretation by the way!)) but never for having any contradictions!
Not to mention, Koran is wellknown to be the exactly same, since the beginning times of Islam (w/o any changes/modifications)!
Current Bible, on the other hand, is wellknown to be selected & put-together from hundreds of different versions!)
(Not to mention, Koran has some features which clearly imply that it cannot be a book created by any human (especially in 7th Century!)!
For example, it has some advanced mathematical orders/properties (quite probably (mainly) as protection against any alteration attempts!)!
& it clearly talks about some scientific facts which were completely unknown until modern times! (For example, the fact that our universe is expanding!))

(202112013) Commented on the article:

"Why “F = ma” is the most important equation in physics"

"an object in motion remains in constant motion" (in empty space!):

Which is actually true for all objects submerged/moving in superfluids & I think that is actually because of spacetime itself being a superfluid!

& it is actually a rule/law that can be broken/bent!

Because, if spacetime is a superfluid, then, gravitational waves would be like its sound waves!
& today, there are many kinds of devices/tech, which can control/command motions of tiny objects in mid-air using sound waves!
& if so, then, it should/must be possible to do the same, in empty space, using gravitational waves (at least theoretically)!

(Also, for example, it is already wellknown that satellites in orbit experience tiny changes in speed because of passing thru tiny changes in Earth's gravitational field!)

(I have no doubt that F=ma is also true for all objects submerged in superfluids & it could be proven w/ experiments!)

If spacetime is a superfluid then what really are gravitational fields?:

I think they are just locations where the spacetime superfluid is denser!
(Just like any object submerged in a any fluid creates a pressure field all-around!)

I think QM is also imply that all real particles are surrounded by (denser) clouds of virtual particles!
Which, I think, would lead to medium of virtual particles (which create the spacetime superfluid as an emergent property!) being denser around all objects made of real particles (like stars & planets etc)!

(202112035) Higher pressure locations in a (super)fluid would also have higher index of refraction (which would cause bending of light!)!
& all motion (of submerged objects) would slowdown at those places (which would explain slowdown of time in superfluid spacetime!)!

Also, superfluid spacetime can easily explain relativistic local slowdown of time & compression of space!
Because, realize that, any moving object (throughly inside & out) submerged in any fluid would experience higher local pressure & compression in its direction of motion!
(Just like gravitational field would also cause slowdown of time & compression of space!)

(202112035) I had read that old Sufis of Islam believed that all creation is "dream" of God!
Maybe because they did not have a word for "imagination"?
Islam is also clear that God's creation of everything is continuous & everything would instantly disappear, if God really/actually stopped doing anything!
So, just like a world/universe created/run in a computer simulation!

(Also, realize that would also explain how God could see/hear/know everything going on everywhere & could do any kind of supernatural miracles!)
(Islam also says "God is everywhere & nowhere!" which is also just like a world/universe created/run in a computer simulation, if you really think about it!
Imagine that, if the people in the simulation ask "Where is the computer running the simulation?" : It is everywhere & nowhere (in the simulation)!)

(By the way, I am NOT really/actually claiming that God is literally a physical computer! But, realize that, God is creating/running whole/all reality just like a computer simulation would really/actually make perfect sense in many ways (& would really/actually be better/superior than any other way!)!)

Why creating/running a(ny) world/universe as a computer simulation would be better/superior than any other way?:
As an analogy, imagine a hyper-intelligent/powerful alien who wanted to create a whole new world/universe!
Which way/method of creation would really be better/superior, as physically or as a computer simulation?
Realize that (only) creation as a computer simulation would give you perfect/absolute information/control/command (at all times)!
(Which you would absolutely prefer/choose because chances of anything happening in a way you do not want/allow would be absolutely zero!)
(Then, some people may ask: Why God is allowing bad/evil people doing bad/evil actions then?:
What if, that is because God created our world/universe as a testing ground, to clearly show/prove which people worthy of Heaven or worthless of Hell (just like religions like Islam say!)?)



(202110144) Is Islam really "the religion of violence" (as some people always claim)?
Answer: Absolutely NOT!
Mainstream (Sunni(te)) Islam actually always strongly encourages Muslims to be peaceful law-abiding citizens!
It does not just always strongly discourage Muslims from terrorism but also from joining uprisings/riots or street protests!
(Also let's not forget that history of Christianity & Judaism also have plenty of violence!
But, would it be really justified, blaming a whole religion & all its believers because of the bad actions of some/few people?)

(202110144) Commented on the article:

"William Shatner cried upon returning from space. The “overview effect” explains why"

IMHO, space tourism is a really great/beneficial development for the whole world/humanity!
& first flights getting done by world-famous celebrities would help greatly for space tourism to take-off!
& of course, its costs would drop over time & so, someday probably almost everybody could experience its positive/profound worldview-changing (overview) effect!

(Not to mention, I think all kinds of space tech would start advancing fast, because of space tourism! Think about how much commercial aviation helped advancement of aircraft tech, for example!)

(Also, let's realize that commercial aviation had started as "air tourism" (in the beginning times of 20th Century) & later advanced/matured to carrying passengers & cargo at large-scale!)

(202110214) Should we remove (all) dams?:
Dams have countless HUGE BENEFITS for society, for flood control, steady water storage/resource, agriculture, fishing, tourism, clean energy production etc!!!
& even if they cause harm to any kind of wildlife then they also greatly help many other kinds of wildlife, for sure (like wild birds, for example)!
Not to mention, should we also remove cities & roads & agricultural fields, if they cause any harm to any kind of wildlife?

(202110214) Should we try to do any kind of geoengineering to fix Global Warming?
IMHO, all geoengineering ideas are band-aid solutions, which just mask/hide the problem, instead of really curing it!
So, the underlying problem would keep getting worse, until any/all geoengineering does not work, either!
& no doubt there would be unforeseen side effects!
(Or, can we really claim, we completely/perfectly understand everything about climate now, so we can always predict it completely/perfectly?)
& who will be willing to pay astronomical (initial & continuous) costs?
Who will be willing to pay for any damages/losses/failures?
Why not focus on really practical and risk-free solutions like, restoring forests of Earth, reducing fossil fuel usage, increasing solar/wind/hydro-power (& keep researching better nuclear fission & fusion tech)?
(Which all would have countless side-benefits, besides of saving climate!)

(202110225) HK was rented by UK from China for 99 years (which expired many years ago), AFAIK!
& so, HK is fully/completely/absolutely a Chinese Territory now (or is it not?)!
& so, I have absolutely no idea, why UK still thinks/feels to be responsible for HK!
& how about issues between China & Taiwan?
IMHO, that is also no business of UK/USA, but business of UN!!
(By the way, IMHO, what happened in Korea or Vietnam was really none of business of USA!!!)
(By the way, IMHO, when international military action is really/absolutely justified is, when there is a really desperate (large-scale!) humanitarian situation!)

(Of course, there maybe exceptional situations, but they really should/must have extremely good reason(s) (IMHO) (maybe like massive harm to world trade or vital world supply etc)!)

(First necessary condition for a government to decide for international military action needs to be verify/prove overwhelming majority public support, IMHO!)

(By the way, IMHO, USA-led military coalition saving Kuwait from invasion of Iraq could be said to be justified, since vital world supply of oil was at stake!
But USA did a huge mistake, after saving Kuwait:
When Iraq accepted unconditional surrender afterwards, USA should have forced Iraq to sign an agreement to make reforms towards switching the country to a true democracy (& also improving public freedoms & education & stopping development of nuclear tech etc)!
Instead USA let alone Iraqi dictatorship to continue doing whatever they want, until they created more/new problems in the future!)

(In the case of Afghanistan keep harboring extremely dangerous global terrorists, I think what I would do would be, hit/destroy their important/valuable places/targets (like military bases or even government buildings), again & again, until they changed their mind (instead of doing invasion/occupation)!!)

((202110236) IMHO, the same strategy also maybe the ultimate/final solution to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, if it really need/wanted to be done & all diplomatic attempts fail!)

(202110225) IMHO, quite on the contrary to what some very naive people think, threat of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is what really prevents WW3!!!
That is really/actually why no local/regional wars (which still happen!) ever able to escalate towards triggering WW3!!!
Because, all superpower countries are always well aware of threat of MAD, just like "the Sword of Damocles"!
Realize, for example, even tough WW1 had caused massive death & destruction, there was a new world war triggered just about 20 years later!
It is not really because we do not have a WW3 because whole world/humanity learned its lesson!!!

(202110225) Is an economic/trade war between USA & China justified?:
IMHO, the answer is absolutely YES!!
IMHO, China stole so many/much military/commercial tech from USA (& its allies) & keep competing unfairly (using many tricks/tactics)!

(202110273) Commented on the article:

"Terraforming: why the Moon is a better target than Mars"

IMHO, the most practical solution for building a long-term base on Moon is quite possibly a remote-controlled robotic tunnel boring machine!
Imagine, after building each tunnel, exit(s) are sealed (w/ large round airlock gate(s)) & it is filled w/ air!
(We would also need to develop remote-controlled (humanoid) robot workers!)

IMHO, the critical tech needed to build true/large/permanent floating cities is fusion power!
Because then, we could mine & process truly massive quantities of titanium (which is very light & strong & durable)!
Imagine, afterwards, easily/quickly building floating cities which are so large & strong that even the most powerful storms/hurricanes/typhoons are completely harmless!
(How?: By designing standard LEGO-like pieces/sets!)

(202110284) About COVID-19 Pandemic:
Let's try to think it thru:
There was a huge economic war going on between China & USA & USA was winning!
But suddenly, a virus comes out of a Chinese city (w/ a virus research lab!) & destroys economies of USA & all its allies (but NOT the economy of China somehow!)!
The virus quickly spreads to whole rest of the world, but w/o first spreading into the rest of China somehow!
(By the way, realize that giving the enemy a disease is actually a wellknown ancient war tactic/trick!)
There are millions of dead & trillions of damage to the rest of the world, but somehow, China insists preventing all attempts to research the origin of the virus!
They do not want to prove themselves innocent?
Are we seriously supposed to believe that China could really/actually have an innocent/legitimate reason to justify preventing such research (but somehow just do not want to tell to the whole world?)?
(I think, it is also very clear that Chinese Government already knew about the virus way before than when they actually informed/warned the rest of the world!)
(Also, let's realize that, there is really/actually no need for the virus to be engineered! It could be just a selected suitable natural virus that is "trained" to attack humans!)
(Imagine afterwards, for example, secretly sending operatives to various target countries/cities in the world
& after the virus starts spreading in all target countries, imagine, you also release it in your own target city (Wuhan) & quickly/easily contain it there (since you already know very well what exactly you are dealing w/!)!)

(202110295) Is there really any concrete evidence that Cooper pairs actually exists?
Why that theory cannot explain all superconductors, if superconductivity really happens that way?
What if, (all kinds of) superconductivity is just electrons creating a (2D/3D) superfluid state?

(202110295) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What should everyone know about quantum mechanics?"

It seems to me, the true profound importance/interpretation of QM is still not yet generally understood/accepted by (theoretical) physicists & that is our whole reality itself is a quantum computer!
(On the contrary to general belief, IMHO, quantum computers are NOT really/purely a human invention! We are just learning how to hijack/manipulate our reality quantum computer to do some computations we want! :-)
(& so, IMHO all real & virtual particles are just cluster/registers of qubit/qutrit data w/ some internal state values constant & some variable!)
(& spacetime & E/M fields etc are just emergent properties created by virtual particles!)

(& if anybody claimed that "all quantum particles (of the same kind/type) have always constant/identical internal states" then I would ask:
How do you explain Pauli Exclusion Principle (for example)? Isn't it really depend on quantum particles being in different internal states?
Not to mention, don't we already have quantum computers storing/processing qubit data using individual photons or electrons? Isn't that really require variable internal states?)

(202110306) (Mathematicians also had thought that they "invented" fractals & fractal geometry, but later they were found to be already exist everywhere in nature/universe! :-)
(I think the same could also be said for complex (2D) numbers (at least!)!)

(202112267) Quite possibly quaternions (4D numbers) & octonions (8D numbers) are also fundamental parts of our reality (& maybe even sedenions (16D numbers) too!)!

(202111044) Also let's realize that our whole universe/reality being a quantum computer would also explain why our universe/reality seems extremely/perfectly mathematical (which is a fact that had surprised many great scientists)!
& also realize that any (classical/quantum) computer maybe hardware-based (physical) or software-based (simulation)!



(202109223) University/College Dorm/Room Problem:
IMHO, it is extremely important for people who plan/design college dorm buildings/projects to understand that living w/ roommates is NOT for everybody! (& living off-campus is NOT a solution for everybody!)
Apartments shared between multiple roommates cause/create so many issues/problems (which maybe no big problem for some, but definitely are big problems for others)!
For example, shared electricity/water/gas/internet/TV bills almost always cause unfairness for some roommates!
Common temperature setting causes many to live/study uncomfortably!
Shared fridge causes food/space sharing issues!
Often kitchen or bathroom is occupied, when also needed by another roommate!
Often there are incompatibility (introvert vs extrovert situation, for example) between some roommates (causing unhappiness (even arguments))!
Sharing cleaning & trash handling & toilet paper costs etc often causes problems!
IMHO, providing plenty of single-occupancy micro-apartment dorms (for equal or less rent amount!) needs to be mandatory for all college dorms!
(IMHO, universities/colleges should/must do surveys & ask their students:
Would you choose shared or unshared dorm, if rent amount for both was equal?
(My guess is most (if not all!) would choose unshared dorm!))

(202109223) Commented on the article:

"Dark energy might be neither particle nor field"

IMHO, there is also another possibility which is Dark Energy maybe coming from outside of our universe!
(Such possibility would also preserve law of conservation of energy!)
(I had seen toys which were little pills, which grew into much larger toy animals, when thrown into (hot) water! What if our universe is similar? :-)

(Not to mention, what if, physically only real & virtual particles exist & all "fields" (& spacetime) are just mathematical idealizations (actually created by the medium of virtual particles everywhere)?)

(202109267) Ultimate Motorhome/RV conditions/properties/features:
1: Electric AWD All-Terrain (mini)bus (w/ hub motors)!
2: A (replaceable/swappable) battery unit (w/ max possible power/capacity/duration) provides power to the vehicle & everything inside!
3: Covered w/ solar panels (on roof & 4 sides) which continuously auto-recharge the battery unit!
4: Flex-fuel/(bio)diesel gas turbine (or Wankel engine) electric generator which continuously auto-recharge the battery unit (as long as kept turned-on)!
5: Fully self-contained micro-home w/ shower & toilet & kitchen & bed & table(s) & chair(s)!
6: The vehicle & everything inside are made of max durable materials: stainless steel, aluminum, carbon-fiber, plastic etc!
7: A water generator (which generates water from moisture of outside air) continuously auto-refills the water tank of the vehicle!
8: Satellite-based internet service!

(202109271) Some interesting (IMHO) future events, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam:

When someday sunrise starts to happen from the west (& sunset at the east) (which is one of the big signs of end times!), then, all non-muslims will accept that (Sunni(te)) Islam was right all-along & so, it is the true religion of God, but God will NOT accept them as true believers of Islam!

At the day of judgment, the people to be send to Hell for eternal punishment will tell God (paraphrasing):
"Now we saw that what we were told/warned about was true! Send us back to the world & we will behave good!"
But, God will refuse (basically)!
& later they will ask God (paraphrasing):
"Is there any way out for us?"
& God will say no (basically)!
& sometime later, when they are in Hell (& keep burning!), they will ask warden angel of Hell (paraphrasing):
"Beg to God for us to let us die!"
& the angel will refuse (basically)!

(& by the way, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, 99.9% of whole humanity will go to Hell!)

(202109282) IMHO, neither religious nor non-religious people have a right to impose/force their will on each other, by using the power of law/government!
For example:
Would I support a law to make using alcohol and/or all (overdose-safe) drugs banned/illegal for all adults?: Absolutely NOT!
Would I support a law to make using alcohol and/or all (overdose-safe) drugs mandatory for all adults?: Absolutely NOT!
Would I support a law to make assisted-suicide banned/illegal for all (severely unhealthy/unwell/unable) adults?: Absolutely NOT!
Would I support a law to make assisted-suicide mandatory for all (severely unhealthy/unwell/unable) adults?: Absolutely NOT!

(202109293) R&D work needed to create the real/true TOE:
1: The real/true (Quantum-Relativity) GUT needs to be created (by mathematically showing/proving spacetime (superfluid emergent property) created from gas-like medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum)!
(Since accurate/realistic simulations of classical fluids require practical full-scale classical computers, accurate/realistic simulations of superfluids would require practical full-scale quantum computers!) (& if so, then, quantum-version of LBM-CA algorithm needs to be developed to simulate 2D/3D superfluids!)
(Classical LBM-CA enables accurate/realistic simulations of classical fluids but I am guessing it cannot simulate dynamics of phonon quasiparticles (because that would require quantum computer/algorithm)!)
2: Start developing accurate/realistic simulations of dynamics of all known quasiparticles (using 2D/3D CA grid/matrix/crystal algorithms running on quantum computers)!
3: Start developing accurate/realistic simulations of dynamics of all known real/virtual particles (using 2D/3D CA grid/matrix/crystal algorithms running on quantum computers)!
4: Unite/combine simulation models/algorithms of all known real/virtual particles into a single model/algorithm!

(202109293) Commented on the article:

"Could there be a parallel universe identical to our own?"

My guess is that, if the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics was really true, then, as we keep getting right answers from our quantum computers, in countless other parallel worlds, quantum computers would be keep giving wrong answers! :-)

(202109304) Additional comments on the same article above:

I think the main reason why many-worlds interpretation of QM cannot be right, is because it would really require each & every quantum measurement/branching create new copies of our whole universe! (Which is an idea I had read before but did not know/understand why that would be required!)

For example:

Imagine that, a physicist is making a measurement on a single particle!

If many-worlds interpretation of QM is correct, then, surely there would be countless parallel scientists making the same measurement!
Are they all measuring the same single particle?: Surely NOT!
& so, then, we are forced to conclude that, each & every quantum measurement/branching should/must create new copies of measured particles!
(Completely going against conservation of energy/information!)

(Not to mention, where each newly created/copied particle would exist?: In its own universe!
So, whole universe needs to be copied; not even just the measured particle! :-)

Here is another thought experiment showing the problem w/ MWI:

Imagine that, I made a measurement on a single particle & it branched into 2 separate reality versions!
If I continue to observe one of those reality versions then there needs to be another me to continue observing the other reality version!
& that (again) means each quantum measurement should/must actually cause whole universe to branch! :-)

(202110052) IMHO, elementary/composite particles do NOT have constant & identical internal quantum states (between same types of particles)!!!
Some evidences:
Pauli Exclusion Principle (which prevents White Dwarfs from collapsing by preventing electrons to be in the same (internal) quantum state & prevents Neutron Stars from collapsing by preventing neutrons to be in the same (internal) quantum state)!
QED (which is extremely well verified!) says electrons have ability to (temporarily) absorb photons (which implies internal state change)!
Stern-Gerlach Experiment shows electron beams getting separated (into 2) by a magnetic field but identical magnetic field cannot do it for a second time! (If the electrons still have same identical internal states then why?)
(IMHO, quantum particles are just clusters/registers of qubit/qutrit (state) data (w/ some values constant & some variable)!)

(202110052) IMHO, end of the world/humanity will NOT be because of any kind of natural/cosmic/scientific/technological disaster!!!
IMHO, it actually will be the way described by (Sunni(te) Islam (which provides lists of small & big signs for the end coming/approaching)!
(For example, one of the well-known small signs is, people/countries racing to have the highest building in the world!
& for example, UAE built the highest building in the world by far years ago & currently Saudi Arabia building another one far higher!
(& I think it is interesting that both buildings/countries are located at Arabian Peninsula which is the birthplace of (Sunni(te)) Islam!))

(202110063) Commented on the article:

"Why “chaos and complex systems” absolutely deserves 2021’s Nobel Prize in physics"

"Complex systems can exhibit aggregate behaviors that only emerge from the interaction of many smaller, simpler systems."

Just like how all kinds of fluids emerge from aggregate behaviors of individual particles/atoms/molecules moving/interacting in random-fashion!
(Which is also the problem of Quantum-Relativity (IMHO):
How exactly aggregate behaviors of virtual particles of quantum vacuum could create a spacetime superfluid?)

(202110063) Commented on the article:

"The science of how Earth will meet its ultimate end"

& by the way, "migrating the Earth farther away" option is the plot of this Chinese movie:


(IMHO, turning whole Earth to a mobile planet, also would be the best/safest way to take humanity to other stars!!!)

(202110074) Additional comment on the same article above:

Imagine, if whole Earth is covered w/ a grid of supertall (higher than atmosphere!) thruster towers powered by fusion!
They could be ion-drives using something like (ionized) water for example!

But I think laser propulsion could be the answer (which would not require any fuel)!
(Imagine, giant arrays of countless lasers on top of each tower!
(Photons have momentum, so any laser (or bright/efficient light source) could act as a drive in space!)
(Of course, such pure electric propulsion tech (if developed) would be really useful for satellites & space probes too!))

(202110074) Commented on the article:

"These 5 recent advances are changing everything we thought we knew about electronics"

"One of the most egregious example of where technology has failed to advance is the battery, as we pretty much store electric energy with dry cell chemical batteries, a technology that’s centuries old."

I think what could take battery tech to a whole new level maybe:

IMHO, current flywheel energy storage tech is still far below/behind its max theoretical limits!
Imagine that small battery devices w/ one/multiple flywheel(s) spinning inside vacuum (suspended by magnetic fields)!
Realize that such flywheel(s) maybe made to spin close to relativistic speeds!

(202110122) Commented on the article:

"Can we use a giant thruster to change Earth’s orbit?"

I knew it! Thanx Ethan! :-)

But also:

We are talking about extremely distant future & you assume still there is no fusion power available?
(I for 1 think that practical fusion power is definitely possible!)

I also think that covering whole Earth w/ a grid of (equidistant) supertall (higher than atmosphere!) giant tower thrusters would be a superior solution!
(Keep in mind that their firings can be timed (by taking into account rotation of Earth!) to be always on the same/any side we want!)
Because then, Earth could be moved in any direction (like when eventually if we decide to travel to another younger star system)! 



(202109094) Commented on the article:

"How America’s Big Science Literacy Mistake Is Coming Back To Haunt Us"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

USA & China start an economic war! Later the war (clearly!) starts going bad for China side!
But, suddenly a new flu-like virus appears (right where Chinese virus research lab is located!)
& somehow China quickly/successfully able to contain the virus (suspiciously looking like they already knew all about it!)!

But, somehow the virus escapes to the rest of the whole world (but not to rest of China!)!

& somehow, USA & all its allies get a massive economic damage, but China gets a massive economic benefit!

(By the way, let's not forget that giving the enemy a disease is actually a well-known old war tactic/trick!)

& China claims innocence (& even (outrageously!) blames USA for the virus!) but somehow prevents all research attempts to uncover origin of the virus!
(Are we supposed to believe China maybe just trying protect some extremely valuable secret tech or something?)

By the way, IMHO, the virus does not need to be engineered at all!
Isn't it possible, for example, China just searched & selected a suitable natural virus & "taught/trained" the virus how to infect humans?

(It is also still possible the virus just escaped from the research lab thru neglect but that still would make China responsible/guilty though!)

(I for 1, at least, conclude that China is clearly guilty & owes compensation to all countries endured damages/losses because of the virus!)

(202109116) I had read that famous physicist Richard Feynman had said that he was getting/picking-up women by essentially treating them as worthless!
I had also noticed that beautiful women prefer to date w/ men who see/treat them as worthless!
(& they seem to think that men who see/treat them as worthy are (desperate) losers!)
What really surprising to me is that many/most(?) of those women also seem to want/prefer a long term relationship!
But here is the problem:
Is it really logical to think/expect that a man who see you worthless (in other words "easily replaceable"!) would really want a long term relationship w/ you?
& even if, a relationship w/ such a man seems to be going long/OK, isn't it very/most likely that is only because he did not find your (equal or better) replacement yet or he is already cheating on you w/ someone else?

(202109142) Here is an analogy which IMHO could explain what is the problem w/ trying to unite (Quantum & Relativity) physics, by simply creating/using a more general mathematical structure:

Imagine that, back in 19th Century, if someone converted all equations of Newton Physics & Maxwell EM Theory into polynomial (curve) equations & claimed uniting all known physics into a/the TOE!
(By the way, it is important to realize that, whether or not if such conversion canbe really done is besides the point!
For example, another analogy could be, if someone converted all equations of Newton Physics into differential equations & added them together w/ Maxwell equations (which are already differential equations) & claimed uniting all known physics into a/the TOE!)

Now imagine the opposite situation, where 2 main theories of physics remain in completely different mathematical forms, but made to really/actually united!
Imagine that, back in 19th Century, if whole humanity was living underwater!
& there were 2 main theories of physics created:
1: Navier-Stokes Physics (which described macro-scale dynamics)
2: Statistical Mechanics (which described micro-scale dynamics)
Imagine that, if those 2 theories were generally thought to be completely different/incompatible!
(Because one was continuous/deterministic & the other was discrete/probabilistic!)
What if, someone had done research & mathematically showed/proved that, collective/average behavior of water molecules (when viewed/analyzed from macro-scale point-of-view), re-created well-known Navier-Stokes equations/physics!

(202109153) Commented on the article:

"What Does Einstein's General Relativity Actually Mean?"

Just some food for thought:

Let's consider/realize that how common are fluids in our physical reality/universe!
& if we want to unite General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics & if we already know that equations of GR can be converted to fluid equations, would it really still make sense that we insist on using GR equations that model spacetime as an elastic continuous geometric structure?
Wouldn't it really make more sense that if we assume spacetime is a fluid & start looking for finding-out what & how could create it?

From Wikipedia:
"In general relativity, a fluid solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a fluid."

Also realize that all physical fluids have a physical situation, just like QM & GR we want to unite:
They are discrete/probabilistic at micro-scale & continuous/deterministic at macro-scale!

(202109164) Commented on the article:

"Are We Approaching Quantum Gravity All Wrong?"

Imagine that if we were living underwater & we had 2 main physics theories:
1: A discrete/probabilistic theory at micro-scale describing mechanics/dynamics of individual water molecules!
2: A continuous/deterministic theory at macro-scale describing mechanics/dynamics of water!
What if most people thought that those 2 theories are incompatible/contradictory?
How we could prove those people wrong (& unite our 2 theories)?
What if we mathematically derived the macro-scale theory from the micro-scale theory?
Imagine, starting w/ modeling few water molecules at first (using the micro-scale theory) & later showing that, as number of water molecules goes to infinity, collective/average mechanics/dynamics gives us the equations of the macro-scale theory! 



(202108264) Commented on the article:

"How Small Was The Universe At The Start Of The Big Bang?"

According to GR, higher mass/energy density slows down time!

& so, realize, for example, in early times/stages of Big Bang, time would be passing a lot slower than today!
An observer inside the universe would not notice any difference, but a hypothetical observer "outside the universe" would!

& so, current age of the universe would be a lot longer than "13.8 billion years", to a hypothetical observer outside our universe!

& I think, it should/must be definitely possible to calculate current age of the universe, for a hypothetical observer outside the universe, by using GR & current best mathematical model of universe (providing mass/energy density since Big Bang to today)!

(202108264) According to the Big Bang Theory, our universe passed thru multiple stages/phases (w/ different durations) until today!
Could it be really the case that, there were actually six stages/phases & their durations are all equal, to a hypothetical observer outside our universe?
(Judaism/Christianity/Islam saying/claiming that "God created our universe in six 'days'"!)

(202109072) An often repeated slogan/catch-phrase against "an eye for an eye" ("punishment needs to fit crime") is
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind!” (which is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi?)!

Sorry (& no disrespect) but IMHO that claim is absolutely false & canbe easily proven to be so!
IMHO, if the punishment for intentionally causing someone to lose an eye was really losing his/her eye the same way, then the result would be everybody absolutely refraining from harming other people's eyes; NOT the opposite!
& IMHO, if any such country following such a law researched, then that would be found to be actually/really the case!
(& of course, actually the same really goes for ALL kinds of violent crimes! (IMHO, contrary to some people's opinion, pretty much all (would-be) criminals are actually always quite concerned about what possible punishment they would get for what kind of crime they commit!))

(If Gandhi really said such a quote, I would think his goal was to prevent revenge/violence against people who worked for The British Colonial Government of India! (Which would be clearly unfair/unjustified IMHO (just like anybody doing such revenge/violence against people who worked for the previous government in Afghanistan today)!))

(202109072) Commented on the article:

"The 3 Reasons Why CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Can’t Make Particles Go Faster"

I for 1 think that, building a bigger accelerator/collider, using current tech, would be a disaster for whole physics world/community, because extremely likely it would find nothing new!
& afterwards, quite possibly no government would ever want to pay again for an even more costly newer accelerator/collider; no matter what!
& so, the progress of (particle) physics would get stuck!

IMHO, there is actually an extremely/clearly promising new frontier for particle physics, which is Planck Scale, but going there requires totally new tech!

Simply making a bigger accelerator/collider is NOT the only way to reach higher particle collision energies!
That strategy would never work anyway for reaching Planck Scale collision energies, since it would require a galaxy-sized(?) accelerator/collider!

IMHO, what needs to be done is designing an accelerator/collider that collides (not particles nor heavy ions but) tiny (charged/magnetized) (iron) balls (which has Planck mass!)!
Its goal would be creating Planck particles (micro-BHs)!
(& so completing SM & learning everything about BHs! (& even NSs, since slower collisions would/should create NS matter!))

Realize, even if Planck particles do not really exist, learning/resolving everything about BHs (& Hawking Radiation etc) (& NS matter), absolutely would make all its cost more than enough justified!

(202109083) Commented on the article:

"Could This 40 Year Old Formula Be The Key To Going Beyond The Standard Model?"

My guess is, to have any real chance of uncovering mass/energy orders/relationships of elementary particles, first, we need to uncover (& prove!) quantum nature of energy itself! (Because then all particle energies would be reduced to integers, first of all!)
I think all forms of energy are actually discrete & so the huge question is, what is the quantum unit of energy itself?

& "Landauer limit" maybe the answer, IMHO!
From Wikipedia:
"the Landauer limit represents an energy of approximately 0.0175 eV"

(Of course, physicists knowing quantum unit of energy would help for so many other theoretical physics problems too, no doubt!)



(202108124) Commented on the article:

"This Is Why Quantum Mechanics Isn’t Enough To Explain The Universe"

"It’s why practically every physicist fully expects that, at some level, gravitation must be quantized as well."

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

IMHO, it is well past time for realizing that trying to unite gravity w/ the other 3 quantum forces using "gravitons" is a bad/failed idea!
(Just like Einstein was keep trying to unite Relativity w/ Maxwell's E-M Theory was a bad/failed idea!)

Also, IMHO, the correct name for "The GUT Problem" would be "Quantum-Relativity" & NOT "Quantum-Gravity"!


Because, the problem is, how to unite Quantum Mechanics & (General) Relativity!
It is NOT, how to unite gravity to QM as a new (quantum) force (created by gravitons)!
(Gravitons could possibly explain gravity as a (quantum) force but how they can explain bending of spacetime?)
(Not to mention, after so many decades of searching, still there is no sign implying they may really exist!)

The correct way to look at the problem is (IMHO), how quantum particles (at micro-scale) could really create spacetime (at macro-scale) (as an emergent property)!
(& so explain gravity as just bending of that created spacetime!)
& fortunately, it is already wellknown that spacetime of GR can be explained as a (super)fluid:
(By the way, all kinds of fluids are actually emergent properties!)
From Wikipedia:
"In general relativity, a fluid solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a fluid."

Then realize, the problem is actually similar to explaining how water is created by water molecules! (Actually a much better analogy would be, how air fluid (weather at macro-scale) is created by air (gas) molecules (at micro-scale)!)
Also realize, none of known real particles of SM could possibly be the source that creates spacetime!
& so, only realistic physical possibility could possibly be is, virtual particles (of quantum vacuum), which are already wellknown/proven to be exist everywhere (which can be imagined as a gas-like medium!)!

(202108157) Grass lawns are pretty much useless & they require endless spending of money & labor & water & poisonous chemicals!
Why not turn all lawn areas to
harmless & actually useful spaces, by replacing them w/ fake lawns or just rock/concrete pavements?

(202108183) Commented on the article:

"Question about an opportunity"

Do not be naive & stayaway Ethan!

China is clearly guilty (& should/must pay compensation to the rest of the world, IMHO)!
They clearly prevented research into COVID-19 origin & informed the world about it much later than they knew about the virus!
(Not to mention, they maybe also guilty for releasing the virus from their research lab (intentionally or thru neglect)!)

I want to clarify that, since China would no doubt refuse to pay any compensation to any country for COVID-19 losses/damages, only practical solution would be simply erasing all debts all countries owe to China, which can be easily done regardless of approval/cooperation of China!

Just in case, if even more clarification needed (about what exactly I mean by "can be easily done"):

Imagine, for example, if any country that wants compensation from China, sent a very short & clear message to China as such:

"Dear China (Government):

Our country (government) think that, you are clearly guilty & responsible for all COVID-19 losses/damages all countries endured!
But, since you would never admit guilt/responsibility (& neither voluntarily pay compensation), we will go ahead & assume, all our current debt to China already paid in full (as compensation)!


(202108183) IMHO, (informal/business) suits (w/ suit jacket & necktie/bowtie) serve no good/useful purpose & actually bad to wear in hot/cold weather!
(Of course, people can choose to wear impractical clothing as fashion but such clothing never should/must be made mandatory to wear anywhere IMHO!)

From Wikipedia:
"It is the world's most populous country, with a population of more than 1.41 billion."
Having highest population in the world (w/ more than 1.4 BILLION!) is not good enough for China?
Is not USA very clear evidence/proof for, there is really no need for such excessive population to become a superpower country of the world?
& here is the huge question:
If someday China experiences a massive drought or economic crisis etc, can China still feed all its people, w/o needing help from outside world, or not?
& if it cannot & countless millions of Chinese people die of hunger, would China really have a right to blame other countries of the world, or not?
(IMHO, these also apply to India!)
(Actually IMHO, ALL countries should/must always try to adjust their population, by considering, if they can still feed themselves, whenever there is any (huge) local/global crisis!) 



(202108091) About AI Blackbox Problem:
AI learns how to make decisions from human decided examples!
Then, how are those people made those example decisions?
Can they explain?
Also, there was a news a while ago saying there is a new AI design which does not just make decisions but also provides confidence level/score (as a percentage) for its decisions!
IMHO, all AI software used by law enforcement, healthcare, finance etc should/must provide a confidence level/score for each/all its decisions!
For example, if a face recognition AI decides someone in public is a wanted criminal, then, it better also tell what is the confidence/certainty level/score for its decision!
For example, if the the confidence/certainty level/score/percentage is less then %50 then it is highly likely to be a wrong decision!

I for 1, absolutely think that, making all kinds of deepfakes of real living/dead people should/must be globally outlawed, w/ severe punishment!!!
Danger to whole world, for all kinds of (political & religious & social) public manipulation, is just too great to ignore!!!
(Also consider, how easily any relationships/marriages can be destroyed & how anybody can be, get fired from their job, or discredited & so on!!!)
(Also consider a future world where/when, all criminals committing all kinds of crimes easily walking-away free, even though there are plenty of (security-cam/(smart-)phone) videos/recordings clearly implicating them, because it is really easy to make/get very high quality deepfakes any/all videos/recordings, & so, videos/recordings are NOT accepted as evidence by courts anymore!!!)

(202108091) About "Sustainable" & "Environmentally-friendly" Timber Buildings/Skyscrapers/Structures:
In past centuries, building ships & buildings from timber had nearly destroyed all forests of many countries & not to mention there were many giant city-wide fires!
Maybe we should/must take lesson from history?
Not to mention, do we really want to constantly produce & use very harmful chemicals to fight against termites etc, in all future buildings/towns/cities?
IMHO, some architectural firms trying to bring back (large-scale) timber building construction is a extremely bad idea!!!

IMHO, all international companies should/must always follow local laws & NOT behave as misguided/naive SJWs!!!
& not to mention, if they help/support one side, in any local political/social conflict/issue, then all people supporting the other side would turn enemy against those companies & THEIR ORIGIN COUNTRIES!!!
IMHO, our world definitely do NOT need political/social polarizations to be increased by any/all international companies!!!
IMHO, international issues should/must be handled by international organizations like UN & NATO etc, or at least, should/must be handled between governments!!!
But, what if, origin country government of any international companies, does NOT want their companies to work for any certain foreign country, for any reason?
IMHO, in that case, that origin country government need to make a law or (federal) government (executive) order, ordering those companies to, NOT do any business in that certain foreign country (or limit their business there, in certain way(s))!!!

IMHO, employees doing walkouts & protests against their own company is absolutely harmful to all companies & all industries!!!
First of all, which reasons are OK for employee walkouts & protests & which ones are not???
Who can tell/decide really???
& if any reason is OK then, would employees ever runout of reasons to keep doing more walkouts & protests against their own company???
IMHO, if large companies would not fight back against employee walkouts & protests, then employee walkouts & protests would be done more & more often!!!
& there would be more & more (& bigger) demands from the companies!!!
& those demands would become more & more about employee perks & compensations over time (to get more support/attendance from employees for walkouts & protests)!!!
& each time a company gives-in to those demands, it would encourage all employees of other companies to do (more/bigger) walkouts & protests!!!
Also, even w/o considering employee demands to come, think about how much work time would be lost (especially for urgent and/or high priority tasks/projects)!!!
Also, even w/o considering employee demands to come, think about how much bad publicity would be gained (by companies) (especially if they ever refuse any demands)!!!
Then what companies need to do to fight back???
Fire or at least cut wage from all employees attended walkouts & protests against their own company!!!
Fire all (toxic) employees who organized/lead walkouts & protests against their own company (& thus caused great harm & bad publicity to their own company & set really bad examples for the other employees)!!!
Toxic employees who cause harm to companies they work for, by bringing bad publicity, by disrupting work, by causing loss of labor/time/money, by trying to dictate business decisions of their company or by trying to dictate which companies or governments/militaries their company can do business w/ or not, should/must be fired immediately, from all companies, always!!!
(Unless we want such employees keep multiplying to cause massive harm to whole industries/economies!)

IMHO, all companies using gig-workers (who are a lot cheaper for them), to massively lower their costs, to unfairly compete against full-employee-benefit companies/industries need to be stopped, for sure!!!
Unless we really want to allow them to (sooner or later) defeat/destroy all full-employee-benefit companies/industries, thanx to (low-cost) unfair competition!!!
Unless we really want to allow (sooner or later) all workers in all companies/industries to be turned to no/low-benefit gig-workers!!!
(Because that would become (sooner or later) only way/option to survive, pretty much for any company in any industry!!!)

(202108091) Autonomous Weaponry is IMMENSELY BENEFICIAL!!!
Autonomous Weaponry is bad because it does the SAME JOB as human soldiers, but only much better (much more accurately/cheaper & w/o needing any rest/break/sleep)???
Autonomous Weaponry is bad because it would save countless human soldiers from putting their lives in danger???
Also, could ever there be any guarantee that all countries & terrorists would always follow any global ban/law???
& if not, then, anybody not following the law, would get a massive advantage, or not???

IMHO, doorbell cameras are like a much more advanced & effective Neighborhood Watch (thanx to modern tech)!!!
& so, they are immensely beneficial for law enforcement fighting against crime & so, they are immensely beneficial for common good of general public!!!
Also, IMHO, general public is NOT obsessed w/ privacy, quite unlike what self-appointed "privacy advocates" (like ACLU & EFF) always claim/pretend!!!
Also, IMHO, general public is always happy to help/support law enforcement (who are just trying to protect & serve common good of general public), quite unlike what self-appointed "privacy advocates" (like ACLU & EFF) always claim/pretend!!!

IMHO, usage of public DNA databases for solving crime is quite innovative usage of tech & evidence speaks loud & clear, because of some of the worst & hardest to catch criminals keep getting caught (anybody can do a little research to see)!!!
So, usage of public DNA databases for solving crime is absolutely very beneficial for common good of general public!!!
Also, IMHO, general public is NOT obsessed w/ privacy, quite unlike what self-appointed "privacy advocates" always claim/pretend!!!
& only people who are really obsessed w/ "privacy" are criminals & their tireless supporters!!!
Also, IMHO, general public is always happy to help law enforcement (who are just trying to protect & serve common good of general public), quite unlike what self-appointed "privacy advocates" always claim/pretend!!!

IMHO social credit scoring is a revolutionary tech that is immensely beneficial for common good of general public!
Think about credit scores, driver license points, school grades! Are they bad for common good, or the opposite?
If they are really/actually useful then why not take the idea to full scale using modern tech?

(202108091) IMHO, (smartphone app-based) electronic State IDs & Driver Licenses should/must never be allowed to be legal anywhere, because they can be easily reprogrammed later to display fakes!)
(IMHO, there should/must not be any doubt that as soon as they become legal & common, (illegal) apps to modify/replace them at will would quickly become available!)

All major internet websites, where people share pictures & videos etc, are in constant battle, no doubt, against countless people, who use software bots to wholesale upload illegal/harmful content, non-stop!!!
So, knowing details of the content cleanup/filtering/searching algorithm(s) used by each major website is of huge value to those people, who create/distribute/sell those software bots, no doubt!!!
(So they can modify their software bots to defeat/exploit each content cleanup/filtering/searching algorithm!!!)
So, IMHO, it should/must be absolutely no surprise to anyone that, many people & organizations, who (obviously) think "there is absolutely no such thing as illegal/harmful internet content",
are always keep trying to pressure major websites to reveal their content cleanup/filtering/searching algorithms (to actually help software bot creators to defeat/exploit them)!!!
IMHO, keeping internet clean from all illegal/harmful content is vital for common good & whole future of humanity!!!

(202108091) Problem Of Unlawful Access By Authorized Personnel:
Government/law enforcement personnel should/must be absolutely prohibited from accessing private/personal info of general public (like DMV records etc), unless required for an official investigation/reason!
(It is also wrong to consider such “unauthorized access” by authorized personnel as “computer hacking”!)
Clearly there needs to be a federal/general law to clearly/permanently ban such actions using any database/software/hardware used by government/law enforcement!
Otherwise, allowing such actions would severely damage public trust on government/law enforcement!

IMHO, "Do nothing (for prevention) & just let wildfires keep burning because they are 'natural'!" attitude is the real/main problem!
(National parks management people also have the same attitude? Or private forest owners?)
Burning biomass alone by itself is massive waste, let alone burning massive numbers of valuable/rare/endangered trees/plants & not to mention massive numbers of animals keep burning to death! Not to mention a lot of property loss/damage!
The real solutions are full/proper forest management (like forest thinning & creating a grid of easy access roads in all forest areas)!
Let private companies harvest a lot of wood for any usage & for producing biodiesel/biofuel!
Use autonomous patrol drones (w/ all kinds of cameras/sensors) to quickly detect any wildfires very early!
(Also, keep doing small controlled fires is a really bad idea, because it is still a massive waste of biomass/trees/plants & animal lives!)

(202108091) IMHO, Internet Browsers (like Chrome & Firefox etc) forcing usage of HTTPS, all-the-time, is NOT really about improving internet security (like they claim), because, HTTPS do NOT really prevent any commonly well known types of hacking, ransomware, malware, etc!
They also claim, it is also for improving privacy, but, in reality, general public is NOT obsessed about privacy at all!
Then, what is the real reason, for trying to force HTTPS, for all internet usage/users?
IMHO, it is actually for trying to prevent all government law enforcement, from finding/catching internet-based crimes/criminals!!!
Which is absolutely against common good of general public & so absolutely against justice & humanity!!!

(202108091) Why do we need a quantum encryption based internet exactly?
It would NOT protect against hackers or malware/ransomware, since none of them actually work/done by intercepting/manipulating internet communication traffic in the middle!
It would be pretty much only "useful" against government law enforcement, who are trying to catch criminals & illegal activities to protect & serve common good of general public!
Also, general public is NOT obsessed w/ privacy at all, quite unlike what self-appointed "privacy advocates/watchdogs" always claim/pretend & only people who are really obsessed w/ privacy are criminals & their huge fans/advocates!
(IMHO, a quantum encryption based internet can actually be greatly beneficial for whole world/humanity, but only if, it is a subnet that is only allowed to be used by governments & militaries (& UN & NATO etc)!)



(202107117) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Is There A Hidden Quantum Reality Underlying What We Observe?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

I for one think that, only true interpretation of QM is that our whole reality itself is a Quantum Computer (that keeps processing (real & virtual) particle (movement/decay/interaction) data/information)!
(Imagine particles as just moving clusters/registers of (pure) qubit/qutrit data!)

Also, I think idea of Hidden Variables cannot be true, because otherwise, Quantum Computers would be reduced to Classical Computers!
(Which is obviously wrong, since we already have working Quantum Computers (proving Quantum Supremacy)!)

(IMHO, Quantum Computers can actually evaluate all possible solutions to a problem in a single step (at least for some problems & after some initial setup/preparation steps) & I think, such an operation would be absolutely impossible, if Hidden Variables idea was really correct!)

(202107213) Commented on the article:

"Why The Universe Probably Isn’t Shaped Like A Donut"

I for 1 think that, the problem of finding/proving whole/global shape/geometry of our universe is actually solvable (but would require a lot of R&D for sure)!

What really the problem given/asked to us actually is, creating a (very simplified) computer simulation/model that would/should/must create a similar "observable universe" as we see in our real universe!

Imagine that, it starts as a ball of particles that expands over time & creates (very simple) galaxy-like structures in the end!

Imagine that, it has speed of light limitation for traveling "rays of light" (which are continuously emitted by the "particles"/"galaxies" from beginning time to end time of the simulation)!

Imagine that, main goal/condition of the simulation given/asked is that, a simulated observer should/must see a similar "observable universe" as we see in our real universe!
(So, the simulated observer should/must see (all-around) such a situation that, the most developed galaxy-like structures are in closest distances & less & less developed structures are in farther & farther distances & no structures at farthest observable distance(s)!)

(So, imagine that, we are asked to design/create such a computer simulation, in any (simplest) way possible, to achieve that goal in the end of the simulation!)

IMHO, whenever we really succeed in creating such a computer simulation/model, it would really mean we have/know the whole/global shape/geometry of our universe!

(202107235) Additional comment on the same article (as above):

I think such a computer simulation software could be designed as to be a general testing/verification tool for any proposed whole universe shapes/geometries!

For example, imagine that, it is given equations of a 4D hyper-torus & it simulates (using equations of GR) a "Big Bang" & expansion of the (whole) universe (shaped as a hyper-torus)!
In the end, it is checked, if it really created a (uniform) "observable universe", for a simulated observer, or not!

(My guess is, only equations of a 4D hyper-sphere would really create a (uniform) "observable universe" in the end!)

Also, I think such a simulation software could also answer these other huge questions:

Our whole universe could be really bigger than our observable universe, or not? (My guess is no!)

Our whole universe could really have a (uniform) curvature, or not? (My guess is yes!)

(202108021) We need to realize that a toroidal universe is definitely a plausible physical possibility (even though extremely unlikely) because bubble rings in water & smoke rings in air are wellknown to be physically possible!  

(202108021) IMHO, ALL taxpayer money spending (by local/national governments), to train athletes to attend (inter)national sports contests, and/or, to organize (inter)national sports contests, (which is actually done w/o ever really getting approval from taxpayers!!!) is a TOTAL WASTE of taxpayer money!!!

(202108021) IMHO, ALL taxpayer money spending (by local/national governments), to support fine/performing art(ist)s and/or to buy/rent artworks, (which is actually done w/o ever really getting approval from taxpayers!!!) is a TOTAL WASTE of taxpayer money!!!