(202111011) It seems to me, pretty much our whole world, is in huge/desperate need of, long-lasting (at least a year!) (w/o freezer/fridge!) basic/staple food!
Like these, for example:
1/2/3 raw/boiled eggs in a can!
Baked French Fries in a can/box/package!
Baked French Baguette Bread (or bagels) in a can/box/package!
Mozzarella cheese!
Mixed dried fruits/vegetables in a can/box/package! (Also could be in Turkish Delight form!)
(Also, IMHO, all kinds of milk need to be (very) long-lasting (w/o fridge!) UHT milk, by national/global law!)

(202111044) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What if the Universe lives in a false vacuum state?"

"We had just measured the value of the vacuum energy inherent to space, and it was very small, but very importantly, greater than zero."

IMHO, physical reality of virtual particles of quantum vacuum is unquestionable because of overwhelming evidences & reasons!
& if that is true, then, I think, it is no surprise at all that measured vacuum energy is very small & positive!

Imagine, for example, if a particle like electron is keep popping in & out of existence everywhere then realize that it would be like having a static field everywhere (when looked/measured from large/higher scales)!
Then, realize, we could calculate vacuum energy for a certain volume by calculating how many electrons would be in existence, on average, any given moment, in there!
(Which, would be a very small & positive value, no doubt!)

So, IMHO, to calculate the true value of vacuum energy, what we need to know would be the full composition/properties of virtual particle medium of quantum vacuum (everywhere)!
(Like, what kind of particles it contains exactly & w/ what probabilities!?)

(202111066) Additional comment on the same article:

(By the way, if anyone interested, as I am a firm believer of our universe (reality) being a quantum computer (which is just keep processing real & virtual particle movements/decays/interactions), idea of our universe being like soap bubble that can pop anytime (false vacuum decay) is absolutely impossible to me!)

(202111125) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Why can’t black holes be made of dark matter?"

First of all, IMHO, thinking/assuming Black Holes contain singularities (which have zero-size & infinite-density!) is utterly ridiculous!
(How any 2 BHs could have different physical properties (like mass & spin), in that case, for example?)
I think progress in theoretical physics is pretty much stuck today, because of this kind of physically out-of-touch thinking!
Assuming that, if anything mathematically/geometrically possible, it is also physically possible!
Assuming that, our universe is made of perfect/ideal mathematical/geometric objects, like 0D points and/or 1D rings/strings etc!
Just like when Kepler wasted many years trying to explain whole celestial mechanics using 5 (perfect!) Platonic Solids!

BHs should/must be made of particles, just like everything else in our universe!
& guess what?: There is only 1 possible/suitable particle then: Planckion!
A particle that has min possible size (Planck length) & max possible density (Planck mass) & so can never be crushed or compressed any further!
A particle that is itself is a micro-BH! (Realize, for example, a Neutron Star is just like a giant neutron!)

(202111151) Additional comment on the same article:

Imagine, 2 zero-size(!) objects: one of them has the mass of a large star(!) & the other has the mass of a galaxy!
Logically/physically this really makes any sense?

& also, isn't it really unbelievable/outrageous that even ideas like this below get serious consideration by the theoretical physicists but not a logically straightforward idea like possibility of BHs being made of planckion particles?

Not to mention, possibility of BHs being made of planckion particles comes w/ (dis)provable consequences, like these:

Good/bad differences in values of any theoretical calculations which require including ALL SM (virtual) particles!

It could mean, GWs being discrete in units of Planck mass/energy!

& of course, it would mean all BH masses (micro to macro) being discrete in units of Planck mass!

(202111173) Keeping people in medically-induced coma (MIC) long enough may cure all addiction problems & overweightness & type 2 diabetes etc?

(202111254) Commented on the article:

"The science lesson we should all be thankful for in 2021"

I had read that methane gas released by cows is also a significant contributor of GW!
If so, then, why not humanity do some R&D to permanently alter/augment gut microbiome of cows, so that methane gas is converted to any other harmless chemical?
(Realize that, such tech would be also really useful for humans & pets too!)

"This is a novel coronavirus that entered the human population in late 2019":

A little personal story for anyone interested:

In the beginning of NOVEMBER 2019 I got a severe case of "flu", for about a week, even though I had a flushot already!
Afterwards I never had any similar sickness, even though chances of me catching COVID-19 was really overwhelming, for sure!
Not to mention, I lost my sense of smell maybe close to 2 years! (Even now I am not sure my sense of smell fully healed!)
I do not think flu ever caused me to lose my sense of smell for more than about a week!
I never got tested for COVID-19 but I have no doubt that disease was COVID-19!
In the middle of USA (Omaha, NE) & months before China informed the World!

(Actually, multiple times I had seen news stories later, claiming COVID-19 was already in USA months before generally known!)

(202111265) Additional comment on the same article:

By the way, I think probably the biggest reason for why COVID-19 death toll was/is really high in USA is because most people (including me) always try to avoid visiting doctors/hospitals!
Because (as I experienced myself before) health insurance companies often refuse to pay for some medical treatments/procedures/operations afterwards, which costs huge to the patients later!
I think healthcare is a basic human right & superpower of the world USA being unable to provide universal healthcare for its citizens (while so many lesser countries do) is a total embarrassment!!!

(I also think that it needs to be the responsibility of healthcare providers to make sure the patient never gets any treatment/procedure/operation that the insurance company would not pay for! & it should/must be their responsibility to pay for those, if happen!)

(202111291) If God really sent new (major) religions, each time, because of extensive/fundamental corruption of the previous one (as (Sunni(te)) Islam says/claims), then, what are (or could be) the major/clear signs of fundamental corruption in Christianity, for example (since it is the previous/most-recent (major) religion came before (Sunni(te)) Islam)?
(By the way, I know that this is actually a subject which was also covered (in much more detail!) by some old great Islamic scholars!)
1: Believing in 3 Gods in contradiction to the very first of 10 Commandments!
(So, before Trinity/Jesus, there was "Duality" but God forgot (or did not consider as important) to tell to Abraham/Moses?)
2: Believing in Jesus being son of God!
(My guess is somebody "reasoned" that having no human father means/makes God is the father of Jesus!
(Probably for making The Christians feel special and/or superior to The Jews and/or appealing to "the target audience" of The Romans/Greeks (who believed in King God Zeus who had children w/ human mothers)!)
But of course, then, what about Adam (who had neither father nor mother)?)
3: Believing in drinking wine/alcohol & eating pork is okay!
(So, God banned them to The Jews (for thousands of years!) (because they are bad/harmful/dangerous!?) but later changed his mind for The Christians?)
4: Isn't really wellknown that The Bible is full of contradictions & isn't that really imply/mean that it is not really suitable/trustable as a holy book anymore?
(For example, many times I had read many people criticize Islamic holy book Koran (mainly for "encouraging violence" (which is just an out-of-context interpretation by the way!)) but never for having any contradictions!
Not to mention, Koran is wellknown to be the exactly same, since the beginning times of Islam (w/o any changes/modifications)!
Current Bible, on the other hand, is wellknown to be selected & put-together from hundreds of different versions!)
(Not to mention, Koran has some features which clearly imply that it cannot be a book created by any human (especially in 7th Century!)!
For example, it has some advanced mathematical orders/properties (quite probably (mainly) as protection against any alteration attempts!)!
& it clearly talks about some scientific facts which were completely unknown until modern times! (For example, the fact that our universe is expanding!))

(202112013) Commented on the article:

"Why “F = ma” is the most important equation in physics"

"an object in motion remains in constant motion" (in empty space!):

Which is actually true for all objects submerged/moving in superfluids & I think that is actually because of spacetime itself being a superfluid!

& it is actually a rule/law that can be broken/bent!

Because, if spacetime is a superfluid, then, gravitational waves would be like its sound waves!
& today, there are many kinds of devices/tech, which can control/command motions of tiny objects in mid-air using sound waves!
& if so, then, it should/must be possible to do the same, in empty space, using gravitational waves (at least theoretically)!

(Also, for example, it is already wellknown that satellites in orbit experience tiny changes in speed because of passing thru tiny changes in Earth's gravitational field!)

(I have no doubt that F=ma is also true for all objects submerged in superfluids & it could be proven w/ experiments!)

If spacetime is a superfluid then what really are gravitational fields?:

I think they are just locations where the spacetime superfluid is denser!
(Just like any object submerged in a any fluid creates a pressure field all-around!)

I think QM is also imply that all real particles are surrounded by (denser) clouds of virtual particles!
Which, I think, would lead to medium of virtual particles (which create the spacetime superfluid as an emergent property!) being denser around all objects made of real particles (like stars & planets etc)!

(202112035) Higher pressure locations in a (super)fluid would also have higher index of refraction (which would cause bending of light!)!
& all motion (of submerged objects) would slowdown at those places (which would explain slowdown of time in superfluid spacetime!)!

Also, superfluid spacetime can easily explain relativistic local slowdown of time & compression of space!
Because, realize that, any moving object (throughly inside & out) submerged in any fluid would experience higher local pressure & compression in its direction of motion!
(Just like gravitational field would also cause slowdown of time & compression of space!)

(202112035) I had read that old Sufis of Islam believed that all creation is "dream" of God!
Maybe because they did not have a word for "imagination"?
Islam is also clear that God's creation of everything is continuous & everything would instantly disappear, if God really/actually stopped doing anything!
So, just like a world/universe created/run in a computer simulation!

(Also, realize that would also explain how God could see/hear/know everything going on everywhere & could do any kind of supernatural miracles!)
(Islam also says "God is everywhere & nowhere!" which is also just like a world/universe created/run in a computer simulation, if you really think about it!
Imagine that, if the people in the simulation ask "Where is the computer running the simulation?" : It is everywhere & nowhere (in the simulation)!)

(By the way, I am NOT really/actually claiming that God is literally a physical computer! But, realize that, God is creating/running whole/all reality just like a computer simulation would really/actually make perfect sense in many ways (& would really/actually be better/superior than any other way!)!)

Why creating/running a(ny) world/universe as a computer simulation would be better/superior than any other way?:
As an analogy, imagine a hyper-intelligent/powerful alien who wanted to create a whole new world/universe!
Which way/method of creation would really be better/superior, as physically or as a computer simulation?
Realize that (only) creation as a computer simulation would give you perfect/absolute information/control/command (at all times)!
(Which you would absolutely prefer/choose because chances of anything happening in a way you do not want/allow would be absolutely zero!)
(Then, some people may ask: Why God is allowing bad/evil people doing bad/evil actions then?:
What if, that is because God created our world/universe as a testing ground, to clearly show/prove which people worthy of Heaven or worthless of Hell (just like religions like Islam say!)?)

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