A wellknown phenomenon in world of medicine is that, sometimes what really kills the patient is NOT really the disease (organism) itself, but overreaction of the body to it!

IMHO, current global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic really seems to be causing overreaction & causing massive damage to whole world economy & bigger & bigger damage!

IMHO, it seems a global social positive feedback effect is happening (which is the root cause):

Mass media (which is always happy to try to create/push mass fear & alarming/sensational news) & social media (which is full of people who want their content read/watched/shared as much as possible) are keep amplifying the effect of each other, on the general public!

Which in turn, keep pushing all governments to take more & more drastic (mandatory) measures, against the spread of the disease!

& the news of each new (government) drastic measure, in turn, feeds more & more into mass media & social media to amplify excessive fear, even further!

But then, what would/should be a reasonable (global) response to such a pandemic?

IMHO, closing any businesses/shops (& even schools) & shutting down public transportation is excessive overreaction!
We need to make sure whole world economy continues to run OK & livelihoods of any group of people are not effected badly!

But, IMHO, practical measures, like social distancing (like no handshaking & working from home) & frequent washing/disinfecting (of hands & commonly used areas/objects/surfaces) & wearing masks at any crowded places, etc, could/should be (strongly) recommended (but still NOT as mandatory)!

(20200509) We need to realize that shutdown of whole country economies (for many months) is an extremely bad/dangerous idea!
Each additional day/week/month means more bankruptcies of small/midsize/large businesses/stores/companies!
& so, more people/families losing their livelihoods & homes etc!
& so it is extremely important that shutdowns of any/all small/midsize/large businesses/stores/companies need to kept/done at absolutely minimum duration possible!
& so all local/national governments need to do everything possible to restart their economies ASAP!!! 

(20200324) Here is a totally insane conspiracy theory idea: :-)

Imagine, FB tries to takeover/hijack whole world economy by issuing its own currency (& make itself more powerful/richer than all world governments)!
But, world governments realize that, only governments should/must have authority to issue currency (for extremely good/important reasons) & the plan fails!
But then, a new flu-like global disease opportunity appears & FB starts keep increasing fear of public (by modifying its News Feed selection algorithm)!
& keep increasing fear of public (combined w/ keep increasing mass media coverage), makes all world governments keep issuing more & more drastic overreaction measures!
& those drastic overreaction measures keep massively damaging whole world economy, more & more!

& finally whole world economy collapses!
Massive numbers of people all over the world lose their livelihoods/homes!
All currencies massively lose their values!

But then, a world savior hero (FB) emerges & replaces all worthless currencies of all governments w/ a new global cryptocurrency (named Libra)!
(& makes itself more powerful/richer than all world governments!)