(202107117) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Is There A Hidden Quantum Reality Underlying What We Observe?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

I for one think that, only true interpretation of QM is that our whole reality itself is a Quantum Computer (that keeps processing (real & virtual) particle (movement/decay/interaction) data/information)!
(Imagine particles as just moving clusters/registers of (pure) qubit/qutrit data!)

Also, I think idea of Hidden Variables cannot be true, because otherwise, Quantum Computers would be reduced to Classical Computers!
(Which is obviously wrong, since we already have working Quantum Computers (proving Quantum Supremacy)!)

(IMHO, Quantum Computers can actually evaluate all possible solutions to a problem in a single step (at least for some problems & after some initial setup/preparation steps) & I think, such an operation would be absolutely impossible, if Hidden Variables idea was really correct!)

(202107213) Commented on the article:

"Why The Universe Probably Isn’t Shaped Like A Donut"

I for 1 think that, the problem of finding/proving whole/global shape/geometry of our universe is actually solvable (but would require a lot of R&D for sure)!

What really the problem given/asked to us actually is, creating a (very simplified) computer simulation/model that would/should/must create a similar "observable universe" as we see in our real universe!

Imagine that, it starts as a ball of particles that expands over time & creates (very simple) galaxy-like structures in the end!

Imagine that, it has speed of light limitation for traveling "rays of light" (which are continuously emitted by the "particles"/"galaxies" from beginning time to end time of the simulation)!

Imagine that, main goal/condition of the simulation given/asked is that, a simulated observer should/must see a similar "observable universe" as we see in our real universe!
(So, the simulated observer should/must see (all-around) such a situation that, the most developed galaxy-like structures are in closest distances & less & less developed structures are in farther & farther distances & no structures at farthest observable distance(s)!)

(So, imagine that, we are asked to design/create such a computer simulation, in any (simplest) way possible, to achieve that goal in the end of the simulation!)

IMHO, whenever we really succeed in creating such a computer simulation/model, it would really mean we have/know the whole/global shape/geometry of our universe!

(202107235) Additional comment on the same article (as above):

I think such a computer simulation software could be designed as to be a general testing/verification tool for any proposed whole universe shapes/geometries!

For example, imagine that, it is given equations of a 4D hyper-torus & it simulates (using equations of GR) a "Big Bang" & expansion of the (whole) universe (shaped as a hyper-torus)!
In the end, it is checked, if it really created a (uniform) "observable universe", for a simulated observer, or not!

(My guess is, only equations of a 4D hyper-sphere would really create a (uniform) "observable universe" in the end!)

Also, I think such a simulation software could also answer these other huge questions:

Our whole universe could be really bigger than our observable universe, or not? (My guess is no!)

Our whole universe could really have a (uniform) curvature, or not? (My guess is yes!)

(202108021) We need to realize that a toroidal universe is definitely a plausible physical possibility (even though extremely unlikely) because bubble rings in water & smoke rings in air are wellknown to be physically possible!  

(202108021) IMHO, ALL taxpayer money spending (by local/national governments), to train athletes to attend (inter)national sports contests, and/or, to organize (inter)national sports contests, (which is actually done w/o ever really getting approval from taxpayers!!!) is a TOTAL WASTE of taxpayer money!!!

(202108021) IMHO, ALL taxpayer money spending (by local/national governments), to support fine/performing art(ist)s and/or to buy/rent artworks, (which is actually done w/o ever really getting approval from taxpayers!!!) is a TOTAL WASTE of taxpayer money!!!

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