(202108264) Commented on the article:

"How Small Was The Universe At The Start Of The Big Bang?"

According to GR, higher mass/energy density slows down time!

& so, realize, for example, in early times/stages of Big Bang, time would be passing a lot slower than today!
An observer inside the universe would not notice any difference, but a hypothetical observer "outside the universe" would!

& so, current age of the universe would be a lot longer than "13.8 billion years", to a hypothetical observer outside our universe!

& I think, it should/must be definitely possible to calculate current age of the universe, for a hypothetical observer outside the universe, by using GR & current best mathematical model of universe (providing mass/energy density since Big Bang to today)!

(202108264) According to the Big Bang Theory, our universe passed thru multiple stages/phases (w/ different durations) until today!
Could it be really the case that, there were actually six stages/phases & their durations are all equal, to a hypothetical observer outside our universe?
(Judaism/Christianity/Islam saying/claiming that "God created our universe in six 'days'"!)

(202109072) An often repeated slogan/catch-phrase against "an eye for an eye" ("punishment needs to fit crime") is
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind!” (which is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi?)!

Sorry (& no disrespect) but IMHO that claim is absolutely false & canbe easily proven to be so!
IMHO, if the punishment for intentionally causing someone to lose an eye was really losing his/her eye the same way, then the result would be everybody absolutely refraining from harming other people's eyes; NOT the opposite!
& IMHO, if any such country following such a law researched, then that would be found to be actually/really the case!
(& of course, actually the same really goes for ALL kinds of violent crimes! (IMHO, contrary to some people's opinion, pretty much all (would-be) criminals are actually always quite concerned about what possible punishment they would get for what kind of crime they commit!))

(If Gandhi really said such a quote, I would think his goal was to prevent revenge/violence against people who worked for The British Colonial Government of India! (Which would be clearly unfair/unjustified IMHO (just like anybody doing such revenge/violence against people who worked for the previous government in Afghanistan today)!))

(202109072) Commented on the article:

"The 3 Reasons Why CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Can’t Make Particles Go Faster"

I for 1 think that, building a bigger accelerator/collider, using current tech, would be a disaster for whole physics world/community, because extremely likely it would find nothing new!
& afterwards, quite possibly no government would ever want to pay again for an even more costly newer accelerator/collider; no matter what!
& so, the progress of (particle) physics would get stuck!

IMHO, there is actually an extremely/clearly promising new frontier for particle physics, which is Planck Scale, but going there requires totally new tech!

Simply making a bigger accelerator/collider is NOT the only way to reach higher particle collision energies!
That strategy would never work anyway for reaching Planck Scale collision energies, since it would require a galaxy-sized(?) accelerator/collider!

IMHO, what needs to be done is designing an accelerator/collider that collides (not particles nor heavy ions but) tiny (charged/magnetized) (iron) balls (which has Planck mass!)!
Its goal would be creating Planck particles (micro-BHs)!
(& so completing SM & learning everything about BHs! (& even NSs, since slower collisions would/should create NS matter!))

Realize, even if Planck particles do not really exist, learning/resolving everything about BHs (& Hawking Radiation etc) (& NS matter), absolutely would make all its cost more than enough justified!

(202109083) Commented on the article:

"Could This 40 Year Old Formula Be The Key To Going Beyond The Standard Model?"

My guess is, to have any real chance of uncovering mass/energy orders/relationships of elementary particles, first, we need to uncover (& prove!) quantum nature of energy itself! (Because then all particle energies would be reduced to integers, first of all!)
I think all forms of energy are actually discrete & so the huge question is, what is the quantum unit of energy itself?

& "Landauer limit" maybe the answer, IMHO!
From Wikipedia:
"the Landauer limit represents an energy of approximately 0.0175 eV"

(Of course, physicists knowing quantum unit of energy would help for so many other theoretical physics problems too, no doubt!)

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