I noticed that some people are arguing that, the scientific term "Quantum Supremacy" needs to be replaced, because the word "supremacy" also exist/used in the term "White Supremacy" (and so it may remind some people that)!!!

IMHO, this is actually a problem very far beyond of a small/innocent argument/demand, for changing a single scientific term!!!

Because, if scientists (some of the smartest & best educated people of humanity) accept/approve such an argument/demand, then, it would be actually like opening floodgates to countless people making similar arguments/demands, for changing/banning countless other terms, expressions, words, from books, magazines, newspapers, signs, company/product names/brands, schools, government & business world, ...!!!

Which would mean MASSIVE COST/LABOR, for whole world!!!

And next, IMHO, there would be new arguments/demands would follow, as such:
"Shape of this product/building/vehicle/weapon is offensive, because it is similar to ...!!!"

Which would mean MASSIVE COST/LABOR to modify/redesign/rebuild, for whole world!!!

(Also, realize, many of those things would start working sub-optimal/inefficient, after redesign,
since their designs are no longer based on actual needs/physics, but FEELINGS, instead!!!)

And, also realize, since, (we are assuming) scientists (some of the smartest & best educated people of humanity) already accepted/approved a similar argument/demand (above) before, then, pretty much NOBODY would be able to successfully counter-argue to stop any/all those insanity!!!

So, IMHO, Political Correctness (PC) problem, is actually a much bigger problem/issue (for whole world/humanity) than most people realize!!!

&, IMHO, nobody (especially smart & educated people like scientists) should/must never ever support it(s propagation/expansion)!!!