What If Reality Is A CA QC At Planck Scale?

What If Reality Is A CA QC At Planck Scale?

Can we make any predictions to check if we can, if this idea in the title above is assumed true?

What our experiments and observations tell us at macro scale, where Relativity seems to be ruling, there is no indication of quantization of spacetime nor gravity.
But at micro scale, where Quantum Mechanics seems to be ruling, it seems all units are quantized (discrete) in terms of Planck units.
So Quantum Mechanics seems directly compatible and I think Relativity is not directly compatible but indirectly compatible, if Relativity is assumed to be an emergent property.
(For example, simple CA used for fluid simulation which are discrete in micro scale, but create a seemingly continuous wold of classical fluid mechanics (Navier-Stokes Equations).)

If our reality is really created by a (as structurally and also as cell state values always discrete) CA QC operating at Planck scale then I would think:

Any time duration divided by Planck Time must be always an integer.

Any length divided by Planck Length must be always an integer.

Compton Wavelength of any quantum particle divided by Planck Length must be always an integer.

De Broglie Wavelength of any quantum particle divided by Planck Length must be always an integer.

If minimum possible particle energy (unit particle energy) is the energy of a photon that has wavelength equal to Planck Length,
then (Compton Wavelength of any quantum particle divided by Planck Length) must be how many units of particle energy that particle is made of.
(If so then, if there is any mathematical order in masses of elementary particles, then maybe it must be searched after
converting their Compton Wavelengths to integers (by dividing each with Planck Length)?)
(Also energy of a Planck particle (in a BH) must be max energy density possible in the universe?
(If so then energy of Planck particle (or its density?) divided by unit particle energy, is how many possible discrete energy levels (total number of states) per Planck cell?))

Also I think since all quantum particles known to be discrete in Planck units (which are known to be smallest possible units of space, time, wavelength, frequency, amplitude, phase, energy, still possibly also mass), is implying (or compatible with) all known (and maybe also unknown) quantum particles could be actually some kinds of quasi-particles (which I think could be described as clusters of state information), created by The Reality CA QC At Planck Scale (TRCAQCAPS? :-).

At least my interpretation of it is that Stephen Wolfram in a lecture had explained neighborhood of a (any) CA is related to its structural dimensions.
From that and I think since we also know our universe/reality is at all scales, seems to be 3 space dimensions plus a time dimension everywhere and when,
we could conclude the CA part of our reality, should have 4 neighbors for each cell in whatever physical arrangement is chosen between the all physical possibilities.
For example, if Von Neumann neighborhood physical arrangement is chosen, it would imply we are talking about a 2D square lattice CA.
Or it could it be each center cell is connected (physically touching) 4 neighbors located around like four vertex corners of a regular tetrahedron.
Are there any other physical cell arrangement possibilities I do not know.

Also I think all physical conservation laws like conservation of energy are implying the CA rules must be always conserving information (stored by the cells).

But what are the full range of possibilities for the internal physical structure/arrangement of the CA cells?

I think first we would need to determine what discrete set of state variables (made of qubit registers each) each CA cell needs to store.
I think if we want the CA to be able to create all quantum particles as quasiparticles then then each cell would need to store all basic internal quantum particle wave free variables as discrete qubit information units.
Assuming each cell is made of a physical arrangement of a total of N individual single qubit storage subcells,
and from what we know about both discrete wave and particle nature of quantum particles, I think it should possible to determine how many qubits at least for each free state variable is needed.

But do we really know for certain, the CA cells would need to store only quantum particle information?

Would not they also need to store discrete state information about local spacetime?
Because it definitely seems spacetime can bend even when it contains no quantum particles, like around any massive object.
Then the question is what spacetime/gravity state information the all CA cells would need to store, also.
Since gravity is bending of spacetime (which would be flat without gravity), and the local bending state (and more) everywhere is described by Einstein Field Equations,
we must look into how many free variables those equations contain,
and how many qubits (at least) would be needed, (to express any possible/real value of spacetime state), to store each of those free variables.

But what if the CA cells do not really need to store spacetime state information?
I had read that equations of Relativity are similar to equations of thermodynamics, which are known to "emerge from the more fundamental field of statistical mechanics".
Yes it seems spacetime can still bend even when it contains no real quantum particles but isn't it always contain virtual particles?
(According to QM, virtual particle pairs, where always one particle has positive and the other has negative energy/mass, pop in and out of existence for extremely short durations, everywhere.)
(I think those pair of virtual particles must be going out of existence by colliding back and so their energies canceling out.)
Realize that what determines bending state of spacetime anywhere is the existence of real quantum particles there.
If there are lots of real quantum particles with positive energy/mass then the spacetime has positive curvature there.
And if there were lots of real quantum particles with negative energy/mass) then the spacetime would have negative curvature there.
What if total curvature state of any spacetime volume is completely determined by the balance (and density) of positive and negative quantum particles there?
(Meaning, if the spacetime curvature is positive somewhere then it means, if we calculated total positive and negative energy from all real and virtual particles there then we would find positive energy is higher, accordingly. And vice versa, if the spacetime curvature is negative somewhere then it means total negative energy is higher, accordingly.)
What this would mean, where there is a gravitational field but no real (positive energy) particles?
I think it would mean, the number of positive energy virtual particles must be higher than the number of negative energy virtual particles there, any given time.
The consequence of this for the CA cells would be, they would only need to store (positive/negative) quantum particle state information; no spacetime state information.

And if we could really determine exactly how many physical qubits each of the CA cells (at least) would need,
then we could research on physical arrangement possibilities for internal physical structure of the CA cells.

A reader maybe noticed that a big assumption for some of above ideas is physical realism.
Because I think if we don't really need physical realism (plausibility), then how we can hope to make any progress on solving the problem of reality, if it is not physically realist itself? :-)

I think a prediction of this TRCAQCAPS idea is that Black Holes must be made of Planck particles.
(Imagine size (Compton Wavelength) of any quantum particle keeps getting smaller with increasing gravity until finall its Compton Wavelength becomes equal to its Schwarzschild radius.)
I think Hawking Radiation implies BHs have at least a surface entropy, indicating discrete information units/particles in units of Plack area.
I think that could be how a BH would look from observers around, and actual total entropy of a BH could be Event Horizon volume divided by Planck (particle/unit?) volume.

I think if spacetime is disrete at Planck scale, maybe the Holometer experiment could be helpful to prove it someday.

Could a Gravitational Wave detector in space someday find evidence of GW discretization (and therefore spacetime)?

I recently read a news (some links I found referenced below) about a new kind of atomic clock using multiple atoms altogether to get a (linearly/exponentially? (based on number of atoms)) more stable time frequency.
I am guessing (did not fully read all the news about it) it must be done by forcing the atoms (oscillators) into synchronization somehow.
Which brings the question, what is the limit for measuring time durations in terms of resolution?
Atomic Clocks will someday finally reach Planck Time measurement scale (and directly show time is discrete in Planck Time units)?

(On a side note, could we create a chip that contains a 2D/3D grid of analog/digital oscillator circuits, and force them to synchronization somehow to reach an Atomic Clock precision?)

My sincere hope is ideas presented above someday could lead to testable/observable predictions about finding out the true nature of our universe/reality.


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