(202211303) Commented on the article:

"There must be a singularity at each black hole’s center"

"Inside a dense-enough region, even massless particles have nowhere to go except towards the most interior points possible; they cannot influence exterior points. So the exterior particles have no choice but to fall in, closer to the central region. No matter how you set it up, initially, every single particle inside the event horizon inevitably winds up at a singular location: the singularity at the black hole’s center.":

IMHO, the problem w/ this (common) thinking is, it really/actually implicitly assumes, there is already a singularity awaiting to keep falling towards (& no obstacle on the way)!
But, what if, it is really/actually theoretically possible to have a new elementary particle which have absolute minimum physically-possible size (Planck length) & absolute maximum physically-possible density & so can never be crushed or compressed any further?
(& so, imagine for example, a neutron star starts collapsing & it starts creating a growing mass of (what are called) planckion particles at its center (until all neutrons crushed & their mass/energy used to create as many as possible planckions, instead!)
(Yes, individual planckions would be very unstable but what if when they are part of a (planckion) star? (Let's remember neutrons are also individually unstable but NOT when they are part of a (neutron) star!))

(Not to mention, thinking/assuming Black Holes contain singularities (which have zero-size & infinite-density!) is utterly ridiculous, IMHO!
(Imagine 2 zero-size(!) objects: one of them has the mass of a large star(!) & the other has the mass of a galaxy!)
I think progress in theoretical physics is pretty much stuck today, because of this kind of physically-out-of-touch thinking!
Assuming that, anything mathematically possible is also physically possible!
Assuming that, our universe is made of perfect/ideal mathematical/geometric objects (like 0D points and 1D rings/strings etc)!)
(202212117) I think it is a commonly-known phenomenon that majority(?) pet-owners see/think their pets as their children!
I also think/guess that those pet-owners also think/assume their pets see/think them as their parents!
If so then, how about comparing brain scans of (1 pet-owner/no-child & 1 parent/no-pet) human-twins to check/verify that parenthood & pet-ownership are really/actually same/similar/equal (at least to the human brain)?
If so then, how about comparing brain scans of (1 raised-pet & 1 raised-free/wild) animal-twins to check/verify that pets are really/actually see/think their owners as their parents?
(BTW, I seriously doubt humanity would be okay w/ it, if a giant/loud/strange alien species had started using humans as their pets/entertainment!!)
(I also wonder, if a pet-animal & a (stranger/foreign) human-baby were both in life-or-death danger, then, which one would be saved (first) by the pet-owner (who see his/her/the pet as his/her child)?
(I really hope that we are not creating a future humanity made of people who value animal life more than human life (as pet-ownership seems to be keep increasing fast (globally))!!))
(202212121) IMHO, ALL parents should/must keep ALL children away from smart-phones/tablet-computers (which are extremely dangerous/risky for them!)! & instead, ALL parents should/must give ALL children, first & foremost:
World classic children's story book sets & children's (science/tech) encyclopedias & (scientific/STEM) toys (like LEGO/electronics/chemistry/geology sets & RC-cars/drones etc)!
(202212143) It seems to me, most often, the single biggest mistake made by the victims of violent criminals (especially serial killers & home invaders) is allowing/agreeing to getting their hands tied-up!!
(Realize that, once the hands are tied-up, the legs also can be easily tied-up & the mouth can be easily sealed/silenced, regardless of co-operation of the victim!!)
For example, imagine, a man/customer is asking a sex worker woman to allow her hands getting tied-up for a sexual fantasy (in return for double/triple payment!) & she ends-up getting raped & tortured to death!!
Or, imagine, a home invasion "robber" is asking a whole family to allow their hands getting tied-up & the husband (& the son(s)) end(s)-up getting forced to watch the wife (& the daughter(s)) getting raped & tortured to death!!
IMHO, any sane/smart/wise person should/must NEVER EVER agree/allow his/her hands getting tied-up, even if it means getting shot by a gun or getting attacked by a knife!!
Because, realize, even if the result will be death, its pain/suffering cannot ever come close to getting (slowly/violently) tortured to death!!
It is just (overwhelmingly!) too much risk to take for anybody (IMHO)!!
(Similarly, anybody allowing even just his/her eyes tied-up for any sexual act/fantasy is also extremely bad/dangerous idea, IMHO! Imagine, your eyes tied-up & somebody approaching you carrying a baseball-bat or a knife, for example!)
(202212176) IMHO, whole world/humanity is always in great need of fast/practical/nutritious long-lasting food!
& these maybe superior alternatives to (vegan) milk + (corn/wheat/rice) cereal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) meals:
(I did NOT research to see if any such products already exists!)
Boiled (& ready-to-eat!) corn/wheat/rice-kernels submerged in UHT/vegan milk (& optionally sugar (& cream (& flavor(s)))) in a (long-lasting) can!
(Let's realize, for example, even (vegan) rice-pudding, if/when put into a long-lasting can form, would be a possibility already covered/included within the full range of possibilities!) 



(202209073) According to Islam, Koran is literally The Word of God, but, aren't Christianity & Judaism also (would) make the same (huge) claim for their holy books?
Islam also claims that, Bible & Torah were altered by humans (& so, (long) lost their validity/authenticity)!
Could we really/actually verify these claims?
Not to mention, Koran itself challenges the whole humanity by claiming that, even if whole humanity worked together, they still cannot ever produce a similar holy book!!
How that could really/actually be possible?
What could really/actually be absolutely unique about the text/content of Koran (that cannot ever be imitated by any/all human(s)), compared to all other holy books of all other religions in The World?
Koran is already wellknown to have many advanced mathematical/statistical structures/properties/features & my guess is that those should/must be the main reason!
I think, they are not just providing extremely strong protection against any text/content alteration attempts but also make it impossible for humans to create any other similar holy book!!

(202209132) Commented on the article:

"70 year old quantum prediction comes true, as something is created from nothing"

"There are all sorts of conservation laws in the Universe: for energy, momentum, charge, and more. Many properties of all physical systems are conserved: where things cannot be created or destroyed.":

I think all physical conservation laws are really/actually because of conservation of quantum information!
(& that is because of our reality itself being a quantum computer!)
(& that is also why our universe seems surprisingly/extremely mathematical to us!)

(202209187) How to massively faster improve/fix/advance humanity?:
IMHO, USA is the world leader & the main cause/source of the (mostly) broken social reward system problem of humanity!
The problem is human society (especially in USA) is keep mostly/greatly rewarding sports/entertainment stars, instead of keep mostly/greatly rewarding science/tech stars!
& trying to keep telling human society (especially in USA) "Value science/tech stars, instead of sports/entertainment stars!" would never ever solve the problem, IMHO!
Then, what is is true solution?:
I think the root/main cause of the problem is the (mostly) broken social reward system in K-12 schools (especially in USA)!
It is a reward system that constantly rewards sports stars/players (students w/ biggest/tallest body; students who run faster/jump higher!) w/ fame/money/awards/rewards (& the most beautiful girls of the school)!
(There was a theory of intelligence (back in 19th Century!?) claiming "those humans/animals w/ the best physical characteristics are the most intelligent"!
K-12 schools (at least in USA) seem to be still following/applying that idea, today, IMHO!)
& constantly punishes smartest students (often/mostly by students led by the sports stars/players!) w/ getting made fun of & belittled (as "nerds") & even bullied!
& as later all the students are keep becoming adults, whole society gets a (mostly) broken social reward system, because of being made of people who value/adore sports/entertainment stars, instead of star scientists/inventors!
& so, this is the only true solution, IMHO:
Convert ALL K-12 schools to STEM schools & ABSOLUTELY BAN them from having any sports teams/athletes (& competing w/ each other thru sports, instead of STEM scores/awards/rewards/contests/stars)!
(& the ban should/must even include e-sports teams/athletes, IMHO!
Because, realize that e-sports still mostly rewards physical skills (like, how fast one can play a certain game!), instead of truly rewarding STEM skills/success!)
(BTW, also realize that ALL universities/colleges those have their own sports teams/athletes also have the same problem w/ K-12 schools & so, the same solution!)

(202211244) Most (if not all!) women preferring/choosing taller men (over smarter men) is really/actually a natural tendency or could it be caused by K-12 (& even university) school/education system (especially in USA!) keep relentlessly showering sports (team) players/athletes w/ money & fame (& so, the most beautiful girls)?
(& so, firmly instilling the idea "Taller men are the most desirable alpha-males of the/our society (& smarter men are just (undeserving) "nerds"!)!" into their heads!)
(& so, is the situation still the same/similar in all other countries (where their K-12 schools do not have sports (team) players/athletes)?
Because, for example, I myself have got my K-12 education in schools w/o any sports (team) players/athletes & never remember girls chasing/preferring the taller males or anybody belittling/bullying the smarter students! On the contrary, I remember the smarter students were always the best (& the most-prized) students to ALL parents/schools/students!)

(202209202) Commented on the article:

"Why Johannes Kepler is a scientist’s best role model"


A true scientist always needs to stay objective & should/must never be like those kinds of sports fans who would support/defend their team of choice no matter how many losses!

It is especially a huge embarrassing discredit to whole physics world/community that many (wellknown) theoretical physicists still trying to strongly support/defend/hype LONG-FAILED ideas (like String Theory & LQG etc)!

(202209213) Additional comments on the same article as the above:

BTW, IMHO, this is the right way to handle those no-longer-promising/long-failed theories (like String Theory & LQG etc) for the academic/research physics community:
1: Stop teaching/researching/funding those theories!
2: Their teachers/researchers should/must switch to any other still-promising theory (or choose to quit/retire)!

Most once-promising theories later turning to no-longer-promising/long-failed theories is the natural nature of physics research!
The huge problem greatly prevents/slows-down progress is still allowing those theories to continue to be taught/researched & so, keep wasting all/most of the resources!

BTW, I had read that Kepler had done astrology to earn his livelihood, because astronomy was not really popular at-the-time & NOT because of being a true-believer of it!

(202209246) I think the true main/root reason for why so many American college students are keep going to faraway abroad locations (like CancĂșn - Mexico etc) for Spring Break is because of certain relaxed (local) laws at those locations!
IMHO, the touristic USA states like California & Florida & Hawaii need to make sure they have same kinds of relaxed (local) laws to keep all that tourism money within USA!!

(202209261) Commented on the article:

"The biggest challenges of redirecting a killer asteroid"

I think humanity testing/learning how to redirect asteroids/comets (of varying mass/size/composition/structure) (in varying ways) is a worthy goal for sure!
(But, personally, I do not believe that the end of the world/humanity will be because of any kind of natural/cosmic/scientific/technological disaster!
But, it will happen (very slowly!) mainly due to moral & intellectual decay of humanity! Similar to the movie "Idiocracy"! :-)

((202210252) BTW, (Sunni(te)) Islam also clearly implies/predicts moral/ethical/intellectual decay of humanity in the future (w/ its long list of "minor signs of end times")!
& I think, the first of "major signs of end times" will be triggered when humanity drops below a certain "lowest-of-low" decay threshold!
(& the next will be triggered after humanity drops below another certain "lowest-of-low" decay threshold & so on!))

(202209272) Commented on the article:

"The fundamental problem with gravity and quantum physics"

IMHO, the ONLY correct way join QM & GR (& so, end their incompatibility problem!) is by (mathematically!) showing/explaining how the (gas-like) medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum creates spacetime (& gravitational fields) as a superfluid emergent property!
(Similar to how air is a gas at micro-scale but a fluid (emergent property!) at macro-scale!
Imagine if you had the movement equations for individual air atoms/molecules & asked to show/prove how exactly they collectively create a classical fluid at macro-scale!?
BTW, GR is already wellknown to be fully-compatible w/ explaining spacetime as a superfluid! Search Wikipedia for "Fluid Solution"!)

"How could space and time not be absolute quantities; how could they be different for everyone dependent on the particular properties of whoever’s observing it?":

Let's realize that the observed/measured mediums of virtual particles created by Hawking/Unruh Radiation would be also observer-dependent/relative, just like spacetime of GR!
Just a coincidence? I think not!

"But there’s a catch. All of the Standard Model calculations we perform are based on particles that exist in the Universe, which means they exist in spacetime. The calculations we typically perform are done so under the assumption that spacetime is flat: an assumption that we know is technically wrong, but one that’s so useful":

Realize that, if our concept of spacetime (of GR) is really/actually created at macro-scale, as an emergent property, then it would also mean/imply that spacetime as-we-know-it do not really/actually exists at micro-scale of QM!
Just like our concept of water (fluid) do not really/actually exists at the micro-scale of individual water molecules!
So, I think treating spacetime as flat at micro-scale QM calculations is actually quite correct!
Because that micro-scale flat-spacetime of QM is NOT really/actually the macro-scale curved-spacetime of GR!

(202210027) I think national/global legalization of lesser (overdose-safe & withdrawal-safe) drugs (like THC, psilocybin, mescaline, LSD, DMT etc) also could be the/a solution for all those people (especially women & children!) enslaved (to bad people/jobs/life!) thanx to the very strong addiction power of hard/strong (overdose-unsafe & withdrawal-unsafe) drugs (like cocaine/heroin etc)!
How?: By allowing creation of (commonly/cheaply available) drug cocktails/recipes (made of lesser/safer drugs) which greatly reduce withdrawal symptoms of the hard/strong/dangerous/deathly drugs (& so end drug dependency of all addicted people)! (Which I think really/actually needs to be seen as a "Manhattan Project" for whole humanity!)
(Probably many other natural herbal medicines/mixtures/recipes could also provide further help for long-term recovery from any kind of drug addiction!)

(Furthermore, possession of small personal usage amounts (like up to 3/N full/adult doses) of hard/strong (overdose-unsafe & withdrawal-unsafe) drugs should/must be (nationally/globally) legal, IMHO!)

(202210042) Multiple times in the past I had read that (American) banks are refusing service to porn/sex workers!
I think it is really/actually socially extremely bad/harmful idea! (Let alone who gave such legal right to the banks & why?)
Because, realize that turning your life around pretty much always require a lot of accumulated money!
But, imagine, you are unable to do it, because, there is nowhere for you to keep your money/valuables safe & frequently you get robbed!
(How about banks refusing service because of bad credit?:
I think then banks still should/must provide (vital!) account(s)/service (& safe deposit box(es)!) but only w/ a debit card, instead of a credit card!
(& then use debit card histories to allow those people build back good credit scores, over-time!))
(I think landlords refusing service to porn/sex workers is also similarly really/actually socially extremely bad/harmful idea! (Let alone who gave such legal right to the landlords & why?)
Because, realize that turning your life around pretty much always require, first & foremost, NOT living in a crime-ridden neighborhood!)

(Let's also realize that forcing porn/sex workers to live in crime-ridden neighborhoods would also provide a huge (income & ego) boost to almost all criminals living there! (So, similar to the side-effect of prohibition of alcohol/drugs!))

(BTW, I really/actually think that sex/porn work needs to be (nationally/globally) legal, for similar reasons to why alcohol & other lesser (overdose-safe & withdrawal-safe) drugs need to be legal!)

((202212036) IMHO, legalizing sex work everywhere would also save/improve lives of huge numbers of people (especially women  (& their children/families))! Especially, if we can eventually create a future world where ALL sex work only/always done under fully safe/secure/healthy conditions!!)

(202210053) Commented on the article:

"Is theoretical physics broken? Or is it just hard?"

"The best we’ve come up with is this: to let people choose for themselves what they work on.":

But, let's also consider that a huge number/percentage of theoretical physicists are still keep working on theories (like String Theory & LQG etc), even though it should have been very clear to them by now that those ideas very far from being still-promising ideas (& for decades!)!
& realize that is a massive waste of labor & money & time & brain power & it is greatly slowing-down progress of whole science of (theoretical) physics!
& also realize that, if most/all those people made to switch to any/all other still-promising ideas (like It-From-Bit or Superfluid Emergent Spacetime etc) then the progress would greatly speed-up!

Yes, I think theoretical physicists should/must be allowed to choose what they work on (like when they want to switch from no-longer-promising theories/ideas to still-promising ones (or just switch between still-promising ones)!
But, what if they are really/actually stuck keep working on no-longer-promising theories/ideas & absolutely refusing to switch & so, causing great harm to the progress of whole science of (theoretical) physics?

If we really/actually want the progress to always go as fast as possible (& w/ minimal waste/failure (instead of ever getting stuck (like today!))), then, I think it is absolutely necessary to always free all our (research & teaching) resources ASAP whenever any of our current theories/ideas (objectively) dropped to "no-longer-promising" state!

(202210182) Brownian Motion (BM) (random jitters of pollen submerged in water) was discovered in 19th Century & stayed w/o a scientific explanation for a long time, until Einstein!
& he explained that, BM happens because of randomly moving water molecules are keep hitting the pollen (from all directions)!
& it is also evidence/proof for existence of atoms/molecules & their approximate sizes!
But now just imagine such a (realistic!?) possibility:
What if, long before Einstein, another physicist had already "explained" BM in a different way:
By saying/claiming that, BM happens because of "inherent uncertainty" in locations of all super small objects!
Imagine, s/he even deduced/provided an equation correctly predicting sizes of BM jitters, depending on pollen/object size/mass (by making measurements w/ different pollen/objects etc)!
I think a really big question is that, if it is really quite possible that whole scientific world would easily accept that as the full/correct explanation or not?
Because, realize the huge danger that if it was accepted then maybe not even Einstein would think BM needs any new/different explanation!
(Which would mean still no evidence/proof for existence of atoms/molecules & their sizes etc!)
Now further imagine that, if, sometime later, it was discovered that atoms/particles really exist & are also doing random jitters & it was explained(?) as "inherent uncertainty"!
But, what if (for example) those are really/actually caused by the quantum vacuum which is really/actually a gas-like medium of virtual particles keep popping in & out of existence (immeasurably fast)?
(& "inherent uncertainty" explanation(?) is really/actually preventing physicists from getting evidence/proof for physical existence & properties of virtual particles?)
(Of-course, it is also possible that only some (of) (total) quantum uncertainty is caused by virtual particles & the rest is really/actually inherent!)

(202211141) IMHO, there are indeed uncanny/undeniable similarities between the major events of beginning times of 20th & 21st Centuries!
& so, I guess/predict that we will also get our own 21st Century version of "The Roaring Twenties" well before this (half) decade is out!!
(Which I think will be a great remedy for the current "permacrisis" state going on for years!)

(202211152) Commented on the article:

"Does physical reality objectively exist?"

"Does physical reality objectively exist?":

IMHO, the answer is absolutely yes!

At macro-scale world/reality, even though measurements of space/time may differ between different observers, they (would) still always find that space/time do indeed exist(s)!

& even though individual particles may have uncertain/undetermined states, at micro-scale world/reality, massive objects at macro-scale world/reality still always have certain/determined states/existence!
& that is because, as we go from micro-scales to macro-scales, we also go from quantum physics to (emergent) classical physics (of GR)!
So, for example, individual water molecules act according to QM but water act according to classical physics (described by Navier-Stokes Equation)!
& that also means (at least to me!), let alone the whole universe itself, even a glass of water would still exist, regardless of even if there was absolutely no observer in the whole universe!

(202211152) IMHO, all kinds of greetings based-on physical touch (like handshakes & fist-bumps etc) are absolutely unnecessary & a huge source of disease transmissions!!
How about we all just say "hi/hello!" for all greetings (& keep our social-distances)?

(202211211) A while ago I had noticed in an article I had read that an academic (of a "Gender Studies" department of a university/college maybe?) saying/implying/claiming:
'"Biologically-assigned" gender identities/roles are unfair!'
(I think such thinking would absolutely go (first & foremost) opposite/contrary/counter against The Abrahamic Religions, but let's try to argue against it here, w/o assuming/mixing any religion!)
First & foremost, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!
We ALL need to be extremely skeptical, whenever we are told something like a fundamental way/property of whole humankind (& not to mention, overwhelming majority of animals & plants of our world!) (since their beginning times!) is wrong/unfair/unjust!
What is exactly wrong/unfair/unjust about humans or any species to be made of 2 different (male & female) genders/versions w/ different roles/jobs/responsibilities?
(So, for example, men (in general) have bigger/stronger body & so better suited to hunting & women (in general) better suited to gathering (& having/raising children)!)
& not to mention, why exactly it would be better, if humanity had no different gender identities/roles/jobs/responsibilities?
Can you imagine, for example, if we (en)forced everybody in all kinds of organizations (like companies, governments, schools, hospitals etc) to be "equal", so that everybody have same/equal jobs & responsibilities & skills & expertise?
(By the way, of course, it would be very wrong to force anybody into any gender identity/role/job/responsibility (s)he does not want, but, parent(s) trying to raise their children by assuming their children are like the vast majority of their species/society (until proven otherwise!) is absolutely the right way of parenting, IMHO!)
I also noticed that there seems to be a growing (among celebrities at least!?) parenting way/method called "Gender-Neutral Parenting" & I think all I said above are also why that is extremely bad idea/parenting!!
IMHO, "Gender-Neutral Parenting" would create/cause gender-identity confusion/problems/issues/vulnerability in pretty much ALL children (instead of a normal/biological small percentage of them, like currently)!!

(202211222) I remember reading an interesting Islamic story which I think contains a great advice/wisdom (especially for people like teachers/leaders/advisors):
A master/teacher tells his graduating student (when sending him back to his homeland to act/work as their teacher/advisor of Islam):
"Never claim to be a god or a prophet!"
The student responds in great shock/surprise:
"Master/teacher, how could I ever do such things?"
The master/teacher explains that thinking/expecting/insisting:
"Everything I want to be done/happen should/must be done/happen!" is just like claiming to be a god!
"Everything I say/write should/must listened/read!" is just like claiming to be a prophet!

BTW, many people thru whole history of our world really/actually claimed to be a/The God or a/The Prophet!
How we could really/actually test/verify them?
According to Islam (at least), Prophet Moses challenged The Pharaoh (who was claiming to be a/The God) as like:
"My God is making Sun rise from The East & set from The West!
If you are (really/actually) a/The God then make Sun rise from The West & set from The East!!"
I also had read an Islamic story (hadith) which said:
One time a (wise!) man came to visit Grand-Prophet Muhammad & had brought a live lizard w/ him & said:
"If this lizard speaks & testifies that you are The Prophet of The God then I will accept/believe Islam!"
& then, Grand-Prophet Muhammad said/asked to The Lizard: "Who am I?"
& then The Lizard (really/actually) spoke & testified!!


Emails To President Of TURKIYE

Emails To President Of TURKIYE (POTUR):


First of all, I personally think you have done really great service to Turkey and Turkish People, so far at least.
And I really hope you continue to do so, as long as possible.

I just wanted to share some personal opinions/views of mine, about recent events/situations involving Turkey, if you are interested of course:

IMHO, Turkey and USA have a really great deal opportunity currently.
It seems to me, USA really wants their Rahip back.
It seems to me, Turkey really wants their Imam back.
And, if really so, then why not Turkey and USA try to sign a "prisoner exchange" kind/type of deal/agreement?
A simple deal/agreement such as:
Turkey, would give USA, The Rahip, who USA wants.
USA, would give Turkey, The Imam, who Turkey wants.

Also, I think world history is full of great examples/lessons to consider.
For example, IMHO, what happened between Sultan/Padisah Yildirim Bayezid and Timur Han, is really a big lesson about,
why big countries/powers of the world (especially allies), should/must try to make prisoner exchange deals first,
instead of allowing prisoner exchange issues escalate to any kind of war.

Also, IMHO, Turkey is really in an economic war/crisis, but who I think really responsible for it, is most likely people like George Soros.
(So I would humbly advise you to learn about how international/global speculators like Soros make money from each country they target/hit each time.)


Ak Parti'nin, Istanbul ve Ankara gibi buyuk sehirlerde,
sayisiz buyuk hizmetler yaptigi ve sayisiz buyuk hizmetler vadettigi halde, neden oy oranlarinin buyuk olcude artmadiginin sebeplerini arastiriyorsaniz, bu goruslerimi ilginc bulabilirsiniz:

1) Belediyelerin ekmek fiyatlarini dogrudan belirlemesi,
serbest piyasa ilkelerine uymayan adaletsiz bir uygulama olamaz mi?
Mesela, bir belediye yonetimi istese ("halktan daha cok oy aliriz" dusuncesiyle) ekmek fiyatini asiri dusuk tutamaz mi?
Ve o zaman, halktan gecimini ekmek firinlarindan kazanan, sayisiz insan ve aileleri cok zor duruma dusemez mi?

2) Belediyelerin sebze ve meyveyi dogrudan ureticilerden aracisiz alip halka satmasi,
serbest piyasa ilkelerine uymayan adaletsiz bir uygulama olamaz mi?
Ve o zaman, halktan gecimini toptancidan meyve ve sebze alip perakende satarak kazanan (pazarci, manav,...),
sayisiz insan ve aileleri cok zor duruma dusemez mi?
Ben, ayrica, bu konuda Islam ne der diye merak edip Internet'ten arastirdim,
ve bu asagidaki makaleyi buldum (ayni makale iki ayri sitede yayinlanmis gorunuyor).
Ozellikle ilk 3 paragraph ilginc:


(Tabii siz, ilginc bulduysaniz, daha iyisi, bu konuyu ulkemizin en iyi Islam fikih uzmanlarina danisabilirsiniz.)


IMHO, Kanal Istanbul Project seems like really an exceptionally large & important project for Istanbul.
A project that is much larger & much more important than any new airport or bridge or tunnel etc.
(And it also seems like there are many people who strongly oppose it.)
My humble advice is, such an exceptionally large & important project for Istanbul,
should/must be done only after doing a public referendum in Istanbul
and getting/proving approval/support of majority of people of Istanbul.


Every year many people/families die from fires & gas leaks in Turkey!
Why not, Turkish government, ask TUBITAK &/ ASELSAN etc,
to design/produce a detector/sensor device
that can detect all smoke & CO & CO2 & LPG & natural gas leaks
& make a law that makes having that device at all homes mandatory?


Economy of Turkey seems to be going into crisis, again & again, since maybe early 90s!
& I think it is happening again & again, because nobody in Turkey seems to be understanding,
what is the real cause of problem & what is the real solution!

There is a well-known trick/scheme, often used for making money from stocks, that is called PUMP & DUMP!
Imagine that, (if you have enough money for it) you keep buying the same stock & raise its price!
Then, other investors see rise of the price & rush to buy too!
& then, you sell all your stock & make lots of money!

Now imagine that, you are someone like George Soros & have billions of dollars to invest!
Imagine, you target any country w/ a small stock exchange (like Turkey, for example)!
Imagine, you do PUMP & DUMP to the whole stock exchange!
You keep buying all stocks for years & then you sell them all, within months etc!
& next, you convert all your money to dollars & euros & move it outside the country!

& of course, when the country loses all its dollars & euros, then, its economy goes into crisis!

& then, you just wait (for many years) until that country collects lots of dollars & euros for you, to take again, next time!

My advice is, get some research done, to find a way to prevent foreign investment funds, from keep doing PUMP & DUMP, in Turkey!
(& if there is no other way found, then, seriously consider completely banning foreign investment funds, in Turkish Stock Exchange!)


It seems that our country/people are keep getting hit by huge scams, from time to time,
& often nobody realizes what they really are, until already too late!

For example:

"Bankerler Furyasi", back in early 80s, was really a well-known type of scam, that is called "Ponzi Scheme"!
(Which I think was first started by Banker Kastelli & imitated/copied by many other "bankers" later.)

"Titancilar", back in late 90s, was really another well-known type of scam, that is called "Pyramid Scheme"!

"Ciftlikbank", few years ago, was also a "Ponzi Scheme"!

IMHO, there is another huge scam going on, for many years, in whole world (NOT just in Turkey):
BITCOIN (& countless other so-called "CRYPTOCURRENCIES" imitating/copying it)!

IMHO, ALL CRYPTOCURRENCIES need to be banned (in whole world) before it is too late!

Here I tried to explain it (why), in more/full detail, at my personal blog:


IMHO, we need to see the reality that keep trying to make Northern Cyprus a fully independent country always failed (& will always fail)!

(& the reality of impossibility of Northern & Southern Cyprus joining together (as a federation) seems to be well understood already, by Turkey & Northern Cyprus!)

& so, IMHO, there is only one realistic solution for the Cyprus problem & that is Northern Cyprus joining Turkey as an internally independent state!

(& that is actually the current situation already, if you think about it!
It just needs to be made official (thru a public referendum in Northern Cyprus)!)

(Also realize many EU countries already have their own internally independent regions!
USA is already completely made of internally independent states!
Not to mention, Russia & China also have internally independent regions! (& I think UK too!))

& so IMHO, Turkey & Northern Cyprus need to stop wasting time by keep trying to get approval to make Northern Cyprus a fully independent country
& start preparing to make a referendum in Northern Cyprus!
(Could Hatay ever really join Turkey, if Turkey tried to get approval from EU, for example?)


IMHO, endless problems between Israel & Palestine is really bad for whole (islamic) world!

But, is it really realistic to expect that Israel would ever agree to going back to 1967 borders?

Is it really hard to see that, Israel is keep taking over more & more land & sooner or later would have whole land of Palestine?

Would you agree that, what is really needed for a really good solution is a WIN-WIN deal for both sides?

How about looking at the problem in a different way?:

Imagine a poor farmer who has a rich neighbor & that rich neighbor really wants the land of the poor farmer!
(Many years ago I had read somewhere that Israelians are offering to pay 10 times more money to buy land of any Palestinians!)
Now imagine a deal for, Israel buying whole land of Palestine (assuming 1967 borders) for a really good amount of money!
& how about giving land to Palestinians in Northern Syria to start building their new country (using the money they got)?

(& what if, part of the agreement is, land of Mescid-i Aksa would become commonly-shared holy land between all Jews & Christians & Muslims
& has to be kept open to all (especially in their holy days/nights)?)


IMHO, current land/map situation between Azerbaijan & Armenia is still not really/fully good!
Because, Southern land of Armenia is dividing land of Azerbaijan into two separate pieces/parts!
Why not try to think of a win-win deal for both countries to improve the situation for both?
For example, what if, Armenia gives the whole land between Nakhchivan & Azerbaijan mainland to Azerbaijan
& in return, Azerbaijan gives an equal amount/area of its Northern land in to Armenia?
(Could it be possible, if Azerbaijan gives the land as a corridor all along its Northern border,
such that Armenia would have a direct connection to Caspian Sea (to greatly improve its international trade power/capability)?)


Realize that COVID-19 pandemic started soon after USA had started economic war against China!
Realize that it had started in the Chinese city that has coronavirus research lab of China!
Realize that it did not cause any significant harm to China (like they knew it is coming & well prepared for it) but caused massive economic damage to USA & ALL its allies!
(Realize that, China just locked-down city of Wuhan & the coronavirus was pretty much contained for them, while the disease was keep expanding all over the world!
Why not the disease was everywhere in China first (& pretty much impossible to contain for them!)?)
Realize that China strongly prevented (WHO) research for the origin of the coronavirus!
Realize that giving the enemy a disease/sickness to weaken the enemy is actually a wellknown old war tactic/trick!

Also, if you want to continue criticizing Arabic countries for making peace & starting trade w/ Israel,
first consider how Turkey apparently/clearly sees China as a friend/ally & happily keep doing trade w/ China (who treats Uighur Turks/Muslims very badly)!
(If you really think China is a friend/ally of Turkey, how about you publicly criticize China for their bad treatment of Uighur Turks/Muslims & see how China would respond?)

Also, how about taking lesson from history?
Consider how China had defeated Hun Empire by pretending to be friend/ally first & manipulating them (by using Chinese Princesses) to start a civil war later!

(Also consider that Chinese people are always treating all kinds of (wild) animals extremely badly!
I had read somewhere that Chinese people have a saying that "more pain makes animal meat more delicious"!
(They also think, "if it moves you can eat it" & "animals are for people"!))

I had read some news that China put some African countries into large debt & later took over their seaports etc!
My guess is, if China wins economic war against USA, same type of "loan sharking" will happen to pretty much all other countries, sooner or later!

Also notice that China recently replaced their one-child policy w/ three children policy!
Do you really think that it is because their population is not high enough (or could it actually be that they are aiming/preparing for global domination in the future!)?

COVID-19 pandemic caused trillions of damage & millions of deaths to all countries (except China!)
& IMHO, China strongly preventing research for the origin of the coronavirus alone by itself is very clear reason showing/proving China is guilty!
& so IMHO, China owes to pay compensation to all other countries in the world!
But IMHO, it is also very clear that China would never admit guilt/responsibility, regardless of even if any kind of perfect evidence is found/presented!
& neither (IMHO), China would ever agree to pay any compensation to any country!
But IMHO, that still does not mean China cannot be made to pay compensation to all other counties!
Imagine, for example, if ALL countries those want compensation from China, sent a very short & clear message to China as such:
"Dear China (Government):
Our country (government) think that, you are clearly guilty & responsible for all COVID-19 losses/damages all countries endured!
But, since you would never admit guilt/responsibility (& neither voluntarily pay compensation), we will go ahead & assume, all our current debt to China already paid in full (as compensation)!

I was noticing for many years that ALL Turkish mass media is always thinking "USA is our enemy & China is our friend!"!
(I do not use social media but I have no doubt it is the same situation in there too!)
Chinese government is wellknown to do social media manipulation internally!
Could be they are also doing social media manipulation externally, against USA & all its allies?
Maybe even not just for making people think "China is our friend!" but also they maybe always keep pumping/increasing internal political polarizations (to weaken governments & keep pushing those countries towards political instability (& maybe even civil war someday))?
Just some food for thought!


Turkey was keep trying to join European Union (EU), almost since its beginning times, w/o success!
I think it is well about time for Turkey to understand that it will never happen!
Let's not forget that "olmayacak duaya amin denmez"!
Because, EU is really a "Christian Club"!!
Do you seriously think that, most Christian people of EU would really like/accept a big Muslim country to join EU?
Can't you also see that how much of anti-Islamic views exist, throughout all EU countries?
(Don't you think that a lot of people in Turkey would be really angry, if Turkey accepted all people of Afghanistan, for example?)

(Also consider historical examples like, how a muslim country in Europe (Spain) was rejected & ended or how (most) Ottoman existence in Europe was rejected & ended!
& also consider how a Christian/European country in The Middle-East was rejected & ended by the Muslims!
& also consider how a Jewish country in The Middle-East is disliked by so many Muslims today!)

Isn't it really clear that EU never says no to Turkey because they can keep asking Turkey to do whatever they want?

Also, I think, total win/lose situation for Turkey's trade union (gumruk birligi) w/ EU needs to be well analyzed/checked/verified!
Because, remember that trade union (capitulations) Ottoman Empire done w/ EU had caused huge losses for the economy of Ottoman Empire!

IMHO, instead of keep trying to join EU, Turkey should/must take success (& history) of EU as an example
& should/must start working on creating its own (tight) union w/ other Turkish Republics, in 21st Century!

I think economy of Turkey is currently winning big, mainly because of USA & EU shifting from importing goods from China to Turkey!
But, it also seems China is well aware of the danger to its own economy & trying to do its exports to USA & EU from Turkey!
(I am keep reading China is keep buying companies & opening factories in Turkey!)
I think Turkey should/must NOT allow that to continue!
Because, I think, otherwise, USA & EU would see what is going on, sooner or later & start trying to get imports from other countries, instead of Turkey!
Just some food for thought!


There are many known claims of Noah's Ark being located on top of Mount Ararat (Agri Dagi), probably since ancient times!
& today, there is a technology/device called "Ground-penetrating Radar" which can show deep underground/under-ice structures!
(It is actually commonly used for archaeology, all-around the world!)
Why not Turkey create a big team of scientists & mountaineers etc & fully survey the top of the mountain?
(Instead of leaving such research attempts to foreign researchers/teams!)
I have no doubt that such a big attempt would make big news all-around the world (regardless of its result(s)) (which would be great for tourism of Turkey)!


IMHO, the right solution for the problem between Russia & Ukraine is NOT:
1: Ukraine is joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Russia)!
2: Ukraine is NOT joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Ukraine & NATO)!
& it is really/actually:
3: Ukraine & Russia both together joining/accepted into NATO!

IMHO, greatly beneficial WIN-WIN relations between Russia & Turkey is already a very clear evidence/proof that Russia & countries of NATO can be friends!!!


I am sorry but, IMHO, what Turkey is keep doing for solving the problem between Russia & Ukraine is NOT good enough!
(Which is just keep telling to Putin & Zelensky: "If you want to come together for peace talks we are ready to host!")
IMHO, if you really want to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize then first you need to tell to Putin & Zelensky this:
"The war between you two has gone long enough already & it urgently needs to stop!
There is already truly massive damage to both Russia & Ukraine & the rest of the world economy!
Let's all 3 of us come together for a face-to-face meeting ASAP!"


I think Russia & Ukraine are culturally & historically very close/similar countries (kind of like USA & UK or Turkiye & Azerbaijan)!
& Ukraine clearly has a lot of support for joining NATO & EU & I think that is also the best possible WIN-WIN future for Ukraine!
I also think that, if Ukraine joining NATO & EU is OK for them then there can be no reason why Russia cannot also join them someday!
& I think that is also the best possible WIN-WIN future for Russia (instead of staying alone or partnering w/ China)!
But, obviously, the war continuing between Russia & Ukraine is keep damaging/weakening the possibility of such a great future for Russia!
& so, Russia/Putin needs to understand that the war needs to be ended ASAP!!


Once, cevabi cok onemli olan bir soru:
Ak-Partili bir hukumet/belediye yonetimi, ulkeye/ile ne kadar cok/buyuk hizmetler yapmis (ve yapacak) olsada,
egerki ayni yonetim senin/ailenin/akrabanin/dostunun ekmek parasina buyuk zarar veren bir is yapiyor (ve yeniden secilirse yapmaya devam edecek) olsa,
sen/ailen/akraban/dostun hala gidipde Ak-Partili yonetime oy verir miydi?

Bence, Ak-Partili belediyeler Istanbul ve Ankara'ya sayisiz/buyuk hizmetler yaptiklari (ve yapacaklari) halde belediye secimlerini kaybettiler,
cunku onlarin baslattigi/surdurdugu "Meyve-Sebze Tanzim Satis" dukkanlari,
meyve-sebze alim-satimi yapan sayisiz insanin/ailenin ekmek parasina devamli ve buyuk darbe indiriyordu!

Bugunlerde Turkce gazete haberlerinde/yorumlarinda okudum/okuyorum-ki,
Ak-Partili ulusal hukumet, ulkenin heryerine "Tarim-Kredi Marketleri" acip/yayginlastirip sayisiz (temel) gidayi ucuza/karsiz satacakmis!
Bence, boyle bir is/uygulama, butun pazar/market/bakkal isleriyle gecinen sayisiz insanin/ailenin ekmek parasina devamli ve buyuk darbe indirir ve Ak Partiye 2023 secimlerini kaybettirir!

Emails To President Of USA

Emails To President Of USA (POTUS):


IMHO, the main reason, COVID-19 response of USA was less than the best, was because, first & foremost, USA do not have universal health care system!
(So, so many people avoided seeking treatment, because of fear of huge hospital bills later!)
Healthcare is a very basic human need/right & superpower of the world USA not providing universal healthcare, while so many other countries do,
should/must be seen as a huge embarrassment!
I would strongly advise that switching USA to universal healthcare needs to be one of main goals of your administration (as well as Democratic Party's)!


IMHO, just like prohibition of alcohol (which is really just another kind of recreational drug) had caused so much crime in the past
(& that is why it was repealed many years later), prohibition of many similar drugs are causing so much crime today!
We need to take lesson from history!

Also, how it is really fair that alcohol easily causes overdose deaths & it is legal,
but so many overdose-safe drugs (like marijuana/cannabis/THC, Psilocybin (magic mushroom), LSD, DMT, etc) are illegal?

(Not to mention, (according to countless medical research) drugs like THC, Psilocybin, LSD, DMT seem to be extremely promising for pain management, (major) depression & PTSD!)

I would strongly advise that "war on drugs" needs to end (by making all overdose-safe drugs legal (as alcohol))!!!



Bitcoin & all other cryptocurrencies are either absolutely useless or absolutely unnecessary for any legitimate purposes
but they are extremely useful for many illegitimate purposes, like money laundering, illegal (drug) trade, collecting untraceable ransomware payments!
I see that they are now actually mostly promoted as "virtual assets" (investments)!
The question is, why we need fake investments, when we have plenty of real investments?
What would happen to whole world economy, if everybody invested in fake investments, instead of real investments?
Also, is it really a good idea to (essentially) allow anybody "print" their own money/stocks, out of thin air?

Also, why creator of Bitcoin (the first cryptocurrency, which is all other cryptocurrencies created by copying/imitating), who is called "Satoshi",
took first 1 million bitcoins & disappeared to hiding (instead of proudly showing himself to whole world; if Bitcoin is really a great financial innovation)?
Realize that it means government law enforcement cannot go after him!
Also realize the huge danger that, as soon as he sells his bitcoins, everybody would rush to sell all their bitcoin/cryptocurrency!
Meaning, prices/markets of bitcoin & all other cryptocurrencies would suddenly collapse & there would be millions of people who suddenly lost all their money, all over the world!

Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is just a new kind of scam (just like Ponzi Scheme or Pyramid Scheme invented in the past)!

I had explained these in more detail at my personal blog here:

Of course, it would be quite problematic to try to suddenly ban all cryptocurrencies
but I would strongly advise that USA should/must take steps to reduce/discourage usage of them & investment in them (just like many other countries already did)!



All light/gasoline vehicles are seem to be well on their way to become fully electric!
But, what about all existing heavy diesel trucks, trains, ships, aircraft, construction/mining/agriculture/military vehicles?
That is why, USA (& all other countries) should/must start large scale production of biodiesel/biofuel (to make them all carbon-neutral)!
& such biodiesel/biofuel need to be produced by using all possible industrial/agricultural/forestry waste/biomass & trash & sewage!
(& definitely by NOT using any food crops!)
(Of course, accomplishing these goals (efficiently) also would require some R&D work first!)

What about using hydrogen gas for transportation or energy storage (as some people are keep suggesting/promoting)?:
Hydrogen gas is extremely dangerous, because it is flammable & even explosive!
Imagine, a future world w/ hydrogen (land/sea/air) vehicles & hydrogen tanker trucks & hydrogen gas stations, everywhere!
Are we seriously thinking that, there will be never any accidents/leaks/ruptures/mishandling to trigger massive explosions?
Using hydrogen gas for energy storage would be also similarly very dangerous!
For energy storage, we already have way safer battery solutions for every scale!


COVID-19 pandemic caused hundreds of trillions of dollars of damage to whole world economy (except China!) & millions of deaths!
IMHO, China is clearly guilty & needs/owes to pay compensation to the rest of the world!

Why China is clearly guilty?:
Regardless of whether the virus is intentionally created/released by China (or it escaped from their lab thru neglect),
China clearly prevented WHO experts from full access which clearly implies guilt!
(Are we seriously supposed to believe that they prevented full access just because of trying to protect their "truly superior & extremely valuable" science/tech?)
But even more than that, it is very clear that (as many scientific studies indicate!), the pandemic had started much earlier than when Chinese Government informed the world & they knew about it much earlier!
& that meant, all other countries did not really have any chance to stop/slowdown the pandemic within their borders!
China is already very clearly guilty, because of informing rest the world about COVID-19 TOO LATE!

& here is what I would like to propose as COVID-19 compensation problem solution:
Cancel all debts all countries owe to China!
I strongly recommend that, USA should/must refuse to pay any debts to China & encourage all countries owe money to China to do the same!


I think, being a member of EU is clearly a massive benefit for each member country, in so many ways!
(But, I also think, BREXIT was actually absolutely the right decision for UK!)
What I would like to strongly recommend is that, USA & UK & Canada & Australia & NZ start working towards creating their own (tight) union in 21st Century!
I think it should be actually really easy to see that such a union would bring truly massive benefits, to all these five countries (economically & militarily & demographically & culturally ...)!
(& for how to start, I think how EU started could be a good example!)


1: IMHO, politicians of both Democratic Party & Republican Party need to understand/reminded well that, their national shares of votes are almost always really close!
Meaning, neither party can ever do/accomplish really much w/o support of the other party!
& so, the practice of representatives of each party always voting against new laws of each other (& even always keep trying to impeach each other's President!) really needs to end!
Otherwise, nothing much for the country would ever get done & sooner or later, majority of American public would start thinking that actually both parties are really useless/worthless!
(Not to mention, these are times of really great (internal & external) challenges for USA!!!)

2: IMHO, USA & UK & Australia & Canada & NZ really should/must start working towards creating their own tight union (like EU!) in 21st Century (for so many great benefits)!
& IMHO, a great first/big step would be removing ALL visa requirements/limits between these 5 countries!

3: IMHO, USA & Russia really need to start seeing each other as their future best friends/allies (for so many great benefits to both countries!)!
& so, for example, USA should/must see, its NATO ally Turkey having increasingly great (military/tech/trade/tourism) relations w/ Russia, as a great example of (much-needed!) bridge/friendship building!
(For example, I had seen a global public survey (not long ago) that was showing, number one country Russian public would like to go, if possible, was USA!
I had read that TV show "Dallas" was cited (by the Soviet Premiere) as one of the big reasons for the collapse of Soviet Union! :-)


1: IMHO, the economic/trade war between USA & China is absolutely justified & should/must continue until won!

2: IMHO, USA (& UK) should/must NOT get involved w/ issues between China & Taiwan (or China & HK)!
(I would advise Taiwan & HK to do referendums, to see what their majority public really want about fully joining China!
(& so then later, China would look bad, in front of the whole world, if they disrespect the decision of the majority public!))
(By the way, IMHO, USA promising to always protect Taiwan (Taiwan Relations Act) was really a bad decision that should/must be ignored/nullified!)


IMHO, what would be the best is, not just Ukraine joining NATO but Russia too!
(So, if Russia does not like Ukraine joining NATO alone, then how about asking them to join NATO together?)
Because, Russia being on the side of USA/NATO would be extremely beneficial against China!
(Not to mention, there would/could be many other huge win-win benefits for both USA & Russia!)


Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is either absolutely useless or absolutely unnecessary for any legitimate purpose but extremely useful for many illegitimate purposes, like money laundering, illegal (drug) trade, collecting untraceable ransomware payments!
Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is just a new kind of scam (just like Ponzi Scheme or Pyramid Scheme invented in the past)! It is not the first time that so many smart & educated people fell for a really clever scam!
Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is such a threat that they could eventually cause collapse of whole world financial system!
& as global investment in them is keep increasing (exponentially!), banning/stopping them would become impossible, sooner or later!
It seems only very few people can see them being scam & their massive danger (like Nouriel Roubini & Warren Buffett & Bill Gates & Charlie Munger etc)!
USA should/must ban bitcoin/cryptocurrency, just like China & India etc; before it is too late!
Please read what I had written (in more detail) very carefully:


It seems to me, USA desperately needs many new large infrastructure projects but some laws like "National Environmental Policy Act" preventing (or extremely slowing down) them!
For example, Los Angeles have a truly massive traffic problem but nobody can solve it (for example by building extensive subway/tunnel network(s))!
Why? For example, years ago Elon Musk's company had started boring a tunnel but the project got derailed/cancelled (after it started)!
Why? Because a group of residents sued asking/forcing for an environmental study which would take many years!
I think all really/actually because of laws like "National Environmental Policy Act"!
I think any (federal) laws enabling anybody easily derailing any new large infrastructure projects need to be fixed or cancelled!


IMHO, the right solution for the problem between Russia & Ukraine is NOT:
1: Ukraine is joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Russia)!
2: Ukraine is NOT joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Ukraine & NATO)!
& it is really/actually:
3: Ukraine & Russia both together joining/accepted into NATO!
IMHO, greatly beneficial WIN-WIN relations between Russia & Turkey is already a very clear evidence/proof that Russia & countries of NATO can be friends!!!


1: I think China is relentlessly keep trying to increase amount of their gold!
& w/ really good reason because having more gold means having more economic weight/power/trust!
But, on the other hand, it seems amount of gold of USA is keep staying constant!
IMHO, it is extremely important that USA should/must start increasing its amount of gold (& even all other precious metals), too!
(By the way, I am talking about physical gold & definitely NOT paper gold certificates!)
2: Please get this researched/verified because it is extremely important!:
Normally, total amounts of physical gold & paper gold certificates need to be very close!
But I think, in recent years, total amount of paper gold certificates gone far beyond total amount of physical gold & it is keep getting worse!
Because I think, some companies are keep printing more & more paper gold certificates, just like keep printing their own money out-of-thin-air!
Which means the market is keep ballooning & could/would pop/collapse anytime, when general public realizes the situation, sooner or later!



(202207041) New Feature Suggestions For Blogger:
Ability to export/import the whole blog as a single HTML/PDF file (in original or any target AI-translated language)!

(202207041) New Feature Suggestions For YouTube:
Auto-captioning (in original or any target AI-translated language)!
Auto-replace all human speech w/ any target AI-translated language but w/ same voice & pace!

(202207085) It is already wellknown that sugar content percentage of sweet snacks in USA is much higher than all(?) other countries!
I think excessive sugar kills/reduces taste/enjoyment & no doubt it also causes bad health effects, especially on children!
& so, IMHO, USA Federal Government needs to greatly reduce sugar content percentage limits for all sweet snacks sold in USA!!

(202207096) I think most/all animals commonly/widely get extremely bad/harsh/unethical treatment in some countries (like China & Japan & Spain, for example) & that is a huge embarrassment for whole humanity!
(I think only worse times of humanity were probably human sacrifices of Middle/South America in the past which very thankfully eventually ended!)
I think humanity desperately needs a solution, such as a global/international agreement!
An agreement that provides basic rights to all wild/domestic animals & sets general rules to end/prevent all (un)known types of animal mistreatment!
As a part of the agreement, signing countries should/must promise to always cut/reduce all their trade w/ all non-signing countries (as much as they can do)!

(202207096) How I justify to myself being a non-practicing (Sunni(te)) Muslim, even though 5-times daily prayers & fasting thru Islamic Month of Ramadan, for example, are mandatory in (Sunni(te)) Islam?:
(Also, for example, I have big collections of music/songs, even though (AFAIK) all forms of music/singing/dancing are forbidden according to (Sunni(te)) Islam!)
First of all, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, committing any kind of sin do NOT make a Muslim turn into a non-Muslim!
Secondly, (Sunni(te)) Islam clearly implies that possibility/severity of punishment for sins would get lower & lower, as temptations & ethical/moral corruptions get stronger & stronger over-time, as humanity is keep moving closer & closer to its end times!

(202207107) The Islamic "Allegory Of The Cave":
(Sunni(te)) Islam clearly implies that life is test, designed/done by (The) God, to show/prove who is worthty of Heaven or worthless of Hell!
& I think, in "One Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights)" tale of "Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp", "the cave test" is actually can be seen as an allegory/analogy for "The Islamic (Real) Life Test" that each human/person/Muslim goes thru!
In the beginning of the cave, there are the cheapest gold/jewellery/gemstones laying around, as temptation/trial!
As the one resists/refuses taking each piece of gold/jewellery/gemstone & continues walking deeper & deeper into the cave, one encounters more & more expensive pieces of gold/jewellery/gemstone!
The end prize of the test is the lamp w/ the whish-granting jinn/genie inside!
Of course, "The Islamic (Real) Life Test" is not just simply one temptation after another (obviously) but also one trouble to deal w/ after another!
But it is still a pretty similar test to "the cave test", IMHO!
Let's also realize that "The Islamic (Real) Life Test" is actually harder than "the cave test"!
But also, the end prize of "The Islamic (Real) Life Test" is actually way-better than "the cave test"!
Because, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, (The) God will grant (individual) wishes of The People Of Heaven, each & every week!!

(202207107) IMHO, (USA) DMV practice of still requiring stickers to be manually placed on vehicle license plates needs to be ended!
Because, not just manually placing/replacing those stickers every year is an endless hassle but they are also sometimes get stolen!
I think checking/verifying vehicle registrations needs to be done automatically by existing/available License Plate Scanner Tech!
(By placing them on Police Patrol Vehicles and/or Street (Intersection) Cameras!)
(They can also be used for continuously searching for stolen vehicles etc!)

(202207133) One of the reasons I really like/enjoy Star Trek is because of raising interesting/important social/philosophical questions!
I think, for example, a "Star Trek: Discovery" episode about character origins/history of "high-ranking Vulcan academic/official Sarek, his half-human son Spock, his adopted (black girl) child Michael" was actually quite relevant to problems of academic/scientific world/community today!
In the episode, other/most high-ranking Vulcan academic/officials are thinking/claiming that humans are mentally/intellectually-inferior to Vulcans!
& so, Sarek starts doing an experiment to disprove them by raising a half-human son & full-human adopted-daughter! (& we already know that eventually he is proven right!)
(& by the way, I think human history is full of evidence for people (secretly/implicitly) thinking that Blacks/Women/Natives(/Asians/Muslims(/Turks/Kurds)) are mentally/intellectually-inferior! (True?))
I actually have no doubt that such/similar racist/elitist/snobby/egoist/hubrisful/arrogant thinking is actually quite common in academic/scientific world/community today!
For example, it is very clear to me that so many (theoretical) physicists are kind of people who think that people of general public (who have no graduate or higher level of (highly-successful) academic education on (theoretical) physics) can never know/understand anything in (theoretical) physics better than themselves!
& very clearly (at least for/to me), they also think that there is absolutely no way anybody from general public can ever have any new/promising/worthy R&D ideas on (theoretical) physics!
(Even though history of physics/science is very clearly evidence/proof for the opposite!)
& very clearly (at least for/to me), at least some of them also think that only they have the authority (to work) on problems/issues in/of (theoretical) physics!
(Even though history of physics/science is very clearly evidence/proof for the opposite!)

(202207214) Commented on the article:

"Time isn’t simply just another dimension"

“For me [relativity] came as a tremendous surprise, for in his student days Einstein had been a real lazybones. He never bothered about mathematics at all.”:

I had also read that Einstein always had great difficulty learning new math!

IMHO, math is the best way/language/tool to express/understand physics for sure but it is NOT really physics itself (unlike some people seem to think)!
Everything mathematically possible is NOT also physically possible, for example!
Let's also realize/notice that new revolutionary theories in physics often/always(?) require totally new math!
For example, Newton Physics required Calculus & Differential Equations!
Relativity required Tensor Math & Riemann Geometry!
QM required Path Integrals, Feynman Diagrams etc!
& so my guess is Quantum-Relativity (GUT) & (Planck-scale Quantum Cellular Automata) TOE quite possibly also will require totally new math!

(202207251) I think large burger chains & restaurants should/must try to switch to air-fryer tech for French/potato-fries etc!
(So, there would be no oil waste anymore & the products would also be healthier (because of no re-usage of old oil)!

(202207284) IMHO, we absolutely need M.A.D (Mutually-Assured Destruction) to keep preventing WW3 but we also absolutely need to try to keep minimizing the probability of accidentally triggering it!
& so, IMHO, M.A.D should/must be always kept in place/effect by using the safest way(s) possible!
& so, IMHO, only (secret) immobile/underground ((thermo-)nuclear) ICBMs should/must be allowed to stay/exist!!
(Also having/developing ICBM tech should/must be mandatory for any country having/developing (thermo-)nuclear bomb tech, IMHO!
(& there needs to be (UN-enforced) global safety/quality standards for both (thermo-)nuclear bomb tech & ICBM tech, IMHO!))
& ALL (accident/breakdown/theft/hijacking-prone) mobile ((thermo-)nuclear) ICBM/missile/bomb carrier (land/sea/air/space) vehicle(s)/patrols should/must be absolutely/permanently banned!!
(By the way, if anybody thinks/says that "ICBM info/locations could be spied/stolen to gain unfair advantage!" then I say "That is a risk equally applies to ALL countries participating/enforcing M.A.D & so there is really/actually/absolutely nothing unfair about it!"!)

(202208092) Commented on the article:

"Yes, the Universe really is 100% reductionist in nature"

IMHO, reductionism/analysis approach surely works great for scientific research but until it does not!
For example, it successfully gave us QM (governing our micro-scale reality) & Relativity (governing our macro-scale reality) but it cannot help any further!

& that is because (at least to me!), combining/uniting the two theories into the one (GUT of Quantum-Relativity) really/actually requires the exact opposite approach: emergentism/synthesis!

(How? For example by explaining spacetime of GR as a superfluid emergent property (created by the medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum)!)

(202208125) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Why can’t dark matter be made of light?"

I for 1 think that the solution of DM problem first requires understanding the true nature/structure of spacetime (& the cosmic web!)!
Because I think spacetime is a superfluid & DE is causing a boiling/bubbling effect on the whole spacetime superfluid of our universe (which creates/maintains the whole cosmic web)!
& so, what is currently thought/interpreted as locations of denser DM are really/actually locations of denser spacetime superfluid!
& so, my prediction is there will be never any particle found that can solve/explain DM!

(202208173) Commented on the article:

"To understand chaos theory, play a game of Plinko"

Double-Slit Experiment (DSE) has fundamental value/importance for understanding/interpreting QM, but (at least to me), it is still not fully-understood/interpreted!
Physicists were keep designing/experimenting different variations of it for a very long time but still seems not good enough!
I think, the best way to fully control/analyze/understand DSE is quite possibly by creating a very simplified bare-bones simulation of it, by using a quantum computer (algorithm)!
Imagine that, instead of shooting photons or electrons etc in space/vacuum, we shoot logical qubits in a quantum computer by using rows of physical qubits like a Plinko Board!
(The first/main goal would be creating/observing wave interference pattern in the final slot counts!
Similar to a Galton Board which creates a Bell Curve pattern in the final slot counts:

(202208232) Commented on the article:

"Without Einstein, we might have missed General Relativity"

"Newtonian gravity was a lot like Coulomb’s law for the electric force in electromagnetism, where a stationary charge (or mass, in the case of gravity) attracts or repels (or only attracts, in the case of gravity) any other charge in proportion to their mutual charges (or masses, for gravity) and inversely proportional to the distance squared between those two objects.":

IMHO, that is because, both spacetime & E-M field(s) are (superfluid) emergent properties (at macro-scale), created by the medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum (at micro-scale)!

(By the way, not long ago, I had seen news articles about a physics research paper which was saying/claiming that electromagnetism appears to be an intrinsic property of spacetime itself!)

(By the way, I had read that QM says, all real particles (& so, all objects, like stars & planets!) are surrounded by dense(r) clouds of virtual particles!
& I will make a wild guess that density of those virtual particle clouds should/must be decreasing w/ distance according to the inverse square law!)



(202205043) Carpet (Obsession) Problem Of USA/World:
I think carpet covered floors at work places, houses/apartments, building hallways are absolutely unnecessary/useless (& they also require constant periodic cleaning w/ noisy vacuum/carpet cleaners which waste a lot of electricity/labor)!
(Because people already wear shoes at work places & building hallways & they can easily wear slippers at home, if they really want/need them!)
(Not to mention, people can easily buy their own carpets (w/ all kinds of different colors/designs they like!), if they really want/need them!)

(202205043) IMHO, vertical blinds, which (always) give people/strangers outside almost full view of your room/home/office (from a certain direction/angle), need to be banned!

(202205043) IMHO, rental apartments need to have their own laundry machines (which can do both washing & drying), first & foremost, instead of dishwashers which are absolutely unneeded by many people!

(202205043) IMHO, water taps/faucets (especially for showers) need electronic controllers which always try to bring water temperature to the adjusted/wanted degree, as close as possible (by constantly quickly automatically readjusting hot & cold water mixing levels)!
(Optionally, they could also added w/ electric heating boost capability!)

(202205135) Commented on the article:

"Everything we now know about the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole"

A common misconception (even among physicists!) I noticed (again & again!) is this:
“Einstein refused to believe in physical existence of Black Holes!”
No, Einstein refused to believe in physical existence of singularities (zero-size/infinite-density objects!) & he was actually absolutely right, IMHO!
(As there is nothing really hard to believe about a star/object w/ so much mass that its escape velocity is greater than speed of light! Such a possibility was considered even long before Einstein!)

(202205135) I think USPTO requiring patent maintenance fees to be paid (3.5 years after grant, 7.5 years after grant, 11.5 years after grant) is a really bad idea!
Because, it creates a huge hassle for the inventors who may have many life changes during those years (like changing address, phone number, email etc)!
& so, USPTO should/must ask for all payments up-front when the patent is issued & should/must NOT ask for any payments/fees afterwards!
(Or, at least, USPTO should/must give the option to pay all future maintenance fees up-front!)

(202205194) Restricting what kind of building(s) can be build where, totally goes against fundamental freedoms & principles of free markets & requirements for economic progress/development of countries & world/humanity in general & so ALL zoning laws should/must be cancelled, IMHO!!

(202205194) When most children's & teenagers' dream jobs change from doctor/engineer/scientist etc to YouTuber/Instagrammer/TikToker/Social-Media-Influencer/E-sports-player etc then we could easily guess that future of humanity is in big danger, IMHO!!

(202205205) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What would an antimatter black hole teach us?"

Since I personally think Black Holes are made of Planckions (Planck Particles), an anti-BH maybe theoretically possible (similar to an anti-NS (made of anti-neutrons) maybe theoretically possible)!

Also, I read that Black Hole Entropy formula/equation assumes BH surface is divided into Planck Area units, which I think maybe a big sign/hint implying BHs are made of Planckions (Planck Particles)!
(I guess one needs to create a similar entropy formula/equation for Neutron Stars & check that if it assumes NS surface is divided into neutron size/area units or not!?)

"There could be a different polarization encoded in the radiation, and if we can break that radiation down into individual quanta — discrete gravitons for gravitational waves, just like light waves can be broken down into discrete photons —":

My own guess/prediction is, gravitational waves of Black Holes could be discrete in terms/units of Planck (particle) mass/energy (just like sound waves are made of discrete phonon quasiparticles)!

(202205231) Our world is full of people/families who are able to eat very few basic kinds of food crops & so, ALL basic kinds of food crops (like wheat, rice, potato, corn etc) better be modified/enhanced to produce ALL kinds of vitamins (IMHO)!

(202205242) I had read a scientific research article a while ago which was saying that (genetically) identical single cells were showing different characters/personalities!
That is no surprise to me because I think what we call "life" is actually cell/body machinery controlled/commanded by free will!
(& I think what we call "mind" is actually brain machinery controlled/commanded by free will!)
Here is a thought experiment I would like to suggest & predict:
If we put a little water/fluid in a tiny cup, we could easily predict its future dynamics, using Navier-Stokes equation simulation, even though individual water/fluid atoms/molecules act in totally random fashion, by following QM!
But, if we add any single-celled organism to the water/fluid, then, I predict its future dynamics would suddenly become totally unpredictable (even if we used a quantum computer & somehow perfectly simulated all molecules/atoms/particles)!

(202205242) I think RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games (like Starcraft & Command & Conquer etc) forcing the players deal w/ keep gathering resources is just a totally unnecessary hassle/burden!
Generals/commanders do not deal w/ such things in the real world!
I think the right way would be just giving each player a certain amount of resources (which is higher for novices/beginners & lower for masters/experts!) for each battle/war/campaign!
(Optionally, more resources could be given, slowly/continuously/automatically, during each battle/war/campaign!)

(202205242) Commented on the article:

"Could “nuclear clocks” drive a technological revolution?"

Atomic clocks are still too big/expensive for many applications!
Here is an idea:
I think stability/accuracy of a clock signal can also be increased by combining/synchronizing multiple clock signals! (True?)
& if so then, imagine creating a clock chip that has millions/billions of clock/oscillator circuits (or quartz crystals?)!

(202205264) Commented on the article:

"Elon Musk’s proposed Hyperloop is all smoke and mirrors"

Years ago I had read that a company of Elon Musk had started a tunnel project in Los Angeles, but a group of residents had sued & got the project cancelled, by forcing/asking a years long environmental review process!
I had to endure the outrageous traffic in Los Angeles for a few years myself & I think there is a massive/desperate need in there, for many huge infrastructure projects, for improvement!
(For example by building an extensive/comprehensive subway network!)

I think USA is far behind in infrastructure compared to countries like China, for example & the reason seems to be the laws requiring/forcing long environmental studies for all infrastructure projects!

By the way, IMHO, Elon Musk's achievements/contributions speak very loud for themselves! Like it or not, he is Edison/Tesla of 21st Century!

(But I also think he is VERY wrong about cryptocurrencies (which are ALL just scams!), but, of course, so are so many other book-smart/street-naive people! Not the first time so many smart & educated people fell victim for a very clever scam! (Just like all those people invested w/ Bernie Madoff!))

(202205297) A verse from Quran/Koran (the holy/sacred book of Islam) says that:
"We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another."
Which I think could also be seen/thought as a prediction of Islam which predicts that ALL empires would eventually/inevitably dissolve back into nation states!
Which I think really/actually fully supported by world history!
For example the empires of Greeks, Romans, Mongolians, Ottomans, Russians, Spanish, English etc, all eventually/inevitably dissolved back into nation states!

(202206024) Commented on the article:

"No, particle physics on Earth won’t ever destroy the Universe"

IMHO, the true next great frontier for particle physics research is Planck Scale!
(& yes, that is also means, we would be intentionally trying to create a micro-BH! :-)

IMHO, the common idea that "We would need a Solar System size (etc) accelerator/collider to reach Planck Scale collision energies!" is absolutely wrong!
Because, the collision energy can also be increased by increasing the masses of the accelerated/collided objects; NOT just by increasing the size of the accelerator/collider!

Imagine a(n) accelerator/collider that (each time) accelerates/collides just 2 tiny (charged/magnetized) iron spheres which each have half of/a Planck mass!
(Instead of accelerating/colliding so many electrons/positrons or protons/anti-protons or single atom ions etc!)

Its main goal would be creating smallest possible micro-BH (which would have one Planck mass)!
(I predict it would be actually a single Planck Particle (Planckion)!)

Realize that regardless of creating/finding any new particle, Black Holes are already the single greatest mystery objects in physics!
We already absolutely/desperately need to learn all about them!
& what better way could possibly be to learn everything about Black Holes, other than creating our own artificial Black Holes to study?

(202206035) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Could extracting wind energy change the weather?"

Many times I had encountered mass media articles trying to say that "We need to remove all dams because they are harmful to wildlife!"!

IMHO dams have many HUGE BENEFITS for society, for flood control, steady water storage/resource, agriculture, fishing, tourism, clean energy production etc!
& even if they cause harm to any kind of wildlife, they also greatly help many other kinds of wildlife for sure (like wild birds for example)!
Not to mention, should we also remove cities & roads & agricultural fields, if they cause any harm to any kind of wildlife?

(I had also noticed before that some people were trying hard to stop construction of The Tesla Factory in Germany, by claiming harm to wildlife!
Sorry but I think that was also a similar "huge benefits vs tiny harm" situation!)

(202206072) Commented on the article:

"Why are there exactly 3 generations of particles?"

I think fully understanding SM requires solving "The TOE Problem" first!

As an analogy, imagine if we experimentally determined that a certain type of semiconductor crystal structure creates 3 different certain kinds of quasiparticles!
Then, realize, we could ask (at least theoretically!), why it creates exactly those quasiparticles w/ exactly such properties!?

I think, The TOE Problem to be solved by theoretical physicists someday is really/actually this:
What is the simplest 3D/ND crystal/grid/matrix structure (at Planck scale!?) that can create all elementary particles of SM as (real/virtual) quasiparticles?
(Which would really/actually be a Cellular Automata based quantum computer definition/description!)

Why there should/must be/exist a TOE of physics?:

First of all, 2 main theories of physics (QM & GR) are well-known to be fundamentally incompatible/contradictory (& they are both extremely well verified w/ experiments/observations!)!
(As QM predicts all future events/actions using probabilities but GR says all future events/actions are absolutely certain!)

I personally think, the solution is uniting QM & GR by explaining spacetime of GR as a superfluid emergent property created by the medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum!
(Which would also explain gravitational fields as the pressure distribution of the spacetime superfluid!)
(So just like water molecules act in random fashion according to QM at micro-scale but water acts according to continuous & predictable Navier-Stokes equation at macro-scale!)

But I also personally think that even uniting QM & GR would still be a GUT & NOT TOE!
Because the elementary particles of SM seem wildly different from each other & so I think we need another theory to explain them all (which I think is the true TOE)!
(So just like how all chemical elements seem to be wildly different but atomic structure made of protons/neutrons/electrons explain reasons of all their properties!)

(202206142) Additional comment on the same article:

First of all, our 2 main physical theories (QM & GR) are (artificial) inventions or (natural) discoveries?
(Keep in mind that they are both extremely well verified (for matching to our nature/universe/reality), w/ so many experiments & observations!)

(The same big question also goes for mathematical theorems too actually!: Are they (artificial) inventions or (natural) discoveries?)

(& how about Newton Physics or Fluid Mechanics etc?)

I think arguments could be made for both! So, IMHO, the answer is really/actually unknown!

But still, what is really important to realize is that QM & GR are what/best we got & there is a fundamental incompatibility problem between them which needs to be resolved (by a GUT)!

(202206105) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?"

How could there be a new Einstein/Newton, if the situation became much worse than Galileo vs The Whole Vatican?

It seems to me that the professional/academic world of theoretical physics is strongly divided into groups/camps today!
& each group is relentlessly stuck on chasing a very clearly/objectively long-failed idea (String Theory, LQG etc) but absolutely refusing to give-up, no matter what!
& all new comers are quickly/relentlessly/forcefully directed to join one of the existing groups!
& then, it is pretty much impossible to leave the group & work on any different idea!

& so, the only hope remains for revolutionary ideas is someone from outside of the professional/academic world of theoretical physics!!!

But, let's also realize that, for the professional/academic scientists, it is always extremely easy to dismiss such people/ideas from the outside, from getting any serious consideration!!!

& by the way, was it really/actually necessary to be an expert on advanced math, to come-up w/ a revolutionary physical idea like/as The Equivalence Principle?
What if, Einstein had just tried to explain the idea to the professional/academic physicists & left developing the math to them?
Would we still had a revolution in physics, or, it is much more likely that he would be quickly/easily dismissed, for not being a "real physicist" (who could be taken seriously)??

Who is (seen as) the greatest living physicist today?
Edward Witten (The Leader Of The String Theory Camp!)?
One time, I had read an interview w/ him who was asked about his views on Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) & he had answered: "Those are just words!"
(& let's realize that LQG is a really well-known/well-studied idea/theory! It is very far from being a new/unknown idea (even from a new/unknown physicist!) to consider!)

Sorry but, at least to me, that is absolutely NOT the attitude of a real scientist/physicist!
I think that is exactly the attitude of The Vatican People who had refused even to just look thru Galileo's Telescope (to see the truth for themselves)!

Are we really seriously thinking that there is really any chance of any new ideas to succeed when people like Witten are in charge of the whole world of physics?

Just some food for thought:

I guess that, if pretty much any physicist asked such a question today:
Who is the revolutionary founder physicist of E-M Theory?
He/she would answer: Maxwell!
But IMHO that was actually Faraday who discovered/established all the physical principles/laws of E-M Theory!
Faraday was the real physicist & Maxwell was really/actually a mathematician who converted Faraday's principles/laws into mathematical form(s)!
(Just imagine that, if Einstein provided The Equivalence Principle & a mathematician (like David Hilbert) converted it into equations & afterwards all physicists thought that mathematician is the revolutionary founder physicist of GR!)

I think, if someone like Faraday tried today to provide the core physical ideas/principles, which lead to the true GUT/TOE, then, the world of physics would be in really big trouble!
& that is because, the physicists of today would not even see such a person as a real physicist who could be taken seriously!!

(202206186) It seems that The Catholic Church (at least) accepts Theory Of Evolution for all animals & plants (except for humans) today!
IMHO, that is also a very clear sign/evidence for fundamental corruption of Christianity (which is (as) what (Sunni(te)) Islam says/claims)!
Because, it clearly shows that The Catholic Church (at least) think that they have such full/absolute authority to make even any kind of fundamental change in a religion sent by God!
(By the way, to me (at least), Evolutionism & Creationism are fundamentally contradictory/incompatible & so it would NOT make any sense for God allowing both to be true & allow/cause a massive confusion in the believers!
(For example: If all kinds of animals & plants can be created by themselves then why not humans too? & what about all kinds of animals & plants of Heaven & Hell?)
IMHO, people believing in any Abrahamic Religion (at least) should/must never accept Evolutionism, unless there is very/truly strong evidence found/provided for it (such as discovery of any kind of alien life or even creation of true AI or A-Life)!)

(202206201) Vegan burger patty that is made of (crushed/powdered/floured) wheat + rice + corn + chickpea + lentil + (soy)bean (+ potato)!

(202206267) Do the ends justify the means?:
I think the right/ethical answer is clearly/obviously/absolutely no!
For example:
Would it be right to intentionally kill a person (or intentionally allow a person to be killed) to save a bunch of other people?
I think absolutely no!
Because you will be committing a big crime first! Even if a bunch of people really saved that would not change the fact that you intentionally committed a big crime!
(Just imagine the bad/huge consequences, if so many people tried to act like that everywhere!)
Similarly it would not be right to steal from the rich to give it to the poor!
(Just imagine the bad/huge consequences, if so many people tried to act like Robin Hood everywhere!)

I think answer chosen/decided to this huge question also have huge religious importance/consequences!
For example, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, the right/ethical answer is also clearly/obviously/absolutely no!
Because, for example, (Sunni(te)) Islam never allows forced conversion of people!
(For example, let's notice that Spain & Portugal are not Muslim countries today, even though Muslims had/controlled their lands for centuries!
On the other hand, Middle & South American countries today are Christians because of forced conversion! (True?)
(By the way, I still think their conversion to Christianity was actually a huge improvement for them (considering their widespread human sacrifices etc), even though the way it was done was really wrong!))
It also says, for example, God does not accept any good deeds/actions done using stolen money/goods etc!
(By the way, Wahhabism (which is NOT really/actually mainstream (Sunni(te)) Islam (regardless of even if they claim the otherwise)!) clearly seems to be believing to ends justify means because of their clearly willing attitude towards forcing/subjugating people to their will! (So no surprise that people/leadership of terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda & ISIS & Boko Haram are Wahhabis!))

(202206267) According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Angels & Jinns are creatures of pure energy (which normally can be seen only by Prophets & Saints (in their natural forms))!
They are said to be able to take form of any human/animal!
(It also seems that when a Jinn takes form of an animal (for example) he/she also takes its all weaknesses etc!)
I think modern quantum physics could really/actually help explain a lot about physical nature of Angels & Jinns!:
Imagine that, if humans/animals were creatures made of classical bits & Angels/Jinns were creatures made of qubits!
Imagine that, if Angels/Jinns had the ability to put their qubits into quantum superposition which includes their original form & the form of any human/animal & they could switch between them as a quantum choice!
(Something very interesting that is said for Jinns (at least) is that, they cannot change form, if/when any human is keep looking at them, which seems very much like a quantum observer/observation lock, IMHO!)