(202205043) Carpet (Obsession) Problem Of USA/World:
I think carpet covered floors at work places, houses/apartments, building hallways are absolutely unnecessary/useless (& they also require constant periodic cleaning w/ noisy vacuum/carpet cleaners which waste a lot of electricity/labor)!
(Because people already wear shoes at work places & building hallways & they can easily wear slippers at home, if they really want/need them!)
(Not to mention, people can easily buy their own carpets (w/ all kinds of different colors/designs they like!), if they really want/need them!)

(202205043) IMHO, vertical blinds, which (always) give people/strangers outside almost full view of your room/home/office (from a certain direction/angle), need to be banned!

(202205043) IMHO, rental apartments need to have their own laundry machines (which can do both washing & drying), first & foremost, instead of dishwashers which are absolutely unneeded by many people!

(202205043) IMHO, water taps/faucets (especially for showers) need electronic controllers which always try to bring water temperature to the adjusted/wanted degree, as close as possible (by constantly quickly automatically readjusting hot & cold water mixing levels)!
(Optionally, they could also added w/ electric heating boost capability!)

(202205135) Commented on the article:

"Everything we now know about the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole"

A common misconception (even among physicists!) I noticed (again & again!) is this:
“Einstein refused to believe in physical existence of Black Holes!”
No, Einstein refused to believe in physical existence of singularities (zero-size/infinite-density objects!) & he was actually absolutely right, IMHO!
(As there is nothing really hard to believe about a star/object w/ so much mass that its escape velocity is greater than speed of light! Such a possibility was considered even long before Einstein!)

(202205135) I think USPTO requiring patent maintenance fees to be paid (3.5 years after grant, 7.5 years after grant, 11.5 years after grant) is a really bad idea!
Because, it creates a huge hassle for the inventors who may have many life changes during those years (like changing address, phone number, email etc)!
& so, USPTO should/must ask for all payments up-front when the patent is issued & should/must NOT ask for any payments/fees afterwards!
(Or, at least, USPTO should/must give the option to pay all future maintenance fees up-front!)

(202205194) Restricting what kind of building(s) can be build where, totally goes against fundamental freedoms & principles of free markets & requirements for economic progress/development of countries & world/humanity in general & so ALL zoning laws should/must be cancelled, IMHO!!

(202205194) When most children's & teenagers' dream jobs change from doctor/engineer/scientist etc to YouTuber/Instagrammer/TikToker/Social-Media-Influencer/E-sports-player etc then we could easily guess that future of humanity is in big danger, IMHO!!

(202205205) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What would an antimatter black hole teach us?"

Since I personally think Black Holes are made of Planckions (Planck Particles), an anti-BH maybe theoretically possible (similar to an anti-NS (made of anti-neutrons) maybe theoretically possible)!

Also, I read that Black Hole Entropy formula/equation assumes BH surface is divided into Planck Area units, which I think maybe a big sign/hint implying BHs are made of Planckions (Planck Particles)!
(I guess one needs to create a similar entropy formula/equation for Neutron Stars & check that if it assumes NS surface is divided into neutron size/area units or not!?)

"There could be a different polarization encoded in the radiation, and if we can break that radiation down into individual quanta — discrete gravitons for gravitational waves, just like light waves can be broken down into discrete photons —":

My own guess/prediction is, gravitational waves of Black Holes could be discrete in terms/units of Planck (particle) mass/energy (just like sound waves are made of discrete phonon quasiparticles)!

(202205231) Our world is full of people/families who are able to eat very few basic kinds of food crops & so, ALL basic kinds of food crops (like wheat, rice, potato, corn etc) better be modified/enhanced to produce ALL kinds of vitamins (IMHO)!

(202205242) I had read a scientific research article a while ago which was saying that (genetically) identical single cells were showing different characters/personalities!
That is no surprise to me because I think what we call "life" is actually cell/body machinery controlled/commanded by free will!
(& I think what we call "mind" is actually brain machinery controlled/commanded by free will!)
Here is a thought experiment I would like to suggest & predict:
If we put a little water/fluid in a tiny cup, we could easily predict its future dynamics, using Navier-Stokes equation simulation, even though individual water/fluid atoms/molecules act in totally random fashion, by following QM!
But, if we add any single-celled organism to the water/fluid, then, I predict its future dynamics would suddenly become totally unpredictable (even if we used a quantum computer & somehow perfectly simulated all molecules/atoms/particles)!

(202205242) I think RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games (like Starcraft & Command & Conquer etc) forcing the players deal w/ keep gathering resources is just a totally unnecessary hassle/burden!
Generals/commanders do not deal w/ such things in the real world!
I think the right way would be just giving each player a certain amount of resources (which is higher for novices/beginners & lower for masters/experts!) for each battle/war/campaign!
(Optionally, more resources could be given, slowly/continuously/automatically, during each battle/war/campaign!)

(202205242) Commented on the article:

"Could “nuclear clocks” drive a technological revolution?"

Atomic clocks are still too big/expensive for many applications!
Here is an idea:
I think stability/accuracy of a clock signal can also be increased by combining/synchronizing multiple clock signals! (True?)
& if so then, imagine creating a clock chip that has millions/billions of clock/oscillator circuits (or quartz crystals?)!

(202205264) Commented on the article:

"Elon Musk’s proposed Hyperloop is all smoke and mirrors"

Years ago I had read that a company of Elon Musk had started a tunnel project in Los Angeles, but a group of residents had sued & got the project cancelled, by forcing/asking a years long environmental review process!
I had to endure the outrageous traffic in Los Angeles for a few years myself & I think there is a massive/desperate need in there, for many huge infrastructure projects, for improvement!
(For example by building an extensive/comprehensive subway network!)

I think USA is far behind in infrastructure compared to countries like China, for example & the reason seems to be the laws requiring/forcing long environmental studies for all infrastructure projects!

By the way, IMHO, Elon Musk's achievements/contributions speak very loud for themselves! Like it or not, he is Edison/Tesla of 21st Century!

(But I also think he is VERY wrong about cryptocurrencies (which are ALL just scams!), but, of course, so are so many other book-smart/street-naive people! Not the first time so many smart & educated people fell victim for a very clever scam! (Just like all those people invested w/ Bernie Madoff!))

(202205297) A verse from Quran/Koran (the holy/sacred book of Islam) says that:
"We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another."
Which I think could also be seen/thought as a prediction of Islam which predicts that ALL empires would eventually/inevitably dissolve back into nation states!
Which I think really/actually fully supported by world history!
For example the empires of Greeks, Romans, Mongolians, Ottomans, Russians, Spanish, English etc, all eventually/inevitably dissolved back into nation states!

(202206024) Commented on the article:

"No, particle physics on Earth won’t ever destroy the Universe"

IMHO, the true next great frontier for particle physics research is Planck Scale!
(& yes, that is also means, we would be intentionally trying to create a micro-BH! :-)

IMHO, the common idea that "We would need a Solar System size (etc) accelerator/collider to reach Planck Scale collision energies!" is absolutely wrong!
Because, the collision energy can also be increased by increasing the masses of the accelerated/collided objects; NOT just by increasing the size of the accelerator/collider!

Imagine a(n) accelerator/collider that (each time) accelerates/collides just 2 tiny (charged/magnetized) iron spheres which each have half of/a Planck mass!
(Instead of accelerating/colliding so many electrons/positrons or protons/anti-protons or single atom ions etc!)

Its main goal would be creating smallest possible micro-BH (which would have one Planck mass)!
(I predict it would be actually a single Planck Particle (Planckion)!)

Realize that regardless of creating/finding any new particle, Black Holes are already the single greatest mystery objects in physics!
We already absolutely/desperately need to learn all about them!
& what better way could possibly be to learn everything about Black Holes, other than creating our own artificial Black Holes to study?

(202206035) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Could extracting wind energy change the weather?"

Many times I had encountered mass media articles trying to say that "We need to remove all dams because they are harmful to wildlife!"!

IMHO dams have many HUGE BENEFITS for society, for flood control, steady water storage/resource, agriculture, fishing, tourism, clean energy production etc!
& even if they cause harm to any kind of wildlife, they also greatly help many other kinds of wildlife for sure (like wild birds for example)!
Not to mention, should we also remove cities & roads & agricultural fields, if they cause any harm to any kind of wildlife?

(I had also noticed before that some people were trying hard to stop construction of The Tesla Factory in Germany, by claiming harm to wildlife!
Sorry but I think that was also a similar "huge benefits vs tiny harm" situation!)

(202206072) Commented on the article:

"Why are there exactly 3 generations of particles?"

I think fully understanding SM requires solving "The TOE Problem" first!

As an analogy, imagine if we experimentally determined that a certain type of semiconductor crystal structure creates 3 different certain kinds of quasiparticles!
Then, realize, we could ask (at least theoretically!), why it creates exactly those quasiparticles w/ exactly such properties!?

I think, The TOE Problem to be solved by theoretical physicists someday is really/actually this:
What is the simplest 3D/ND crystal/grid/matrix structure (at Planck scale!?) that can create all elementary particles of SM as (real/virtual) quasiparticles?
(Which would really/actually be a Cellular Automata based quantum computer definition/description!)

Why there should/must be/exist a TOE of physics?:

First of all, 2 main theories of physics (QM & GR) are well-known to be fundamentally incompatible/contradictory (& they are both extremely well verified w/ experiments/observations!)!
(As QM predicts all future events/actions using probabilities but GR says all future events/actions are absolutely certain!)

I personally think, the solution is uniting QM & GR by explaining spacetime of GR as a superfluid emergent property created by the medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum!
(Which would also explain gravitational fields as the pressure distribution of the spacetime superfluid!)
(So just like water molecules act in random fashion according to QM at micro-scale but water acts according to continuous & predictable Navier-Stokes equation at macro-scale!)

But I also personally think that even uniting QM & GR would still be a GUT & NOT TOE!
Because the elementary particles of SM seem wildly different from each other & so I think we need another theory to explain them all (which I think is the true TOE)!
(So just like how all chemical elements seem to be wildly different but atomic structure made of protons/neutrons/electrons explain reasons of all their properties!)

(202206142) Additional comment on the same article:

First of all, our 2 main physical theories (QM & GR) are (artificial) inventions or (natural) discoveries?
(Keep in mind that they are both extremely well verified (for matching to our nature/universe/reality), w/ so many experiments & observations!)

(The same big question also goes for mathematical theorems too actually!: Are they (artificial) inventions or (natural) discoveries?)

(& how about Newton Physics or Fluid Mechanics etc?)

I think arguments could be made for both! So, IMHO, the answer is really/actually unknown!

But still, what is really important to realize is that QM & GR are what/best we got & there is a fundamental incompatibility problem between them which needs to be resolved (by a GUT)!

(202206105) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Will physics ever see another Einstein or Newton?"

How could there be a new Einstein/Newton, if the situation became much worse than Galileo vs The Whole Vatican?

It seems to me that the professional/academic world of theoretical physics is strongly divided into groups/camps today!
& each group is relentlessly stuck on chasing a very clearly/objectively long-failed idea (String Theory, LQG etc) but absolutely refusing to give-up, no matter what!
& all new comers are quickly/relentlessly/forcefully directed to join one of the existing groups!
& then, it is pretty much impossible to leave the group & work on any different idea!

& so, the only hope remains for revolutionary ideas is someone from outside of the professional/academic world of theoretical physics!!!

But, let's also realize that, for the professional/academic scientists, it is always extremely easy to dismiss such people/ideas from the outside, from getting any serious consideration!!!

& by the way, was it really/actually necessary to be an expert on advanced math, to come-up w/ a revolutionary physical idea like/as The Equivalence Principle?
What if, Einstein had just tried to explain the idea to the professional/academic physicists & left developing the math to them?
Would we still had a revolution in physics, or, it is much more likely that he would be quickly/easily dismissed, for not being a "real physicist" (who could be taken seriously)??

Who is (seen as) the greatest living physicist today?
Edward Witten (The Leader Of The String Theory Camp!)?
One time, I had read an interview w/ him who was asked about his views on Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) & he had answered: "Those are just words!"
(& let's realize that LQG is a really well-known/well-studied idea/theory! It is very far from being a new/unknown idea (even from a new/unknown physicist!) to consider!)

Sorry but, at least to me, that is absolutely NOT the attitude of a real scientist/physicist!
I think that is exactly the attitude of The Vatican People who had refused even to just look thru Galileo's Telescope (to see the truth for themselves)!

Are we really seriously thinking that there is really any chance of any new ideas to succeed when people like Witten are in charge of the whole world of physics?

Just some food for thought:

I guess that, if pretty much any physicist asked such a question today:
Who is the revolutionary founder physicist of E-M Theory?
He/she would answer: Maxwell!
But IMHO that was actually Faraday who discovered/established all the physical principles/laws of E-M Theory!
Faraday was the real physicist & Maxwell was really/actually a mathematician who converted Faraday's principles/laws into mathematical form(s)!
(Just imagine that, if Einstein provided The Equivalence Principle & a mathematician (like David Hilbert) converted it into equations & afterwards all physicists thought that mathematician is the revolutionary founder physicist of GR!)

I think, if someone like Faraday tried today to provide the core physical ideas/principles, which lead to the true GUT/TOE, then, the world of physics would be in really big trouble!
& that is because, the physicists of today would not even see such a person as a real physicist who could be taken seriously!!

(202206186) It seems that The Catholic Church (at least) accepts Theory Of Evolution for all animals & plants (except for humans) today!
IMHO, that is also a very clear sign/evidence for fundamental corruption of Christianity (which is (as) what (Sunni(te)) Islam says/claims)!
Because, it clearly shows that The Catholic Church (at least) think that they have such full/absolute authority to make even any kind of fundamental change in a religion sent by God!
(By the way, to me (at least), Evolutionism & Creationism are fundamentally contradictory/incompatible & so it would NOT make any sense for God allowing both to be true & allow/cause a massive confusion in the believers!
(For example: If all kinds of animals & plants can be created by themselves then why not humans too? & what about all kinds of animals & plants of Heaven & Hell?)
IMHO, people believing in any Abrahamic Religion (at least) should/must never accept Evolutionism, unless there is very/truly strong evidence found/provided for it (such as discovery of any kind of alien life or even creation of true AI or A-Life)!)

(202206201) Vegan burger patty that is made of (crushed/powdered/floured) wheat + rice + corn + chickpea + lentil + (soy)bean (+ potato)!

(202206267) Do the ends justify the means?:
I think the right/ethical answer is clearly/obviously/absolutely no!
For example:
Would it be right to intentionally kill a person (or intentionally allow a person to be killed) to save a bunch of other people?
I think absolutely no!
Because you will be committing a big crime first! Even if a bunch of people really saved that would not change the fact that you intentionally committed a big crime!
(Just imagine the bad/huge consequences, if so many people tried to act like that everywhere!)
Similarly it would not be right to steal from the rich to give it to the poor!
(Just imagine the bad/huge consequences, if so many people tried to act like Robin Hood everywhere!)

I think answer chosen/decided to this huge question also have huge religious importance/consequences!
For example, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, the right/ethical answer is also clearly/obviously/absolutely no!
Because, for example, (Sunni(te)) Islam never allows forced conversion of people!
(For example, let's notice that Spain & Portugal are not Muslim countries today, even though Muslims had/controlled their lands for centuries!
On the other hand, Middle & South American countries today are Christians because of forced conversion! (True?)
(By the way, I still think their conversion to Christianity was actually a huge improvement for them (considering their widespread human sacrifices etc), even though the way it was done was really wrong!))
It also says, for example, God does not accept any good deeds/actions done using stolen money/goods etc!
(By the way, Wahhabism (which is NOT really/actually mainstream (Sunni(te)) Islam (regardless of even if they claim the otherwise)!) clearly seems to be believing to ends justify means because of their clearly willing attitude towards forcing/subjugating people to their will! (So no surprise that people/leadership of terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda & ISIS & Boko Haram are Wahhabis!))

(202206267) According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Angels & Jinns are creatures of pure energy (which normally can be seen only by Prophets & Saints (in their natural forms))!
They are said to be able to take form of any human/animal!
(It also seems that when a Jinn takes form of an animal (for example) he/she also takes its all weaknesses etc!)
I think modern quantum physics could really/actually help explain a lot about physical nature of Angels & Jinns!:
Imagine that, if humans/animals were creatures made of classical bits & Angels/Jinns were creatures made of qubits!
Imagine that, if Angels/Jinns had the ability to put their qubits into quantum superposition which includes their original form & the form of any human/animal & they could switch between them as a quantum choice!
(Something very interesting that is said for Jinns (at least) is that, they cannot change form, if/when any human is keep looking at them, which seems very much like a quantum observer/observation lock, IMHO!)

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