(202209073) According to Islam, Koran is literally The Word of God, but, aren't Christianity & Judaism also (would) make the same (huge) claim for their holy books?
Islam also claims that, Bible & Torah were altered by humans (& so, (long) lost their validity/authenticity)!
Could we really/actually verify these claims?
Not to mention, Koran itself challenges the whole humanity by claiming that, even if whole humanity worked together, they still cannot ever produce a similar holy book!!
How that could really/actually be possible?
What could really/actually be absolutely unique about the text/content of Koran (that cannot ever be imitated by any/all human(s)), compared to all other holy books of all other religions in The World?
Koran is already wellknown to have many advanced mathematical/statistical structures/properties/features & my guess is that those should/must be the main reason!
I think, they are not just providing extremely strong protection against any text/content alteration attempts but also make it impossible for humans to create any other similar holy book!!
(202209132) Commented on the article:
"70 year old quantum prediction comes true, as something is created from nothing"
"There are all sorts of conservation laws in the Universe: for energy, momentum, charge, and more. Many properties of all physical systems are conserved: where things cannot be created or destroyed.":
I think all physical conservation laws are really/actually because of conservation of quantum information!
(& that is because of our reality itself being a quantum computer!)
(& that is also why our universe seems surprisingly/extremely mathematical to us!)
(202209187) How to massively faster improve/fix/advance humanity?:
IMHO, USA is the world leader & the main cause/source of the (mostly) broken social reward system problem of humanity!
The problem is human society (especially in USA) is keep mostly/greatly rewarding sports/entertainment stars, instead of keep mostly/greatly rewarding science/tech stars!
& trying to keep telling human society (especially in USA) "Value science/tech stars, instead of sports/entertainment stars!" would never ever solve the problem, IMHO!
Then, what is is true solution?:
I think the root/main cause of the problem is the (mostly) broken social reward system in K-12 schools (especially in USA)!
It is a reward system that constantly rewards sports stars/players (students w/ biggest/tallest body; students who run faster/jump higher!) w/ fame/money/awards/rewards (& the most beautiful girls of the school)!
(There was a theory of intelligence (back in 19th Century!?) claiming "those humans/animals w/ the best physical characteristics are the most intelligent"!
K-12 schools (at least in USA) seem to be still following/applying that idea, today, IMHO!)
& constantly punishes smartest students (often/mostly by students led by the sports stars/players!) w/ getting made fun of & belittled (as "nerds") & even bullied!
& as later all the students are keep becoming adults, whole society gets a (mostly) broken social reward system, because of being made of people who value/adore sports/entertainment stars, instead of star scientists/inventors!
& so, this is the only true solution, IMHO:
Convert ALL K-12 schools to STEM schools & ABSOLUTELY BAN them from having any sports teams/athletes (& competing w/ each other thru sports, instead of STEM scores/awards/rewards/contests/stars)!
(& the ban should/must even include e-sports teams/athletes, IMHO!
Because, realize that e-sports still mostly rewards physical skills (like, how fast one can play a certain game!), instead of truly rewarding STEM skills/success!)
(BTW, also realize that ALL universities/colleges those have their own sports teams/athletes also have the same problem w/ K-12 schools & so, the same solution!)
(202211244) Most (if not all!) women preferring/choosing taller men (over smarter men) is really/actually a natural tendency or could it be caused by K-12 (& even university) school/education system (especially in USA!) keep relentlessly showering sports (team) players/athletes w/ money & fame (& so, the most beautiful girls)?
(& so, firmly instilling the idea "Taller men are the most desirable alpha-males of the/our society (& smarter men are just (undeserving) "nerds"!)!" into their heads!)
(& so, is the situation still the same/similar in all other countries (where their K-12 schools do not have sports (team) players/athletes)?
Because, for example, I myself have got my K-12 education in schools w/o any sports (team) players/athletes & never remember girls chasing/preferring the taller males or anybody belittling/bullying the smarter students! On the contrary, I remember the smarter students were always the best (& the most-prized) students to ALL parents/schools/students!)
(202209202) Commented on the article:
"Why Johannes Kepler is a scientist’s best role model"
A true scientist always needs to stay objective & should/must never be like those kinds of sports fans who would support/defend their team of choice no matter how many losses!
It is especially a huge embarrassing discredit to whole physics world/community that many (wellknown) theoretical physicists still trying to strongly support/defend/hype LONG-FAILED ideas (like String Theory & LQG etc)!
(202209213) Additional comments on the same article as the above:
BTW, IMHO, this is the right way to handle those no-longer-promising/long-failed theories (like String Theory & LQG etc) for the academic/research physics community:
1: Stop teaching/researching/funding those theories!
2: Their teachers/researchers should/must switch to any other still-promising theory (or choose to quit/retire)!
Most once-promising theories later turning to no-longer-promising/long-failed theories is the natural nature of physics research!
The huge problem greatly prevents/slows-down progress is still allowing those theories to continue to be taught/researched & so, keep wasting all/most of the resources!
BTW, I had read that Kepler had done astrology to earn his livelihood, because astronomy was not really popular at-the-time & NOT because of being a true-believer of it!
(202209246) I think the true main/root reason for why so many American college students are keep going to faraway abroad locations (like CancĂșn - Mexico etc) for Spring Break is because of certain relaxed (local) laws at those locations!
IMHO, the touristic USA states like California & Florida & Hawaii need to make sure they have same kinds of relaxed (local) laws to keep all that tourism money within USA!!
(202209261) Commented on the article:
"The biggest challenges of redirecting a killer asteroid"
I think humanity testing/learning how to redirect asteroids/comets (of varying mass/size/composition/structure) (in varying ways) is a worthy goal for sure!
(But, personally, I do not believe that the end of the world/humanity will be because of any kind of natural/cosmic/scientific/technological disaster!
But, it will happen (very slowly!) mainly due to moral & intellectual decay of humanity! Similar to the movie "Idiocracy"! :-)
((202210252) BTW, (Sunni(te)) Islam also clearly implies/predicts moral/ethical/intellectual decay of humanity in the future (w/ its long list of "minor signs of end times")!
& I think, the first of "major signs of end times" will be triggered when humanity drops below a certain "lowest-of-low" decay threshold!
(& the next will be triggered after humanity drops below another certain "lowest-of-low" decay threshold & so on!))
(202209272) Commented on the article:
"The fundamental problem with gravity and quantum physics"
IMHO, the ONLY correct way join QM & GR (& so, end their incompatibility problem!) is by (mathematically!) showing/explaining how the (gas-like) medium of virtual particles of quantum vacuum creates spacetime (& gravitational fields) as a superfluid emergent property!
(Similar to how air is a gas at micro-scale but a fluid (emergent property!) at macro-scale!
Imagine if you had the movement equations for individual air atoms/molecules & asked to show/prove how exactly they collectively create a classical fluid at macro-scale!?
BTW, GR is already wellknown to be fully-compatible w/ explaining spacetime as a superfluid! Search Wikipedia for "Fluid Solution"!)
"How could space and time not be absolute quantities; how could they be different for everyone dependent on the particular properties of whoever’s observing it?":
Let's realize that the observed/measured mediums of virtual particles created by Hawking/Unruh Radiation would be also observer-dependent/relative, just like spacetime of GR!
Just a coincidence? I think not!
"But there’s a catch. All of the Standard Model calculations we perform are based on particles that exist in the Universe, which means they exist in spacetime. The calculations we typically perform are done so under the assumption that spacetime is flat: an assumption that we know is technically wrong, but one that’s so useful":
Realize that, if our concept of spacetime (of GR) is really/actually created at macro-scale, as an emergent property, then it would also mean/imply that spacetime as-we-know-it do not really/actually exists at micro-scale of QM!
Just like our concept of water (fluid) do not really/actually exists at the micro-scale of individual water molecules!
So, I think treating spacetime as flat at micro-scale QM calculations is actually quite correct!
Because that micro-scale flat-spacetime of QM is NOT really/actually the macro-scale curved-spacetime of GR!
(202210027) I think national/global legalization of lesser (overdose-safe & withdrawal-safe) drugs (like THC, psilocybin, mescaline, LSD, DMT etc) also could be the/a solution for all those people (especially women & children!) enslaved (to bad people/jobs/life!) thanx to the very strong addiction power of hard/strong (overdose-unsafe & withdrawal-unsafe) drugs (like cocaine/heroin etc)!
How?: By allowing creation of (commonly/cheaply available) drug cocktails/recipes (made of lesser/safer drugs) which greatly reduce withdrawal symptoms of the hard/strong/dangerous/deathly drugs (& so end drug dependency of all addicted people)! (Which I think really/actually needs to be seen as a "Manhattan Project" for whole humanity!)
(Probably many other natural herbal medicines/mixtures/recipes could also provide further help for long-term recovery from any kind of drug addiction!)
(Furthermore, possession of small personal usage amounts (like up to 3/N full/adult doses) of hard/strong (overdose-unsafe & withdrawal-unsafe) drugs should/must be (nationally/globally) legal, IMHO!)
(202210042) Multiple times in the past I had read that (American) banks are refusing service to porn/sex workers!
I think it is really/actually socially extremely bad/harmful idea! (Let alone who gave such legal right to the banks & why?)
Because, realize that turning your life around pretty much always require a lot of accumulated money!
But, imagine, you are unable to do it, because, there is nowhere for you to keep your money/valuables safe & frequently you get robbed!
(How about banks refusing service because of bad credit?:
I think then banks still should/must provide (vital!) account(s)/service (& safe deposit box(es)!) but only w/ a debit card, instead of a credit card!
(& then use debit card histories to allow those people build back good credit scores, over-time!))
(I think landlords refusing service to porn/sex workers is also similarly really/actually socially extremely bad/harmful idea! (Let alone who gave such legal right to the landlords & why?)
Because, realize that turning your life around pretty much always require, first & foremost, NOT living in a crime-ridden neighborhood!)
also realize that forcing porn/sex workers to live in crime-ridden
neighborhoods would also provide a huge (income & ego) boost to
almost all criminals living there! (So, similar to the side-effect of
prohibition of alcohol/drugs!))
(BTW, I really/actually think that sex/porn work needs to be (nationally/globally) legal, for similar reasons to why alcohol & other lesser (overdose-safe & withdrawal-safe) drugs need to be legal!)
((202212036) IMHO, legalizing sex work everywhere would also save/improve lives of huge numbers of people (especially women (& their children/families))! Especially, if we can eventually create a future world where ALL sex work only/always done under fully safe/secure/healthy conditions!!)
(202210053) Commented on the article:
"Is theoretical physics broken? Or is it just hard?"
"The best we’ve come up with is this: to let people choose for themselves what they work on.":
But, let's also consider that a huge number/percentage of theoretical physicists are still keep working on theories (like String Theory & LQG etc), even though it should have been very clear to them by now that those ideas very far from being still-promising ideas (& for decades!)!
& realize that is a massive waste of labor & money & time & brain power & it is greatly slowing-down progress of whole science of (theoretical) physics!
& also realize that, if most/all those people made to switch to any/all other still-promising ideas (like It-From-Bit or Superfluid Emergent Spacetime etc) then the progress would greatly speed-up!
Yes, I think theoretical physicists should/must be allowed to choose what they work on (like when they want to switch from no-longer-promising theories/ideas to still-promising ones (or just switch between still-promising ones)!
But, what if they are really/actually stuck keep working on no-longer-promising theories/ideas & absolutely refusing to switch & so, causing great harm to the progress of whole science of (theoretical) physics?
If we really/actually want the progress to always go as fast as possible (& w/ minimal waste/failure (instead of ever getting stuck (like today!))), then, I think it is absolutely necessary to always free all our (research & teaching) resources ASAP whenever any of our current theories/ideas (objectively) dropped to "no-longer-promising" state!
(202210182) Brownian Motion (BM) (random jitters of pollen submerged in water) was discovered in 19th Century & stayed w/o a scientific explanation for a long time, until Einstein!
& he explained that, BM happens because of randomly moving water molecules are keep hitting the pollen (from all directions)!
& it is also evidence/proof for existence of atoms/molecules & their approximate sizes!
But now just imagine such a (realistic!?) possibility:
What if, long before Einstein, another physicist had already "explained" BM in a different way:
By saying/claiming that, BM happens because of "inherent uncertainty" in locations of all super small objects!
Imagine, s/he even deduced/provided an equation correctly predicting sizes of BM jitters, depending on pollen/object size/mass (by making measurements w/ different pollen/objects etc)!
I think a really big question is that, if it is really quite possible that whole scientific world would easily accept that as the full/correct explanation or not?
Because, realize the huge danger that if it was accepted then maybe not even Einstein would think BM needs any new/different explanation!
(Which would mean still no evidence/proof for existence of atoms/molecules & their sizes etc!)
Now further imagine that, if, sometime later, it was discovered that atoms/particles really exist & are also doing random jitters & it was explained(?) as "inherent uncertainty"!
But, what if (for example) those are really/actually caused by the quantum vacuum which is really/actually a gas-like medium of virtual particles keep popping in & out of existence (immeasurably fast)?
(& "inherent uncertainty" explanation(?) is really/actually preventing physicists from getting evidence/proof for physical existence & properties of virtual particles?)
(Of-course, it is also possible that only some (of) (total) quantum uncertainty is caused by virtual particles & the rest is really/actually inherent!)
(202211141) IMHO, there are indeed uncanny/undeniable similarities between the major events of beginning times of 20th & 21st Centuries!
& so, I guess/predict that we will also get our own 21st Century version of "The Roaring Twenties" well before this (half) decade is out!!
(Which I think will be a great remedy for the current "permacrisis" state going on for years!)
(202211152) Commented on the article:
"Does physical reality objectively exist?"
"Does physical reality objectively exist?":
IMHO, the answer is absolutely yes!
At macro-scale world/reality, even though measurements of space/time may differ between different observers, they (would) still always find that space/time do indeed exist(s)!
& even though individual particles may have uncertain/undetermined states, at micro-scale world/reality, massive objects at macro-scale world/reality still always have certain/determined states/existence!
& that is because, as we go from micro-scales to macro-scales, we also go from quantum physics to (emergent) classical physics (of GR)!
So, for example, individual water molecules act according to QM but water act according to classical physics (described by Navier-Stokes Equation)!
& that also means (at least to me!), let alone the whole universe itself, even a glass of water would still exist, regardless of even if there was absolutely no observer in the whole universe!
(202211152) IMHO, all kinds of greetings based-on physical touch (like handshakes & fist-bumps etc) are absolutely unnecessary & a huge source of disease transmissions!!
How about we all just say "hi/hello!" for all greetings (& keep our social-distances)?
(202211211) A while ago I had noticed in an article I had read that an academic (of a "Gender Studies" department of a university/college maybe?) saying/implying/claiming:
'"Biologically-assigned" gender identities/roles are unfair!'
(I think such thinking would absolutely go (first & foremost) opposite/contrary/counter against The Abrahamic Religions, but let's try to argue against it here, w/o assuming/mixing any religion!)
First & foremost, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!
We ALL need to be extremely skeptical, whenever we are told something like a fundamental way/property of whole humankind (& not to mention, overwhelming majority of animals & plants of our world!) (since their beginning times!) is wrong/unfair/unjust!
What is exactly wrong/unfair/unjust about humans or any species to be made of 2 different (male & female) genders/versions w/ different roles/jobs/responsibilities?
(So, for example, men (in general) have bigger/stronger body & so better suited to hunting & women (in general) better suited to gathering (& having/raising children)!)
& not to mention, why exactly it would be better, if humanity had no different gender identities/roles/jobs/responsibilities?
Can you imagine, for example, if we (en)forced everybody in all kinds of organizations (like companies, governments, schools, hospitals etc) to be "equal", so that everybody have same/equal jobs & responsibilities & skills & expertise?
(By the way, of course, it would be very wrong to force anybody into any gender identity/role/job/responsibility (s)he does not want, but, parent(s) trying to raise their children by assuming their children are like the vast majority of their species/society (until proven otherwise!) is absolutely the right way of parenting, IMHO!)
I also noticed that there seems to be a growing (among celebrities at least!?) parenting way/method called "Gender-Neutral Parenting" & I think all I said above are also why that is extremely bad idea/parenting!!
IMHO, "Gender-Neutral Parenting" would create/cause gender-identity confusion/problems/issues/vulnerability in pretty much ALL children (instead of a normal/biological small percentage of them, like currently)!!
(202211222) I remember reading an interesting Islamic story which I think contains a great advice/wisdom (especially for people like teachers/leaders/advisors):
A master/teacher tells his graduating student (when sending him back to his homeland to act/work as their teacher/advisor of Islam):
"Never claim to be a god or a prophet!"
The student responds in great shock/surprise:
"Master/teacher, how could I ever do such things?"
The master/teacher explains that thinking/expecting/insisting:
"Everything I want to be done/happen should/must be done/happen!" is just like claiming to be a god!
"Everything I say/write should/must listened/read!" is just like claiming to be a prophet!
BTW, many people thru whole history of our world really/actually claimed to be a/The God or a/The Prophet!
How we could really/actually test/verify them?
According to Islam (at least), Prophet Moses challenged The Pharaoh (who was claiming to be a/The God) as like:
"My God is making Sun rise from The East & set from The West!
If you are (really/actually) a/The God then make Sun rise from The West & set from The East!!"
I also had read an Islamic story (hadith) which said:
One time a (wise!) man came to visit Grand-Prophet Muhammad & had brought a live lizard w/ him & said:
"If this lizard speaks & testifies that you are The Prophet of The God then I will accept/believe Islam!"
& then, Grand-Prophet Muhammad said/asked to The Lizard: "Who am I?"
& then The Lizard (really/actually) spoke & testified!!
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