IMHO, there is a huge difference between, disrupting an industry via innovation vs disrupting an industry via unfair competition!
IMHO, Uber & Lyft & AirBnB are great examples of disrupting an industry via unfair competition!
IMHO, Uber & Lyft are nothing but illegitimate taxi companies, regardless of whatever they claim/pretend to be!
Are they in direct competition w/ taxi companies? Yes! Then they are taxi companies!
IMHO, AirBnB is nothing but illegitimate hotel company, regardless of whatever they claim/pretend to be!
Are they in direct competition w/ hotel companies? Yes! Then they are hotel company!
Why they are unfair competition (aka illegitimate), is because, they do not have any costs which their competition keep must paying for!
A legitimate taxi company have costs for vehicles & office etc & for drivers w/ wages & benefits, unlike Uber & Lyft!
A legitimate hotel company have costs for hotel buildings etc & for workers w/ wages & benefits, unlike AirBnB!
IMHO, what their unfair competition really means is, if they are never stopped/banned, they would destroy all their competition, globally, sooner or later!
(They maybe already banned @ some cities/countries currently, but that could easily change, if they keep getting more richer/powerful!)
The hugest question is, would that be really a great future for global general public?
Do we really want a future where/when our only options for taxi are Uber & Lyft (aka "someone's car")?
W/ lowest of low wage random (non-professional/inexperienced) people as drivers?
(Not to mention, a huger number of them could be criminals!)
Do we really want a future where/when our only option for hotel is AirBnB (aka "someone's house")?
W/ lowest of low wage random (non-professional/inexperienced) people as hosts?
(Not to mention, a huger number of them could be criminals!)
IMHO, Uber & Lyft & AirBnB should/must be shutdown/banned completely/absolutely/globally!
(Unless they can change their business models to legitimate! (Like Uber & Lyft working w/for taxi companies & AirBnB working w/for hotels!))
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