Abortion should/must be allowed any time during pregnancy?
& if not, when exactly, it should/must be (legally) considered/seen as, killing an innocent person (& not allowed)?

IMHO, there should/must be a threshold time during pregnancy!
&, IMHO, the threshold should/must be start of heartbeat!
(Actually, IMHO, the threshold should/must be a little earlier to be sure of timing!)

I read that heartbeat becomes detectable in about sixth week of pregnancy.
So, IMHO, the best threshold is 40th day of pregnancy!

I read that similar ideas for abortion laws already known/proposed
& the biggest criticism against it, seems to be, "many women do not even know/notice, they are pregnant, until much later"!

If so, IMHO, that is just a technical problem which can be resolved thru technology!
IMHO, there is a really huge need for a (really cheap) electronic watch/ring sensor that can accurately detect pregnancy!
(Even, if possible, it should/must accurately detect, what day of pregnancy!)

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