IMHO, it would be extremely naive to think Internet websites/companies would do a good job of cleaning/filtering voluntarily by themselves!
IMHO, past history of large Internet websites/companies like FaceBook & Twitter & YouTube absolutely/clearly shows that, they never really want to deal w/ cleaning/filtering of their own content! (Which is absolutely no surprise because it is no doubt a constant hard/costly work for them!)
IMHO, still, they clearly/absolutely have a social responsibility to keep their content clean!
IMHO, it seems like, large Internet websites/companies, like FaceBook & Twitter & YouTube, trying/working to cleanup their content currently, but that is because there is a huge public/media/government pressure on them currently & nobody should/must have any doubt that they would stop cleaning/filtering, as soon as the pressure is gone, given all their past history!
& what about countless other smaller Internet websites/companies?
Do we know if they are cleaning/filtering their content too?
IMHO, only realistic & permanent & general solution, would be to a (national/global) law, to always force, all Internet websites/companies, to keep cleaning/filtering their content!
But what kind of content needs to be always banned from whole internet exactly?
Do we have a fully comprehensive detailed list anywhere?
IMHO, the law could have a list that covers only the basics @ first & that list can be extended anytime in the future @ national/global level/scale!
IMHO, the most basic general rule for banned content could be, anything that is a crime in the real world is also crime/banned in the Internet!
So, uploading video/picture/sound recording of any actual crime to Internet would be crime/banned!
IMHO, the law should/must also force all Internet websites/companies to verify identity of their users, always as best as possible w/ currently known methods @ that time!
(For example, GMail currently uses phone text messages to verify user identity!)
So that any user that uploads illegal content can be permanently banned from each & every website @ Internet!
Because, otherwise, people/users could easily keep creating new fake identities/accounts & keep trying/uploading again & again!
(Which would make, job of cleaning/filtering, a lot harder than it needs to be, for all Internet websites/companies!)
& if not, when exactly, it should/must be (legally) considered/seen as, killing an innocent person (& not allowed)?
IMHO, there should/must be a threshold time during pregnancy!
&, IMHO, the threshold should/must be start of heartbeat!
(Actually, IMHO, the threshold should/must be a little earlier to be sure of timing!)
I read that heartbeat becomes detectable in about sixth week of pregnancy.
So, IMHO, the best threshold is 40th day of pregnancy!
I read that similar ideas for abortion laws already known/proposed
& the biggest criticism against it, seems to be, "many women do not even know/notice, they are pregnant, until much later"!
If so, IMHO, that is just a technical problem which can be resolved thru technology!
IMHO, there is a really huge need for a (really cheap) electronic watch/ring sensor that can accurately detect pregnancy!
(Even, if possible, it should/must accurately detect, what day of pregnancy!)
It is also clear (@ least to me) that, the problem is keep getting worse & worse!
What can be done to solve Internet security problem?
Here are some ideas:
1) Switch all computer software to higher security programming languages!
(Instead of using programming languages (like C/C++) in which all tiny bugs act as secret backdoors for hackers & ransomware & malware!)
2) Switch all OS software (like Windows & MacOS & Linux) to work similar to smartphone OS (like Android & iOS)!
(Android & iOS work like interpreters that can easily catch any illegal code execution attempts!)
3) Increase severity of punishments for hackers & ransomware/malware writers!
4) Do not allow anonymous access to Internet!
IMHO, preventing anonymous access to Internet is the most important!
IMHO, hackers & ransomware/malware writers do not have much to fear from law enforcement, currently, because tracing back hacker/ransomware/malware attacks to their source is pretty much impossible!
& that is because of allowing/enabling anonymous access to Internet!
What needs to be done:
As the first step:
Globally ban VPN services (& Tor etc) which enable anonymous usage of Internet!
As the final step:
Globally, make it mandatory, to access/login Internet, using (biometric) ID & password etc.
& make sure (by global law), all Internet activities/actions/operations can be always traced back to its source computers & people!
Facial Recognition & License Plate Scanner Techs
Imagine a future world where/when law enforcement can quickly find & catch any wanted criminals!
Imagine a future world where/when criminals can no longer walk or drive around @ public places/streets!
Would not these be immensely beneficial for law enforcement & common good of general public?
(License Plate Scanners could also detect drivers who did not pay fines/fees/insurance etc.)
(By the way, IMHO, electronic license plates should/must never be allowed to be legal anywhere, because they can be easily reprogrammed later, to defeat License Plate Scanners, by displaying fake license plates!)
Facial Recognition tech can also be used for ticketless public transportation & shopping etc, w/o needing to carry money or card etc.
Also, Facial Recognition & License Plate Scanner techs are bad/evil, just because,
they can do the same job, better (cheaper & more accurately & immensely faster) than any law enforcement people can?
What about privacy?
IMHO, general public is not really obsessed about privacy, unlike self-appointed "privacy advocates" always claim/pretend!
IMHO, the only people who are always really obsessed about "privacy" are criminals & their tireless supporters!
There are a huge number of commonly used Open Source Software (OSS), as OS & DB & Web Server & Web Browser & Office & ...
& also it is wellknown that an expert programmer can intentionally create extremely hard to catch SUPERBUGS!
& also it is wellknown that software bugs can act like secret backdoors to target computer system(s)!
& if so then, is it really hard to guess that, all commonly used OSS must be full of SUPERBUGS, to be used as secret backdoors, whenever/wherever needed by hackers & ransomware & malware?
Also, IMHO, OSS is clearly/absolutely waging unfair competition against Proprietary Source Software (PSS)!
Why unfair, is because, OSS do not have the costs which PSS must keep paying for, like offices & wages & benefits & advertising etc!
&, IMHO, what unfair competition really means is, if never stopped/banned, OSS would destroy all PSS, sooner or later, eventually!
(A great example of this is, how IE destroyed Netscape, because IE was free, even though Netscape was far superior quality software!)
& if so then, the hugest question is, what would be the consequences, if all future software is OSS?
IMHO, it would mean that, almost all future programmers are, either no wage workers or min wage (aka worthless) workers!
Because they are workers who produce worthless (aka free) products!
(A great example of this is, how its programmers got paid 0$ when Red Hat sold to IBM for billions of $!)
Also, it seems that almost all leadership of OSS movement & projects are anti-government/corporate aka anarchist people!
Do we really want those kinds of people to control/command all software (& in turn almost everything in the world) in the future?
IMHO, all programmers in the world should/must stayaway from contributing to any OSS, which in competition vs any commercial PSS!
(IMHO, contributing to any OSS that is NOT in competition vs any commercial PSS would be ok, as long as its situation stays that way!)
(& if/when any commercial PSS appears against it, then, IMHO, that OSS should/must be converted to a commercial PSS or abandoned!)
(202308281) IMHO, OSS is OK/beneficial, ONLY when/where it is harmless/safe (for example, like when/where it is ONLY used for/as hobbyist software for hobbyists (just like when/how it was started!)!) (& as long as it is NOT used for any military/government/health/(education?/)business/professional/important/vital purposes!)!
IMHO, Uber & Lyft & AirBnB are great examples of disrupting an industry via unfair competition!
IMHO, Uber & Lyft are nothing but illegitimate taxi companies, regardless of whatever they claim/pretend to be!
Are they in direct competition w/ taxi companies? Yes! Then they are taxi companies!
IMHO, AirBnB is nothing but illegitimate hotel company, regardless of whatever they claim/pretend to be!
Are they in direct competition w/ hotel companies? Yes! Then they are hotel company!
Why they are unfair competition (aka illegitimate), is because, they do not have any costs which their competition keep must paying for!
A legitimate taxi company have costs for vehicles & office etc & for drivers w/ wages & benefits, unlike Uber & Lyft!
A legitimate hotel company have costs for hotel buildings etc & for workers w/ wages & benefits, unlike AirBnB!
IMHO, what their unfair competition really means is, if they are never stopped/banned, they would destroy all their competition, globally, sooner or later!
(They maybe already banned @ some cities/countries currently, but that could easily change, if they keep getting more richer/powerful!)
The hugest question is, would that be really a great future for global general public?
Do we really want a future where/when our only options for taxi are Uber & Lyft (aka "someone's car")?
W/ lowest of low wage random (non-professional/inexperienced) people as drivers?
(Not to mention, a huger number of them could be criminals!)
Do we really want a future where/when our only option for hotel is AirBnB (aka "someone's house")?
W/ lowest of low wage random (non-professional/inexperienced) people as hosts?
(Not to mention, a huger number of them could be criminals!)
IMHO, Uber & Lyft & AirBnB should/must be shutdown/banned completely/absolutely/globally!
(Unless they can change their business models to legitimate! (Like Uber & Lyft working w/for taxi companies & AirBnB working w/for hotels!))
"Hydraulic fracturing (also fracking, fraccing, frac'ing, hydrofracturing or hydrofracking) is a well stimulation technique in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid. The process involves the high-pressure injection of 'fracking fluid' (primarily water, containing sand or other proppants suspended with the aid of thickening agents) into a wellbore to create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas, petroleum, and brine will flow more freely."
It is already wellknown that fracking causes/triggers earthquakes!!!
IMHO, the big question is, though, could it, also, cause/trigger a much bigger problem, or not???
What if, fracking could also dissolve deep bedrock (under a large area/city) & cause/trigger a GROUND COLLAPSE event???!!!
IMHO, what needs to be done, URGENTLY, for geology scientists, is to do, as many as possible/needed, extremely accurate/detailed experiments (using all kinds of bedrocks (& ground layer structures) involved in real world fracking) & extremely accurate/detailed computer simulations, to really PROVE, if, any type/scale of fracking, done anywhere in the world, could really, eventually, cause/trigger, a (large scale/area) GROUND COLLAPSE event, or not???!!!