Imagine that, God created our world/universe, as a neutral testing ground for humans, to clearly prove which ones are really worthy of (eternal) life in heaven or hell!
(Realize that, especially, sending anybody directly to hell (for any bad actions they did not actually done) would not really be fair/just, even though God knows the whole future of everybody (in full detail) (& even what exactly anybody would do in what situation)!)
Also imagine that, God sent many prophets/religions to guide & warn humanity, like Adam (first prophet), Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (last prophet)!
(Why many religions, one after another? Because, each time previous religion was mostly forgotten and/or extremely corrupted, over time (& so became absolutely unacceptable as a valid religion to God)!)
& so, imagine that, only valid religion in our time & until the end of the world/humanity is Islam!
(Particularly, Sunni(te) Islam, including Hanafi/Shafi/Hanbali/Maliki (& excluding Wahhabi/Salafi, Shiite, Ahmadiyya, Bahaism etc)!)
I think this maybe quite surprising to most people:
According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, whether a person would spent eternity in Heaven or Hell, actually only depends on, whether that person died believing in the (currently) valid religion (& its valid branch), or not!
& so, it does not actually depends on amounts of good & bad actions of that person!
(More/bigger good actions gets a person in Heaven better life/rewards (like larger land/palace etc) & more/bigger bad actions gets a person in Hell worse life/punishments!)
(& if a person died believing in the (currently) valid religion (& its valid branch) but has so much (unforgiven) bad actions (sins) then that person is sent to Hell for punishment but only for a limited time (& sent to Heaven for eternity afterwards)!)

(By the way, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, temperature of Hell is about 70 times hotter than (ordinary/common) fire in our world!
Average temperature of a candle fire is about 1000 degrees C & so it means temperature of Hell is probably around 70000 degrees C!
(Surface temperature of our Sun is about 6000 degrees C, for comparison!)
But, it is also said that, Hell has 7 stories where temperature increases from top to bottom! & so it seems unclear whether that temperature given is min or max or average!?
(Some people may think that human body would instantly completely destroyed at such temperatures!
But, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, human bodies in Hell will be super-giant (the example given is, size of a human tooth in there being like size of a mountain in our world)!
& also, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, human bodies in Hell will do non-stop re-healing, as they keep getting burned/damaged!))

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