(202103291) Turing Test Problem:
Whether we accept that "we do not really know what is mind/consciousness" or "mind/consciousness is brain machinery controlled/commanded by free will", either case, there cannot be any test that can really prove any given AI/robot is truly conscious!
But, on the other hand, surely there can be any test that can really prove any given AI/robot is truly NOT conscious!
Whether we accept that "we do not really know what is life" or "life is cell/body machinery controlled/commanded by free will", either case, there cannot be any test that can really prove any given ALife/robot is truly alive!
But, on the other hand, surely there can be any test that can really prove any given ALife/robot is truly NOT alive!
(So, these are really similar situations to how theories of physics cannot really be proven but surely they can be disproven!)

(202103291) IMHO, our world really needs a (UN-led) global/international agreement, to digitize (in a standard resolution/format), all books/magazines/newspapers of all countries!!!
(& store/save them all, in a global archive/library! & provide free public internet access for all expired copyright ones!)

(202103313) IMHO, life is cell/body machinery controlled/commanded by free will!
(& that is why, for example, identical twins (& even identical cells!) have different personality/character!)
& since there is absolutely nothing in physics/science to explain (how to artificially create) free will, creating ALife (cell/body) should/must be absolutely impossible (IMHO)!

Also, IMHO, replacing genome of any natural/living cell w/ artificially created DNA/RNA, is NOT really creating ALife!
It would be, only if, there was no natural/living cell was used & all parts/pieces of the new cell were created artificially!

(IMHO, starting w/ a dead natural cell should/must not work either, but, in that case, the end result/achievement would always be still uncertain/arguable, because what if, that cell was not really dead (but hibernating/stunned etc)?)

Another huge question is, the new cell(s) created after genome replacement (especially after multiple divisions) are really clearly living cells? (Or, they are more like automatons/machines/robots?)
(Are they acting similar to known living cells, like searching for food, getting away from dangers, trying to fight against enemies, etc?)
(If they are clearly automatons, then, can they be turned into any kind of clearly living cells, by replacing their genomes w/ articially produced copy of those kinds of natural living cells? (IMHO, the answer should/must be no!))

(202104084) Commented on the article:

"Why You Should Doubt ‘New Physics’ From The Latest Muon g-2 Results"

I have got the impression that theoretical calculation of muon magnetic moment requires including ALL SM particles (true?), but what if, SM is still incomplete?:

What if, BHs do not really contain (0-size/infinite-density!) singularities & actually made of particles (like everything else)?
From Wikipedia:
"A Planck particle, or planckion, named after physicist Max Planck, is a hypothetical particle defined as a tiny black hole whose Compton wavelength is equal to its Schwarzschild radius. Its mass is thus approximately the Planck mass, and its Compton wavelength and Schwarzschild radius are about the Planck length."

(IMHO, in all theoretical calculations requiring including ALL SM particles, including planckion should/must provide an improvement!
Because, planckion is the only realistic possibility for what particle BHs could be made of!

Of course, some might say/claim "BHs cannot be made of particles because they would need to move faster than light to avoid falling into central singularity"!

IMHO, that is same kind of "self-evident" "obviously true" simplistic logic as "a heavier than air machine cannot fly"!
Consider, for example, why neutrons on the surface of a NS do not fall to center (even though GR says they should/must!)?
Because, there are other neutrons on the way!

Imagine, a particle that already has min possible size & max possible density & so it cannot be compressed any further or crushed!)

(202104117) Additional comment on the same article:

Some might say "Planck particles are like micro-BHs & so they would be extremely unstable"!
But, realize that individual/free neutrons are also unstable but they are stable when part of a NS!

(202104143) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Could Gravitons Solve The Mystery Of Dark Matter?"

"In fact, if gravity, like the other known forces, turns out to be inherently quantum in nature, then the existence of a graviton is required."

Agree to disagree Ethan! :-)

If spacetime is an emergent property (superfluid) then bending of spacetime could be explained w/o needing any new particle!

(Actually GR is already known to be fully-compatible w/ spacetime as superfluid view!
From Wikipedia:
"In general relativity, a fluid solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a fluid.")

What I really meant was, our reality/universe can be fully quantum in micro-scale, but classical in macro-scale!
Just like water is quantum in micro-scale, but it follows/approximates classical Navier-Stokes physics at macro-scale!

(Also, if spacetime is superfluid then gravitons could/would still exist but as quasiparticles!
Just like sound waves in air/water are made of phonon quasiparticles, gravitational waves could/would be made of graviton quasiparticles!)

It seems that "spacetime as superfluid" idea was actually presented/offered to Einstein but he chose not to pursue it!:

"Einstein, Graef, and a clash of theories"

I think quite possibly that decision was the true greatest blunder of his life! :-)

QM already says there are all kinds of virtual particles keep popping in & out of existence everywhere!
(& Casimir force measurement experiments already proving they are really exist!)

Now imagine that virtual particles of quantum vacuum is like a gas medium at micro-scale that creates spacetime superfluid as emergent property at macro-scale!
(Just like air is a gas at micro-scale but it is a fluid at macro-scale!)

From Wikipedia for "Superfluid Vacuum Theory":

"The microscopic structure of this physical vacuum is currently unknown and is a subject of intensive studies in SVT."

What I think/propose is, that there is really only 1 realistic possibility (which is already known/proven to exist) & that is virtual particles!

I think some theoretical phycisists accept their physical existence & some don't!

I for one think that Casimir force measurement experiments alone are enough evidence/proof for their existence!
Otherwise, are we claiming purely imaginary/abstract mathematical entities creating a measurable physical effect on our reality?

"And then, how does that provide structure to space?"

I had given example of how air is a gas at micro-scale but a fluid at macro-scale!

Of course, what needs to be done is a full mathematical derivation (which is beyond me):

Step 1: Convert GR (spacetime) equations to (super)fluid form!
Step 2: Create virtual particle dynamics equations (similar to a gas but not exactly the same, obviously)!
Step 3: Mathematically show that gas-like virtual particle equations reduce to superfluid spacetime equations at macro-scale!
(Imagine that if you had particle dynamics equations for air & mathematically showed how those reduce to fluid equations at macro-scale!)

& then what you have would be Great Unified Theory of Quantum-Relativity!

"Even giving real existence of virtual particles they could only last for an unmeasurably short period of time."

But realize that popping in & out of existence happening extremely fast but it is constantly non-stop keep happening everywhere!
So you have a constantly existing gas-like medium everywhere!
(For example, consider how old CRT monitors/TVs created images!
Any giving moment there is really only a glowing spot on screen but it creates a full image because of keep scanning the whole screen extremely fast!)

As I said, I think spacetime (of GR) is superfluid emergent property created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum!
& so, at smaller than particle size scales, spacetime do not really exist, IMHO!
I think, ultimately, our reality is a Planck-scale crystal/grid/matrix quantum computer & all elementary particles (of SM) are its quasiparticles!
(Similar to quasiparticles in semiconductor crystals but way more complex!)
But that is a whole other discussion!! :-)

(202104187) Conditions for a proper flying car:
1: Fully electric drive (+ biodiesel/biofuel (NOT H2!) gas turbine generator)!
2: Hexacopter/octocopter! (It needs to be able to fly/land OK w/ 1 propeller failed!)
3: Needs to be able to fit into 1 (or 2) car parking spaces!
4: Needs to be able to carry 3 people (or 2 people + baggage)!
5: Its propellers need to be able to do auto-rotation in case of total power failure (for soft landing)!
6: It needs to self-correct (w/o power) to always fall upright!
7: It needs internal (+ external) airbags!

(202104294) Commented on the article:

"Which ‘Hints’ Of New Physics Should We Be Paying Attention To?"

"Then why do we see the effect of quantum fields when there are no particles around to create them?"

But what if, there are always (virtual) particles everywhere? (As Casimir force experiments, for example, already indicate/support!)

Of course you can disagree Ethan, but I for one think, ALL quantum fields (like electric & magnetic fields) (as well as spacetime) are actually created by gas-like medium of virtual particles which exist everywhere always!!

(202105042) Commented on the article:

"The 5 Truths About Dark Matter That Everyone Should Know"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

I for 1 think that Dark Matter is just a side-effect caused by Dark Energy!

Consider that how a ball of dough would start as internally smooth but it would get a growing web-like structure later, as it rises!
Now imagine that dough is superfluid spacetime that rises because of DE & so it gets a growing cosmic web structure!

Realize that this view would easily explain:
Why there is no any kind of DM particle that can be found?
Why some galaxies appear to have too much DM & why some others appear to have too little?

& it could be possible to actually (dis)prove this idea in the future by analyzing geometric structure of the real Cosmic Web!
Because its geometric (Gaussian) curvature would be different, based on, whether it is created by gravitational collapse (as current/common view) or it is created as a side-effect by DE (as described above)!

(202105075) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Do Virtual Particles Really Exist?"

"The effects of virtual particles are real, but the particles themselves are not!"

Agree to disagree Ethan! :-)

Think about how easy it would be, for anyone, to refuse physical reality of spacetime, exactly the same way!
By saying "all measurable/observable effects of spacetime are real, but spacetime itself is not"!

Notice that there is absolutely no way for anyone to prove physical reality of virtual particles to anyone think like you!
(Because there are already many experiments/observations & you just refuse all of them!
(If there is any possible future experiment/observation, which could change your mind, please let us know! :-))

(202105086) Additional comment on the same article:

IMHO, what you are really saying/claiming is "virtual particles are just purely abstract mathematical tools/entities but they have measurable effects on our physical reality"!
Sorry Ethan but that does not make any sense because it is clearly a logical contradiction/impossibility!

Remember you were talking about how Fred Hoyle (an otherwise great physicist/scientist) completely rejected overwhelming evidence for Big Bang Theory & instead chose to keep defending his beloved Steady-State Theory for rest of his life?
IMHO, you need to seriously consider, if what you are really doing here is actually exactly the same or not!!!

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