(20201117) Commented on the article:

"Quantum Fluctuations Were Experimentally Proven Way Back In 1947"

"The virtual ones do not appear in our detectors, don’t collide with real particles, and cannot be directly seen. As theorists, we often caution against taking them too seriously, noting that they’re just an effective calculational tool."

With all due respect, this kind of thinking does not make any sense to me at all!

So, virtual particles are just purely abstract non-physical mathematical entities, but somehow they have measurable physical effects on our physical reality?

Absolutely agree to disagree Ethan! :-)

Of course this is just my personal view, but I think experimentally measurable physical effects, like Casimir force, should/must be seen/interpreted as very clear evidence/proof of physical reality of virtual particles!
They are just particles which stay in existence for an extremely short time to be detected directly!

(& I also personally think (if anyone interested) virtual particles of quantum vacuum are actually a gas-like medium which creates our spacetime as a superfluid emergent property (just like air (gas) creates weather (fluid))!)

(20201118) Commented on the article:

"Why Are There Only 8 Gluons?"

"If gravitation turns out to be quantum in nature, there’s only one quantum particle, the graviton, required to carry the gravitational force."

Not necessarily true (IMHO)!

As I said before, I personally think (if anyone interested) virtual particles of quantum vacuum are actually a gas-like medium which creates our spacetime as a superfluid emergent property (just like air (gas) creates weather (fluid))!
(& GR is actually quite compatible w/ possibility of spacetime being a superfluid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluid_solution)

& if spacetime really is a superfluid, then, gravitational waves are like sound waves, which are made of (NOT particles but) quasiparticles!

So, IMHO, it is definitely possible that gravitation is really quantum in nature & gravitons actually exist, but only as quasiparticles (& NOT particles)!

(20201120) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Can We Find Out If Gravitons Exist?"

Just some food for thought (for anyone interested):

Think about waves in any gas/fluid: Are they really made of different particles than the particles of that gas/fluid?
(For example, are waves in water, made of different molecules than water molecules?)

So, if gravitational waves are ripples of spacetime & they are made of gravitons, then, would not that really require spacetime to be made of gravitons?
(Which is obviously not true!)

But realize, if spacetime is a (super)fluid medium (created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum) then there would be no need for any new particle (graviton) to create ripples of spacetime!

(20201122) IMHO, USA really needs universal healthcare (& actually all countries too)!
But, it should/must cover only citizens (& legal residents)!
Forcing taxpayers of USA (or any other country) to keep paying for healthcare costs of illegal aliens would be absolutely unfair, IMHO!!!

Also, to keep costs to all taxpayers at minimum, policy of trying to keep patients alive, as long as possible, no matter what, needs to end, absolutely!
& so, no patients should/must be allowed to stay in coma (or worse) state, for more than a certain time limit (like a month)!
(So, life support needs to be cut at the end of the time limit!)
Otherwise, countless people keep staying in hospitals for many months/years would be a really huge load on taxpayers!
(& not to mention, such thing is also really bad for the patients themselves & their relatives!)
(Of course, a national public referendum maybe a really good idea for such a fundamental healthcare policy change!)

(202011275) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: How Did The Entire Universe Come From Nothing?"

"Even in empty space, the quantum fluctuations inherent to the field nature of the fundamental interactions cannot be removed. As the Universe inflates in the earliest stages, those fluctuations get stretched across the Universe,"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested (& no need for any response):

IMHO, spacetime is actually a superfluid emergent property created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum!

& one of consequences of that is "quantum fluctuations" are NOT continuous field fluctuations, but actually (discrete) virtual particles!

& so, IMHO, idea that our universe getting created by (inflation) inflating any random quantum fluctuation, like a balloon, cannot be true!

(202012023) Commented on the article:

"Could Dark Energy Wind Up Destroying The Universe?"

"It’s eminently possible that dark energy is mundane: a form of energy inherent to the fabric of space itself that never changes, evolves, strengthens, weakens"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

IMHO, conservation of energy is actually conservation of (quantum) information & it is always valid; even at universal scale(s)!

So, if all (current/future) astronomical observations indicate, Dark Energy is constant, then, I would think, it should/must be coming/pulled/fed from outside of our universe (similar to keep inflating a balloon by keep blowing air into it)!

(202012056) QM says all real particles are always surrounded by a cloud of virtual particles!
Imagine as:
Cloud of virtual particles around a neutral atom/molecule/object is its "gravitation field"!
Cloud of virtual particles around a charged atom/molecule/object is its "electric (& gravitation) field"!
Cloud of virtual particles around a magnetized atom/molecule/object is its "magnetic (& gravitation) field"!

(202012067) IMHO, any gravity/electric/magnetic field, neither have infinite resolution (continuity) nor infinite range!
So, the huge question is, what are the formula(s)/equation(s) for min possible:
Gravitational potential & Electric potential & Magnetic (scalar) potential?
(All 3 maybe just min possible (potential) (quantum/unit) energy point?!)
(Also realize, if those formula(s)/equation(s) were known, then, max possible radius/range of (gravity/electric/magnetic) field/potential formula(s)/equation(s), for any point mass/charge/magnet, could also be found/deduced/derived!

(202012104) Commented on the article:

"Does Making A Quantum Measurement Really Destroy Information?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

What if, our whole reality/universe is made of only (real/virtual/quasi) particles & our whole reality/universe itself is a quantum computer processing particle data? (Imagine, each particle as a set of qubit/qutrit state values/variables/registers!)

(Imagine, spacetime & electric & magnetic "fields" are actually gas-like medium(s) created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum!)

(& also, imagine, as a consequence, there are no perfect/ideal geometric objects, like 0-size points (singularities) or 0-thickness strings/membranes etc, anywhere in our reality/universe!)

(202012115) Commented again on the same article:

More food for thought for anyone interested:

Realize that, if we think of each (elementary) particle as a set of qubit/qutrit state values/variables/registers, then, what these (above described) consecutive Stern-Gerlach experiments showing us, could be interpreted as:

Each particle has a (single) qubit state variable that gets set to 1 of 2 possible certain values, whenever the particle pass thru a strong enough magnetic field!
(& of course, setting a new value each time would mean forgetting the previous value!)

(What if, it is a composite particle?
Then, I guess the situation would be similar to a large magnet that is made of smaller magnets! (For which, the overall magnetic polarity depends on polarities of its smaller magnets!))

(202012126) Commented again on the same article:

Also, of course this is just my personal opinion but I absolutely disagree that what these experiments show/mean is really destruction of quantum information!

If any (real) quantum particle suddenly/simply/completely disappeared out of existence, that would be truly loss of quantum information!

But, IMHO, changing of internal state value(s) of any quantum particle (based on its environmental conditions) is not really mean any quantum information is lost or gained!

For example, consider a very simple model:

Imagine, a "particle", arbitrarily moving on a chessboard, that has a single bit of internal state variable & its value always gets set based on color of the square the "particle" is in!
So, as the particle keeps moving, the value of its state bit is keeps changing (as 0: black or 1: white)!

Is there really gain or loss of any (bit) of information anytime?
I think not!

(But, if the "particle" was suddenly/completely disappeared out of existence, that would be truly a loss of (1 bit of) information!)

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