(202401302) IMHO: ALL land/sea/air gas-turbine-engine vehicles (like helicopters/aircraft/hovercraft/M1_Abrams_Tank/Chrysler_Turbine_Car etc) could be made significantly/more simpler/lighter/cheaper by utilizing gas-turbine-engine to (only) produce/generate electricity (for/to super-capacitors/batteries) for/to electric (hub-)motor(s)!

(202401313) IMHO: Hovercraft design/tech needs to be improved/enhanced by getting rid of "skirt" (which wears-down in/over time to be repaired/fixed/maintained!)! (What if, (whole) underneath/bottom/sides of hovercrafts were divided into an array/matrix/grid of small/tiny (individually-controllable) air outlets (dynamically adjusted/controlled/stabilized by computer/AI in real-time!)?)

(202401313) IMHO: Future large(st) passenger/cargo/airliner (EV) aircraft better replace ALL big/heavy/mechanically-complex wings w/ much smaller/simpler/lighter sets of air/flight control surfaces/structures, like N sets of grid fins, for example/instance! (What if, large/rectangle "wings" made of N sets of (attack-angle-adjustable/controllable (by computer/AI!)) "helicopter propeller blades"?)

(202401313) UPDATED/ENHANCED: IMHO: ALL (land/sea/air) EVs should/must have add-on option for including a ((bio)diesel/(bio)fuel/flex-fuel) gas-turbine auto-recharger/range-extender! (As for what kind/type of gas-turbine-engine design should/would be the most optimal/efficient/silent/simple/durable/cheap, I think/guess that is Tesla Turbine (which do not have any blades/wings (which wear-down in/over time!)!)!)

(202402014) IMHO: Political/ideological/religious seceding/independence is sometimes really/truly a good/better/best idea!!! For example/instance: Current/modern humanity/humankind is Omnivores (Carnivores & Herbivores) & ideal/best/perfect/ethical/moral/intellectual/logical/humane long-term/ultimate future for ALL of us/humanity/humankind CLEARLY/OBVIOUSLY would/should be becoming/converting/turning absolutely/fully/completely Herbivores, but/however, realistically, there is no doubt (at least to me!), some people would always refuse/reject/fight-back! & that would mean (at least to me!), we/humanity/humankind (sooner or later!) would need to divide/separate into 2/two! (Because/otherwise, Carnivores & Herbivores (sooner or later!) would convert/turn to Predators/Morlocks & Preys/Eloi!!!)

(202402047) IMHO: No-cloning theorem of QM/QT is really/actually much weaker than generally/commonly/frequently thought! & I think, 3D Quantum (State) (Photo)Copier/Replicator tech/device/machine will be invented/developed (before 3D Quantum (State) (Photo)Printer!) in the future (just like (2D) photocopiers were invented/developed before (2D) (laser/photo) printers!)! (Maybe by creating/sending a (BEC) photon pulse to get/imprint/read all quantum state info from box/booth/cell/chamber A & later/next applying/writing it to B (which only/just contain a gas mixture of the same kind/number of atoms/molecules!)?)
(BTW, realize that, all quantum state information would be classical information (which can be copied/cloned!), for any object/matter that is (momentarily) frozen in time (thru/using quantum measurement(s))!)
(BTW, realize that, if it is possible to re-write an old/original/copy state info, then, it could be used for TIME-RESET(TING)/LOOP(ING)!)

(202402062) IMHO: Our/humanity's/humankind's understanding/usage/utilization of Quantum Computers (QC) STILL seems quite lacking/insufficient/inferior!!! They are just computers which can ALSO do calculations/computations/operations using/utilizing unknown/undetermined (bit) values/variables/registers!!! For example/instance, Prime-number Factorization could be simply done like this (algorithm):
Multiply 2/two unknown/undetermined (bit) values/variables/registers (A & B) & FORCE the result (C) into the given value (to be factored!)!
(& that would/should make A & B (bit) values/variables/registers change/convert from unknown/undetermined to known/determined/classical!) (For example/instance, imagine that, if we had/used/utilized a Photonic/Optical Quantum Computer:
First, we had created 2/two entangled sets/copies of A & B photons/rays/beams using photon/ray/beam-splitters!
Next, we had done (bitwise) multiplication on the second set/copy & calculated/computed a new (STILL unknown/undetermined) set/register: C!
Next, we had FORCED the result (C) into the given value (to be factored back into A & B), by using/utilizing horizontal polarizer filters as 0/zero-setters & vertical polarizer filters as 1/one-setters!)
(& what if, we simply/just used/utilized a(n) photonic/optical ANN/AI trained/programmed for multiplication operation/calculation/computation (instead of designing & building a(n) complicated photonic/optical multiplication operation/calculation/computation unit/circuit!)?)

(202402095) Could we really/actually/truly FORCE quantum measurement outcomes/results (which could (also) be used/utilized for FTL/instant/real-time communication (regardless of distance)!?)?:
IMHO: Absolutely YES!!! REALIZE that quantum measurement outcomes/results are already often/frequently/commonly are unequal/biased, because, the probabilities for/of all the possible outcomes/results are NOT equally/objectively distributed! (Otherwise, neither quantum computers nor our reality/universe could work (right) anyway!) & if so then, imagine/realize, for example/instance, we could do multiple/consecutive weak measurements etc on each qbit state/value/output to minimize/maximize its probability for measured later a 0/zero/1/one!

(PS: For FTL/instant/real-time communication (regardless of distance), imagine, for example/instance, a laser communication relay station in the middle between Earth & Mars was providing entangled photon pairs to both sides (arriving simultaneously on/to both sides!)! (Realize also that first/initial photons cannot be used (for FTL/instant/real-time communication), until they travelled to both sides at speed of light! So, "information cannot travel/transport/move faster than speed of light" rule/law still holds/applies, but only initially at first!))

(202402106) IMHO: If massive global reforestation is still not good enough to end the excess(ive) atmospheric CO2, then, next/additional best step could be convert it to pure solid carbon powder at first & later to (artificial) diamond crystals (which are super-dense/durable)!
(Imagine, super/hyper-high/tall skyscrapers/buildings of future (storing massive amounts of excess carbon!) made possible, because of being made of super/hyper-tough/strong (LEGO-like!) diamond-bricks!)

(202402187) Is COVID-19 coronavirus having no sign of any artificial/genetic engineering/manipulation, really/truly/actually mean, it cannot be an intentionally created bio-weapon (of mass destruction)?:
Since wild/natural (mammal/bat) coronavirus(es) have ability to create new strains (for adaptation!), if we put/brought together wild/natural (mammal/bat) coronavirus(es) & white/Anglo-Saxon prisoners/patients,  in any kind of building, again & again, shouldn't/wouldn't we get (sooner or later!) a fully-natural strain, that is expert at quickly attacking/sickening (especially) such/those people (or not)???

(202402191) Just imagine if revolutionary theoretical physicists (like Newton/Faraday/Einstein/...) of future, could/would just/simply describe/explain their logic/reasoning & (thought) experiments (& (equivalence) principles) to a conversational AI (expert on physics/math/CS/...) & get any/all (wanted/needed) mathematical expressions/equations/formulations/consequences!!!

(202403133) IMHO: Copyright & Patent time/lifespan limits should/must be ALWAYS equal! (Lifetime (+ N years) kind/type of rules/laws/agreements especially are unfair/unjust!: What if that lifetime lasts thousand years?)

(202403166) My guess is (LEGO-like!) glass cubes/bricks/slabs/panes (inside/within titanium (alloy) wireframe/cage) would NOT really/truly be good/practical choice/option/selection for/as green-houses & windows in space (instead of (artificial) diamond!)! (For other kinds/types of buildings/structures/walls, cubes/bricks/slabs/panes (inside/within titanium (alloy) wireframe/cage) could be metal(-glass/foam)/ceramic!)

(202403214) ALL kinds/types of sexual intercourse/interaction between consenting adults is okay, but as long as it is NOT done for money!!!
Is it because, doing anything for money is unethical/immoral or that money is untaxed (& too hard to tax???)???
(BTW, IMHO, sex work being/made/kept illegal is the main/root cause of women are seen/treated/being like lower/inferior human beings almost pretty much everywhere/globally!!!)
(BTW, isn't it true that, often, for the most/more beautiful/sexy women, the ONLY way to make (enough) money (for water/food/housing/child(ren)!!!) (w/o getting repeatedly raped or forced to sex!!!) is doing sex work (which is made impossible to quit/resign/end!!!)???)

(202403284) IMHO, it would be a huge WIN-WIN (for many reasons!), if Tesla & Ford (& GM & Stellantis) are joined together!!!

(202403284) Just imagine the huge benefits, if ALL major/high-traffic roads & streets had a roof/ceiling (made of LEGO-like (standardized) stainless-steel/aluminum bars/poles & safety-glass!!!

(202403295) Just imagine the huge benefits, if ALL disease/parasite-carrier blood-sucking mosquito & vampire bat species were permanently gone/disappeared (using gene-drive tech)!!!

(202404033) IMHO: (TESLA CyberTruck) = (FORD Model-T) + (VOLKSWAGEN Beetle) + (DMC DeLorean)!!!

(202404044) WHAT IF, BITCOIN creator/designer "SATOSHI NAKAMOTO" is neither a single person nor a group of people??? & who (among the known) wins bigger, if/when BITCOIN wins bigger???

(202404055) WHAT IF, Alternate/Anti-Earth of Alternate/Anti-Universe/Reality (invisible/untouchable/out-of-phase to Human-Homeworld/Universe/Reality!) is Jinn/Genie-Homeworld??? (BTW, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Jinns/Genies were created long before humans & eventually had a huge civil war that was ended by an army of Angels (which also led/caused to a male Jinn/Genie named Iblis (Satan) joining the army of Angels (& start rising in rank/degree/level) who later became the leader/commander of ALL Angels of God (who later lost ALL rank/degree/level & kicked-out/fired (to Earth/Dungeon) (who later will go to Hell/Prison)))!!!)
(BTW, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Jinns/Genies are creatures of pure energy who are (quantum/instant) (visible/invisible) shape-shifters (like Angels) (w/ lifespans/lifetimes like thousands of years!) who also have default/original shapes/bodies (like Angels), but, also have male/female genders (unlike Angels/God) & also hybrid children between Jinn/Genie & Human is possible!!!)

(202404184) WHAT IF, our ancient Earth/World (of MEN & WOMEN) also had a big rivalry between 2/two superpowers & eventually/finally it escalated so that both sides intentionally/knowingly/deliberately created new hybrid human (sub)species as their super-soldiers & one side created human + bat hybrid (sub)species (of GOG & MAGOG) who later built BAT-CITY & the other side created human + gorilla hybrid (sub)species (of MALE & FEMALE) who later built GORILLA-CITY???

(202404276) I think/guess/predict that, humanity/humankind will have super/hyper-advanced quantum tech in the future, which will allow/enable ANY kind/type of (living!?) physical object/mass to be saved/stored/kept as quantum information/data!!! (Which will allow/enable humanity/humankind having/creating a general/global/universal database/archive of ALL kinds/types of animals/plants/meals/tools/toys/machines/devices/calculators/computers/robots/...!!!)
(Furthermore/moreover, I also think/guess/predict that is also how really/actually/truly (Grand-Prophet) Noah's Ark/Ship/Boat had worked
(human distant future tech provided (by (Abrahamic) God/Judge!) to the human representative/prophet who needed it in the distant past!!!)!!!)

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