(202304053) IMHO, teaching how-to-play (together) a wide variety of the most basic/well-known/educational/beneficial
board-games (like Checkers (variants), Chess  (variants), Reversi/Othello, Go, Connect-4, (3D) Tic-Tac-Toe, Monopoly, Risk, (The Settlers Of) Catan,...),
trading-card-games (like Magic the Gathering (series), Pokemon (series), Yu-Gi-Oh! (series), Hearthstone (series),...),
classical & modern computer-games (like The Oregon Trail (series), The Incredible Machine (series), Lemmings (series), Angry Birds, Wordle, Sudoku, Nonogram, StarCraft (series), Command & Conquer (series), Minecraft, Mario (series), Age Of Empires (series), Diablo (series), SimCity/SimEarth/Civilization (series), Railroad Tycoon (series), Prince Of Persia (series), King's Quest (series),...)
etc, (& also (basic) Game Theory) should/must be made a basic/common/integral part of ALL K-12 education (at appropriate/suitable ages/levels)!!
(202304112) IMHO, modern AI hardware/software/systems (like ChatGPT) clearly show/prove that (the original form of) "Turing Test" is a flawed (or incomplete) idea!
(Another thing they clearly show/prove is the incredibly general/versatile (problem solving) power of extending the idea of "auto-complete" from words to sentences to whole paragraphs/text! :-)
Because, clearly/evidently, they can/could easily convince/mislead/fool most/average people for/about having conscious-mind/free-will!
IMHO, this really/actually would be the right/best way to see/examine the problem of consciousness/mind/free-will:
Imagine that, someday in the future, an AI robot/hardware/software asked world/humanity/UN to be legally accepted as a "person"!
Then, could we really/actually answer/settle the question/problem by doing (written/verbal) Turing Test(s), for example?
Let's realize that, even though modern AI systems can easily convince/mislead/fool most/average people, they still cannot do the same w/ the best/smartest experts!
Which (IMHO) really/actually means/imply that such a question/problem cannot be answered/settled simply by doing Turing Tests (like by (randomly-selected) thousand/million/billion people) & then deciding by the majority opinion/rule!
But, instead, we would need to do (written/verbal) Turing Tests by using ONLY the top/smartest experts of world/humanity!
(& so, IMHO, (the original form of) "Turing Test" is a flawed (or incomplete) because of (implicitly) assuming all human evaluations/judgements are of equal value/accuracy!)
(One may think/claim that the goal of Turing Test is not really to decide/determine having conscious-mind/free-will, but, IMHO, it actually is! Because, it requires an AI to be able to make a (near) perfect imitation/simulation of ANY conscious human mind & so, if the test is truly passed, both the human & the AI should/must have conscious-mind/free-will or neither one! (All the while, signs of/for humans having conscious-mind/free-will is really/actually plenty/clear (IMHO)!))
(202304156) I already knew that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms were really good/useful for some extremely important/vital applications (like voice/finger-print/palm-print/iris/eye/face/image recognition,...), since early 90s, but, I also knew that they required huge amounts of computation & that is why I was thinking ALL (desk-top/lap-top/palm-top) (Personal/Home/Office) Computers should/must have an ANN co-processor (socket); just like they had (floating-point-number/vector/matrix) math co-processor (socket), at the time!
(But, also, I don't think/remember it ever occurred to me that ANN algorithms/software could be modified/enhanced to be able to work/run in the opposite/reverse direction (like generating images/pictures/video/movie-clips from (any) given text-descriptions (instead of (just/only) generating text-descriptions from (any) given images/pictures/video/movie-clips)) to achieve amazing capabilities/results! :-)
(But, also, I think creation/appearance of free & commonly-/widely/globally-available AI tools/services (like ChatGPT etc) means no more homework for ALL K-12 students! :-) (Homework is/was a really bad/unfair teaching/schooling method/tool/idea always/anyway (IMHO)! & also, IMHO, ALL K-12 schools need to go/revert-back to written/oral exams/tests! (&, of-course, any standard/common (multi-choice) exam(s) can still continue (but as long as any AI/computer cannot be used for cheating)!))
(But, also, I think ALL K-12 students (of appropriate/suitable ages/levels) should/must learn/taught how to make best/safe use of those/such tools/services (as well as any/all other basic/common/frequently-used (computer/Internet) tools/services (like Chrome/Firefox/Edge (browsers) & Google/Bing (searchers) etc)!)!)
(202304241) Back in early 2010s, I was living at Los Angeles & I had to do job search, by using a few free/common Internet job advertising/recruitment websites/services, for (approximately) 6 + 6 months! Here/below are my views/comments/recommendations/wishes (just in case, the same problems/issues still exist, anywhere/any-when):
1: I am absolutely NOT interested in using/applying ANY recruitment companies (which are trying to make easy money by simply selling me to other companies (which are the ones really/actually searching/hiring/paying/knowing/understanding))!
2: ALL job advertisements need to be from real/actual/legitimate/legal companies for real/actual/available/open (permanent/temporary) jobs/positions!
3: ALL applications/communications/notifications need to be done using email & ALL (face-to-face) voice/video communication(s) need to be real/actual hiring interviews, for the selected candidates!
4: Email addresses of ALL the applicants, need to be sent (group) notification email(s), ASAP, if/when the job/position becomes no longer available/open (for any reason)!
(BTW, also, I had personally quite annoyed, frequently, because of some job advertisements, which were asking for:
1: Super hi-level skill(s)/expertise/experience for low-level/low-paying/temporary jobs/positions!
2: You to train/teach/school their own employee(s)/team(s) & leave afterwards!)
(202304263) Pretty-much all kinds of shoes/sneakers need width/tightness adjustability, obviously & (IMHO) Velcro is superior to any/all shoelaces/strings (& Disc (system/mechanism) is even better)!
(202304307) I think, we humans ALL have so many bugs/issues/biases to discover & fix/dodge thru our lifetimes; just like ALL AI/Software!
(Otherwise, so many different bad/unpleasant results/consequences are keep-hitting/harming/damaging us, because of NOT fully considering/realizing/grasping/dealing/resolving the root/main problem(s)/
Some really big/important/vital ones/examples to consider (IMHO):
1: Keep-falling victim to loan-sharking/financial-scams/schemes/fraud, because of keep-failing to consider/ask/research ALL (long-term) future/financial possibilities & ALL their possible-consequences!
2: Keep-seeing/viewing/interpreting ALL opposite/counter-arguments/opinions/views as personal-attacks (which need to be (publicly) defeated (in ANY way(s) possible (regardless of ANY consequence(s))))!
3: Keep-seeing/viewing/interpreting ALL inter-personal/national asks/requests as bossing/ordering/commanding/controlling/forcing/attacking/disrespecting/belittling/humiliating/subjugating attempts! (Instead of seeing/viewing/interpreting them as new opportunities to make new WIN-WIN deals/agreements which benefit both sides!)
4: Having so many different (fully/partially) wrong/biased/incomplete views/opinions/decisions/judgements/conclusions/beliefs, because of (keep) falling victim to one/few/many of long-known logical-fallacies!
5: Keep-seeing/viewing ANY other person/people as absolute good/friend/angel/bad/enemy/(d)evil (who can/could/will/would never change)!
(202305066) According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, God do not really/actually have ANY shape/size/location (because even space & time themselves are God's creations) (& neither God (nor Angels!) have ANY gender!)!
On the other hand, according to Christianity, God (who is at Heaven!) created human(s) in HIS image (shape)!
Not long ago, I read about a hadith which similarly tells that "God created human(s) in ((genderless) God's) 'image'"!
What if, what was really/actually meant (by The God & The grand-prophets Jesus & Muhammad) (in both Abrahamic Religions) was that God created human-mind similar to (God's) mind?
(Because, for example, (Sunni(te)) Islam (IMHO at least!) clearly implies that God has emotions (such as love or anger), similar to humans!)
(202305125) Best/ideal USB Memory Drive properties/features (IMHO):
1: E-M-shielding & heat-dissipating & strong & durable metal (alloy) casing!
2: Minimal size (& 0.5+ cm diameter (circular) key-ring/string/wire hole)!
3: Maximal data-keeping/retention/memorization lifetime!
(202305125) IMHO, USB etc ALL kinds/types of (data/power/signal) cable connectors should/must be made square or circular (if technically/technologically possible)!
(It should/must not matter which way the connection/insertion is made!)
(202305243) This is also how learning Python ((computer) programming language) had made me think/feel: https://xkcd.com/353
(But, what I think Python still need is a simple/easy/fast (app/web) GUI design/programming environment/software; just like Visual Basic 6 had! (Which I think could be improved/enhanced further today, by making/designing the generated/rendered GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) auto-re-adjusting (to any screen/monitor-size/resolution) by using/utilizing scale-free vector-graphics (instead of
using/utilizing inches/pixels etc)!))
(202305243) It seems extremely likely to me that (eventually) pretty much all future wars/battles will be between AI-controlled & human-commanded/supervised swarms/armies/militaries of drones/robots!
(I think a great example of how future (AI-controlled & human-commanded/supervised) drones could also "protect & serve", just like a police/security-force/bodyguard-team, was in the movie "Spider-Man: Far From Home"!)

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