(202301087) A really huge (inter)national conspiracy theory:
What if, most of most beautiful girls (of USA, for example) are detected/selected from an early-age, by some people/workers of (all/most?) public/private K-12 schools, who secretly work for (pedophile/sex/porn/drug) gangs/networks??
(& what if, those gangs/networks maybe even have power/expertise/tactics/strategies to break-up (& replace!) any relationships/marriages of the targeted parent(s)??
What if, most of most beautiful girls (of USA, for example) are detected/selected from an early-age, by some people/workers of (all/most?) public/private K-12 schools, who secretly work for (pedophile/sex/porn/drug) gangs/networks??
(& what if, those gangs/networks maybe even have power/expertise/tactics/strategies to break-up (& replace!) any relationships/marriages of the targeted parent(s)??
(Imagine, for example, someday, the father suddenly meets a young & very beautiful woman at a bar who seems to be very interested to start a relationship! & sometime later, after the father is gone, the mother suddenly meets a young & very handsome man at a bar who seems to be very interested to start a relationship!))
But, even if so, how we could prove any/all of these claims?:
Today, we have AI systems which can scan faces of people (in DMV pictures, for example) & measure/compute (facial) beauty scores!
Let's assume, we can also (somehow) use AI to determine, if any beautiful woman is a stripper/escort/sex-worker (or not)!
Now, imagine, if we had done extensive/comprehensive research on the general population (of USA, for example)
But, even if so, how we could prove any/all of these claims?:
Today, we have AI systems which can scan faces of people (in DMV pictures, for example) & measure/compute (facial) beauty scores!
Let's assume, we can also (somehow) use AI to determine, if any beautiful woman is a stripper/escort/sex-worker (or not)!
Now, imagine, if we had done extensive/comprehensive research on the general population (of USA, for example)
& found/concluded that, a VERY UNUSUALLY high percentage of most beautiful girls are keep becoming strippers/escorts/sex-workers??
(202301124) Certainly, Quran/Koran is the primary/greatest source to learn about (Sunni(te)) Islam, but, just-in-case, for anyone interested to learn/understand (much!) more about it, the next best source would be reading (a translation of) Kutub al-Sittah (which is 'the six books' containing the most well-known/accepted collection of hadith (which are what Prophet Muhammad (really/actually) said/preached/advised/ordered/did in various times & under various circumstances!)!)!
(Here is, for example, a website I had found in Internet that contains a Turkish translation of it: https://www.kutubusitte.com)
& the next best source(s) would be reading (translations of) the major classic book sources of (Sunni(te)) Islam:
(Here is, for example, a website I had found in Internet that contains (free/PDF) translations (in many languages!) of some major classic book sources of (Sunni(te)) Islam: http://www.hakikatkitabevi.net/?HKLanguage=en)
(Here is another website I had also found in Internet that (IMHO) contains pretty much all the most basic/important information about (Sunni(te)) Islam: https://www.myreligionislam.com)
(Here is, for example, a website I had found in Internet that contains a Turkish translation of it: https://www.kutubusitte.com)
& the next best source(s) would be reading (translations of) the major classic book sources of (Sunni(te)) Islam:
(Here is, for example, a website I had found in Internet that contains (free/PDF) translations (in many languages!) of some major classic book sources of (Sunni(te)) Islam: http://www.hakikatkitabevi.net/?HKLanguage=en)
(Here is another website I had also found in Internet that (IMHO) contains pretty much all the most basic/important information about (Sunni(te)) Islam: https://www.myreligionislam.com)
(202301135) A few absolutely/completely free commercial product suggestions:
Premade (ready-to-eat) Jell-O (gelatin dessert) rainbow snack pack (w/ 6 colors/flavors)!
Premade (ready-to-eat) caffeinated Jell-O snack packs for adults (w/ 3 flavor choices: coffee/tea/cola)!
Premade (ready-to-eat) Jell-O (gelatin dessert) rainbow snack pack (w/ 6 colors/flavors)!
Premade (ready-to-eat) caffeinated Jell-O snack packs for adults (w/ 3 flavor choices: coffee/tea/cola)!
(202301135) Coffee/tea/cocoa/cola/vanilla-flavored (water/milk-based) drink/pudding/ice-cream/chocolate-bar/cake!
(Realize that many of the covered possibilities of this expression/description are already very common foods/drinks!
For example:
Any flavored water-based pudding is (called) jello/jelly!
Vanilla-flavored chocolate-bar is (called) white chocolate!)
(Realize that many of the covered possibilities of this expression/description are already very common foods/drinks!
For example:
Any flavored water-based pudding is (called) jello/jelly!
Vanilla-flavored chocolate-bar is (called) white chocolate!)
(202301161) I noticed that teaching/training K-12 students for handwriting seems to be abandoned, by more & more states/countries!
IMHO, it is an EXTREMELY bad idea for whole humanity to (eventually) lose such vitally important lifetime skill!
Imagine, for example, if Martin Luther had no-way to write his "Ninety-five Theses" & the people of public had no-way to copy & distribute them!
Or, what if today, a huge solar flare (like Carrington Event of 1859) happens or terrorist EMP/electric-grid attack suddenly locally/(inter)nationally/globally makes ALL computers & smart-phones/watches unusable, for a long time?
Also, let's realize that ability to write/send handwritten messages/letters, to call for help/rescue, had proven itself as a vitally important/valuable life-saver skill, again & again, numerous times in whole human history (since the beginning of writing) & no-doubt even today! (For example, for lost/wrecked/abducted/abused/exploited people/women/children who had no other way to call for help/rescue!)
Imagine, for example, if Martin Luther had no-way to write his "Ninety-five Theses" & the people of public had no-way to copy & distribute them!
Or, what if today, a huge solar flare (like Carrington Event of 1859) happens or terrorist EMP/electric-grid attack suddenly locally/(inter)nationally/globally makes ALL computers & smart-phones/watches unusable, for a long time?
Also, let's realize that ability to write/send handwritten messages/letters, to call for help/rescue, had proven itself as a vitally important/valuable life-saver skill, again & again, numerous times in whole human history (since the beginning of writing) & no-doubt even today! (For example, for lost/wrecked/abducted/abused/exploited people/women/children who had no other way to call for help/rescue!)
(202301161) A(n) absolutely/completely-free commercial-product idea:
Coloring-books (for children/adults) which are specifically-designed to be colored using oil-pastels!
Coloring-books (for children/adults) which are specifically-designed to be colored using oil-pastels!
(202301216) IMHO, quite possibly, the best way/method to teach English, to not just ALL children but people of ALL ages, would be by making/enabling them to (everyday!) keep watching old/classic/popular English/American (like Disney & Hanna-Barbera!) children's cartoons (w/ not just the original English voices/speech/soundtrack but also w/ English subtitles/captions)!
(Which I think could be done, by pretty much anybody/everybody in the world for free, for example, by creating/using You Tube channels/playlists of such old/classic/popular cartoons!)
(Which I think could be done, by pretty much anybody/everybody in the world for free, for example, by creating/using You Tube channels/playlists of such old/classic/popular cartoons!)
(202301227) It seems that living as long as possible is a dream always wished/wanted/funded by so many rich(est) people in the world!
But on-the-other-hand, any real/true progress/success on it seems as elusive as always! :-)
I remember reading an Islamic story which I think seems to show/offer/suggest the right way to really/actually achieve it!:
According to the story, (grand-prophet) Moses asked/prayed (The Abrahamic) God to kill The Pharaoh (a non-believer (AKA infidel!) who had already lived a very long life (of centuries!) at that time & was claiming to be a god himself)!
& God said/responded as/like "For you, I need to kill him, but for the ten thousand poor people who eat from his food table everyday, I need to keep him alive!"
But, God also tells Moses that, The Pharaoh will soon start reducing the number of sheep slaughtered everyday, because of receiving an advice about start preparing for bad (economic) times ahead!
& according to the story, the number of sheep were finally/eventually reduced to two(?), on the day The Pharaoh died!
But on-the-other-hand, any real/true progress/success on it seems as elusive as always! :-)
I remember reading an Islamic story which I think seems to show/offer/suggest the right way to really/actually achieve it!:
According to the story, (grand-prophet) Moses asked/prayed (The Abrahamic) God to kill The Pharaoh (a non-believer (AKA infidel!) who had already lived a very long life (of centuries!) at that time & was claiming to be a god himself)!
& God said/responded as/like "For you, I need to kill him, but for the ten thousand poor people who eat from his food table everyday, I need to keep him alive!"
But, God also tells Moses that, The Pharaoh will soon start reducing the number of sheep slaughtered everyday, because of receiving an advice about start preparing for bad (economic) times ahead!
& according to the story, the number of sheep were finally/eventually reduced to two(?), on the day The Pharaoh died!
(202301242) IMHO, ready-to-bake cake-mixes sold at grocery-stores/supermarkets would be much more practical to buy & store at home, if they did NOT require adding fresh eggs & milk!
Why not remove the milk requirement by pre-adding dried-milk-powder to the mixture & remove the egg requirement by pre-adding whatever standard/common food-industry organic-chemical additive used for the same purpose (thickening/gelling-agent?)?
Why not remove the milk requirement by pre-adding dried-milk-powder to the mixture & remove the egg requirement by pre-adding whatever standard/common food-industry organic-chemical additive used for the same purpose (thickening/gelling-agent?)?
(202301242) I have absolutely no problem w/ the idea of continuous/real-time malware/security-scanning of personal-computers/smart-phones/watches, but, it always needs to be done/run in the background (as a low priority task!) w/o causing any disruption/unavailability/unresponsivity for whatever software user is currently running/executing at anytime!!
(202301242) IMHO, pretty much all kinds/brands of almond/hazelnut/peanut/nut-spreads/butters are in need of having cocoa(/coffee/tea/vanilla/cinnamon)-added and/or milk-added versions!
(202301242) Which is the superior (in general!) long-term investment?:
Gold/silver/precious-metal or land?
IMHO, normally, both of them look-like similarly/equally good long-term investments!
But, sometimes, one maybe the superior choice for a while (which maybe given more investment)!
For example, one guessing/believing that our world (sooner or later) will experience another huge global economic crisis, similar to The Great Depression (1929–1939), then, one better have a lot of (physical/real/actual!) gold/silver/precious-metal (always-ready to quickly/easily take/use!) in max-safe/long-term storage, to be always well-prepared for it!
Or, one guessing/believing that seemingly very fast progress/advancement of fusion tech, eventually, will make pretty much all currently dirt-cheap desert lands super-valuable, could decide to invest more on land!
Gold/silver/precious-metal or land?
IMHO, normally, both of them look-like similarly/equally good long-term investments!
But, sometimes, one maybe the superior choice for a while (which maybe given more investment)!
For example, one guessing/believing that our world (sooner or later) will experience another huge global economic crisis, similar to The Great Depression (1929–1939), then, one better have a lot of (physical/real/actual!) gold/silver/precious-metal (always-ready to quickly/easily take/use!) in max-safe/long-term storage, to be always well-prepared for it!
Or, one guessing/believing that seemingly very fast progress/advancement of fusion tech, eventually, will make pretty much all currently dirt-cheap desert lands super-valuable, could decide to invest more on land!
(202301264) ICBMs enforcing MAD (& so keep preventing WW3!) should/must have only thermo-nuclear (WMD) warheads?:
IMHO, it maybe said that chemical & biological WMD warheads are superior to thermo-nuclear warheads, because, they do not do/cause/create physical/infrastructural damage (too)!
But, it maybe also said chemical & biological WMD warheads are inferior to thermo-nuclear warheads, because, they can be defended/shielded/guarded against way more easily/cheaply!
What properties would/could-be the best/ideal for WMD warheads of ICBMs (to try to aim/target for)?
How about these?:
1: It needs to do/cause/create minimum physical/infrastructural damage (as much as (practically) possible)!
2: It needs to kill maximum number of aimed/targeted people/population/adversary (as much as (practically) possible)!
3: It needs to do/cause/create minimum physical/biological permanent damage to any/all survivors (as much as (practically) possible)!
4: It needs to be maximum hard to defend/shield/guard against!
(& so maybe neutron bomb tech (if really/actually exists!) would be the best option for WMD warheads of ICBMs (to try to aim/target for)!?)
(Also, of-course, there maybe special-purpose warheads developed to specifically do/cause/create maximum infrastructure damage; such as EMP-bombs!)
(But, on the other hand, IMHO, special-purpose warheads to do/cause/create maximum damage to livestock/crops are bad idea (since they can do/cause/create prolonged/widespread suffering)!
IMHO, it maybe said that chemical & biological WMD warheads are superior to thermo-nuclear warheads, because, they do not do/cause/create physical/infrastructural damage (too)!
But, it maybe also said chemical & biological WMD warheads are inferior to thermo-nuclear warheads, because, they can be defended/shielded/guarded against way more easily/cheaply!
What properties would/could-be the best/ideal for WMD warheads of ICBMs (to try to aim/target for)?
How about these?:
1: It needs to do/cause/create minimum physical/infrastructural damage (as much as (practically) possible)!
2: It needs to kill maximum number of aimed/targeted people/population/adversary (as much as (practically) possible)!
3: It needs to do/cause/create minimum physical/biological permanent damage to any/all survivors (as much as (practically) possible)!
4: It needs to be maximum hard to defend/shield/guard against!
(& so maybe neutron bomb tech (if really/actually exists!) would be the best option for WMD warheads of ICBMs (to try to aim/target for)!?)
(Also, of-course, there maybe special-purpose warheads developed to specifically do/cause/create maximum infrastructure damage; such as EMP-bombs!)
(But, on the other hand, IMHO, special-purpose warheads to do/cause/create maximum damage to livestock/crops are bad idea (since they can do/cause/create prolonged/widespread suffering)!
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