(202201171) Ideal Spreadsheet Software:
I do not know that if already there is/are any spreadsheet software works like this (below), but I think this would be the best way to work, for any/all spreadsheet software!:
(I decided so, after having endless problems w/ MS Excel, for so many years! :-)
Input/output data only w/ standard text-based data files, like CSV, XML, JSON, flat-file etc (instead of any (proprietary) binary-format files)!
Always load data from any data file as text only (w/o any modification)!
Always keep all cell data as text only!
(Formulas, macros/scripts, (user defined/activated) data formatting functions/features etc still can interpret/process cell/column/row data any way they want/need, but they write data into cells always as text only!)
(202201171) IMHO, everybody need to be well aware that some often/commonly repeated proverbial phrases in human society are actually quite wrong/unethical/immoral/dangerous!
Here are some examples:
"All is fair in love & war!":
Tricking the enemy in a war is surely justified, since it is quite literally a life-or-death situation (& there are so many known wars in history which was won/lost because of a trick done by one of the sides)!
But that is absolutely not mean, lying/cheating/tricking/manipulating a husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend or any love interest would be okay/justified!!!
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!":
Is it really hard to see that such thinking can cause so many kinds of bad/unethical/immoral actions to be seen as okay/justified?
(It can be interpreted in good ways too, for sure, but who can give such guarantee as that would be always the case?)
"If it moves you can eat it!" & "Animals are for people (to eat)!":
Is it really hard to see that humans eating all kinds of animals cannot really be okay/justified (for many good/important reasons)?
(I had read that there is also another Chinese/Asian saying that says something like "more pain(ful death) makes animal meat more delicious"!!!)
(202201182) Commented on the article:
"Has a new experiment just proven the quantum nature of gravity?"
I always thought that creating a Casimir force field is actually equivalent to creating an artificial gravitational field!
Maybe experiments like this one could be used to (dis)prove that?
(202201193) Commented on the article:
"What is astrophysics?"
"In every way that we’ve measured them, the laws of nature appear to be identical at all points in time and in space, and do not appear to change.":
I think it is also important to recognize that this is not really an absolutely proven (& unbreakable!) fact/law (but an extremely useful scientific principle/assumption)!
For example, can we really conclude from this, no supernatural events/miracles ever happened?: Sorry but no!
Or, for example, can we really conclude from (known) laws of physics that there is no free will & no afterlife & no God?
Again, sorry but no!
For example/analogy, realize that in all 3D computer games, human players provide (in a way) consciousness & free will to the game characters they control/command!
(Realize that, even in "The Matrix" movies, people in the matrix are actually controlled/commanded from "the real world" outside the matrix!)
Just some food for thought!
(202201204) IMHO, all patent documents should/must be written in concise/plain/understandable language!!!
Current situation is just like medieval times when only a handful of people of clergy could read/write books (in Latin)!
Current patent system is like specifically/only designed for participation of large/rich companies & expensive patent attorneys!
Current patent system is severely preventing/discouraging inventors w/ many new invention ideas!
Because, researching prior patents requires expertise in the special language of patents!
Each patent application requires so much money & takes a very long time to prepare/write!
Often finding patent attorneys w/ the right kind of tech expertise is nearly impossible!
So, most patents end up getting prepared by patent attorneys who do not really understand the invention idea(s)!
& they are the ones later supposed to defend the invention idea(s) against the objections of USPTO!!!
IMHO, if patents did not really required extremely specialized language, the inventors could do all the work much better/faster/cheaper, all by themselves!!!
IMHO, patent attorneys pretty much should/must be needed only in case of lawsuits between inventors, companies, USPTO & no other times!!!
(202201252) IMHO, the right solution for the problem between Russia & Ukraine is NOT:
1: Ukraine is joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Russia)!
2: Ukraine is NOT joining/accepted into NATO (because it would be a big problem for Ukraine & NATO)!
& it is really/actually:
3: Ukraine & Russia both together joining/accepted into NATO!
IMHO, greatly beneficial WIN-WIN relations between Russia & Turkey is already a very clear evidence/proof that Russia & countries of NATO can be friends!!!
(202201285) Commented on the article:
"Are we living in a baby universe that looks like a black hole to outsiders?"
Sorry but IMHO thinking that "our whole universe maybe a BH (& all BHs maybe universes)" is utterly ridiculous!
I think the huge question is, if "the size of our (observable) universe is equal to the size of an equivalent BH (which has same amount of mass/energy)" is something that is always true (past, present, future) or not?
(Because, if not then it would be a coincidence, but otherwise it would be an indication of a new physical law (which applies to the whole universe as well as all BHs)!
(Like maybe, there is always a constant ratio between total amounts of mass/energy (of real particles) & vacuum (zero-point) energy (of virtual particles)?))
(Realize that, if the whole universe was a BH (w/ The Big Bang being its center), then everything in the universe would be keep falling/moving towards The Big Bang! But in reality, the direction we are keep moving is the opposite (away from The Big Bang)!)
(202201285) I am often noticing that reporters/journalists abusing/exploiting Q&A sessions w/ government officials/politicians etc, by asking annoying questions, which I have no doubt intentionally decided/designed!
It is not hard to guess that is because of getting emotionally-charged answers/responses have much bigger sensational news value!
I think such tricks are quite unethical, since they can cause serious harm to reputations/careers of those government officials/politicians etc!
I think reporters/journalists are often also misrepresenting/manipulating questions & answers they get, to create sensational news (which is also harmful/dangerous)!
I do not think asking reporters/journalists to stop abusing/exploiting Q&A sessions would really ever (forever) work!
That is why I think direct face-to-face Q&A sessions w/ reporters should/must be always avoided/stopped!
Imagine, instead, all press/media offices could maintain a public blog w/ (daily) new posts about all news & answers to the questions submitted by reporters/journalists/public!
(Realize, then, if people of public see any alarming/concerning news at any mass media outlets, they can easily directly check the blog source themselves for most accurate/original news/information!)
(202201296) Problems w/ "The Matrix":
I think idea of a race of AI needing/using human bodies as an energy source is utterly ridiculous!
But, so is idea of a race of AI needing/using human brains as a computation power source!
Maybe a better idea/plot would be that humanity somehow getting divided into 2 & one side/part using the other as a food/meat source (like in "The Time Machine")! :-)
But, even in that case, it would be absolutely best to design the simulated world as a perfect Heaven!
(I had seen recent news about VR devices for cows which are claimed to reduce stress & increase happiness/yields!)
(In "The Matrix" movie, it was said that the first matrix was a Heaven but humans could not accept it as the real world, because it was too perfect!
Which is I think also utterly ridiculous! I cannot imagine people in Heaven ever complaining about perfect/happy life & wanting our (imperfect) world back! :-)
& so, I do not think our world could be really a simulation created/run by future AIs or humans!
(But, on the other hand, our world/universe being a simulation created/run by God makes perfect sense in many ways!)
(By the way, I actually really enjoyed all "The Matrix" movies!)
(202202056) Is it really/actually possible that other people know someone's (true) sexuality/sexual-orientation better than himself/herself?
(& isn't that really/actually quite common/widespread thinking/belief, which often leads to huge problems among coworkers/classmates/roommates?)
I think the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
I think the character "Raj" in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" is especially a great example to consider for this problem!
In the TV show, there was really/actually no problem, because his friends somehow knew that he was just shy around beautiful/attractive women!
But, is that really/actually what would happen in the real world though?
I think what would really/actually happen among the real world coworkers/classmates/roommates is this:
His coworkers/classmates/roommates sooner or later would decide among themselves that he is gay (but w/o ever telling/asking him)!
& afterwards, they maybe even start "trying to help him" by secretly keep trying to make him meet & talk w/ gay guys!
& would it really help, even if he eventually noticed/realized what is going on?
What would happen, for example, even if he tried to tell his coworkers/classmates/roommates that he was really/actually absolutely straight/heterosexual?
I think extremely most likely, they would not really/actually believe him & secretly continue to think/believe that "he is gay & he is just trying to hide it"! (Or, even, "he is really/actually gay but he does not know it even himself yet"!)
(& what would really/actually happen, even if he tried to do an official sexual harassment complaint?
I think most likely he would get fired/thrown-out (or at least all his coworkers/classmates/roommates would turn to enemies)!)
Wouldn't it be really/actually the best, if people always kept their thoughts/beliefs about other people's sexuality/sexual-orientation to themselves?
(& especially they never tried to "help", unless specifically/clearly asked for?)
(202202056) I frequently see (complaining) news/commentary in Turkish newspapers, about people/public keep getting outraged, because of countless criminals (doing numerous thefts etc) are getting released, right after getting arrested!
How such a thing could be really be possible (even though laws are clearly not getting followed!)?
Why there is never clear explanation from the government, for example?
IMHO, there could be really one explanation (dirty secret)!:
I think the real reason should/must be that all prisons are extremely/absolutely full!!!
& the root cause of that should/must be because of lack of capital punishment for violent criminals!
I think when violent criminals are not executed (as they should/must, for (true) justice!) the consequence is slowly filling of all prisons w/ violent criminals & so no room remaining for all other (non-violent) criminals!
& I think this is actually should/must be happening in all countries where there is no capital punishment for violent criminals!
& also this bad situation is really/actually only the beginning!
(Imagine that, over time, all prisons keep getting filled w/ more & more violent criminals & so any less violent ones are never sent to prisons anymore!)
(202202067) IMHO, current 401K system is not a good option for everybody, because it is extremely hard & costly to pull (full/partial) money from, if/whenever needed!
(Not to mention, it requires keep paying lots of fees/expenses!)
IMHO, a second alternative/option is needed, such as:
A precious metal (gold/silver/platinum/palladium/rhodium) account (in a bank of your choice)!
(So, any money sent by employer(s) is always converted to the equivalent amount for the selected precious metal (according to its current market price)!)
(& the owner of the account can sell any existing precious metal amount (according to its current market price), if/whenever needed!)
(202202067) IMHO, body cameras for all law enforcement is absolutely necessary/beneficial (for many good/important reasons)!
& their benefits could really/actually be extended much more (someday)!
For example, realize that there are always so many abuses/crimes/mistreatments occurring at schools, hospitals, work places (& even at homes)!
(Even imagine a future when everybody should/must wear an official body-cam all the time!
& it constantly in real time uploads its recordings to an official government server!
& nobody is ever allowed to access any of its recordings unless whenever there is an official investigation!)
(202202071) IMHO, especially USA & EU & Russia should/must create their own max large (physical!) strategic reserves of all kinds of precious metals (to ensure/increase economic stability/trust, as much as possible)!!!
(202202082) Commented on the article:
"Nuclear fusion explained"
Let's realize that we actually already have an efficient massive source of fusion power: H-bomb!!!
Then, here is a crazy idea to consider:
Imagine building a super-giant (vacuum-filled) (spherical) dome in a desert (w/ bottom-half below ground level)!
To generate energy, each time (a min size/power) H-bomb gets released from the top & explodes in the center!
(& the dome is designed to capture all the released energy & send it to a supercapacitor storage array (to convert it a continuous power source)!)
(202202141) How to accurately determine/measure/survey happiness/success/efficiency (percentage) of (a) whole country/humanity?:
I think simply asking "Do you think you are happy/successful?" to people, would not really provide accurate answer(s), since such concepts are really/actually quite subjective/relative!
But, imagine asking instead "Considering your past & current life & assuming if you had no dependents, would you choose/prefer to be never born?"!
(202202141) Hybrid jet engine ideas (for more efficient & less costly airliners etc):
Front-side + Back-side:
Pulsejet + Ramjet!
Electrojet + Ramjet!
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