IMHO, humanity is advancing fast in science & tech, but K12 education seems to be causing a huge drag, because of its inefficiency!!!

IMHO, the root of the problem is the old idea of "wholesome education" (from 18/19 century?)!
It seems, so much time is always/absolutely wasted w/ classes/activities for sports & arts & music!

IMHO, most/general K12 schools should/must NOT have any classes/activities for sports & arts & music! (& neither any sports/music teams/groups!)
(But every city still could have one or few high schools specialized in sports &/ arts &/ music (where STEM classes replaced w/ those types of classes)!)
Instead, most/general K12 schools should/must have ONLY classes for
language (English & Spanish & German/French/Italian(/Japanese/Chinese))
& history (national & world) & geography (national & world)
& science (physics & chemistry & biology) (& tech (inventions))
& math & computer science (theoretical & practical(programming)) & electronics (analog & digital)!
(& a class for logical fallacies & public opinion manipulation (& fake news) in the internet & bullying/harassment/abuse/exploitation in the internet & ethics & debating!)

(& all total waste social activities, like all kinds of celebrations & visiting places (except science museums) should/must be stopped/banned, completely!)

(202110214) The first & foremost revolution desperately needed in K-12 education is this, IMHO:
Convert ALL K-12 schools to STEM schools!!!
Get rid of ALL total waste of time classes (like PE & music & arts etc) & replace them w/ vastly more useful/valuable/important STEM classes (like computer programming (in multiple languages), analog & digital electronics, computer science etc)!

(202110214) IMHO, sports teams (or fraternities or sororities) of schools are not just practically useless, but actually quite harmful, as/because they create artificial classes/divisions/polarizations between students!!!
(By the way, IMHO, schools should/must race among each other w/ academic achievements of their students & NOT w/ their sports teams!!!)

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