(202012137) ON WAR ON DRUGS:

IMHO, drugs which do not easily cause overdose deaths (like DMT, THC, LSD, Psilocybin etc) legally should/must be treated same as alcohol (which is really just another (similar) kind of drug)!

IMHO, just like prohibition of alcohol had caused so much crime in the past (& that is why it was repealed many years later), prohibition of many similar drugs are causing so much crime today! We need to take lesson from history!

(Not to mention, (according to medical research) drugs like DMT, THC, LSD, Psilocybin seem to be extremely promising against (major) depression & PTSD!) (& what benefits alcohol or tobacco have exactly (& yet they are legal)?)

(BTW, yes, psychedelic drugs (like Psilocybin, LSD, DMT etc) absolutely should/must be legalized, but, forcing ALL people to get them only at government-licensed service centers & only from government-licensed guides is ABSOLUTELY WRONG, IMHO!
Imagine, for example, if alcohol only allowed to be consumed at bars & nowhere else!!
Or, imagine, if ALL alcohol users were seen/treated as "drunk drivers" & always forced to drive in groups & by following government-licensed driving guides!!)

(202012137) IMHO, burning waste/trash for energy is the most practical solution & by far! (There is already advanced filter tech for preventing harmful fumes from it!)

Creating more & larger landfills would be a total waste of land!

Recycling/reprocessing methods would require a lot of labor (& so cost)! (& impractical/costly for consumers & trash collection vehicles/work(ers) too!)

Not to mention, by burning (w/o anybody touching) it, disease outbreak risks also would be minimized!

Not to mention, remaining ash could be useful in many ways!

(Another good solution (if/when practically possible) would be producing biodiesel from all waste/trash!)

(202012137/202012211) BEST BIOFUEL:

Pretty much all gasoline vehicles (motorcycles & cars & pickup trucks etc) are on their way to become fully electric already!
But importance of all kinds of existing diesel vehicles seems overlooked! IMHO, our world desperately needs start producing biodiesel fuel at large scales!

Most trucks & ships & farm equipment/tractors & trains & construction machinery/bulldozers/excavators & most military vehicles/tanks in the world run on diesel fuel! & so, biodiesel would be the best choice of biofuel to produce at large scales & by far!!! (& no doubt biodiesel fuel can easily be converted to jet fuel to make all aircraft carbon-neutral too!)

Just imagine, if almost all biomass from agricultural & forest management waste (maybe also even all sewage & trash) turned into biodiesel fuel, to run all kinds of land/sea/air vehicles on biodiesel, then how much it would help for Global Warming!!!

(Of course, one may still ask: But do we really have perfectly good tech to produce biodiesel at large/global scale?

Which of widely used/deployed energy production techs (like solar panels or wind turbines, for example) started perfect exactly? It took really decades to perfect them or not? & are not even they still keep getting improved today?)



Our world already always have countless people keep burning to death alive (after traffic accidents), because of using gasoline (which easily starts fires) as fuel! (Diesel, for example, does NOT easily starts fires (& that is why POTUS car is specifically chosen to be a diesel, for example)!)

Hydrogen, on the other hand, does NOT start fires but EXPLODES like a bomb!!!

If there are hydrogen vehicles around, do you seriously think their tanks would never leak or rapture, because of a traffic accident, for example???

IMHO, any land/sea/air vehicle which battery does not provide enough power/range should/must use bio-diesel as (range extender) fuel!!!
(Bio-diesel can be produced from many kinds of crops/biomass & can be used by all existing (land/sea/air) diesel vehicles too!!!)

(202012185) Commented on the article:

"As heavenly bodies converge, many ask: Is the Star of Bethlehem making a comeback?"

How could possibly birth of a new star (a supernova?) used to determine a certain location on Earth to go & search?

Maybe the star born right on top (zenith) of birthplace of Jesus at exact time of birth? & those wise men were astronomers who saw the birth of the star right at the beginning & from that they determined a direction & distance to go? (To calculate a distance, they would need to measure the angle of the star from their zenith & also need to know size (radius) of Earth!)

(Realize that, once a direction & distance is determined, then any map could be used to determine a certain location on Earth, to go anytime later to search (for a baby born at a certain date & time)!)

IMHO, first of all, from pretty much all humans & animals very clearly having an innate sense of fairness/justice, it can be easily concluded that, if a/the God created all then that God really/absolutely cares about fairness/justice!

Of course one may ask:
If God is all good/fair/just then why is the/our world is full of evil (people/actions)?

For an/the answer, imagine that, if God created all humans who have free will (to choose/do good/right or bad/evil) & also created a/the Heaven (to reward the people who chose/done good/right) & also created a/the Hell (to punish the people who chose/done bad/evil)
then the problem would be, how to decide/show/prove, which people are really good/right (& deserve life/reward in Heaven) & which people are really bad/evil (& deserve life/punishment in Hell)?!

& if so then, realize, this would be the solution:
Create a neutral ground/world (for test) where people could freely choose & do good/right or bad/evil (w/o interference from God)!
(But, of course, people still should/must be made aware/advised/warned of what/life God expects of them (thru a/the (correct/right) religion)!)

(One may still ask: If God already knows what anybody would choose to do (in any given situation) then, why not God send people directly to Heaven or Hell w/o living in this world?
Realize, then it would not be really fair/just because people would be getting punished/rewarded for actions they did not really do!)


Speed of light (c) being constant/same for all observers (in Special Relativity) really means spacetime cannot have any medium?
(So, spacetime being a superfluid (at macro-scale) created by gas-like dynamics of virtual particles of quantum vacuum (at micro-scale) is really physically possible or not?)

Imagine that an ambulance is moving at high speed on a straight road & there is 1 person at a distance ahead/behind who is standing on the side of the road!
Realize, that person would hear siren sound of the ambulance at a higher/lower pitch/frequency than the pitch/frequency the driver hears!
But also realize that, both people would still measure the speed of siren sound to be the same (assuming same air temperature & pressure for both people)!!!

(202101052) Michelson-Morley Experiment really means light (electromagnetic waves) cannot have any kind of medium of propagation?
IMHO, if the same experiment made using sound waves, then, it would be still found that speed of sound waves always is the same, in perpendicular/different directions!
(Air temperature and/or pressure and/or wind (in any direction/speed) would change the speed of sound waves but that speed would be still always the same, in perpendicular/different directions!)

(202101063) Speed of Gravitational Waves is equal to speed of light (c) & it is no doubt same/constant for all observers, since Special Relativity is a special case of General Relativity!
But Gravitational Waves have a medium of propagation (spacetime (superfluid))!

(202101247) Light slows down when passing thru any denser medium; which is just like what sound does!
Gravitational fields are where spacetime superfluid medium is denser & so light (or gravitatioal waves) would slow down passing thru them!
(That is also why light (or gravitatioal waves) would refract passing thru them; just like any lens!)

(202101085) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Is Light Fundamentally A Wave Or A Particle?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

Interference pattern of double slit experiment still known to happen, even when using (one-by-one) molecules made of hundreds of atoms!

I for one, cannot believe molecules made of hundreds of atoms can ever pass thru both slits at the same time (to be able to create wave interference)!
& so, what is needed, IMHO, is to find an explanation for wave-like behavior, w/o ever requiring particles physically to be waves!
(But Pilot Wave Theory does not seem to be the right answer!)

I wonder if it maybe possible to simulate/model double slit experiment using a quantum computer (to show/prove interference pattern can still be generated when using only particles (& no waves))?
Maybe by simplifying/modelling the experiment as qubits falling/moving in an imaginary "Plinko Game Board"?:

(202101122) All over the world, countless people each year, who were riding in gasoline vehicles, are having collision traffic accidents & at first, they are getting "saved" by airbags, but later they are burning to death alive, because of being stuck in the wreckage of their vehicles!

This is happening because car companies are allowed to do collision safety tests of all their vehicles w/ empty gas tanks! Which is definitely an unrealistic test method because in real world traffic accidents, gas tanks are NOT empty!

All governments need to force all car companies to do all vehicle collision tests w/ full gas tanks (& batteries) (to make them really realistic safety tests)!

& then whole world would clearly see that:
Electric & diesel cars/vehicles are really safe, but gasoline & hydrogen cars/vehicles are extremely NOT safe!!!

Thankfully all gasoline vehicles (like motorcycles, cars, pickup trucks) are already in their way to become fully electric
but what about all diesel vehicles (like heavy trucks, trains, ships, agriculture/construction/mining/military vehicles)?
Right/safe solution for all of them would be to start producing biodiesel fuel for them at large/global scales; instead of trying to switch all of them to hydrogen (which would be extremely dangerous, since hydrogen gas tanks could easily cause massive explosions during traffic accidents etc)!

(One may still ask: If hydrogen vehicles are really extremely dangerous then why many car companies relentlessly keep trying to promote hydrogen vehicles?
Realize that, if they were to switch to electric vehicles then they would need to completely redesign all their vehicles & factories (at massive cost, no doubt)!
But, if they were to switch to hydrogen vehicles then they would need to make only very little design changes to all their vehicles & factories!)

(202101192) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: How Does The CMB Reveal The Hubble Constant?"

So it seems, Hubble Constant is determined from the CMB data, by comparing its properties to various CMB data calculated from a theoretical model w/ varying parameters (to find which one(s) fit the best)!

I wonder if a more direct method is possible:
If 2 CMB (image) data of same location taken decades apart (for example), there should be a difference between them, because of expansion of universe!
Assuming such a difference is big enough to be really measurable using current tech, it should be possible to calculate expansion speed of universe from that difference!

(202101214) Commented on the article:

"Scientists find black holes could reach 'stupendously large' sizes"

If Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) really exist, I would think they should/must be the seeds which created almost all galaxies (& they exist as the SMBHs at centers of those galaxies today)!



Creating/causing any positive/negative sensation in general public means many more clicks/eyeballs for all mass media outlets!
But, truly sensational news is quite rare in the real world, so mass media is always like "the boy who cried wolf"!
Some smart people can surely tell they have been misled/tricked/lied (after reading/watching/listening a clickbait/fakenews article/video/podcast) but IMHO most people often cannot!
People of general public are always full of people w/ outrageously wrong views/ideas!
Where they are came from & why they cannot ever be corrected?

IMHO, this ongoing situation is constant massive harm/danger for whole humanity, going forward!
What can be done to improve the situation?
IMHO, first & foremost, facts & opinions need to be separated on all mass media, permanently!
IMHO, if mass media was criticized/pressured on this (by general public & governments) there could be improvement but it would not be permanent!
Because, the pressure & opportunity to easily create false sensational news & make more money is always present!
Sooner or later, more & more of mass media outlets would start again!
(Any which is not doing it would be in a huge income disadvantage against the ones which are doing it!)

So, only true permanent improvement/solution would be making permanent national/global law(s), which makes mandatory, for all mass media outlets, to always clearly separate (& mark so) facts & opinions!

IMHO, ALL internet social media companies/websites should/must be forced (by national/global law(s)) to:
Always force all user profiles to be private!
Always discourage strangers (in real life/world) becoming social media friends!
Never allow strangers commenting/responding to any user posts (& only allow like (& dislike) clicks)!
Never allow strangers sending messages to any users!
Never allow posting of videos of any dangerous stunts!
Never allow illegal/exploitative/manipulative/bullying/disrespectful comments/messages/content!
(Never allow social media companies/websites to provide news (feed)!)



(20201117) Commented on the article:

"Quantum Fluctuations Were Experimentally Proven Way Back In 1947"

"The virtual ones do not appear in our detectors, don’t collide with real particles, and cannot be directly seen. As theorists, we often caution against taking them too seriously, noting that they’re just an effective calculational tool."

With all due respect, this kind of thinking does not make any sense to me at all!

So, virtual particles are just purely abstract non-physical mathematical entities, but somehow they have measurable physical effects on our physical reality?

Absolutely agree to disagree Ethan! :-)

Of course this is just my personal view, but I think experimentally measurable physical effects, like Casimir force, should/must be seen/interpreted as very clear evidence/proof of physical reality of virtual particles!
They are just particles which stay in existence for an extremely short time to be detected directly!

(& I also personally think (if anyone interested) virtual particles of quantum vacuum are actually a gas-like medium which creates our spacetime as a superfluid emergent property (just like air (gas) creates weather (fluid))!)

(20201118) Commented on the article:

"Why Are There Only 8 Gluons?"

"If gravitation turns out to be quantum in nature, there’s only one quantum particle, the graviton, required to carry the gravitational force."

Not necessarily true (IMHO)!

As I said before, I personally think (if anyone interested) virtual particles of quantum vacuum are actually a gas-like medium which creates our spacetime as a superfluid emergent property (just like air (gas) creates weather (fluid))!
(& GR is actually quite compatible w/ possibility of spacetime being a superfluid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluid_solution)

& if spacetime really is a superfluid, then, gravitational waves are like sound waves, which are made of (NOT particles but) quasiparticles!

So, IMHO, it is definitely possible that gravitation is really quantum in nature & gravitons actually exist, but only as quasiparticles (& NOT particles)!

(20201120) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Can We Find Out If Gravitons Exist?"

Just some food for thought (for anyone interested):

Think about waves in any gas/fluid: Are they really made of different particles than the particles of that gas/fluid?
(For example, are waves in water, made of different molecules than water molecules?)

So, if gravitational waves are ripples of spacetime & they are made of gravitons, then, would not that really require spacetime to be made of gravitons?
(Which is obviously not true!)

But realize, if spacetime is a (super)fluid medium (created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum) then there would be no need for any new particle (graviton) to create ripples of spacetime!

(20201122) IMHO, USA really needs universal healthcare (& actually all countries too)!
But, it should/must cover only citizens (& legal residents)!
Forcing taxpayers of USA (or any other country) to keep paying for healthcare costs of illegal aliens would be absolutely unfair, IMHO!!!

Also, to keep costs to all taxpayers at minimum, policy of trying to keep patients alive, as long as possible, no matter what, needs to end, absolutely!
& so, no patients should/must be allowed to stay in coma (or worse) state, for more than a certain time limit (like a month)!
(So, life support needs to be cut at the end of the time limit!)
Otherwise, countless people keep staying in hospitals for many months/years would be a really huge load on taxpayers!
(& not to mention, such thing is also really bad for the patients themselves & their relatives!)
(Of course, a national public referendum maybe a really good idea for such a fundamental healthcare policy change!)

(202011275) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: How Did The Entire Universe Come From Nothing?"

"Even in empty space, the quantum fluctuations inherent to the field nature of the fundamental interactions cannot be removed. As the Universe inflates in the earliest stages, those fluctuations get stretched across the Universe,"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested (& no need for any response):

IMHO, spacetime is actually a superfluid emergent property created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum!

& one of consequences of that is "quantum fluctuations" are NOT continuous field fluctuations, but actually (discrete) virtual particles!

& so, IMHO, idea that our universe getting created by (inflation) inflating any random quantum fluctuation, like a balloon, cannot be true!

(202012023) Commented on the article:

"Could Dark Energy Wind Up Destroying The Universe?"

"It’s eminently possible that dark energy is mundane: a form of energy inherent to the fabric of space itself that never changes, evolves, strengthens, weakens"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

IMHO, conservation of energy is actually conservation of (quantum) information & it is always valid; even at universal scale(s)!

So, if all (current/future) astronomical observations indicate, Dark Energy is constant, then, I would think, it should/must be coming/pulled/fed from outside of our universe (similar to keep inflating a balloon by keep blowing air into it)!

(202012056) QM says all real particles are always surrounded by a cloud of virtual particles!
Imagine as:
Cloud of virtual particles around a neutral atom/molecule/object is its "gravitation field"!
Cloud of virtual particles around a charged atom/molecule/object is its "electric (& gravitation) field"!
Cloud of virtual particles around a magnetized atom/molecule/object is its "magnetic (& gravitation) field"!

(202012067) IMHO, any gravity/electric/magnetic field, neither have infinite resolution (continuity) nor infinite range!
So, the huge question is, what are the formula(s)/equation(s) for min possible:
Gravitational potential & Electric potential & Magnetic (scalar) potential?
(All 3 maybe just min possible (potential) (quantum/unit) energy point?!)
(Also realize, if those formula(s)/equation(s) were known, then, max possible radius/range of (gravity/electric/magnetic) field/potential formula(s)/equation(s), for any point mass/charge/magnet, could also be found/deduced/derived!

(202012104) Commented on the article:

"Does Making A Quantum Measurement Really Destroy Information?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

What if, our whole reality/universe is made of only (real/virtual/quasi) particles & our whole reality/universe itself is a quantum computer processing particle data? (Imagine, each particle as a set of qubit/qutrit state values/variables/registers!)

(Imagine, spacetime & electric & magnetic "fields" are actually gas-like medium(s) created by virtual particles of quantum vacuum!)

(& also, imagine, as a consequence, there are no perfect/ideal geometric objects, like 0-size points (singularities) or 0-thickness strings/membranes etc, anywhere in our reality/universe!)

(202012115) Commented again on the same article:

More food for thought for anyone interested:

Realize that, if we think of each (elementary) particle as a set of qubit/qutrit state values/variables/registers, then, what these (above described) consecutive Stern-Gerlach experiments showing us, could be interpreted as:

Each particle has a (single) qubit state variable that gets set to 1 of 2 possible certain values, whenever the particle pass thru a strong enough magnetic field!
(& of course, setting a new value each time would mean forgetting the previous value!)

(What if, it is a composite particle?
Then, I guess the situation would be similar to a large magnet that is made of smaller magnets! (For which, the overall magnetic polarity depends on polarities of its smaller magnets!))

(202012126) Commented again on the same article:

Also, of course this is just my personal opinion but I absolutely disagree that what these experiments show/mean is really destruction of quantum information!

If any (real) quantum particle suddenly/simply/completely disappeared out of existence, that would be truly loss of quantum information!

But, IMHO, changing of internal state value(s) of any quantum particle (based on its environmental conditions) is not really mean any quantum information is lost or gained!

For example, consider a very simple model:

Imagine, a "particle", arbitrarily moving on a chessboard, that has a single bit of internal state variable & its value always gets set based on color of the square the "particle" is in!
So, as the particle keeps moving, the value of its state bit is keeps changing (as 0: black or 1: white)!

Is there really gain or loss of any (bit) of information anytime?
I think not!

(But, if the "particle" was suddenly/completely disappeared out of existence, that would be truly a loss of (1 bit of) information!)



(20201020) Commented on the article:

"Healthy forests do more than just prevent wildfires"

IMHO, poor forest management (going back decades) is the MAIN cause of wildfires of CA; NOT climate change as some (shamelessly) claimed!
Also, "frequent small controlled fires" (which some advocate) is still a really bad/harmful/damaging solution (to animals for example)!
Best solution would be, cut/remove excess biomass & also try to find a good use for it (like producing biofuel and/or some useful material(s))!
Also, it would be a really good idea to do R&D (maybe by a government institution) to create a fully automated drone patrol system that can constantly tour over all forests & automatically detect all wildfires at very beginning (well before they can go out of control)!

(20201020) Commented on the article:

"Quantum Tunnels Show How Particles Can Break the Speed of Light"

IMHO, to solve/understand all mysteries of QM, its only true interpretation/meaning needs to be understood/accepted first:
Our whole reality itself is a (certain/new kind of) quantum computer!
For example, what is the meaning/effect of measurement for a quantum computer? & an (conscious) observer is really necessary for a quantum computer measurement/computation?
Realize, this viewpoint would also imply, all particles are actually like moving clusters/variables of quantum data/information!
(For example, realize, electric & color charge & rest mass state of any particle could be hold/represented by just 1 qutrit each!)
What needs to be researched is, how many qutrits each particle has?
How exactly their data used/processed when a particle decays/collides?

(20201021) Commented on the article:

"The World Needs Nuclear Power, And We Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of It"


IMHO, total energy usage of humanity is keep increasing exponentially (true?) & humanity keep going towards covering most of land/sea surface of Earth w/ solar & wind power plants would not be a really good/efficient idea! (& neither would be keep trying to force humanity to use little energy!)

IMHO, total energy usage of humanity is keep increasing for really good reasons/advancements/improvements & what we really need to do is, try to make it happen as best as possible!

IMHO, the ultimate goal should/must be humanity using only fusion power someday (& so no more any land/surface area waste for solar & wind power plants)!

But, in the meantime, we should/must keep building better & more advanced (& safer & less wasteful) fission power plants & solar & wind power plants as well! (& we also should/must try to produce biofuels (like bio-diesel) (using waste biomass from cleaning up forests for example) that can be used in many kinds of land/sea/air vehicles!)

IMHO, nuclear power plant tech (especially) is really a kind of tech that takes many decades to truly mature/improve! & as such, we should/must not get discouraged because of limitations/shortcomings of old tech we have seen/used!

Also, IMHO, all spent nuclear fuel created in the past, could be really useful in the future w/ right tech! Like, for example, by turning them to fuel for new tech nuclear power plants or even using them to produce nuclear batteries:

I think the main argument against building advanced nuclear reactors which could use the spent nuclear fuel waste (& turn it to harmless easily disposable kind waste), was that, "they would start/cause nuclear proliferation"! But IMHO the evidence shows, not building such reactors never stopped countries like North Korea & Iran!

Imagine that, (back in the 70s for example) if some people said "Cars/trucks are causing so much pollution! We should/must stop using them!" & so today we did not have autonomous electric cars/trucks, because whole world had switched to using horse carriages long ago!

(20201026) IMHO, the actual problem is not understanding/explaining (rest) masses of elementary particles but their energies!
Because, mass & energy are equivalent & (rest) energy of an elementary particle is the same, regardless of having a rest mass or not! & so, having a rest mass or not, for any elementary particle, is just like having a (quantum) number (state variable) that can be +1 (positive rest mass), 0 (no rest mass), -1 (negative rest mass)!
(& so it can be represented by a single qutrit (just like electric charge (+1, 0, -1) or color charge (R, G, B) also)!)

& for attempting to understanding/explaining (rest) energies of elementary particles, these should/must be done first:
1: What are the ratios of (rest) energies of all elementary particles against Planck (particle rest mass) energy (as integers)? (round((Planck (particle mass rest) energy) / ((rest) energy of the elementary particle)))
2: What maybe the discrete quantum/unit of energy itself? (Quite possibly Landauer limit of 0.0175 eV (2.805 zJ))
& what are the (rest) energies of all elementary particles in terms of the discrete quantum/unit of energy (as rounded integers)?
3: Is there any discernible order among the (sorted) integer sequences/sets from 1 and/or 2?

(20201027) For Elementary Particles of Standard Model:

Spin: 0, 1/2, 1 (same value/sign for anti-particles)
=> 1 qutrit is enough to represent spin state!

Charge: +1, +2/3, +1/3, 0, -1/3, -2/3, -1
=> 2 qutrits needed: Q0: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 ; Q1: +, 0, -

Color Charge: +R, +G, +B, 0, -B, -G, -R
=> 2 qutrits needed: Q0: R, G, B ; Q1: +, 0, -

(20201031) IMHO, "spooky action at a distance" (in an instant) of quantum entanglement is actually just another (huge) evidence for our reality/universe being a quantum computer!
Is there really physical space/distance in a (quantum) computer simulation reality? (Realize, anything can instantly effect anything else, anywhere, in a (quantum) computer simulation reality (only depending on its (programming/computation) rules)!)

(20201104) Commented on the article:
"Using quantum properties of light to transmit information"

IMHO, it is important to realize:

1: Quantum Computers are more powerful than Turing Machines (Classical Computers) because they can (really) instantly find the/a solution among all possibilities in certain situations (which Turing Machines cannot do in any situation)!

2: Our whole reality/universe itself is a certain type/design of quantum computer (which processes/computes (real/virtual) (elementary/composite) quantum particles like its qubit/qutrit registers! (& that is actually the only true meaning/interpretation of Quantum Mechanics!)

(20201105) Commented on the article:

"No, Stephen Hawking’s Black Hole Information Paradox Hasn’t Been Solved"

IMHO, the core problem causing "Black Hole Information Paradox" is, true (quantum (information)) nature of energy still being unknown!

If all forms of energy should/must be discrete/quantized, then, what is quantum/unit of energy itself?

I had read about various experiments in the past which were showing heat, vibration etc are actually quantized!
The huge question is this:
Can we really design any kind of experiment to show/prove quantum nature of energy itself?

(My guess is "Landauer limit" maybe the quantum/unit of all forms of energy!
From Wikipedia:
"the Landauer limit represents an energy of approximately 0.0175 eV, or 2.805 zJ")

(Realize that, if all forms of energy is quantum information (& also since energy for Hawking Radiation particles surely coming from the BH), then, there would be no "Black Hole Information Paradox" anymore!)




What we call (visible) "light" is actually just a certain/narrow frequency range of electromagnetic waves!
& physical properties (frequency & phase & polarization & intensity) of electromagnetic waves (which also include radio/micro waves & infrared/ultraviolet light & x/gamma rays) do NOT actually include (any) COLOR!
The only reason we see any/all color(s) is because of certain biological structure of our eyes (which is also highly common among countless animal species of our world)!

My point is, colors of rainbow are absolutely/definitely natural/biological "design" & so nobody can really/actually claim "copyright" ownership of them!
& so, the fact that LGBTIQ people chose/use colors of rainbow as their symbol, absolutely/definitely does NOT mean, they have exclusive "copyright" ownership of them!
But, they surely can use RAINBOW FLAG (which is really a certain/special (human) design) as their exclusive symbol/flag!

Here is an example:
Think about Flag of France (which is a particular (human) design made of 3 bands of color: Red & White & Blue)!
Would it be right, if Country of France claimed exclusive copyright ownership of the colors Red & White & Blue?
Would it be right, if anybody used those 3 particular colors (on their clothing for example) to (automatically) assume/conclude,
(s)he must be French or (s)he must be trying to show support/admiration for French people?

& so, everyone can use the colors of rainbow, in any way they like, but as long as they do NOT use the RAINBOW FLAG, it should/must NOT be (automatically) assumed, they are doing it for LGBTIQ support reasons/goals!
For example, someone surely may use colors of rainbow, just for personal preference and/or fashion and/or symbols/support for diversity, optimism, idealism etc!



(20200905) Commented on the article:

"Why Mathematicians Should Stop Naming Things After Each Other"

IMHO there are much bigger naming problems in whole science!
For example, naming countless species after names of certain people, even many celebrities!
Naming stars, galaxies etc after names of certain people!
Naming elements after names of certain people!
& maybe the worst of all, naming a fundamental particle of our Universe/reality, after name of a certain person:
"Higgs Boson"
His name is raised far above of all other scientists in whole history of humanity, or not???
Is it really fair to all other scientists in whole history of humanity???

IMHO, all such certain people names need to be taken out of whole science!!!

(It is not like names of them would be forgotten anyway! Anybody researching about such things would immediately find out name(s) of its discoverer(s), anyway!)

(20200905) Commented on the article:

"New evidence that the quantum world is even stranger than we thought"

Quasiparticles are obviously extremely common everywhere in our reality/universe!
What if, even all elementary particles are actually quasiparticles (of a Planck-scale quantum computer crystal/grid/matrix)!

(20200910) Commented on the article:

"It’s Still Not Too Late To Fight COVID-19 Like A Scientist"

IMHO, everybody will catch COVID-19, sooner or later, regardless of any kind of prevention attempts/measures!

What is really/most important is, to keep new infection numbers low enough to prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed!
& as long as that is achieved, it is really a success
& whole economy & education system etc should/must be kept open/running, as much as possible (to minimize all damage to them)!

& so, IMHO, as long as new infection numbers stay low enough to prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed, further restrictions would only really cause harm & no real benefit!
(For example, imagine, if the total population infection (& following total immunity) would normally take 1 year & instead, we pushed it to 2 years, because of more strict restrictions!
Then, it would just mean longer time of enduring more strict restrictions (& more harm to whole economy & education system etc)!)

& I am definitely NOT aware of USA hospitals getting overwhelmed anywhere! (Or, are they?)

(20200912) Commented on the article:

"New Hubble Observations Suggest Gap in Current Dark Matter Models"

IMHO, Dark Matter is just a side effect caused by Dark Energy!

Think of how rising dough/bread creates bubbles & (so) a web-like structure! & now imagine that, Dark Energy creates (keep growing) large bubbles of intergalactic voids & so the Cosmic Web!

(Imagine that, spacetime is a superfluid medium that made of (gas-like) virtual particles of quantum vacuum! & now imagine that, the Cosmic Web is made of denser spacetime superfluid (because of constant push from bubbles created by Dark Energy)!)

If you THINK, this view would easily explain:
Why there is no such thing as any kind of "Dark Matter Particle" to find!
Why a small percentage of galaxies appear to have no DM!
Why some galaxies could appear to have too much DM!

(20200914) Commented (again) on the article:

"It’s Still Not Too Late To Fight COVID-19 Like A Scientist"

This is out of subject/context here, but since you mentioned "war on drugs":

IMHO, drugs which do not easily cause overdose deaths (like THC, LSD, Psilocybin etc) legally should/must be treated same as alcohol (which is really just another (similar) kind of drug)!

IMHO, just like prohibition of alcohol had caused so much crime in the past (& that is why it was repealed many years later), prohibition of many similar drugs are causing so much crime today! We need to take lesson from history!

(20200914) Commented on the article:

"When Math Gets Impossibly Hard"

"Hippasus’ discovery flew in the face of the Pythagorean credo that “all is number,”"

What if all is really number? :-)

Notice that it really becomes wrong, only when ideal/perfect geometric objects are considered!

IMHO, there is really every reason to think our whole reality/universe is discrete (made of (only) real/virtual quantum particles)!

(IMHO, actually our whole reality/universe is some kind of quantum computer (& quantum particles are like its variables of data to process)! & so for example, what we think of as "conservation of energy" is actually "conservation of information"!)

IMHO, that is also the main reason, why many TOE candidate theories, like String Theory for example, are wrong! Our reality/universe do NOT really/actually/physically contain any kind of ideal/perfect geometric objects, like 1-dimensional (0 thickness!) strings or 0-dimensional (infinite density!) singularities!

(20200916) Commented on the article:

"Will The Most Important Observatory In Astronomy’s History Survive The 2020 Wildfires?"

IMHO, real/main cause of all large wildfires, everywhere, always is the same:

IMHO, humanity definitely has the necessary tech & methods to prevent all large wildfires! We just need to use them whenever/where-ever they are really needed!
(Today actually there are even more superior tech possibilities, like doing R&D to create a fully automated drone patrol system that can constantly watch over all forests & detect all fires very early!)

IMHO, what happened in CA (& also many other places in the country/world) also always is the same:
Some naive/misguided people who thought/claimed they are protecting some wildlife, by preventing/stopping all forest management!
But the result is always the exact opposite: massive/total loss of all wildlife (by burning to death alive)!
& also, not to mention, massive/total loss of all trees & plants & massive property damage!

& now, the people who could save the future of all their forests, by bringing back proper forest management policies, are seem to be refusing to do what really needs to be done & instead SHAMELESSLY KEEP BLAMING GLOBAL WARMING!!!

(20200925) Commented on the article:

"Google removes street view virtual tour of Australia's Uluru"

"Thousands of tourists climbed to the top of Uluru each year in defiance of the wishes of its traditional owners."

World history makes it very clear that, there is no such thing as any nation or group of people or person being the real/true/permanent owner(s) of any piece of land! (Consider how many times any piece of land exchanged owner(s) in (Central) Europe for example! Which one(s) were/are the real/true/permanent owner(s)?) So, if there is only 1 real/true/permanent land owner that is whole humanity & nobody else!

So, the only real/true land owner of WHOLE Australia is the Australian Government (at least currently)! IMHO, giving up legal ownership of Ayers Rock (AKA Uluru) to any group of people who closed access to tourists (& prevented/preventing lots of income) is a HUGE MISTAKE that needs to be corrected ASAP! (Unless you want them to claim to be real/true/permanent owner(s) of WHOLE Australia, step by step over time that is! Because giving such lands opens the way for it!)

(20200929) Commented on the article:

"Why Are Scientists So Cruel To New Ideas?"

"reproduce all the successes of the prevailing theory,
explain a phenomenon more successfully than the current theory can,
and make novel predictions that can be tested that differ from the theory it’s attempting to supersede."

I want to add that, it is also very important (for all theoretical physicists) to be able to recognize, when a new physical theory fails some/all of these conditions, it maybe only because its still in very early stages of its development & NOT really because it is an incorrect theory!

For example, imagine if Einstein was just proposed the equivalence principle (which is the core idea that leads to General Relativity), for the first time, it could easily be dismissed by the whole community of theoretical physicists, by checking/demanding these 3 conditions!

(20200930) Commented on the article:

"No, There Isn’t A Black Hole At The Center Of The Earth"

Before LHC was built, there were concerns/fears about it may create a micro-BH!

It is really fortunate for us that any such micro-BH would be extremely short-lived/unstable! :-)

Because, I think that is actually the most promising next frontier for the whole science of (theoretical & experimental) physics:

Designing/building a whole new kind of accelerator/collider that creates micro-BHs (for Quantum-Relativity research/experiments)!
(By accelerating 2 micro (iron?) objects (w/ Planck mass) to relativistic speeds & colliding them (each time)!)

My prediction is, as the masses and/or collision speeds (kinetic energies) of the 2 colliding objects increased, for each new collision/experiment, it would be found that masses of the micro-BHs created are always integer multiples of Planck mass!
& so meaning/proving that BHs are made of Planck particles (which is quite probably the true final member of Standard Model)!

& not to mention, such an accelerator/collider would also verify/prove everything about Hawking & Unruh radiations & also everything about Neutron Stars (because (intentionally) slower collisions would create "micro-NS", instead of micro-BH)!

(So, all these are really good enough reasons or not, for humanity to really attempt to build such an accelerator/collider someday? :-)

(20201002) If Dark Matter is really just a side effect caused by Dark Energy (1), instead of being a(ny) kind of particle that only interacts gravitationally (2), then Cosmic Web of our universe would look geometrically different:
1: Spherical/Elliptic geometry (positive Gaussian curvature) based Cosmic Web!
2: Hyperbolic geometry (negative Gaussian curvature) based Cosmic Web!
Then the big question is, geometric structure of real Cosmic Web matches/similar/closer to the which one?

(20201002) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Can Dark Matter Really Explain The Universe’s Structure?"

Some thoughts for anyone interested:

As I had already said before, I think Dark Matter is just a side effect caused by Dark Energy!
(Think of how rising dough/bread creates bubbles & (so) a web-like structure! & now imagine that, Dark Energy creates (keep growing) large bubbles of intergalactic voids & so the Cosmic Web!)

For example, this view would easily explain:
Why there is no such thing as any kind of "Dark Matter Particle" to find!
Why a small percentage of galaxies appear to have no DM!
Why some galaxies could appear to have too much DM!

& I think it should be actually possible to (dis)prove this idea:

If Dark Matter is really just a side effect caused by Dark Energy (1),
instead of being any kind of particle that only interacts gravitationally (2),
then Cosmic Web of our universe would look geometrically (quite) different:

1 would create spherical/elliptic geometry (positive Gaussian curvature) based Cosmic Web!

2 would create hyperbolic geometry (negative Gaussian curvature) based Cosmic Web!

Then the big question is, geometric structure of the real Cosmic Web matches/similar/closer to the which one? (Which I think should be possible to (dis)prove using/analyzing large scale astronomical observations/surveys (someday)!)

(20201007) Commented on the article:

"The Incredible Science Behind Black Holes, Gravity, And The 2020 Nobel Prize"

"Albert Einstein never won a Nobel Prize for General Relativity, and he himself thought that black holes were purely mathematical creations, not actual, physical objects."

I do not think there is really anything hard to believe about any object/star having/acquiring enough mass so that its escape velocity is greater than speed of light!
(In fact, possibility of such objects/stars were considered long before Einstein!)

So, what Einstein thought "were purely mathematical creations, not actual, physical objects" maybe not really black holes but actually singularities (objects w/ zero size & infinite density)???

& by the way, there is still really no evidence whatsoever that any singularity actually/physically exist in our universe!

Not to mention, known laws of physics are quite compatible w/ universe having a minimum size limit (Planck length) for any physical object!

(Not to mention, known laws of physics are already predicting a particle (w/ min possible size & max possible density) that Black Holes could be really made of: Planck particle!)

(20201010) A solution for (massive) unwanted children problem (which is really bad for both children & parent(s)):
Biological parent(s) should/must be allowed to easily give/leave any/all their unwanted child(ren) to government care!
But w/ the condition that biological parent(s) should/must go thru compulsory/mandatory/permanent castration/sterilization procedure first! (Otherwise irresponsible parent(s) could easily continue, having more unwanted children, to take care by government, using taxpayer money!) (& if only one of the biological parents is available, then the other one needs to be added to police/FBI wanted list, to be brought in later, for compulsory/mandatory/permanent castration/sterilization procedure!)(& if both of the biological parents are unavailable, then both need to be added to police/FBI wanted list, to be brought in later, for compulsory/mandatory/permanent castration/sterilization procedure!)

(20201017) IMHO, Human-like True AI is absolutely impossible, because of absolute impossibility of artificially creating Free Will (to control/command mental focus/attention)!
But, the same end result may be achieved someday, by using a living human brain of a person to provide the Free Will to a (quantum) (AI) supercomputer! (By creating a (super advanced) brain-computer interface that enables a human brain to directly control (superior) mental capabilities of the supercomputer (by mapping human brain (memory etc) areas/centers to the supercomputer provided ones)!)
(Like for example in the TV show episode "The Nth Degree" of "Star Trek: The Next Generation"!)



(20200731) Commented on the article:

"You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science"


"Argument from authority"/"appeal to authority" is a wellknown logical fallacy:

When 2 sides of an argument/opinion is, expert(s) vs non-expert(s),
then, the expert(s) side is (of course) much more likely to be right!

But, we can never really/simply say "expert(s)/scientist(s) are always/absolutely right"!

Furthermore, even consensus (overwhelming majority) view of scientists may not always be right!
(Think about consensus on Newton Physics before Einstein, for example!)
(Consensus on String Theory being TOE (in recent past) could be another example?)

My point is, unfortunately, there are no simple/general rule/solution, in the real world, to always guide us to truth!
Each argument (difference of opinion) is a special case to decide/solve!

(20200728) Commented on the article:

"Could We Achieve Interstellar Travel Using Only Known Physics?"

Another option (IMHO), would be a spaceprobe that uses onboard laser arrays, to generate (tiny but continuous) thrust!
(Since photons carryaway momentum, any photon/light source in space would act like a thruster!)

The electricity needed could be generated using a RTG:

Actually (IMHO), the radiactive decay materials (used to power RTGs) themselves, could be used as thrusters (by putting them inside (metal) containers, shaped like rocket nozzle)!
(Since they are continuously generating photons and/or alpha/beta particles which carryaway momentum!)

(20200725) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: What Would A Scientist Ask An Oracle?"

On the question # 1:

Some people still may think "Why humanity needs fusion power? Why not just use solar & wind power etc?"

IMHO, humanity definitely/absolutely needs fusion power, because it could really take humanity to a whole new level (which cannot ever be done using solar & wind power etc)!

For example, titanium is an extremely durable & strong & light material & Earth has plenty of it, but AFAIK, it requires so much electricity to mine/process!
Imagine, if we had so much (clean) electricity, we could build all kinds of land/air/sea vehicles, buildings, roads, even whole cities from titanium!

Imagine, we could build a global permanent water pipeline network (& do seawater desalinization) & provide plenty water to everywhere on Earth (for agriculture & forests etc)!

& no doubt, many new techs would become reality, once we have enough electricity power for them!
(For example, consider how computers & internet are used in many ways today, which were pretty much unimaginable to their inventors!)

On the question # 2:

IMHO, humanity needs a World Government that could quickly/effectively resolve any/all international issues!

The UN, for example, seems to be unable to solve all international issues because of its inadequate voting system!
(All countries have equal voting power + some countries have power to override all decisions!)

But, turning UN to a World Government seems nearly impossible to me, mainly because of lack of a known suitable/fair voting system!
For example, giving all countries equal voting power, obviously would be unfair, but giving more voting power based on population, area, size of military, size of economy etc. would also be not a good idea! (Since we would not really want a global population and/or military power race etc!)

A bit more on what could be achieved, w/if massive amounts of (clean) electricity provided by fusion tech:

Imagine, very tall poles w/ very powerful infrared heater lamps (etc) on top!
Imagine, using many of them in cities/towns to turn winters to springs/summers!
And/or, using many of them in agricultural fields to grow any hot climate (even tropical) crops/trees, even in coldest places on Earth!

(20200723) Commented on the article (but NOT approved/appeared):

"How the Bits of Quantum Gravity Can Buzz"

IMHO, gravity can be still quantum (but) w/o requiring existence of any new elementary particle!
For example, what if, spacetime is a superfluid (macro—scale emergent property), created by gas—like dynamics of virtual particles of quantum vacuum (at micro—scale)?
& so, what if, gravitational fields are just higher density/pressure regions of spacetime superfluid?

& if so then, realize, gravitons could still exist, but only as quasiparticles (& so, NOT as fundamental particles)!

General Relativity definitely seems to be fully compatible w/ superfluid spacetime view/possibility:

&, also, existence of virtual particles of quantum vacuum is well-known/proven!

(Please nobody respond to my comments! Thanx!)

(20200802) IMHO, the main reasons for progress of (theoretical) physics towards TOE being stuck:

1: All existing TOE candidate theories are fundamentally flawed & (so) failed!

2: Nobody in (theoretical) physics community/academia really has any new promising idea(s)!

3: All new ideas from outside (theoretical) physics community/academia (regardless of any being really promising or not), seem to be absolutely/completely disregarded/ignored/overlooked!
(Even though 1 & 2 absolutely/definitely require/warrant being a little humble & do/try "crowd sourcing"!)

(Instead, (theoretical) physics community/academia seem to be acting like (depending on person), "the problem is just missing new data" or "TOE is a problem impossible to solve ("if/since we cannot solve it then it means nobody else could ever do it either")"!)

(Some people may think "the real problem is the broken academic system"!
IMHO, that cannot be the real reason for why progress of (theoretical) physics towards TOE being stuck! Because, similar problems/wrongdoings really exist in all academic fields! They (obviously/evidently) cause inefficiency/slowdown of progress, but are NOT really showstoppers! & so, solving/fixing those problems would NOT really help!)

(Some people may think "the real solution is time; we just need to wait until a new promising idea/theory appears within (theoretical) physics community/academia"!
IMHO, "just patiently waiting", would happen by itself anyway/regardless! But, on the other hand, (theoretical) physicists actively doing/trying "CROWD SOURCING" would NOT happen by itself!
(Which, IMHO, is the real solution & there is really nothing to lose for any/ALL (theoretical) physicists actively doing/trying "CROWD SOURCING"!)

(& by the way, I am myself keep trying to provide new promising ideas (to work on), to whole/global (theoretical) physics community/academia, for many years, but so far w/o any luck!)

(20200811) Commented on the article:

"What To Do, Scientifically, When Everyone Is Wrong"

"For centuries, those who studied the heavens were obsessed with the idea that things which occurred on Earth were flawed, but that the heavens were perfect. Mathematically perfect objects — like circles and regular polygons — belonged in the heavens, and that was the full story."

IMHO, "tradition" of (physicists) trying to explain our physical reality/universe, using ideal geometric objects/structures, still continues, unfortunately! (& prevents progress; just like before!)

For example, believing in physical existence of 0-dimensional (& infinite density) points (singularities)!

Or, believing in physical existence of 1-dimensional strings (or ring singularities)!

Or, believing in physical existence of continuous (infinite resolution) fields!

(20200812) Commented on the article:

"A Spacetime Surprise: Time Isn’t Just Another Dimension"

"He never bothered about mathematics at all."

A quote from Richard Feynman: "If all mathematics disappeared today, physics would be set back exactly one week."

I think both Newton & Einstein first started w/ finding new physical equivalence principles & next they considered the physical consequences of them thru thought experiments!
The mathematical expressions/equations were actually found/created much later!

Today, on the other hand, it seems (at least to me) physicists think "physics is all about math & so new discoveries can only be made by playing w/ equations & if there is no equation(s) for any new idea then that idea is absolutely worthless/meaningless"!

(20200812) IMHO, progress of (theoretical) physics towards GUT/TOE is stuck, because all commonly known GUT/TOE candidate theories are fundamentally flawed!

For example, String Theory is based on the idea/assumption that all particles (even spacetime) is made of 1-dimensional (0 thickness) strings! & that is really its fundamental flaw (IMHO): it is all based on assuming actual physical existence of some ideal/perfect geometric objects!

IMHO, no ideal/perfect geometric objects, like for example, 0-dimensional (0 size!) points, or 1-dimensional (0 width!) lines/curves/circles, or 2-dimensional (0 thickness!) planes/sheets/surfaces etc, are really/actually/physically exist (nor can ever be exist), in our reality/universe! (& neither truly continuous (infinite resolution!) fields etc!)

(Physical theories based on continuous fields can be still correct (at macro scales) but only approximately (like General Relativity & Fluid Dynamics, for example)!)

& so, IMHO, all GUT/TOE candidate theories, which are assuming/requiring actual physical existence of any ideal/perfect geometric object(s), are fundamentally flawed & so are absolutely failed (already)!

(20200814) According to Special Relativity, when movement speed of an(y) object in space is 0, then its movement speed in time dimension is c (& vice versa)! (& movement speed of an(y) object in spacetime is always c!) Meaning/implying normal (max) flow speed of time (for an(y) object) is actually speed of light! (& so NOT really "1 second per second"!)

(20200815) Stock Exchange Problem:
Stock Exchanges of ALL countries are often the/a main source of economic crisis!
(Often by (foreign) investment funds/speculators periodically keep doing pump & dump manipulations on naive investors of the general public!)
Solution options maybe:
Permanently banning shorting!
Permanently banning (foreign) investment funds/speculators, which/who are doing/done pump & dump!
Always forcing long(er) term investment (for all investors)!
(So, any stocks/shares (bought) cannot be sold back, before 1/3/6 day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s)!)
(Waiting time durations/limits maybe set differently, based on company (of stock) size/value and/or investment size/value, for example!)

(20200820) Commented on the article:

"The Mathematical Structure of Particle Collisions Comes Into View"

Here some ideas which can help even more, IMHO, for understanding quantum particles & their interactions:

Imagine that, our whole reality is actually a quantum computer & rules of QM are actually its operating/computation rules!
(& this is actually the only true/correct interpretation/meaning of QM!)

& realize, that would also imply/mean, each quantum particle is actually a set of quantum computer state registers/variables (to make computations w/)!

For example, realize, both electric charge & rest mass of each elementary particle could be just a qutrit (in that particle) that can have one of 3 values: +1, 0, -1.

& so, realize, what needs to be done is, to determine how many qutrits each elementary particle has & how exactly they are used in computations, by our reality quantum computer!

(Please nobody respond to my comments! Thanx!)

(20200824) Commented on the article:

"Yes, The First Humans On Mars Should Consider Becoming Cave-Dwellers"

IMHO, first base attempt should definitely be on the moon (for many good reasons), instead of Mars!

& IMHO, a (straight) half-tunnel would be way better than trying to find & use any lava tube (& also for many good reasons)!
For example, it could be bored & sealed w/ an airlock & filled w/ air (by remote control robots) before the arrival of the crew!
& going in & out (while carrying equipment), anytime, would be really easy; quite unlike any lava tube!

& once such tech is made working, then more such tunnel bases can be constructed around/nearby, again & again, as many as wanted/needed!

(20200825) Commented again on the same article:

I think another really important tech still needs to be developed (for a permanent Moon/Mars base) is a tech that can recycle air! (Which filters CO2 from air & converts it back to O2 (using only electricity)!)

& there seems to be some experimental new techs which could help for that someday:



(Afterwards (& since there is already space tech for recycling water), astronauts in a Moon/Mars base would only need food (which already can easily last for a long time)!)

(20200829) Commented on the article:

"Black hole 'hair' could be detected using ripples in space-time"

IMHO, there cannot be such objects as singularities (0 size & infinite density) in the real universe!
Everything should/must be made of particles (including black holes)!
& if black holes should/must be made of particles, then there is only 1 realistic possibility: Planck particle! (No other real/theoretical particle can be a realistic possibility, because it should/must be a particle that is itself (like) a tiny black hole! (For example, consider how a neutron star is really like a giant neutron, because it is made of neutrons!))

From Wikipedia:
"A Planck particle, or planckion, named after physicist Max Planck, is a hypothetical particle defined as a tiny black hole whose Compton wavelength is equal to its Schwarzschild radius. Its mass is thus approximately the Planck mass, and its Compton wavelength and Schwarzschild radius are about the Planck length."

Of course, the huge questions is how this idea can be proven or disproven?!

Maybe gravitational waves are discrete in units of Planck mass/energy?
(& if so then someday it maybe possible to detect this, when sensitivity/resolution of GW detectors are good enough!)

(20200831) Commented again on the same article: 

"But that particle is just a variant of singularity as far as I can see"

Imagine, if we did not know what neutron stars are made of & neutrons were just theoretical particles & someone like you were saying (against suggestion of neutron stars maybe made of neutrons) "but that particle is just a variant of a neutron star"!!!

& you should have said "But that particle is just a variant of Black Hole as far as I can see"!!!
Because, how is that exactly, a Planck PARTICLE is a singularity???
Or must have a singularity???
We certainly do not have any evidence that real Black Holes contain singularities!!! Why should a Planck PARTICLE must have a singularity???

(20200829) Commented on the article:

"Could the universe collapse into a singularity? New study explains how."

IMHO, the progress of theoretical physics towards TOE is STUCK today because of physically unrealistic theories like String Theory!

Hint: There cannot be any ideal/perfect geometric objects like 0-dimensional points (0 size & infinite density singularities) or 1-dimensional (0 width) strings, in the real physical universe!!!

(20200901) Commented on the article:

"The 4 Lessons Every (Good) Scientist Must Learn"

WELL SAID Ethan!!!

IMHO, theoretical physics is like a horse race!
Only 1 horse would win & most people would turn out to be wrong on their choices/bets! :-)

IMHO, progress of theoretical physics towards TOE is stuck today, because all commonly known/proposed TOE candidate theories, like String Theory & Loop Quantum Gravity, are fundamentally flawed & so FAILED!

But, all the theoretical physicists who worked on these ideas (maybe for their whole careers) absolutely should/must NOT take it as a personal failure!
As long as any theory still seems promising, of course, it must be kept studied/researched!
But, it is also very important to never lose objectivity & recognize when a theory is not getting anywhere, no matter how much work is done & for how long, or worse, keeps losing!

So, what needs to be done?

IMHO, theoretical physicists should/must stop wasting time on failed theories & start searching/considering (truly) new ideas/approaches!

(20200903) Commented on the article:

"Is consciousness continuous or discrete? Maybe it's both, argue researchers"

IMHO, human brain is actually a quantum computer!
For example, think about how every moment, we are actually instantly making a choice of thought, among (surely) an astronomical number of different options/possibilities; just like a quantum computer instantly finds a solution among countless options/possibilities!
(This also implies consciousness should/must be discrete; NOT continuous!)

Furthermore, IMHO, mind is brain machinery controlled & commanded by free will (like computer hardware controlled & commanded by software)
& life is cell/body machinery controlled & commanded by free will!
(& that is why, for example, identical twins & even identical cells have different character/personality/behavior!)

(& IMHO, there is really nothing in laws of physics that can create/explain free will! & so IMHO, neither true AI nor true AL will be ever created by humanity!)

(20200904) Commented on the article:

"Particle physicists hash out long-term strategy for Europe"

IMHO, the only true/worthy next level frontier/target for particle physics is Planck scale!

But, reaching there using current accelerator/collider tech requires an accelerator/collider w/ size of our galaxy!
So, is it absolutely impossible?

IMHO, it is actually quite possible, but it requires a whole new accelerator/collider tech!

Realize that, increasing collision energy of an accelerator/collider can be done in 2 ways:
1: Increase size of the accelerator/collider (which is the conventional way/thinking)!
2: Increase mass of the objects those the accelerator/collider accelerates/collides!

Imagine, an accelerator/collider that accelerates/collides 2 tiny (iron) sphere/rod objects (each w/ 1/2 Planck mass) each time (after making them reach relativistic speeds first)! (Instead of accelerating/colliding (countless) particles or ions etc!)

Its main goal would be, to create a Planck particle (which IMHO what Black Holes are made of & quite probably the last missing particle of Standard Model):

From Wikipedia:

"A Planck particle, or planckion, named after physicist Max Planck, is a hypothetical particle defined as a tiny black hole whose Compton wavelength is equal to its Schwarzschild radius. Its mass is thus approximately the Planck mass, and its Compton wavelength and Schwarzschild radius are about the Planck length."

(20200904) Commented on the article:

"Quantum Reality"

“how our classical reality emerges from a fundamental quantum theory”

This is a topic I really think I can provide useful guidance/direction to any interested theoretical physicists:

The problem is how GR emerges from QM!
Which is actually, how spacetime emerges from quantum vacuum!

First realize, GR is fully compatible w/ spacetime being a (super)fluid:

Then, realize, the problem actually is, how spacetime superfluid (at macro-scale) created by GAS-like dynamics of virtual particles of quantum vacuum (at micro-scale)!
(As an (much simpler) analogy, think about how air (gas) creates atmosphere/weather (fluid)!)

(Of course, the main goal would be to express these ideas mathematically, to create a new theory of quantum-gravity (which is beyond me)!)



Is the root cause of all new human diseases ((land) mammal & bird) meat consumption of humans?

My guess is, only a very small percentage of new human diseases (if any), actually start from farm animals!
& (almost) all actually start w/ (a) human(s) eating a wild animal (part/meat)!

Obviously, total number of diseases (& their total damage/cost) humanity endured, thru all its history, must be really huge!

IMHO, it is really the time for we (as whole humanity) to ask ourselves, do we really want to keep enduring (all kinds of) massive damages of global pandemics, thru our whole future, or not?

If the answer is no, then what we could really do?

IMHO, we could (thru an international agreement) globally ban hunting/capturing/eating all wild animals (except fish)!

(20200413) In some countries of our world, animals are treated/killed in absolutely horrific ways & it is completely legal!
IMHO, we as humanity, absolutely/desperately need to raise our ethical standards, by NOT allowing this situation to continue!
How? By making an international/global agreement banning mistreatment of all animals!
& IMHO, for any country refusing to join, all other countries should/must cut trade w/ them & even, not give any kind of visa to their people, anymore!

(20200430) Here is a totally crazy novel coronavirus conspiracy theory:

Imagine that, if COVID-19 was actually a natural coronavirus, that jumped to humans, because of Chinese people (actually also people of many other Asian nations) non-stop trading and consuming massive amounts of wild animal meat/products!
(Just like keep buying massive numbers of disease lottery tickets, for the whole world/humanity!)

Imagine that, if Chinese government was well aware that there would be bad consequences for them after the crisis is over!
Like, if all other countries of the world wanted to make trading/consuming wild animals/meat/products permanently/globally/absolutely illegal!
What then Chinese government could really do to prevent such bad consequences for themselves?

What if, they used a misdirection trick on the whole world?
Imagine, if they keep paying many (USA) journalists to keep pushing the (wrong) idea that Chinese government created COVID-19 in a lab!
Realize, then, sooner or later, it would be proven to be a false accusation & Chinese government would look like "wrongfully accused innocents", to the whole world!
(& thus (also) avoid any further/different accusations/consequences, in the future!!!)

What if they took the trick even further?
Imagine, if they created a fake proof & secretly gave it to USA government?
Realize, then, whenever USA government tried to show that proof to the whole world, they could easily prove it to be fake & so discredit USA government, in front of the whole world!
(& thus (also) avoid any further/different accusations/consequences, in the future!!!)

(20200508) IMHO, to really minimize any chances future global disease outbreaks, as much as possible, trade & sale of all wild animals should/must be absolutely/globally/permanently stopped/banned, thru an international agreement!
(& any country refuses to join to the agreement (or joins but does not enforce it) should/must be cutoff from trade w/ other countries!
& no new visas should/must be given to their citizens, anymore!)

But, of course, no doubt, currently, there are so many people (all over the world) whose livelihoods depend on trade & sale of wild animals! What if, they made to follow strict rules for hygiene/cleanliness, instead of total/permanent shutdown/ban of their business?

The problem is, that would never prevent any new future global disease outbreak!
So, someday/somewhere, a wild animal (meat/product) carrying (inside!) a new unknown dangerous virus will come to a "wet market" store, & will be sold to customer(s) later & we (seriously) expect that, strict rules being followed for hygiene/cleanliness of the store will somehow stop the new disease outbreak? How exactly?
IMHO, this is an UTTERLY RIDICULOUS idea/suggestion!

I had read another view that basically said/claimed, "destruction of forests etc causing more contact between wild animals & humans & that is the root cause of disease outbreaks & so the real solution is restoration of forests etc"!

IMHO, successfully fighting against Global Warming already requires restoration of forests etc, which getting already done, all over the world! But, how exactly, restoration of forests etc, will make millions of people, all over the world, stop from keep buying & consuming millions of wild animal meat/products (which are full of diseases)?
IMHO, this is yet another UTTERLY RIDICULOUS idea/suggestion!

(20200513) I read another view that basically said/claimed, "to prevent future diseases coming from wild animals, we need to help/ensure wild animals stay healthy"!

So, we need to create/use a global/massive/permanent army of scientists, to constantly check ALL wild animals for ALL diseases & cure them?!

IMHO, that would never would/could be a real/effective solution!
Wild animals have a massive number of unknown viruses!
Which ones maybe a threat for humans? How could be determined? & could we ever find them all?

Even if any found, what is the time/cost for developing even a just single vaccine for a single disease?
& whole world would constantly massively labor/pay to cure wild animals, so that Chinese/Asians can kill them in absolutely horrific ways(!) & safely eat them?

Chinese/Asians are keep causing massive damage to all wildlife all over the world (by importing wild animals of all kinds) (& many species are driven to extinction)!
& it is absolutely unbelievable (at least to me) that some scientists (who normally like to keep complaining a lot about human harm to wildlife) even try to find/suggest ideas that (if really could work) would ensure continuous massive global harm to all wildlife!

(20200513) IMHO, GLOBALLY banning sale/trade/consumption of wild animals (& their meat/products) definitely/absolutely cannot be called racism against Chinese/Asians!
Because, first of all, such GLOBAL ban would NOT specifically/selectively target Chinese/Asians!
For example, "bush-meat" of wild animals is also quite popular in many African countries!
& how about hunters killing & eating wild animals, in maybe all countries?

(20200514) Of course, such global ban also should/must include, wild animals getting used as farm/service/pet animals or animal feed!
& also only large professional (government certified) zoos (which has their own permanent veterinarian(s)) should/must be allowed to stay/exist!



A wellknown phenomenon in world of medicine is that, sometimes what really kills the patient is NOT really the disease (organism) itself, but overreaction of the body to it!

IMHO, current global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic really seems to be causing overreaction & causing massive damage to whole world economy & bigger & bigger damage!

IMHO, it seems a global social positive feedback effect is happening (which is the root cause):

Mass media (which is always happy to try to create/push mass fear & alarming/sensational news) & social media (which is full of people who want their content read/watched/shared as much as possible) are keep amplifying the effect of each other, on the general public!

Which in turn, keep pushing all governments to take more & more drastic (mandatory) measures, against the spread of the disease!

& the news of each new (government) drastic measure, in turn, feeds more & more into mass media & social media to amplify excessive fear, even further!

But then, what would/should be a reasonable (global) response to such a pandemic?

IMHO, closing any businesses/shops (& even schools) & shutting down public transportation is excessive overreaction!
We need to make sure whole world economy continues to run OK & livelihoods of any group of people are not effected badly!

But, IMHO, practical measures, like social distancing (like no handshaking & working from home) & frequent washing/disinfecting (of hands & commonly used areas/objects/surfaces) & wearing masks at any crowded places, etc, could/should be (strongly) recommended (but still NOT as mandatory)!

(20200509) We need to realize that shutdown of whole country economies (for many months) is an extremely bad/dangerous idea!
Each additional day/week/month means more bankruptcies of small/midsize/large businesses/stores/companies!
& so, more people/families losing their livelihoods & homes etc!
& so it is extremely important that shutdowns of any/all small/midsize/large businesses/stores/companies need to kept/done at absolutely minimum duration possible!
& so all local/national governments need to do everything possible to restart their economies ASAP!!! 

(20200324) Here is a totally insane conspiracy theory idea: :-)

Imagine, FB tries to takeover/hijack whole world economy by issuing its own currency (& make itself more powerful/richer than all world governments)!
But, world governments realize that, only governments should/must have authority to issue currency (for extremely good/important reasons) & the plan fails!
But then, a new flu-like global disease opportunity appears & FB starts keep increasing fear of public (by modifying its News Feed selection algorithm)!
& keep increasing fear of public (combined w/ keep increasing mass media coverage), makes all world governments keep issuing more & more drastic overreaction measures!
& those drastic overreaction measures keep massively damaging whole world economy, more & more!

& finally whole world economy collapses!
Massive numbers of people all over the world lose their livelihoods/homes!
All currencies massively lose their values!

But then, a world savior hero (FB) emerges & replaces all worthless currencies of all governments w/ a new global cryptocurrency (named Libra)!
(& makes itself more powerful/richer than all world governments!)



I noticed that some people are arguing that, the scientific term "Quantum Supremacy" needs to be replaced, because the word "supremacy" also exist/used in the term "White Supremacy" (and so it may remind some people that)!!!

IMHO, this is actually a problem very far beyond of a small/innocent argument/demand, for changing a single scientific term!!!

Because, if scientists (some of the smartest & best educated people of humanity) accept/approve such an argument/demand, then, it would be actually like opening floodgates to countless people making similar arguments/demands, for changing/banning countless other terms, expressions, words, from books, magazines, newspapers, signs, company/product names/brands, schools, government & business world, ...!!!

Which would mean MASSIVE COST/LABOR, for whole world!!!

And next, IMHO, there would be new arguments/demands would follow, as such:
"Shape of this product/building/vehicle/weapon is offensive, because it is similar to ...!!!"

Which would mean MASSIVE COST/LABOR to modify/redesign/rebuild, for whole world!!!

(Also, realize, many of those things would start working sub-optimal/inefficient, after redesign,
since their designs are no longer based on actual needs/physics, but FEELINGS, instead!!!)

And, also realize, since, (we are assuming) scientists (some of the smartest & best educated people of humanity) already accepted/approved a similar argument/demand (above) before, then, pretty much NOBODY would be able to successfully counter-argue to stop any/all those insanity!!!

So, IMHO, Political Correctness (PC) problem, is actually a much bigger problem/issue (for whole world/humanity) than most people realize!!!

&, IMHO, nobody (especially smart & educated people like scientists) should/must never ever support it(s propagation/expansion)!!!



IMHO, humanity is advancing fast in science & tech, but K12 education seems to be causing a huge drag, because of its inefficiency!!!

IMHO, the root of the problem is the old idea of "wholesome education" (from 18/19 century?)!
It seems, so much time is always/absolutely wasted w/ classes/activities for sports & arts & music!

IMHO, most/general K12 schools should/must NOT have any classes/activities for sports & arts & music! (& neither any sports/music teams/groups!)
(But every city still could have one or few high schools specialized in sports &/ arts &/ music (where STEM classes replaced w/ those types of classes)!)
Instead, most/general K12 schools should/must have ONLY classes for
language (English & Spanish & German/French/Italian(/Japanese/Chinese))
& history (national & world) & geography (national & world)
& science (physics & chemistry & biology) (& tech (inventions))
& math & computer science (theoretical & practical(programming)) & electronics (analog & digital)!
(& a class for logical fallacies & public opinion manipulation (& fake news) in the internet & bullying/harassment/abuse/exploitation in the internet & ethics & debating!)

(& all total waste social activities, like all kinds of celebrations & visiting places (except science museums) should/must be stopped/banned, completely!)

(202110214) The first & foremost revolution desperately needed in K-12 education is this, IMHO:
Convert ALL K-12 schools to STEM schools!!!
Get rid of ALL total waste of time classes (like PE & music & arts etc) & replace them w/ vastly more useful/valuable/important STEM classes (like computer programming (in multiple languages), analog & digital electronics, computer science etc)!

(202110214) IMHO, sports teams (or fraternities or sororities) of schools are not just practically useless, but actually quite harmful, as/because they create artificial classes/divisions/polarizations between students!!!
(By the way, IMHO, schools should/must race among each other w/ academic achievements of their students & NOT w/ their sports teams!!!)