I attempted to post the comment below, to the Quanta Magazine website article below, but looks like it disapproved by them:
(My comments on their website sometimes got published & sometimes not. My guess is, sometimes my comments got slipped past their crackpot filtering people & sometimes not!)
IMHO, to understand quantum measurements (done on quantum particles), we need to look at how/why quantum measurements done/used on quantum computers!
Measurements used in quantum computers, to extract information (to get calculation results)!
When a measurement done on a quantum computer qubit register, its state/information changes from indeterminate to determinate values/information!
Moreover, IMHO, to create a new theory of quantum-gravity, we need to start by defining 2 new equivalence principles:
1) Quantum Mechanics (QM) equivalent to Quantum Computer (QC)!
(Think of each quantum particle as a quantum computer register of qubits/qutrits!)
(& determine how many qubits/qutrits each elementary particle has & how their values change w/ different particle interactions/measurements!)
2) Spacetime equivalent to Quantum Vacuum!
(So bending of spacetime is actually (some kind of) polarization of quantum vacuum (of virtual particles)!)
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