How we can reduce sonic booms generated by supersonic passenger aircraft, so that they can easily fly over cities, all the time?

From what I read on Wikipedia, it seems to me there are two main strategies as,
try to reduce it by modifying aircraft shapes and/or surfaces,
try to divide it into multiple smaller sonic booms.
I am guessing even combining both methods is still not good enough.
If so then, can we find more strategies to combine with the others?

Since the problem is called '"sonic" boom', it is a sound problem, obviously.
How we take care of other loud noise problems?

For example, think about how noise cancelling earphones work.
What if each aircraft carries a powerful enough speaker, that generates anti-sound, for its own sonic boom (and all other noise?)?

Each sonic boom can be thought as a combination of countless simple sound waves, doing constructive interference.
If so then, can we modify supersonic aircraft designs, so that each sonic boom wave is generated as twins in opposite phases, like sound and anti-sound?
Or, can we modify supersonic aircraft designs, so that each simple sound wave generated, also has a twin in opposite phase?
Or, can we modify supersonic aircraft designs, so that all simple sound waves generated are in randomized phases, so that the aircraft generates non-loud white noise, instead of loud sonic boom?

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