What really is spacetime and what really are elementary quantum particles?

Imagine spacetime is an emergent property which is a gas-like medium, created by virtual quantum particles keep popping in and out of existence for extremely short durations, which is also the medium of quantum vacuum. Imagine what flat spacetime is the volume where probabilities for creation of positive and/or negative energy/mass virtual particles are equal. Imagine positive curvature spacetime is the volume where probabilities for creation of positive energy/mass virtual particles are higher. Imagine negative curvature spacetime is the volume where probabilities for creation of negative energy/mass virtual particles are higher. (Realize then spacetime would be really a medium of probability.) Imagine when a region has excess positive energy available, positive energy/mass virtual particles are not just created more but stay in existence longer.
And whenever/wherever the energy is higher than necessary thresholds, virtual particles created as real particles. (And when a region has excess negative energy available instead, then negative energy/mass virtual/real particles are created similarly instead.)

Imagine when light passes thru spacetime regions with different positive/negative curvature, it is like passing thru gas/fluid regions with positive/negative index of refraction.

(So a positive energy/mass particle/object creates a field of positive spacetime curvature around of itself, which we call its gravitational field.)

Realize if gravitational field is polarization of virtual particles, then creating Casimir Force is actually creating artificial spacetime curvature/gravity!

Imagine all elementary quantum particles of Standard Model, which are used to create virtual particles, which create the gas-like spacetime medium, are really quasiparticles of a fluid-like medium, like bubbles created by a boiling fluid. Imagine that fluid-like medium is created by a Cellular Automaton Quantum Computer (CAQC) with Planck length scale cells of qubit registers. Imagine each elementary quantum particle is a like a cluster of information/probability. Probably like a spherical probability wave, traveling in the fluid-like medium created by the CA, maybe similar to CA used for fluid simulation, like LGCA(FHP)/LBM. (Also realize that what happens in CA used for fluid simulation, about predictability of the future (nature of time), is really similar to what happens in our real physical Universe:
In microscale future is unpredictable (particles move randomly), but it becomes more and more predictable with certainty, as we watch it in higher and higher scales. Imagine we just watch/observe that CA world by using bigger and bigger tiles, calculating average particle number/velocity/acceleration for each tile. Then the CA world starts following the rules of classical physics (Navier-Stokes Equation), better and better. Meaning the future becomes better and better predictable, as we observe the CA world in higher and higher scales.
Which is very similar to how future events are unpredictable with certainty in QM scale, compared to how future events are predictable with certainty in Relativity scale. And predictability of future events, is in between those two extremes, in Newton Mechanics (human) scale.)

If what are above are assumed to be true, then it would mean somehow quasiparticles of the Planck-scale medium, are allowed to exist only as a discrete and limited set, which are the elementary quantum particles of Standard Model. (So nothing like soap bubbles, which have a continuous size range, and also have identical/similar nature.)

Also obviously this Planck-scale medium has a limited max signal/information travel speed which we call the speed of light (c). So quantum particles without rest mass always travel at c.
And quantum particles with rest mass travel at lower speeds depending on their rest mass plus kinetic energy. What slows them down I am guessing is the Higgs particle field across our Universe.

So rest mass is like a binary property of elementary quantum particles, with possible values of 0 or 1. So if it is 1 then it creates a drag, moving thru the Higgs Field, because of interaction with it. Then its speed thru the Higgs field depends on its total energy (rest mass/energy plus kinetic energy, which determines size (wavelength) of the particle). And if its total energy is greater, then its size/wavelength is smaller, and it moves faster thru the Higgs field and so thru spacetime.

I think Standard Model is not complete and there are at least two more elementary particles to be discovered. I think one of them is Planck Particle and it must be what Black Holes are made of. I think the other must be the particle of Dark Matter (could it be graviton?).

Based on the ideas above, I think the recent discovery of "hot gas" in DM clouds/filaments, must be because of DM creating a positive spacetime curvature, which means higher probabilities for positive energy/mass virtual particles of quantum vacuum. (So it is a similar phenomenon to Hawking Radiation.)

But why elementary quantum particles have quantum properties/abilities like entanglement? I think it could be because reality is created by a Cellular Automaton Quantum Computer (CAQC) with Planck scale cells. So, since elementary quantum particles of SM are the quasiparticles of this CAQC, they also have quantum properties, since they are clusters of qubit information processed by a (CA) QC.

If gravitational fields are fields of (positive) spacetime curvature, and spacetime is a medium created by virtual particles, then how objects would attract each other? Obviously, a vacuum region with higher probabilities for positive energy/mass virtual particles, must be like a low pressure gas region of spacetime medium. And a vacuum region with higher probabilities for negative energy/mass virtual particles, must be like a high pressure gas region of spacetime medium. (Imagine each particle with positive energy/mass, is a region of positive curvature (of the Planck-scale medium), so when they group together in clusters (objects with mass), then they create a macroscale positive curvature region, like a low pressure gas region of the gas-like spacetime medium.)

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