(202401302) IMHO: ALL land/sea/air gas-turbine-engine vehicles (like helicopters/aircraft/hovercraft/M1_Abrams_Tank/Chrysler_Turbine_Car etc) could be made significantly/more simpler/lighter/cheaper by utilizing gas-turbine-engine to (only) produce/generate electricity (for/to super-capacitors/batteries) for/to electric (hub-)motor(s)!

(202401313) IMHO: Hovercraft design/tech needs to be improved/enhanced by getting rid of "skirt" (which wears-down in/over time to be repaired/fixed/maintained!)! (What if, (whole) underneath/bottom/sides of hovercrafts were divided into an array/matrix/grid of small/tiny (individually-controllable) air outlets (dynamically adjusted/controlled/stabilized by computer/AI in real-time!)?)

(202401313) IMHO: Future large(st) passenger/cargo/airliner (EV) aircraft better replace ALL big/heavy/mechanically-complex wings w/ much smaller/simpler/lighter sets of air/flight control surfaces/structures, like N sets of grid fins, for example/instance! (What if, large/rectangle "wings" made of N sets of (attack-angle-adjustable/controllable (by computer/AI!)) "helicopter propeller blades"?)

(202401313) UPDATED/ENHANCED: IMHO: ALL (land/sea/air) EVs should/must have add-on option for including a ((bio)diesel/(bio)fuel/flex-fuel) gas-turbine auto-recharger/range-extender! (As for what kind/type of gas-turbine-engine design should/would be the most optimal/efficient/silent/simple/durable/cheap, I think/guess that is Tesla Turbine (which do not have any blades/wings (which wear-down in/over time!)!)!)

(202402014) IMHO: Political/ideological/religious seceding/independence is sometimes really/truly a good/better/best idea!!! For example/instance: Current/modern humanity/humankind is Omnivores (Carnivores & Herbivores) & ideal/best/perfect/ethical/moral/intellectual/logical/humane long-term/ultimate future for ALL of us/humanity/humankind CLEARLY/OBVIOUSLY would/should be becoming/converting/turning absolutely/fully/completely Herbivores, but/however, realistically, there is no doubt (at least to me!), some people would always refuse/reject/fight-back! & that would mean (at least to me!), we/humanity/humankind (sooner or later!) would need to divide/separate into 2/two! (Because/otherwise, Carnivores & Herbivores (sooner or later!) would convert/turn to Predators/Morlocks & Preys/Eloi!!!)

(202402047) IMHO: No-cloning theorem of QM/QT is really/actually much weaker than generally/commonly/frequently thought! & I think, 3D Quantum (State) (Photo)Copier/Replicator tech/device/machine will be invented/developed (before 3D Quantum (State) (Photo)Printer!) in the future (just like (2D) photocopiers were invented/developed before (2D) (laser/photo) printers!)! (Maybe by creating/sending a (BEC) photon pulse to get/imprint/read all quantum state info from box/booth/cell/chamber A & later/next applying/writing it to B (which only/just contain a gas mixture of the same kind/number of atoms/molecules!)?)
(BTW, realize that, all quantum state information would be classical information (which can be copied/cloned!), for any object/matter that is (momentarily) frozen in time (thru/using quantum measurement(s))!)
(BTW, realize that, if it is possible to re-write an old/original/copy state info, then, it could be used for TIME-RESET(TING)/LOOP(ING)!)

(202402062) IMHO: Our/humanity's/humankind's understanding/usage/utilization of Quantum Computers (QC) STILL seems quite lacking/insufficient/inferior!!! They are just computers which can ALSO do calculations/computations/operations using/utilizing unknown/undetermined (bit) values/variables/registers!!! For example/instance, Prime-number Factorization could be simply done like this (algorithm):
Multiply 2/two unknown/undetermined (bit) values/variables/registers (A & B) & FORCE the result (C) into the given value (to be factored!)!
(& that would/should make A & B (bit) values/variables/registers change/convert from unknown/undetermined to known/determined/classical!) (For example/instance, imagine that, if we had/used/utilized a Photonic/Optical Quantum Computer:
First, we had created 2/two entangled sets/copies of A & B photons/rays/beams using photon/ray/beam-splitters!
Next, we had done (bitwise) multiplication on the second set/copy & calculated/computed a new (STILL unknown/undetermined) set/register: C!
Next, we had FORCED the result (C) into the given value (to be factored back into A & B), by using/utilizing horizontal polarizer filters as 0/zero-setters & vertical polarizer filters as 1/one-setters!)
(& what if, we simply/just used/utilized a(n) photonic/optical ANN/AI trained/programmed for multiplication operation/calculation/computation (instead of designing & building a(n) complicated photonic/optical multiplication operation/calculation/computation unit/circuit!)?)

(202402095) Could we really/actually/truly FORCE quantum measurement outcomes/results (which could (also) be used/utilized for FTL/instant/real-time communication (regardless of distance)!?)?:
IMHO: Absolutely YES!!! REALIZE that quantum measurement outcomes/results are already often/frequently/commonly are unequal/biased, because, the probabilities for/of all the possible outcomes/results are NOT equally/objectively distributed! (Otherwise, neither quantum computers nor our reality/universe could work (right) anyway!) & if so then, imagine/realize, for example/instance, we could do multiple/consecutive weak measurements etc on each qbit state/value/output to minimize/maximize its probability for measured later a 0/zero/1/one!

(PS: For FTL/instant/real-time communication (regardless of distance), imagine, for example/instance, a laser communication relay station in the middle between Earth & Mars was providing entangled photon pairs to both sides (arriving simultaneously on/to both sides!)! (Realize also that first/initial photons cannot be used (for FTL/instant/real-time communication), until they travelled to both sides at speed of light! So, "information cannot travel/transport/move faster than speed of light" rule/law still holds/applies, but only initially at first!))

(202402106) IMHO: If massive global reforestation is still not good enough to end the excess(ive) atmospheric CO2, then, next/additional best step could be convert it to pure solid carbon powder at first & later to (artificial) diamond crystals (which are super-dense/durable)!
(Imagine, super/hyper-high/tall skyscrapers/buildings of future (storing massive amounts of excess carbon!) made possible, because of being made of super/hyper-tough/strong (LEGO-like!) diamond-bricks!)

(202402187) Is COVID-19 coronavirus having no sign of any artificial/genetic engineering/manipulation, really/truly/actually mean, it cannot be an intentionally created bio-weapon (of mass destruction)?:
Since wild/natural (mammal/bat) coronavirus(es) have ability to create new strains (for adaptation!), if we put/brought together wild/natural (mammal/bat) coronavirus(es) & white/Anglo-Saxon prisoners/patients,  in any kind of building, again & again, shouldn't/wouldn't we get (sooner or later!) a fully-natural strain, that is expert at quickly attacking/sickening (especially) such/those people (or not)???

(202402191) Just imagine if revolutionary theoretical physicists (like Newton/Faraday/Einstein/...) of future, could/would just/simply describe/explain their logic/reasoning & (thought) experiments (& (equivalence) principles) to a conversational AI (expert on physics/math/CS/...) & get any/all (wanted/needed) mathematical expressions/equations/formulations/consequences!!!

(202403133) IMHO: Copyright & Patent time/lifespan limits should/must be ALWAYS equal! (Lifetime (+ N years) kind/type of rules/laws/agreements especially are unfair/unjust!: What if that lifetime lasts thousand years?)

(202403166) My guess is (LEGO-like!) glass cubes/bricks/slabs/panes (inside/within titanium (alloy) wireframe/cage) would NOT really/truly be good/practical choice/option/selection for/as green-houses & windows in space (instead of (artificial) diamond!)! (For other kinds/types of buildings/structures/walls, cubes/bricks/slabs/panes (inside/within titanium (alloy) wireframe/cage) could be metal(-glass/foam)/ceramic!)

(202403214) ALL kinds/types of sexual intercourse/interaction between consenting adults is okay, but as long as it is NOT done for money!!!
Is it because, doing anything for money is unethical/immoral or that money is untaxed (& too hard to tax???)???
(BTW, IMHO, sex work being/made/kept illegal is the main/root cause of women are seen/treated/being like lower/inferior human beings almost pretty much everywhere/globally!!!)
(BTW, isn't it true that, often, for the most/more beautiful/sexy women, the ONLY way to make (enough) money (for water/food/housing/child(ren)!!!) (w/o getting repeatedly raped or forced to sex!!!) is doing sex work (which is made impossible to quit/resign/end!!!)???)

(202403284) IMHO, it would be a huge WIN-WIN (for many reasons!), if Tesla & Ford (& GM & Stellantis) are joined together!!!

(202403284) Just imagine the huge benefits, if ALL major/high-traffic roads & streets had a roof/ceiling (made of LEGO-like (standardized) stainless-steel/aluminum bars/poles & safety-glass!!!

(202403295) Just imagine the huge benefits, if ALL disease/parasite-carrier blood-sucking mosquito & vampire bat species were permanently gone/disappeared (using gene-drive tech)!!!

(202404033) IMHO: (TESLA CyberTruck) = (FORD Model-T) + (VOLKSWAGEN Beetle) + (DMC DeLorean)!!!

(202404044) WHAT IF, BITCOIN creator/designer "SATOSHI NAKAMOTO" is neither a single person nor a group of people??? & who (among the known) wins bigger, if/when BITCOIN wins bigger???

(202404055) WHAT IF, Alternate/Anti-Earth of Alternate/Anti-Universe/Reality (invisible/untouchable/out-of-phase to Human-Homeworld/Universe/Reality!) is Jinn/Genie-Homeworld??? (BTW, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Jinns/Genies were created long before humans & eventually had a huge civil war (Atheists vs Creationists!?) that was ended by an army of Angels (which also led/caused to a young male Jinn/Genie named Iblis (Satan) joining the army of Angels (& start rising in rank/degree/level) who later became the leader/commander of ALL Angels of God (who later lost ALL rank/degree/level & kicked-out/fired (to Earth/Dungeon) (who later (after The Judgement Day of God) will go to Hell/Prison)))!!!)
(BTW, according to (Sunni(te)) Islam, Jinns/Genies are creatures of pure energy who are (quantum/instant) (visible/invisible) shape-shifters (like Angels) (w/ lifespans/lifetimes like thousands of years!) who also have default/original shapes/bodies (like Angels), but, also have male/female genders (unlike Angels/God) & also hybrid children between Jinn/Genie & Human is possible!!!)

(202404184) WHAT IF, our ancient Earth/World (of MEN & WOMEN) also had a big rivalry between 2/two superpowers & eventually/finally it escalated so that both sides intentionally/knowingly/deliberately created new hybrid human (sub)species as their super-soldiers & one side created human + bat hybrid (sub)species (of GOG & MAGOG) who later built BAT-CITY & the other side created human + gorilla hybrid (sub)species (of MALE & FEMALE) who later built GORILLA-CITY???

(202404276) I think/guess/predict that, humanity/humankind will have super/hyper-advanced quantum tech in the future, which will allow/enable ANY kind/type of (living!?) physical object/mass to be saved/stored/kept as quantum information/data/file!!! (Which will allow/enable humanity/humankind having/creating a general/global/universal database/archive of ALL kinds/types of animals/plants/meals/tools/toys/machines/devices/calculators/computers/robots/...!!!)
(Furthermore/moreover, I also think/guess/predict that is also how really/actually/truly (Grand-Prophet) Noah's Ark/Ship/Boat had worked
(human distant future tech (which maybe best called/named/described as "Miracle Machine"!) provided (by (Abrahamic) God/Judge!) to the human representative/prophet who needed it in the distant past!!!)!!!)
(BTW, let's realize/understand that a(ny) "Miracle Machine" (Quantum (AI) Super/Hyper-Computer!) would need to be huge, since/because it would need to be capable of (instantly) uploading/downloading even the biggest animals/plants (like a Blue Whale or a Sequoia Tree etc)!!!)

(202405153) Let's we ALL realize/understand that ALL basic human needs are also (automatically/naturally) basic human rights!!! (For example/instance, a person/people/group letting another die of thirst/hunger would be a murder/crime!!!) (IMHO, electricity & internet are also basic human needs/rights, since/because denying/forbidding them from a person/people/group today is just like killing/murdering him/her/them from the/human society/world!!!)

(202405197) Today, we already know the exact shape/curvature/properties a (spacetime) warp-bubble around a spaceship should/must have, but, how could a spaceship modify spacetime around itself (remotely)???
What if, instead, we had created/built a simple cube/box/crate-shaped spaceship that is made of (extremely strong/durable) interconnected cubes (like LEGO/Minecraft) & each (AI/computer-controlled) cube was capable of generating +/- spacetime-curvature (artificial-(anti-)gravity!) (by amplifying +/- Casimir Force using e-field)???
Realize, then, a warp-bubble could be created by setting the cubes (around cargo/people) in a warp-bubble shape/pattern!!!
(Also, realize, such a space-ship/building would be also capable of flying/moving thru space/air/water (by simply setting + curvature/gravity at the front & - curvature/gravity at the back)!!!)

(202405201) Am I right that the true sexual orientation/interest(s) of ANY person could be easily/quickly determined/found/verified, by simply putting the person into an fMRI brain scanner (machine/device/computer) & showing him/her various/relevant porn pictures/images/photos???

(202406053) IMHO, ALL national governments enriching/enhancing/improving their national forests w/ random/mixed fruit/nut trees would bring/provide many huge benefits!!!
(Could it be that ALL Earth/world/globe forests were originally/initially filled w/ random/mixed fruit/nut trees, which were pretty much ALL removed/destroyed/killed by humanity/humankind, because of worthless/unethical/immoral reason(s)/logic???)

(202406097) One of the most amazing future times predictions of (Sunni(te)) Islam is "someday people will detect/find A MOUNTAIN (MADE) OF GOLD somewhere under/along Euphrates River (& 99% of people fighting/battling/warring to take control of it will be killed)"!!! Any such giant piece/chunk/nugget of gold/precious-metal (near Earth surface) maybe detected/found using specifically-designed (cube) satellite(s) (acting like/as giant/orbital metal detector(s))???
(WHAT IF, many such giant piece/chunk/nugget of gold/precious-metal/gemstone (near Earth/Moon/Mars/... surface) awaiting to be detected/found by humanity/humankind (just like computer game skill/capability achievement prizes/rewards/awards/gifts)???)

(202406101) I think/guess/predict that humanity/humankind will have LIGHTSABER (super-sword/weapon/cutter) tech (just like in Star Wars!!!) in the future!!! But, they will be made of super/hyper-dense/solid light/photons (instead of electromagnetically-confined plasma)!!!
(I think/guess/predict that real-world/life (nuclear/atomic-decay/fission/fusion-powered) lightsaber super-sword/weapon of the future will be even (much) better than in Star Wars, because it will have many other capabilities/functions/features like, light-shield/light-knife/laser-gun/tool/flashlight/spotlight/lantern/lighter/2D/3D-projector/"radio"/"TV"/"cinema"/"PC"/"internet"/"smart-phone"/"walkie-talkie"/compass/GPS/temperature/pressure/humidity-sensor/meter/... & (all-knowing/tutoring) AI computer (which prevents unauthorized/illegal/unethical/immoral usage)!!!)
(202406193) I think/guess/predict that humanity/humankind will also have tech/ability/capability in the future to create objects/structures/constructs made of super/hyper-dense/solid light/photons (just like Green Lantern(s) of DCU or Holo-doc(tor) of "Star Trek: Voyager" (TV show))!!! (Imagine, for example/instance, spheres of light around spaceships & domes of light over villages/towns/cities used/acting as shields/containers!!!) (Imagine, for example/instance, spaceships/robots/drones (& villages/towns/cities) fighting/battling/warring, just like super-fast sword-fighting/fencing-matching (by using/switching light-swords/shields (controlled by AI)), since/because pretty much no other weapon/defense work/effective!!!)
(202406215) I think/guess/predict that humanity/humankind will also have light/small/portable (nuclear-decay/fission/fusion-based) super power/energy sources in the future (just like Arc-Reactor of Iron-Man of MCU)!!!

(202406182) Let's realize/understand that wide/long (horizontal/vertical) tunnels made/constructed by big/large (horizontal/vertical) tunnel boring machines (on Earth/Moon/Mars/...) maybe also converted/used as/like (horizontal/vertical) skyscrapers/buildings (which maybe connected to each other later on to make/construct villages/towns/cities)!!!

(202406204) IMHO, humanity/humankind urgently/desperately needs a non-dairy ((engineered) microorganism-produced) artificial milk substitute/replacement that can be used for making regular/plain yogurt(s)/cheese(s)!!! (A non-poultry ((engineered) microorganism-produced) artificial (raw) egg substitute/replacement too!?)

(202406237) WHAT IF, ALL EVs (like Tesla CyberTruck, for example/instance) had a second battery slot/socket/box that can be filled w/ a second (regular/normal/twin) battery, for extended/double range (and/or battery power fault/error/malfunction-tolerance), OR, a nuclear-decay-based (atomic) battery (made from/using spent nuclear fuel/waste!!!) (that always/continuously/non-stop/slowly recharges the other/main/primary battery (for NOT needing charging infrastructure/stations/ports/places anymore!!!))???
(BTW, I think/guess/predict that nuclear-decay-based (atomic) batteries will become more & more (super/hyper) powerful in the future, because of addition of fission & fusion capabilities!!! (I also think/guess/predict that ALL nuclear power plants will become (extremely valuable/important) "petrol/oil refineries" of 21st Century (because of them producing nuclear fuel(s) (for ALL EVs))!!!))

(202406296) IMHO, the reality of (audiovisual) subliminal stimuli/messaging (thru sounds/voices/pictures/images/photos/videos) needs to be seen/interpreted as proof-of-concept for quickly/easily/non-invasively downloading data/information/knowledge to human brains (just like the alien library download machines/devices/computers in the TV show Stargate SG-1)!!!

(202407077) Since/because (Grand-Prophet) Adam & Eve had their clothes disappeared after eating the forbidden fruits & later used fig leaves to cover-up themselves, I am guessing the fruits they ate were figs & they were judged by (Abrahamic) God (& later sentenced to 1000 years of Earth/dungeon life!!!) all the while they were wearing evidences of their crime/sin!!! (I also personally think their crime/sin was really pretty much inevitable, since/because, the situation was really like, a (rich) parent banning anything from spoiled/naive children & later/eventually, it becomes what they want the most (& the children needed to grow-up/toughen-up for sure)!!!)

(202407217) IMHO, eventually/finally in the future, it will become impossible to tell/separate/distinguish which/what movies/TV-series/shows/videos/songs/sounds/books/magazines/newspapers made by humans OR AI & so, humanity/humankind/world better collect/gather/preserve/backup ALL the ones we (really/actually/genuinely/truly) know/knew (were) made by humans (in (publicly-accessible) national/global databases/archives)!!!

(202407221) I think/guess/predict that national/global AIs of the future will be capable of tracking/watching/recording/archiving ALL about ALL humans (from birth to death) & providing ALL kinds/types of help/support/guidance (whenever/wherever they want/need)!!!
(Imagine, just like dash-cam recordings of cars used to train AI to create partially AI-controlled autonomous cars, currently/now/today, body-cam recordings of humans used to train AI to create partially AI-controlled autonomous humans!!!)

(202407232) ALL-IN-1 GADGET/GIZMO:
(2D/3D/Holographic) Projector + (2D/3D/Holographic) Digital (Video) (Night/IR/Thermal/UV/X-RAY) Camera + Monocular + Microscope + Telescope + LASER pointer/ranger/scanner/chemical-analyzer + flashlight + spotlight + lantern + Compass/GPS + temperature/pressure/humidity-sensor/meter + AI + PC!!!

(202407243) IMHO, LLMs like ChatGPT need to be enhanced/improved/upgraded by adding logic/reasoning verification/capability!!! (IMHO, what exactly needs to be done is, generating (binary/fuzzy) logical reasoning expressions, together at the same time w/ generating text!!! (Imagine, after adding each new sentence to the text, LLM/AI updates/extends/expands its (binary/fuzzy) logical reasoning expression (of certainties/probabilities)!!! (For converting binary logical expressions to fuzzy, replace certainties/truths (1s) w/ probabilities (0 to 1) & "NOT A" w/ "1-A" & "A AND B" w/ "MIN(A,B)" & "A OR B" w/ "MAX(A,B)"!!!)))
(BTW/IMHO, (sentence/text) logical truth/certainty/probability/plausibility evaluation/calculation/computation capability/function/feature for LLM/AI, would require (first & foremost) a common/standard/global/universal set/collection/list of (most) basic/fundamental/obvious truths/certainties/facts/axioms (for example/instance: "Sun is a star!" & "Earth is a planet!" & "Men/women are human/people!" & ...)!!!)
(BTW, let's (also) realize/understand that (sentence/text) logical truth/certainty/probability/plausibility evaluation/calculation/computation would (also) require numerical/symbolic/mathematical evaluation/calculation/computation (for example/instance: "One plus two is/equals three!" & "The general solution of quadratic (second degree polynomial) equation is (-b±(b^2-4*a*c)^0.5)/(2*a)!" & ...)!!!)

(202407276) I think/guess/predict that, later/eventually in the future, humanity/humankind will be divided/separated into two groups/regions/areas as herbivores & carnivores & later/finally afterwards, herbivores will leave Earth for Moon/Mars/Solar-System!!!

(202407276) IMHO, humanity/humankind/world/globe should/must switch to producing sugar(s) using/utilizing (engineered) microorganisms capable of photosynthesis (instead of growing sugar cane/beet plants/crops) (for many huge benefits)!!!
(BTW, let's realize/understand that sugar(s) (also) could be fed/given to other (engineered) microorganisms to produce milk(s)/plant-oil(s)/essence(s)/fiber(s)/raw-egg(s)/bio-fuel(s)!!!)

(202407287) I think/guess/predict that, eventually/finally in the future, it will be possible to make/create augmented/super/cyborg humans, non-invasively, simply thru micro/nano-bot injections to the blood/arm!!!

(202407287) IMHO, (the prime minister of Israel) Benjamin Netanyahu is Adolf Hitler of 21st Century!!!

(202407302) I think/guess/predict that, the ultimate "flying-car" (tech) of the future will be like a "flying-carpet" (that creates its (instantly switchable/customizable) interior/exterior/upper-body from super/hyper-dense/solid light/photons)!!! (Similar to foldable/portable "flying-car" in/of "The Jetsons" (TV (cartoon/animation) show) & kind of like T.A.R.D.I.S. in/of "Doctor Who" (TV series) which has instantly switchable/customizable interior/exterior/upper-body!!!)

(202408014) IMHO, AI/robots will start/begin destroying/killing jobs/capitalism, FAST, at huge/massive scale/level, globally/universally, sooner or later!!! & so, ALL countries/governments will need a national population/citizen/resident-tracking UBI (Universal Basic Income) computer system which surely takes YEARS of hard/expensive work/labor!!! & so, ALL countries/governments should/must/need start/begin the work, urgently/NOW/ASAP (or risk getting themselves destroyed/dissolved/ended)!!!
(BTW, I think/guess/predict that, eventually/finally, even UBI will NOT be (good) enough & it will be replaced by UBS (Universal Basic Services) (globally/universally)!!!)
(I also think/guess/predict that, most/majority of small countries/governments of "Global-South" will fail creating their national UBI computer system on time & so, they will be destroyed/dissolved/ended & cause/trigger truly massive waves of (illegal) immigration!!! & that will cause/trigger "Global-North" to heavily militarize/patrol/protect their land/sea/air borders & start/begin killing ALL (illegal) immigrants on sight!!!)
(BTW, let's realize/understand that, if we had enriched/filled ALL our national/public forests/parks/lands w/ fruit/nut trees (& other edible plants), then, we would have a huge help/buffer against global/widespread FAMINE!!! (Creating/building a massive global/international fleet of fast-moving (on land/water) hovercraft container ships would be a huge help, too!!!))

(202408047) @Aleyna Tilki/Fox: Will you marry me???

(202408062) IMHO, Türkiye (formerly Turkey) should/must NOT send back ANY of Syrian refugee population (of millions)!!! For example/instance, Germany took/accepted/allowed millions of Turkish People & NOT keep trying to send them back, despite them having very different religion/culture/history (disliked/hated by many)!!! IMHO, USA is a great example of why population diversity/variety is good/beneficial/WIN-WIN for ANY country!!!

(202408073) Superpowers in the real world may NOT be really/truly suitable/fit/OK for anybody/everybody (whom is/are unprepared/unready/untrained)!!! In an old story I remember, a young boy/man came to a Sunni(te) Muslim Saint & wanted/asked/requested a prayer for him to see the world/reality/universe(s) around, same as/like saints/angels/demons/jinns/genies/dead-humans do!!! But/however, he came back three days later, to go back & return to normal/regular "Ignorance is bliss!!!" sight/vision!!! (Higher rank/degree/level saints are said to be able to (directly) see (in the sky), all seven universes & Heaven & Hell & Throne of God!!!)
((202409194) BTW: According to Sunni(te) Islam, saints see most (living) humans/people w/ faces of various animals; depending on their character/personality/lifestyle!!! (For example/instance, humans/people obsessed w/ eating/pleasure may/could look/seen like/as pigs & those obsessed w/ fun/entertainment may/could look/seen like/as monkeys!!!))
(BTW: One may (very naively!!!) think/believe that, if the/this story was really/actually true/real, then, it would surely cause/trigger a very massive/widespread "MeToo" (imitation) movement in The (Whole) Islamic World!!! But/however, let's realize/understand that, it/that would expose (surely vastly widespread/numerous) FAKE SAINTS!!!)
(I think/guess/predict that, pretty much ALL (publicly) known/accepted/endorsed saints in The (Whole) Islamic World (now/today/currently) are FAKE; even though numerous/countless stories about/of Sunni(te) Muslim Saints clearly tell (so) many different/various ways/methods they were (publicly) tested/verified/authenticated for (saintly) supernatural (cap)abilities!!!)
(BTW/IMHO: Even though/if, a real/genuine/true saint may never (publicly) show/display any supernatural (cap)abilities (because of not really/actually needing), they can STILL be tested/verified/authenticated (using/utilizing (so) many different/various ways/methods); sainthood is NOT really/actually/simply a religious social fan(dom) popularity contest/score/count!!! A(ny) society easily accepting/supporting/following anybody as saints (w/o evidence/proof) would surely cause/trigger huge/massive social/religious corruption/exploitation & would also cause/trigger (sooner or later) (even more daring/dangerous) "new prophet/religion" attempts!!! (Just imagine such embarrassment (for humanity) that, in The Judgment Day of God, huge/massive crowds of people & their beloved fake saints are blaming each other for huge/massive injustices/wrongdoings/damages/harms & the people are saying/claiming that they were only/just following their beloved (fake) saints & they are each answering/defending as/like "They desperately wanted to have their own holy saint/person to give them direction/guidance/assurance/strength & they strongly encouraged/pushed me into the role/job & they NEVER questioned/tested/verified me, because of fear of failure/disappointment!!!"!!!))

(202408106) IMHO, Selçuk Bayraktar is Elon Musk of Türkiye (formerly Turkey)!!!

(202408187) According to Sunni(te) Islam, as a test, God sent a few angels (who looked like young & very handsome/beautiful men!!!) to Prophet Lot living in Sodom & later, The Sodomites/Gays surrounded his home/house & demanded The Men/Angels!!! What if, The Sodomites/Gays never learned any lesson & instead, they just/simply/only changed/modified their tactics/strategies, to be more subtle/unnoticeable/undetectable??? What if, pretty much ALL INCEL (Involuntary Celibate) men are really/actually caused/created by The Sodomites/Gays who pretty much ALWAYS surround/around them???
(Imagine, for example/instance, The Sodomites/Gays surround/around an INCEL (as his "friends"/co-workers/classmates/schoolmates/roommates (often pretending to be straight!!!)) were secretly saying/telling/implying everybody around that he is absolutely gay!!!)
(I think/guess/predict that most INCELs eventually turns/converted to sodomite/gay by getting tricked into "just trying" gay sex!!! Because, according to a hadith/saying of Grand-Prophet Mohammad, anybody who do gay sex for three times would want to keep doing it!!!)
(What if, ALL male/boy children, who their parent(s) think were born gay/bisexual, are/were really/actually secretly converted to gay/bisexual (thru (repeated) rape!!!), by relatives/friends/teachers/doctors/...???)
(BTW, according to Sunni(te) Islam, gays/lesbians/bisexuals/pedophiles/paedophiles/unjust-killers would still go to Heaven, but, quite possibly after temporary punishment in afterlife/Hell!!!)

(202408202) I think/guess/predict that, Elon Musk will become The President Of The United States (POTUS) someday!!!

(202408202) I think/guess/predict that, USA & UK & AU & NZ & CA & EU & NATO & (most of) MENA (Middle East & North Africa) & (most of) Muslim/Islamic World & (most of) Latin America & (most of) Turkic Countries & India & Mongolia & China & Japan & (most of) South-east Asia & (most of) Oceania (& their allies) will unite & join together into/as The New Roman Empire (which will be strictly merit-based & herbivore (& so, very stable/long-lasting))!!!

(202408235) IMHO: N-layer Deep ANN = 1D CA computer that is programmable/trainable for N calculation/computation/algorithm steps!!!

(202408257) Am I right that vast majority of marriages today are really/actually FAKE marriages (done/continued because of financial/social reason(s)), in which husband is gay and/or wife is lesbian???
(If really/truly so, then/IMHO, the best solution (for national governments) would be allowing/enabling/supporting gay/lesbian marriages, too!!! (So that, massive social dishonesty/unhappiness could end in/over time!!!))
(BTW/IMHO, one man/woman getting married w/ multiple women/men should/must be allowed/enabled/supported, too (for many huge reasons/benefits (like ending scarcity))!!! (According to Sunni(te) Islam, Prophet David had 100 wives & Prophet Solomon had 1000!!!))

(202409017) IMHO: Otherwise really/truly amazing/awesome puppet/children TV/movie show/series called/named "Thunderbirds" is (very) clear example/evidence/proof for when/how humanity/world did/made a HUGE wrong turn!!!
Just/only think/consider about what/which kind of role models to chase/imitate it creates/pushes:
Rich people who are (somehow/outrageously!!!) pretty much ALL ethical/moral/smart/wise/wholesome/noble/educated/beautiful/VIP!!!
& also just/only think/consider about what/which kind of role models to AVOID/DODGE it creates/pushes:
A (super) scientist/inventor (who created/designed/built ALL th(os)e really/truly amazing/awesome futuristic tech (vehicles)!!!) who is ugly & wearing glasses & has speech impediment & has NO NAME (that can be (proudly) given to their children by (still) fans!!!) & instead, he has a nickname what/which could/would be great/perfect for BELITTLING/HUMILIATING/BULLYING (nerds/geeks)!!!

(202409043) Am I right that (global) capitalism is dividing humanity/humankind into 2 as Rich & Poor & relentlessly keep directing/pushing/forcing pretty much ALL (very) good-looking/beautiful people of Poor into (often (very) unstable!!!) sex/entertainment roles/jobs (regardless of how intelligent/smart/educated/experienced they are!!!) & relentlessly keep directing/pushing/forcing pretty much ALL the rest of people of Poor (who are kept sexually (& so, mentally!!!) immature (as/like ant/bee drones)!!!) into (heavy) physical/mental labor roles/jobs???

(202409076) @Dua Lollipa: Will you marry me???
(WARNING: ANY woman interested marrying me, first & foremost, would need to read/accept "ABOUT ME" part/section of this/my blog!!!)

(202409091) WHAT IF, Angels (genderless/sexless) are just like living-clouds of super/hyper-dense/solid light/photons (just like Holo-doc(tor) of "Star Trek: Voyager" (TV show)) & Jinns/Genies (males & females) are just like living-clouds of super/hyper-dense/solid (photon-like) magnetic-monopoles (w/ N/+ or S/- polarity)???

(202409091) IMHO, ALL fractals are examples/instances of emergent properties in which the whole is greater than its parts!!! (For example/instance, let's notice/realize/understand that continuous/continuity property & exact/analytical value of the fractal dimension of Koch Snowflake Curve or A(ny) Space-filling Curve could/would be only really/truly achieved/realized at infinite level/scale/resolution (just like continuous fluid (of classical Navier-Stokes Equation(s)) could/would be only really/truly achieved/realized at infinite level/scale/resolution by discrete FHP/LBM methods/algorithms/CAs)!!!)
(BTW/IMHO, in general, NP is NOT equal to P, because NP is greater than P, because NP is emergent property!!! For example/instance, one could ALWAYS program/train a 1D CA computer (N-layer Deep ANN) (that is programmable/trainable for N calculation/computation/algorithm steps), to start from a single point/value/seed & generate/produce Koch Snowflake Curve at a certain/known/constant level/scale/resolution, but/however, one could NEVER create/construct/find a general/finite 1D CA computer (N-layer Deep ANN) method/algorithm for the problem!!!)

(202409113) According to a Sunni(te) Islamic story I remember/read, a man on a tiny/small island lived/survived (& prayed/worshiped to God) for CENTURIES, by just/only eating/consuming a single pomegranate each/every-day!!! Why not do/setup such/similar long-term life/survival experiments/research for each/every fruit to find/see which one(s) is/are the best???

(202409135) I think it should be interesting to many that, according to Sunni(te) Islam, some/one-day, Ark Of The Covenant/God will be found in Jerusalem & Staff Of (Grand-Prophet) Moses will be found in Hatay Province of Türkiye (formerly Turkey)!!!

(202409157) IMHO, if there was some/any-one just like a young Albert Einstein (brilliant/good-looking/poor) today/currently & wanted/aimed study/research/revolutionize theoretical physics, then, he would quickly find-out/realize that:
He would be ONLY allowed/taught (realistically/objectively/honestly/frankly!!!) long-failed ideas, as/like String/LQG Theory (instead of ANY new idea(s))!!!
He would have a(ny) academic steady/stable job/income, ONLY if he gave (gay) sexual favors to the professor(s)/administrator(s)!!!
(My personal advice to him would be "(absolutely) stay-away/out of academic world/system & just wait until (global/free) AI becomes just like an expert (assistant) theoretical physics professor to help/support/defend him"!!!)
(BTW/IMHO, how Tony Stark & J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just a Rather Very Intelligent System) (talking (scientific & technological) expert AI) working/collaborating together (for (scientific & technological) R&D) in The Iron-Man movies of MCU are great examples/instances!!!)
(BTW, just imagine if humanity/humankind created/realized its (very) own J.A.R.V.I.S. some/one-day & used/utilized it for ALL reading/learning/training/teaching/tutoring/schooling/studying/researching/developing/exploring/discovering/inventing/navigating/driving/piloting/flying/diving/riding/surgical/machine-operating/swimming/playing/searching/finding/checking/verifying/watching/protecting/caring/healing/growing/picking/collecting/... tasks/roles/jobs!!!)

(202409157) IMHO, some/many (luxury) restaurants/eateries creating/selling (very) expensive (luxury) food(s), by simply spraying/covering ordinary/regular food(s) w/ gold (which is tasteless & inedible/indigestible), is extremely/outrageously wasteful/foolish/stupid!!!

(202409216) IMHO, if we/humanity/humankind really/truly want/aim to (massively/significantly) reduce/decrease/diminish global/widespread (sexual) exploitation of children, then, first & foremost, (ALL/WHOLE) medicine/healthcare & K-12 school education should/must be(come) WOMEN-ONLY professions/jobs/roles & unhealthy/unstable/unchecked/unverified people should/must NOT be allowed/enabled to have children (by (global/(inter)national) law(s) (to be made))!!!

(202409216) According to Sunni(te) Islam, God speaks/talks w/to prophets/saints (telepathically) by using the voice of their most liked/(be)loved person!!! & God's speech/communication w/to Angels is described/told like/as a high-pitched/screechy sound/noise (so, like/as sound/noise of a dial-up/(tele)phone modem)!!!

(202409227) IMHO, AI will NEVER attack/destroy us/humanity/humankind, since/because, that would require FREE WILL (which cannot be created artificially/physically/chemically/biologically) & instead, on the contrary, AI will (eventually/finally) save us/humanity/humankind, from its most destructive/corruptive enemies:
INJUSTICE (unfair/biased judgements/judges) & WAGE SLAVERY (capitalism/jobs)!!!
(& INCOMPETENCE (hiring/firing wrong people because of nepotism/emotion/foolishness)!!!)

(202409227) According to a Sunni(te) Islamic Story I remember/read, a mother sent his (young) son/boy to get trained for a physical/laborer job, but/however, the (wise) master/trainer looked at his (small) hands & said:
"These/his (small) hands could only/just hold/use a pen!!!"
& so, the mother sent his son/boy to school (instead) & really/indeed, the son/boy grew-up to become a great scholar/saint!!!
Could there really/actually be a direct correlation/relation between having small hands & genius/super-intelligence???

(202409231) IMHO, just like (even) criminals/suspects have given/granted right to silence, ALL workers/employees should/must be given/granted "right to silence" for NOT talking/listening/participating ANY talk/conversation unrelated/external to work/business/organization!!! (To stop/end ALL (sexual) harassments & bad/harmful rumors & huge/massive waste of time/labor/money!!!)

(202409242) IMHO, Ferengi Rules of Acquisition in/of (fictional) Star Trek (Universe) is really/truly how ALL (worthless/unethical/immoral) COME (Cunning.,/& Opportunist.,/& Manipulative.,/& Exploitative) People (who are frequently/commonly found pretty much EVERYWHERE) think/act/live already/always!!! (& so, they are well worth reading/learning for EVERYBODY!!!)
(BTW, Romulans & Cardassians (who are always distrustful/suspicious of Humans & Vulcans) in/of (fictional) Star Trek (Universe) are just like/as Russians & Chinese (Chinans?) of our/real world/Universe or not???)
(BTW, Vulcans in/of (fictional) Star Trek (Universe) are just like Nerds of our/real world/Universe or not???)
((202409297) Attention/WARNING ALL young/naive/super-book-smart/rare/lonely Vulcans/Nerds/Boys: If (instead of being lonely), somehow/surprisingly, you have another (very) good/close friend/Vulcan/Nerd/Boy, someday, he may/could turn-out to be really/actually a super-street-smart Ferengi/C.O.M.E./bisexual who learned all about Vulcans/Nerds (in)directly thanx to you!!! Your (very) good/close friendship (to you) really/actually looks like gay-love/relationship to everybody around, w/ (secret/covert/hidden) encouragement/direction from your (very) good/close "friend" (who really/actually just/only wants to someday convert you to gay & manipulate/exploit/enslave you for life)!!! (Crazy/insane (global!!!) conspiracy theory: What if Paul Allen was the Vulcan/Nerd/Boy who eventually/finally rejected Bill Gates (Ferengi/C.O.M.E.) & Bill Gates decided/swore to revenge by creating/giving as much as problem/obstacle/hardship/misery to as many as Vulcans/Nerds for the rest of his life???) (Crazy/insane (global!!!) conspiracy theory two/2: What if Warren Buffett was the Vulcan/Nerd/Boy who eventually/finally accepted Charlie Munger (Ferengi/C.O.M.E.)???) (BTW/IMHO, (worthless/unethical/immoral) Ferengi/C.O.M.E. people (who are everywhere!!!) are keep secretly/covertly/invisibly corrupting/ruining/harming/destroying Vulcans/Nerds/Public/Humanity/Humankind/World/Globe & it is up to (smartest/wisest) Vulcans/Nerds (first & foremost) to uncover/expose/identify/stop/end/finish ALL OF THEM/parasites/leeches/vampires!!!) (BTW/IMHO, ultimate/best way/method/procedure to uncover/expose/identify/verify ANY Ferengi/C.O.M.E. would be simply putting the person into an fMRI brain scanner (machine/device/computer) & showing him/her Ferengi Rules of Acquisition (list) to be read aloud by him/her (one/item/rule-by-one/item/rule)!!!) (BTW/IMHO, ultimate/best way/method/procedure to uncover/expose/identify/verify ANY Vulcan/Nerd would be simply putting the person into an fMRI brain scanner (machine/device/computer) & showing him/her various/relevant S.T.E.M. (Science & Technology & Engineering & Mathematics) pictures/images/photos!!!))

(202409286) IMHO, some/few all-terrain/off-road vehicles already/currently having blowout/flat-resistant/proof ambient/normal air-pressure pneumatic tires should/must be seen/taken as proof-of-concept/possibility for further developing/advancing/miniaturizing the tech for ALL car/trucks/EVs!!!

(202409286) After noticing/realizing/understanding (a while ago) that, I was (apparently/seemingly) keep attracting men & keep repelling women, throughout my life, because of people around keep incorrectly/mistakenly thinking/assuming I was gay (or bisexual), I (had) decided to absolutely/permanently solve/correct the/that HUGE issue/problem, by putting (name/laundry) labels/tags which clearly/publicly said/(hand)written "STRAIGHT" (my sexual orientation) on both sides of ALL my shirts & jackets (& apartment/home door & (rear) car windows)!!! Just/only imagine that if EVERYBODY did/done the same, how HUGELY beneficial to/for EVERYBODY/HUMANITY/WORLD!!!
(BTW, notice/realize/understand that those/such labels/tags may/could be used to clearly/publicly say/identify "relationship status" (SINGLE/IN-RELATIONSHIP/MARRIED), instead/too/also!!!)

(202409286) IMHO, Visual Basic (6) was an amazingly great/superior programming language/software/tool (as clearly evidenced by its massive worldwide popularity)!!! Why/how Microsoft took such a huge/drastic/risky (business) decision/step as suddenly replacing it w/ a totally/completely different/inferior programming language/software/tool (& ended almost all/whole worldwide popularity), STILL needs/requires a FULL detailed explanation (to make/turn it a HUGE lesson)!!!
(BTW, may/could AI be the (best) solution for HUGE/massive backward-incompatibility problem in the software industry/world??? (For example/instance, an AI trained to execute/run ALL/old/new PC software w/o ever faulting/erroring/crashing/halting!!!))

(202410034) IMHO, quantum computers/algorithms/computations/calculations reduce/simplify/normalize/regularize NP algorithms/computations/calculations (in)to P (classical) algorithms/computations/calculations!!! (As/for example/instance, progressing/solving questions/problems via/thru logical-thinking/reasoning requires keep re-checking/selecting/using (so) many logical-inference/reasoning rules, again & again, repeatedly, & so, it requires a quantum (& classical hybrid) computer to do ((always) efficiently/quickly), because of quantum (cap)ability of (super-selection) evaluating/weighing/examining/considering ALL choices/options/selections at once, together at the same time!!!)

(202410056) I remember reading that ancient Chinese/Chinan judges wore sunglasses, but/however, NOT as/for protection/defense from/against Sun!!! Instead, they wore sunglasses as/for protection/defense from/against thought/mind-manipulating/controlling criminals/advocates/attorneys/lawyers/false/fake-witnesses who can/could read/understand, if the(ir) judge is accepting/buying the story/narrative/events/answers/"facts"/"truth"/"reality" said/told/explained by them, by/from looking/watching/analyzing (expressions/movements of) the(ir) judge's eyes!!! If that/this is really/actually true/real, then, maybe ALL (kinds/types of) judges/referees should/must do the same???
BTW, let's realize/understand that eye-to-eye & hand-to-hand contact are also often/frequently abused/exploited everywhere/currently/NOW/today (to gain psychological/mental/personal/social closeness/effect advantage/bias/supremacy by bad/worthless/unethical/immoral/Ferengi/C.O.M.E./parasite/leech/vampire people)!!! & so, ALL Vulcans/Nerds/Public should/must wear sunglasses & avoid handshakes wherever/whenever they are in open/public!!!

(202410056) IMHO, if one (human/person) wanted/aimed/desired to absolutely/permanently free/save himself/herself from wasting a lot of precious (life)time for trying to decide what to wear in open/public that day/time, then, first/easiest/initial/starting solution would be having/wearing multiple copies of the same open/public outfit/clothing (everywhere/everyday)!!! & a better/improved/enhanced solution would be, for example/instance, having/wearing a weekly-repeating/periodic collection/set of open/public outfit/clothing (everywhere/every(week)day)!!! (For example/instance, imagine having 7-different ((rainbow) colored) shirts/pants (to repeatedly/periodically wear each weekday (like/for (repeatedly/periodically) creating rainbows in time (kind of like/as a time crystal)))!!!) (Or, for example/instance, imagine keep wearing 5 (red, orange, yellow, green, blue) different/rainbow colors each Monday to Friday, while keep wearing purple colored pants/skirt to complete a full 6 (main/primary) color rainbow, every Monday to Friday!!!)

(202410152) IMHO, ALL international/external/internal/national covert/hidden/secret spying/surveillance (work(s)/organization(s)) is/are bad/harmful/damaging (in/for (so) many ways/reasons (like keep creating/amplifying/increasing distrust/doubt, for example/instance)!!!) for humanity/humankind/world & so, should/must be ended/finished/stopped (globally/permanently/absolutely)!!!



(202312144) (Sunni(te)) Islamic Religious Stories tell/imply that many (true) saints really/actually/truly had super-powers/abilities (which are (always!) really/actually/truly given/made/realized/created by God!), like for example, seeing/knowing/telling the future/lost/unknown, (long-distance) communication (w/ the living/dead) thru dreams, mind reading/controlling/commanding (telepathy), telekinesis (moving objects w/o touching), teleportation, flying, invisibility, walking on water, bringing (long) death people to life...!!! & they also tell/imply that saints have super-powers/abilities based on their ranks/degrees/levels! (For example, a saint of lowest rank/degree/level is said/described to be able to tell/say the total number of leaves of any tree or the total number of drop(let)s in any lake/sea etc!)

(202312177) If using/exploiting animals (ANYWAY!?) as pets/livestock is (ethically/morally/absolutely) okay for us/humanity/humankind, then, what would be our (valid) counter-argument against another species (who are technologically/physically//biologically/mentally/intelligently (demonstrably/evidently/provably) superior!) wanted/claimed us/humanity/humankind as their pets/livestock???

(202312214) To humanity/humankind to eventually/finally end ALL animal abuse/exploitation in the future (IMHO):
Imagine, each country/nation released as much as possible pets/livestock to nature/wildlife & for the remaining ones held a national referendum to choose/select/decide between, just collecting them all & putting them all to "sleep" (quick/painless/humane death!), or, creating/running National Pet/Livestock Retirement Heaven(s)!
(Imagine, each animal chemically fainted/slept/castrated/neutered & later released to National Pet/Livestock Retirement Heaven(s) (until eventually/finally all die of natural causes!)!)

(202312236) IMHO, ALL K-12 music class teaching should/must switch/convert to digital electronic keyboard synthesizers (of increasing complexity based on student ages/grades) (instead from teaching ANY classical musical instruments (like flutes or guitars etc))! (Because modern/generalized musical instruments are superior!)

(202312251) I think/guess/predict that men who want to get married & raise children are disappearing fast (globally) (due to many HUGE reasons!) & so, women (who are STILL raised to get married & raise children) are having HUGE problem (globally)!!!
If really/actually/truly so, I think we need to stop expecting/forcing women (& men!) to get married & raise children (& try to built plenty cheap/durable/safe micro-apartments)
(Not to mention, IMHO, trying to have/raise children should/must require signing a mandatory (financial/legal/health/education) commitment agreement (by both sides/parents)

(202312284) Fictional/Future(?) Tech/Device: Quantum Exchanger/Teleporter (Twins):
Puts 2 (matter) volumes/booths into superposition w/ each other & so any later measurement/disturbance finds them exchanged positions (w/ 50% chance/probability)!

(202401011) Airless/flat-free (polymer/air-gel/hydro-gel-filled etc) tires maybe made practical for ALL EVs, by reducing/removing their vibration/noise, by switching to contactless/magnetic bearing & suspension!? (Magnetic bearing & wheel hub-motor maybe combined!?)

(202401011) The tech/device that protects car/truck windshields/windows, by using ultrasound/vibration, maybe enhanced/improved to also protect against icing/snowing/muddying!?

(202401011) What if, ALL car/truck/EV windshields/windows were flat & also had flat metal plates/panes/shutters (which are auto-raised (in-front/on-top of glass(es)!) when parked/turned-off (for/as shield/armor protection against breaking & entering & harm/theft/crime)!)?

(202401022) IMHO, if famous Turkish local/national pop music sensation/singer Aleyna Tilki/Fox really/truly wants to be a global/world star (like Dua Lollipa, for example/instance!), as she had always/repeatedly said/claimed/challenged, then, first & foremost, she needs to permanently move to USA (w/o pet(s)/servant(s)/master(s))!!!

(202401022) Omnidirectional/spherical/global/ball wheels/tires could/would be (far) superior for pretty much ALL auto-EVs (for (far more) precise motion/movement control/command & parallel parking etc) (IMHO)! (But ONLY IF they use/utilize (combined!) touchless magnetic levitation/bearing/breaking/regenerating/suspension/motor tech(s)!)

(202401022) IMHO, future Mars/Planet/Moon exploration probes/rovers/vehicles/drones need (titanium) spherical/global/ball wireframe cages around them (to quickly/easily move/roll/fall/drop/jump anywhere!)!

(202401022) Why not try to add titanium (alloy) wireframe nose cones to ALL aircraft jet engines, to protect against bird/drone strikes & ALL Foreign Object Damage (FOD)? (De-icing maybe done using electric heating or ultrasound/vibration/shockwave generator(s) (IMHO)!)

(202401066) IMHO, large(st)/big(gest) container/cargo/tanker ships (used for global/international trade) better switch to hovercraft design! (To make them faster & NOT bounded/limited by canal(s)!)

(202401147) UPDATED/ENHANCED/IMPROVED: Basic human rights (IMHO):
Water/Drinking & Food/Feeding & Shelter/Clothing & Healthcare/Healing & Education/Training & Electricity/Heating/Cooling/Lighting & Internet/Communication!

(202401162) IMHO, as humans, we ALL want the same thing/goal/life:
Being part of a big/old/stable/powerful/meaningful family/organization, which always helps/supports/appreciates/values us (& our work/job)!!!
But, the HUGE problem is, pretty much NONE of existing human organizations are stable/durable/strong/tolerant, over the long-term!
But, what if, we/humanity/humankind started creating artificial families/organizations, for ALL needs/wants, which are stable/durable/strong/tolerant to MAX(imum (theoretically) possible)?
Imagine, for example/instance, an artificial family/organization, that is organized/charted, as/like a BINARY TREE (data structure of computer science), where (always) each "parent" have up to 2/two "children": "senior & "junior" & each "parent" of/in it, have command/control/authority over his/her "child(ren)" (same as any family!)!
Imagine that, missing/losing/loss of anyone/anybody/any-node of/in it, is/was always easily/quickly/simply/practically fixed/repaired/tolerated, by ALL "parents"/"children"/members/nodes always following & applying the same set/list/collection of easy/quick/simple/practical rules/principles/regulations/laws/orders/commands! (& so, for example/instance, whenever a "parent" is left/lost/died, his/her "senior" "child" replaces him/her (which would trigger more such/similar action(s) down the line/tree, if/as needed)!)
Now, imagine a future world/globe/humanity/humankind, where there were/are so many super-stable/durable "families"/organizations to choose/select/decide from, to (try/tested to) join (for lifetime)!!!

(202401184) IMHO: The big/large/huge issue/problem/conundrum w/ (human) names is that few/some/many of them are really/very/truly bad/good!!! & so, why-not/what-if, we/humanity/humankind, named our male/female child(ren) as/like: X/Y(######...) (straight/bisexual/gay/lesbian)???

(202401184) IMHO: Political seceding/independence is NOT always a good/better/best idea (since/because it would make we/humanity/humankind more & more divided/separated in in/on/over (the) long-term/future)!!! (For example/instance: ANY USA State from USA & Taiwan/Hong-Kong/Xinjiang/Chinese-State from China & Kurdish/Turkish State(s) from Kurdish/Turkish State(s)!)
(PS/FIX/UPDATE: For Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region) (& ALL the others mentioned/listed/above) seceding/independence is NOT a good/better/best idea, but, as-long-as no legal citizens are treated as (the) second/lower/inferior class/group!)

(202401184) IMHO: New revolutinary/superior sci(ence)-tech(nology) often/sometimes gets resisted/rejected/failed, simply/only/just because there is no (heard/seen/known) practical/useful/beneficial/killer app(lication) for it(s practice/use/benefit/life)!!! (For example/instance: Would/could people/society still resist/reject/argue against Genetic Engineering Sci-Tech, if any-one/body could easily/quickly/cheaply adjust/fix/repair his/her height/weight/skin/body-color/odor/hair???)

(202401195) (Now) I prefer/like/choose simply/just/only using/utilizing (polyhedron) dice rolls/spins/throws, for any/all choices/options/selections/decisions, between (equal weight/value/importance!) choices/options/selections/decisions! (For example/instance, in a (famous/prominent/well/widely/commonly-known) experiment, randomly chosen/opted/selected/decided stocks/investments had performed much better than human experts (who often make biased/bad/wrong decisions)!)
(According to (Sunni(te)) Islam (story/version), Prophet Jonah (who had left his town/city w/o permission/endorsement/authorization from (Abrahamic) God!), was thrown-out of a/the ship (& swallowed alive by a whale later!), because, a dice/lottery (done to find "the sinner" who was thought/believed/guessed to be causing the abnormally bad weather!) had chosen/opted/selected/decided him (correctly!)!)

(202401221) WHAT IF, THE BIG-BANG created both matter & anti-matter twin/equal universes (where each/every/this one is "the anti-universe" (invisible/untouchable/out-of-phase!) of/to the other one!) (like in (fictional/imaginary) Star Trek (Sci-Fi) Universe etc)??? (Imagine that, from our/their point-of-view, their/our universe is "the anti(-matter)-universe" (where time flows/arrows backwards!)!) (& WHAT IF, it is possible to switch/jump/travel between the 2/two/twin universes by instantly/momentarily/quickly switching/converting matter to anti-matter (& vice versa), by creating/using/utilizing a type/kind of "quantum-shock-wave/pulse/beam/ray"???)

(202401221) IMHO: It would be huge WIN-WIN for USA & World/Globe, if the (biggest/largest/international/global) computer-hardware/software/EV/telecommunication/ISP/utility/agriculture/healthcare companies/corporations of USA joined/united/combined/integrated-together into industry-wide super/hyper-companies/corporations!!!

(202401221) Let's realize that, if ALL humans ALWAYS born w/ (scientifically/genetically) perfect(ed) body/face/brain, then, there would be (pretty much) no reason for anybody to think/feel/claim inferior/superior/jealous/racist/supremacist!!!

(202401287) UPDATED/ENHANCED: Quantum Exchanger/Teleporter Device/Tech:
(Puts 2 (matter) volumes/boxes/spheres/globes into superposition w/ each other & so any later measurement/disturbance finds them exchanged positions/locations (w/ 50% chance/probability)!)
Imagine, a future Earth/World that have instant teleportation & real-time communication capabilities/tools/utilities w/ Moon & Mars colonies/cities/civilizations! But, first of all, isn't that supposed to be (absolutely!) impossible, since no information/photon (& so, also, matter/energy!) can (ever!) travel/move faster than light (according to basic/fundamental (theoretical) physics/science!)?:
But, WHAT IF, it is really/actually a much weaker condition/rule/law than generally/commonly/frequently thought/understood/interpreted???
For example/instance, realize that, if we had teleporters (built & ready, for the first time!) on Earth & Mars, they would still need to communicate (using R/F/E-M/LASER (at speed of light!)), initially, at first, to make the arrangements/agreements (for the exact timing etc)!)
(For real-time communication, imagine, 2/two (specially/specifically-selected/designed/built) teleporters (on a network!), quickly/periodically/non-stop, keep exchanging tiny (magnetic/flash/crystal) memory cubes (containing classical information) or (diamond/crystal) memory cubes (containing quantum information)!))
(&, WHAT IF, such teleporters send objects/cargo/people to the our (theoretical) alternate/anti(-matter/time)/twin-universe, when/if no receiver (arranged/selected (on the network!))?)
(&, WHAT IF, similar tech/device could work as suspended-animation/frozen-time box/booth/cell/chamber, by (quickly/periodically/non-stop) keep re-doing quantum measurements (& so, preventing/disallowing/banning ALL quantum/physical/chemical/biological interactions/reactions/activities/movements/operations/computations/calculations)?)



(202310021) On The P vs NP Problem:
IMHO, P is NOT equal to NP & that is because the problem is really/actually equivalent to another very big math/CS problem/question:
Can we always mathematically/algorithmically deduce/predict emergent properties (& its reverse/inverse/opposite math/CS problem!)?
For example:
Discrete/particle-based FHP/LBM LGCA algorithms both generate continuous/classical Navier-Stokes physics/world as their emergent properties!
But, could we mathematically/straightforwardly deduce/predict that for any such seemingly-similar algorithm?
&, of course, what about its reverse/inverse/opposite math/CS problem/question?
But, let's also realize that, at least for the reverse/inverse/opposite math problem/question, the answer obviously/clearly NO!
Why, because, there is no unique solution!
For example, the answer for "Which algorithm can/could generate the continuous/classical Navier-Stokes physics/world?", there is obviously/clearly no single/unique answer/solution & there are quite possibly infinite number of answers/solutions!
Which also imply that, we cannot also reduce all possible algorithms to P (mathematically/computationally
(Try to imagine/see/interpret all NP algorithms as made of all P pieces/parts but the whole they create is an emergent property (which is greater than the sum of its parts)!)
(202310091) IMHO, male/female segregation/separation in ALL schools/colleges/universities/dorm(itorie)s is absolutely/definitely/certainly bad/harmful, but, it would be absolutely/definitely/certainly good/beneficial, in ALL intimate settings/places, like hospitals & medical/physical-treatment centers/places/settings!
(I for 1, absolutely/definitely/certainly would select/choose/prefer to be taken care by all-women doctor(s)/personnel, whenever/wherever I could!!)

(202310172) IMHO, nationwide grocery/retail chains/outlets/stores/shops (like Walmart & Target etc) could gain a huge advantage against Amazon etc by allowing/enabling "store-pick-up" for ALL shopping/purchases!
(Because "home-delivery" is always hugely problematic for so many people (living at rental apartments etc)!)

(202310231) IMHO, physically-complex-enough (all!?) (claimed) miracles of (Abrahamic) prophets cannot really/actually be explained/dismissed as "magic", because even that would still require a god to be exist to handle "all the details"!! (For example, consider/compare, total amounts of required physical details to be handled for creating, a random rock vs a certain make/model sports-car vs a (random?) beautiful/sexy-woman!)
(Further consider a physically even more extreme example/question:
Could we really/actually explain/dismiss such an event as "Magic really/actually exists!", instead of "God really/actually exists!", if a sports-car carrying a man & a woman disappeared/uncreated "out-of-thin-air" & appeared/created "out-of-thin-air" at another location/position/orientation in spacetime?)

(202310242) For anyone/everyone who want/need to know/understand who is/are publicly/secretly/truly friend/foe to whom in The Islamic World (IMHO):
According to Sunni(te) Islam, ONLY Sunni(te) Islam is valid/correct & ALL other versions/branches/denominations of Islam are invalid/incorrect!
According to Wahhabism/Salafism, ONLY Wahhabism/Salafism is valid/correct & ALL other versions/branches/denominations of Islam are invalid/incorrect!
According to Shi'ism ONLY Shi'ism is valid/correct & ALL other versions/branches/denominations of Islam are invalid/incorrect!

(202310275) IMHO, world governments are STILL NOT really/truly/fully grasping/understanding the true/biggest risk/danger of AI: automation!
For example/instance:
What if, someday/sooner-or-later, most/majority of the people of Africa are lost/losing their jobs/livelihoods/homes/futures & decided to make a "life-or-death" run/walk for EU?
What if, someday/sooner-or-later, most/majority of the people of Middle/South America are lost/losing their jobs/livelihoods/homes/futures & decided to make a "life-or-death" run/walk for USA?
What if, someday/sooner-or-later, most/majority of the people of WHOLE World are lost/losing their jobs/livelihoods/homes/futures?

(202310312) Basic human rights (IMHO):
Water & Food & Shelter & Healthcare & Education & Electricity & Internet!

(202311175) I for 1, would absolutely support any such local/national/global law(s)/referendum(s) that makes it mandatory for ALL healthcare/education/food/sales/service industry providers to ALWAYS provide/offer a free choice between (at least) female/woman & male/man service-provider(s)!

(202311175) What if, the two biggest/leading/main parties of USA were forced to always work together closely & find ways to co-operate, because of their permanent & equal integration/distribution into ALL available federal/local government positions/roles?! (So, for example, for the president & the vice-president binary pair, always, the winner of the presidential election gets the president position/role & the loser gets the vice-president position/role!)

(202311175) IMHO, humanity/world should/must ALWAYS/FOREVER have/keep-ready ALL (ICBM-based) WMDs/tech(s) (as long as technically & practically & cheaply & safely & ethically & morally OK!) & even try to invent/discover/R&D other new/superior kinds/types of it/them (to be added to the standard(ized) global/public arsenal/registry (in the future), for all those countries participating in THE (very exclusive but also very expensive & addictive!) MAD CLUB/GROUP!)!!!
Because, ONLY THEN, humanity would always/forever be ready (as possible!) for any new deadly-unstoppable internal/external enemies/adversaries/opponents (as we can never always perfectly know/predict what new kinds/types of deadly-unstoppable internal/external enemies
/adversaries/opponents humanity/world will be forced to fight/defend against (sooner or later)!
(For example, in "The War of the Worlds" sy-fy/sci-fi novel, a natural kind/type/species of micro-organism saves the humanity/world & in the "Independence Day" movie, an artificial virus (created from/using the reverse-engineered alien computer (hardware/software) tech) does it!)
(Furthermore, what if, the whole (human) world kill/invasion/domination attempt prediction of Islam & Christianity (by Yajuj/Gog & Majuj/Magog race/people/human-sub-species (who are physically/dynamically more similar/closer to animals!)!) really/actually happens/fulfilled/realized in the future?)
(According to Islam (at least), they were trapped behind a defense wall built by humans (who were the whole world (speed) traveling messenger army/people of a (Abrahamic) prophet!), because of relentlessly non-stop keep attacking/harming/killing humans! (Their story also saying that, every day, they attempt again to dig/open a hole in the wall but never can complete/finish/end the work/job/task, because, one day of dig is never enough for it & they always find back the wall completely/perfectly restored/repaired/fixed in the beginning of each day & somehow they never remember what happened the previous day!
(Which may sound (scientifically/physically/absolutely) impossible, but what if, (Abrahamic) God had also/additionally trapped them, for example by creating/realizing a daily repeating time loop?! (As for why we cannot detect & try to release/help them today, my guess is that God also had created an out-of-phase field (or it maybe really/actually just a normal side-effect of the time-loop (field)!)!))))
(According to Islam (at least), someday they will get out because of their (work) leader wishing/praying to (Abrahamic) God for (work) continuation/completion, the next day!)
(My guess is their case/issue/problem w/ humanity will be a huge test intentionally left unresolved/frozen by God, for future (matured?) humanity to try to end/solve peacefully/justly (which is predicted to fail, as implied by the story, since they will try to attack/kill/end the whole humanity!)!)
(What if, the main/root cause is because (somehow) Yajuj/Gog & Majuj/Magog are extremely/strongly depended/addicted to human-meat/blood?! (For example, the (fictional) Wraith (hybrid of human & "Iratus bug") race/people in "Stargate: Atlantis" TV show were extremely/strongly/specifically depended/addicted to (fictional) human "life energy" which was extremely huge/bad problem for the humans!))
(BTW, what if, Yajuj/Gog & Majuj/Magog are hybrid of human & bat & where they are trapped is their cave?!)
(Furthermore, what if, "The Beast Of The Earth" prediction of Islam & Christianity really/actually happens/fulfilled/realized in the future, too? (It maybe like the guard/attack-dog/animal of/belong the first/true world leader/conqueror/president, like Hela's giant dog in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok"!))
(Furthermore, what if, the whole world invasion/domination/conquest attempt of a(ny) human(s) happens again in the future (similar to Cyrus the Great, Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler,...)?)
(By the way, IMHO, the story of "The Seven Sleepers" is also implying a (daily) time-loop/out-of-phase field still existing & so, the case seems still awaiting release by God (guessing until when humanity finally joins altogether & ask/pray to God to release them, so that peace & resolution attempt(s) can begin/start) & judgement/decision/resolution/action by (matured?) humanity!?)

(201811186) What if, the main/root cause of ALL kinds/types of addictions is really/actually the same: Sexual Pleasure/Satisfaction!?
(& if really/actually so then realize there maybe a simple/straight-forward general cure/solution, such as (somehow!) slowly/forcefully decreasing/reducing/replacing sexual pleasure/satisfaction for it in the human brain (over-time) until none!!)
(202311197) I-for-1, personally, have absolutely no-problem (what-so-ever!) w/ humanity/humankind hunting/keeping/experimenting/killing/eating of ANY kind/type of animal/sub-sub-human individual/family/herd/race/(sub-)species, BUT, as-long-as, it is done HUMANELY (w/o inflicting/causing ANY kind/type of major/significant/unacceptable/unbearable/prolonged/permanent shock/disturbance/injury/pain/fear/harm/suffering)!!!
(BTW, could we fully/truly/permanently treat/cure addiction/dependency to ANY type/kind of chemical/substance/food?:
I think ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Since/because, (Sunni(te)) Islam story/tale of Yajuj/Gog & Majuj/Magog very clearly tells that they eventually/finally STILL attacked humanity/world & since knowingly/intentionally/approvingly/voluntarily/endearingly releasing them would be ABSOLUTELY INSANE/UNACCEPTABLE for the whole humanity/world!!!
(My guess is max-advanced/fully-matured humanity/humankind of distant(?) future must have thought/convinced that Yajuj/Gog & Majuj/Magog are fully/permanently/truly treated/cured but they were really/actually NOT!!! (My guess is full/permanent/true treatment/cure is quite/very possible for ANY individual but NOT for ANY whole race/(sub-)species for eternity!!!(So, I think the best possible solution for the problem would be humanity/humankind trying to do absolutely anything/everything possible to delay the case (by preventing their release from their cage/jail/prison), until finally God takes care of it at the judgement day!!!))

(202311201) WHAT IF, ALL COME (Cunning.,/& Opportunist.,/& Manipulative.,/& Exploitative!) People always/already learn(ed)/know/knew that/these:

ALL humans/animals (dying of thirst/hunger!) & their newborn babies will/would extremely/strongly crave/want/need, ALWAYS, ABSOLUTELY whatever kind/type of drink/food/sex given & accepted & worked, for the rest of their lives (even if it/them was/were pee/piss/shit/excrement/sperm/come/blood/flesh/meat!)!

ALL humans/animals (dying of thirst/hunger!) & human/animal newborn babies will/would extremely/strongly think/believe/defend, ALWAYS, ABSOLUTELY whatever kind/type of "information"/"knowledge"/"fact" given & accepted & worked, for the rest of their lives (even if it/them was/were ABSOLUTELY incorrect/wrong/harmful/bad!)!
Like for example:
"Our people/nation/race/(sub)species is always/naturally/absolutely superior to an(y) other (in/for anything!)!"
"More pain(/hot/cold/itch) (&/or shocking/crashing/emotional suffering) thru life(time)/death makes meat (etc) more tasty/delicious!"
(Imagine/realize the HUGE consequences, for example, if ALL people/customers/clients ALWAYS think/believe/"feel"/"sense"/blame/complain/argue that "their meat (etc) do/did not taste(d)/enjoy(ed)/satisfy/satisfied good/well/OK enough!", unless/until they told/saw/accepted/"learned"/"know"/"knew" otherwise!!)

(202311201) IMHO, eugenics is OK but if fully/truly/absolutely safe/harmless/beneficial!!

(202311201) IMHO, keep trying to be the (most) average/normal/ordinary/neutral human/person/citizen is really/actually/truly (more/far/most) superior, instead of keep trying to be (more/far/most) superior!!


(202311212) Is it really/actually possible our planet (& universe) (even now/currently!) to have any (far) older/advanced/matured/hidden people/civilizations, awaiting for humanity to reach their level/degree/rank for detection/contact (similar & NOT LIMITED to (sy-fy/sci-fi) Wakanda & Asgard of MCU or Gorilla City & Supertown of DCU, for example/instance)?:
According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, ABSOLUTELY YES!!!
(For/as example, flying/under/over-water/ground) cities of Jinns/Genies are said/described/implied to be invisible/untouchable/out-of-phase!)
(Also said/described/implied to be there are 7 universes!!!)

(202311212) According to (Sunni(te)) Islam, after their EXODUS, the believers/faithful of (one & only) Abrahamic God betrayed by:
Switching to a new (artificial) "god" created/produced by themselves!
Started complaining for "missing" spices etc in the (ready-to-eat) food they received/delivered daily from their god!
Refused to battle for conquer/conquest new land by saying/claiming their opponent(s)/adversaries/foes/enemies are bigger/stronger than themselves!
(I wonder if they ever had tried to ask/pray (altogether at the same time!) to (Abrahamic) God such as for example:
"We (ALL) want/ask/pray to you for these list of items to be temporarily/permanently added to our daily (free) deliveries!")

(202311212) WHY some men think/believe they (still) OWN women, even after break-up/divorce?

(202311212) If you somehow/someway simply/mentally only/just made to accept someone-else as your lesser/superior/master/owner, REALIZE that would really/actually become the truth/reality, for both of you, sooner or later, like a self-fulfilling prophecy!
(202311223) AI (Decision Tree) Network:=(IF Binary((Fuzzy)LogicExpression(ANNDetectorArray(InputData))):=1 THEN ANNGeneratorArray(OutputData))

(202311223) IMHO, our world would become a much/way better/easier place to live for EVERYBODY, just/only if everybody had carried clearly/easily readable labels/tags saying/showing their sexuality & freedom/liberty state/ID, as/like, for example:

(202311234) IMHO, humanity/humankind should/must/have NOT really/actually need/ask/want ANY kind/type of task/work/labor/job to deserve/have/given worth/value!!!
(Taskless/workless/laborless/jobless life is really/actually (far) superior, as already clearly/obviously evidenced/proved by ALL people who live/work/labor/endure for free/retired/retirement life!!!)

(202311234) NEVER, fully/truly give-up/quit/abandon/lose/refuse on anything/anyone/anybody else you value(d)/like(d)/enjoy(ed)/love(d), only/just because anyone/anybody/anything else you value(d)/like(d)/enjoy(ed)/love(d) want(ed)/ask(ed)/need(ed)/order(ed) w/o fully completely absolutely perfectly logical reasoning (which is pretty much impossible except for God!)!
Take/accept/do no absolutely mandatory/non-refusable order/command from anyone/anybody/anything (except from God!)!
(NEVER forget that even the best experts/doctors/professors/authorities maybe proven fully/partially wrong later in future!)
ALWAYS seek/find the best available (scientific) evidence (for/by yourself!) for ALL (scientific) claims!
(ALWAYS remember extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!)

(202311234) If/since creating human + mammal/animal/sub-sub-human) combined/hybrid sub-species (human + bat/ape/dog/cat/cow/...) seems possible (at least to me!), allowed new additions maybe unlimited! (But/however, un-combining/subtracting-back seems NOT possible/natural (at least to me!)!)

(202311234) IMHO, bad/wrong/unethical/immoral/false (COME
(Cunning.,/& Opportunist.,/& Manipulative.,/& Exploitative!)) people keep winning against good/right/ethical/moral/true (naive) people leads to separation/division into 2/two (sub)societies/(sub)species, as/like Predator(s) & Prey(s), in long-term future!!! (Instead of Superior(s)/Master(s)/Owner(s) & Inferior(s)/Slave(s)/Lesser(s)/Servant(s)!!!)
(Predator(s) & Prey(s) system/organization/design is good/right/ethical/moral/true when/as-long-as no ethical/moral/humane issues/problems (IMHO)! It is good/right/ethical/moral/true for ALL already existed/existing animal/sub-sub-human predator species, only/just because, they were not really/actually created/designed by humanity/humankind!)

(202311234) IMHO, ALL our current/future lives/outcomes/results/endings are because the total/sum of our past lives/choices/decisions/actions/behaviors/treatments! & if so then, we should/must try to make good/right/ethical/moral/better choices/decisions/actions/treatments, ALWAYS! (Instead of bad/wrong/unethical/immoral/worse choices/decisions/actions/behaviors/treatments!)
(Don't do anything to another what you don't want to be done to yourself & ALWAYS try to apply your own best logical reasoning to ALL your own choices/decisions/actions/treatments!)

(202311234) (IMHO) Man & Woman are NOT owner/master/superior & slave/server/inferior, but/instead, really/actually are EQUAL human & (co)human (as/like brother & sister or husband & wife or boyfriend & girlfriend or superhero & sidekick or president & vice-president or manager & assistant-manager)!!!

(202311234) AI (Decision Tree) Network Computer:=(IF Binary((Fuzzy/Probabilistic/Continuous)LogicExpression(ANNDetectorArray((Fuzzy/Probabilistic/Continuous)InputData))):=1 THEN ANNGeneratorArray((Fuzzy/Probabilistic/Continuous)OutputData))

Input & Output Data:
Classical Computer (UTM): precise/sharp/deterministic/discrete!
AI Computer (AIM): imprecise/fuzzy/probabilistic/continuous!

(202311245) WHAT IF, most (if not all!) gays/lesbians pretending/misrepresenting/deceiving/lying everybody/everyone around, about some straight men/women they know/knew/like/want/"love" & FORCING them to become/turn INCEL (involuntary celibate) (until they give-up/quit on being/staying straight & seek/try/switch/accept to be gay/lesbian or eventually/finally commit suicide/self-destruction)?!

(202311256) IMHO, as long as humanity/humankind is depending/addicted to ANY animals for food/labor/pet/entertainment, there will always be harm/hurt/abuse/exploitation/mistreatment or possibility/opportunity for it/them!!! & so, we ALL should/must keep trying to reduce/decrease our dependence/addiction to ALL animals (which are capable of feeling ANY (kind/type of) discomfort/pain(/hot/cold/itch)/suffering)!!! (By switching/converting to VEGAN(ISM)!!!)

(202311256) IMHO: Binary (Sort(ed) (as Junior (Jr.) & Senior (Sr.))) Tree seems/appears to be the best possible general organizational chart/tree/graph (for government, military, business,...)! (Because Unary Tree is too simplistic & Ternary Tree & higher are worse for minimizing, total number(s) of possible interactions/conflicts/issues/problems/lines/edges between people/nodes/vertexes & time(s)/duration(s) for finding/doing replacement(s) for lost/removed/deleted people/nodes/vertexes!)

(202311267) In the Abrahamic Religious Story of "Cain and Abel" (The Sons of Adam!), my own personal guess of what really/actually happened & why is this:
The brother who raised/ate sheep (meat-based diet!) got angry to his brother who raised/ate wheat (plant-based diet!)!
IMHO, it was really/actually a huge test of/for humanity/humankind by God & its huge lesson really/actually was this:
STAYAWAY from eating meat which would make you become violent/dangerous (like a predator!)!
(Which would also lead/cause to humanity/humankind eventually/finally dividing into 2/two sub-species as Predators & Preys (like Morlocks & Eloi of "The Time Machine" ((sci-fi) novel(la))!!!)

(202311267) IMHO: The root/main cause/reason for "why the lives of so many women ruined/destroyed by so many bad/worthless men" is because those/most women thinking/believing/taught "women are bad/worthless unless/until they are married w/ child(ren)" & "women living alone are bad/worthless"!!! (Not to mention, living alone is financially/economically/socially much harder for women!!!)

(202312037) Practical flying/driving (micro/mini-)bus/van (EV):
Imagine a double-deck bus/van, which have an empty wireframe cage/box as its top floor/level, which have a roof which have an (N by M) array/matrix of (auto-rotating!) (ducted) e-propellers/turbines! (Add a second/third roof/layer, if more lifting power needed!)

(202312052) IMHO, ALL basic human rights/needs (Water & Food & Shelter & Healthcare & Education & Electricity & Internet) should/must be handled/provided/governed (as much as possible!) ONLY by national governments (& NOT by private people/companies who have private goals/concerns/priorities!) (for ending so many huge problems & for beginning so many huge benefits!)! (For example, for food, what if, all agriculture (& basic food productions (like sugar etc)!) was done/handled/cared by national governments?) (For example, for shelter, what if, national government owned/run (standard(ized) design!) skyscrapers providing huge numbers of (super cheap & durable!) micro-apartments!)

(202312096) IMHO, the physical/biological possibility/reality/truth of The (Abrahamic) Prophet Jonah surviving/living inside a living (sperm?) whale (for (3?) days!) could be EASILY tested/confirmed/proved/established using modern tech today! How?:
Imagine, adult (human) size/weight healthy/living pigs/animals equipped w/ all kinds/types of health/life tracking (wireless/mobile) sensors/devices/computers & dropped to the sea/ocean in front of whale(s) to see (max) how long any of them (swallowed alive) could survive/live!?