(202306062) IMHO Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk of 21st Century!!!
(202306073) After living rented/leased apartment life for so many years, here are a few important/vital security/safety rules (IMHO):
1: ALWAYS check/verify ALL apartment doors (for entering/leaving the apartment)
(& any/all window(s) which maybe used for entering/leaving the apartment)
are LOCKED, before, whenever going-out/sleep/drunk/high/unconscious!!!
2: ALWAYS check/verify the door is LOCKED, after, whenever entering bathroom/toilet!!!
3: NO LOUD NOISE, before 6AM & after MIDNIGHT (unless emergency/unavoidable need)!!!
(202306073) IMHO, ALL large (enough) national/amusement-parks & tourist-attractions/destinations should/must provide/offer (their-own!) electric-scooter/bi/tri-cycle/load-carrier services!!!
(202306084) (IMHO) ALL Personal/DeskTop/LapTop/PalmTop/Tablet/Wrist/Eye/... computers & robots/drones/cars/... should/must have (impossible to disable/override by hackers/malware/software!) electroMechanical switches/buttons/pins for manually/instantly disabling/shuttingDown/cuttingOff ALL power/communication/sensor(s)!
(202306143) (IMHO) ALL smart/cellPhones should/must (also) have builtIn/integrated:
1: AM/FM (earPhone/loudSpeaker) Radio & (digital/air) TV!
2: (FullColor) FlashLight & LaserPointer!
3: (IR/WiFi/BlueTooth/ultraSound) RemoteControl (RC) for TVs/cars/drones/doors!
4: (LED/LASER) Projector!
5: PersonalSecurity Buzzer/Alarm (& TASER?)!
6: WalkieTalkie (w/ texting)!
7: FireStarter/eLighter!
8: (UV/disinfectant) BlackLight!
9: AM/FM BroadCasting MicroPhone!
10: Fire/smoke/CO(2)/motion detector/alarm!
11: RamanSpectrometer
(& eNose)!
12: AntiNoise/Sound Generator!
13: LieDetector!
14: UltraSound Scanner!
15: Air Temperature & Pressure & Humidity Sensors!
(202306202) Stainless-steel/aluminum/titanium (alloy) Building Construction Set (similar to LEGO/K'Nex/Erector-Set/...) for building huts/sheds/cabins/houses (of ANY size/shape)!
(202306224) Correction/Update: IMHO Elon Musk is Tesla/Edison/Ford of 21st Century! (& I guess/predict that values of SpaceX/Starlink & X Corp./Twitter (as well as personal wealth of Elon Musk himself!) will also reach & surpass trillion$ (sooner or later)!)
(202306235) According to "The Time Machine" ((sci-fi) novel(la)), eventually/finally, humanity/humankind will be divided into 2 as Morlocks &  Eloi, but, my own personal guess/prediction is that humanity/humankind will be divided into 2 as Gay-Men/Gays &  Lesbian-Women/Lesbians!!
(202307042) IMHO, it is extremely/vitally important for humanity/humankind to realize that some ideas sound/look really great/awesome but actually lead/cause to huge/massive/endless (social/economic/ethical/moral) harm/disaster in the long-term!!
For example/instance:
Banning capital-punishment/execution for all criminals!
Banning alcohol/drugs for everybody!
Banning prostitution/sex-work for everybody!
Banning marriage/sex for all workers/servers of a religion!
Re-adjusting test/exam grades/scores of all students, based on the highest grade/score in a/the classroom/school! (Realize that would lead to all the best/brightest/smartest students getting bullied all the time & also would hide all the bad teachers/schools!)
(202308115) IMHO, it would be greatly beneficial (in many ways!) for whole world/humanity to work just/only first 4/four days of the week!!
(I think/guess, even that much work would become excessive in the future (due to AI/automation!) & so, it would become a good idea to reduce it even further/more (possibly repeatedly; again & again)!)
(IMHO, ALL countries need to start preparing for larger & larger populations to become jobless & fully/completely relying/reliant on free government-provided food & housing! (& so, for example, increasing/diversifying ALL local food production using vertical/indoor/roof/underground/over-sea farming & start designing/building cheap (to build/repair/maintain) & durable (& super-size!) buildings/skyscrapers which are providing maximum number of micro-apartments, might be a good idea!))
(202308126) I think/guess/predict that humanity will create a global (quantum-computer-based) AI-NET, by the end of 21st Century; just like humanity had created (classical-computer-based) INTERNET, by the end of 20th Century & eventually/finally/ultimately, it will be running/controlling ALL computers/robots/drones/vehicles/machines/factories/buildings/roads/cities/towns/villages/...!!
(According to (Sunni(te)) Islam (at least), (Abrahamic) God will be running/controlling everything in both Heaven & Hell (for eternity!) & so, it will be kind of like that humanity successfully created its own Artificial-God (AG), which runs/controls humanity's world exactly in the way humanity wants (according to global/national/local laws/rules/regulations/orders/commands set/decided/agreed/managed/commanded by humanity (world government)!)!)
(Imagine a god who you can talk w/ (& ask any questions!) anytime & a god who even can create (almost) anything you want/need anytime (thanx to its super/hyper-advanced 3D-printer tech!)!)
(Also imagine, being able to just download & 3D-Print at home yourself, more & more kinds/types of items/goods/merchandise you buy online, as 3D-Printer technology of humanity keeps progressing/advancing!)
(202308126) I am keep seeing/noticing (especially in Turkiye!) that some prominent people of/in mass-media is keep trying to force ALL celebrities to respond/react to some/all social/political/religious issues/problems & IMHO, that is an extremely bad idea which would greatly increase/amplify all kinds of social/political/religious polarization(s) among the general public (& IMHO, EVERYONE should/must have a right to silence!)!!
(202308141) Life Insurance Problem (Corrected/Updated):
How many people got killed because of life insurance fraud attempts & how many more should/must be allowed to be killed?
2/two possible solutions:
1: Global ban for life insurance!
2: ONLY national governments should/must be allowed to offer life insurance for (all) their citizens!
(Realize that pretty much all possible life insurance fraud/homicide attempts/cases are already really/actually investigated/handled by local/national law enforcement people (which surely adds a huge extra load of time/labor for them!) & so, really/actually PAID by government/taxpayers! How it is fair/just to allow all the income/money go to private companies & almost all the costs/expenses/problems/issues go to taxpayers?
Also, if life insurance is really/actually more useful/beneficial than harmful/detrimental, then, why not all citizens always/
automatically have it (which would also reduce costs per person to the minimum possible!)? & if it is really/actually bad, then, who can better find-out/realize/judge/decide then (y)our own government?)
(202308196) IMHO, ALL/ICE car/truck dealerships & repair/service/gas station owners should/must try to make franchise agreements w/ EV car/truck companies (like Tesla etc), ASAP (instead of trying to fight/battle/war against them!)!!
(For example, imagine the huge WIN-WIN benefits, if all parking lots/slots/spaces of gas stations had common/universal EV chargers (by law!)!)
(For example, imagine the huge WIN-WIN benefits, if all ICE car/truck dealerships also sold/serviced EV cars/trucks (by law!)!)

(202309107) IMHO, whaling/dolphin/seal-hunting/shark-finning/bull/cock-fighting is absolutely/definitely horrific/inhumane & so, global ban(s) needed!!
(202309181) IMHO, instant-print cameras could regain popularity, if their tech is upgraded from taking/printing 2D pictures/images/photos to taking/printing 3D (holographic) pictures/images/photos(/holograms)!
(202309181) IMHO, a killer-app for augmented/virtual-reality (AR/VR/XR) glasses/goggles could be e-sports stadiums/arenas/venues of the future!
Imagine, giant 3D monsters/robots/vehicles doing all kinds of battles/races & people of the audience watching using their (rented) AR/VR/XR glasses/goggles!
(202309181) 3D volumetric display images which are created from glowing air plasma points/balls/voxels (which are created by intersecting (IR) laser scanner beams) could be made full-color by illuminating the plasma w/ RGB laser scanner beam(s)?
(202309192) IMHO, movie-theaters/cinemas could be also well-suited as e-sports arenas/venues (w/ tech upgrade!)!
Imagine, as e-sports team(s) (sitting in the front-row seats) battling/racing, the whole audience is watching the action on the screen at full-size in 2D/3D!
(202309236) IMHO, ALL pet animal ownership is slavery of other/lesser species!! & thus/so, ALL people who are socially-addicted to living with cats/dogs/pets need to switch to robo-cats/robo-dogs/robo-pets!!
(Also, why not, we also try to create/develop voice-command & AI-controlled drones/toys, as well as such robo-pets of all kinds/types?)
(202309273) IMHO, (infinity minus infinity) or (infinity divided by infinity) or (infinity multiplied by zero) or (zero divided by zero) equals (constant number) or point (NOT undefined)!