(202012137) ON WAR ON DRUGS:

IMHO, drugs which do not easily cause overdose deaths (like DMT, THC, LSD, Psilocybin etc) legally should/must be treated same as alcohol (which is really just another (similar) kind of drug)!

IMHO, just like prohibition of alcohol had caused so much crime in the past (& that is why it was repealed many years later), prohibition of many similar drugs are causing so much crime today! We need to take lesson from history!

(Not to mention, (according to medical research) drugs like DMT, THC, LSD, Psilocybin seem to be extremely promising against (major) depression & PTSD!) (& what benefits alcohol or tobacco have exactly (& yet they are legal)?)

(BTW, yes, psychedelic drugs (like Psilocybin, LSD, DMT etc) absolutely should/must be legalized, but, forcing ALL people to get them only at government-licensed service centers & only from government-licensed guides is ABSOLUTELY WRONG, IMHO!
Imagine, for example, if alcohol only allowed to be consumed at bars & nowhere else!!
Or, imagine, if ALL alcohol users were seen/treated as "drunk drivers" & always forced to drive in groups & by following government-licensed driving guides!!)

(202012137) IMHO, burning waste/trash for energy is the most practical solution & by far! (There is already advanced filter tech for preventing harmful fumes from it!)

Creating more & larger landfills would be a total waste of land!

Recycling/reprocessing methods would require a lot of labor (& so cost)! (& impractical/costly for consumers & trash collection vehicles/work(ers) too!)

Not to mention, by burning (w/o anybody touching) it, disease outbreak risks also would be minimized!

Not to mention, remaining ash could be useful in many ways!

(Another good solution (if/when practically possible) would be producing biodiesel from all waste/trash!)

(202012137/202012211) BEST BIOFUEL:

Pretty much all gasoline vehicles (motorcycles & cars & pickup trucks etc) are on their way to become fully electric already!
But importance of all kinds of existing diesel vehicles seems overlooked! IMHO, our world desperately needs start producing biodiesel fuel at large scales!

Most trucks & ships & farm equipment/tractors & trains & construction machinery/bulldozers/excavators & most military vehicles/tanks in the world run on diesel fuel! & so, biodiesel would be the best choice of biofuel to produce at large scales & by far!!! (& no doubt biodiesel fuel can easily be converted to jet fuel to make all aircraft carbon-neutral too!)

Just imagine, if almost all biomass from agricultural & forest management waste (maybe also even all sewage & trash) turned into biodiesel fuel, to run all kinds of land/sea/air vehicles on biodiesel, then how much it would help for Global Warming!!!

(Of course, one may still ask: But do we really have perfectly good tech to produce biodiesel at large/global scale?

Which of widely used/deployed energy production techs (like solar panels or wind turbines, for example) started perfect exactly? It took really decades to perfect them or not? & are not even they still keep getting improved today?)



Our world already always have countless people keep burning to death alive (after traffic accidents), because of using gasoline (which easily starts fires) as fuel! (Diesel, for example, does NOT easily starts fires (& that is why POTUS car is specifically chosen to be a diesel, for example)!)

Hydrogen, on the other hand, does NOT start fires but EXPLODES like a bomb!!!

If there are hydrogen vehicles around, do you seriously think their tanks would never leak or rapture, because of a traffic accident, for example???

IMHO, any land/sea/air vehicle which battery does not provide enough power/range should/must use bio-diesel as (range extender) fuel!!!
(Bio-diesel can be produced from many kinds of crops/biomass & can be used by all existing (land/sea/air) diesel vehicles too!!!)

(202012185) Commented on the article:

"As heavenly bodies converge, many ask: Is the Star of Bethlehem making a comeback?"

How could possibly birth of a new star (a supernova?) used to determine a certain location on Earth to go & search?

Maybe the star born right on top (zenith) of birthplace of Jesus at exact time of birth? & those wise men were astronomers who saw the birth of the star right at the beginning & from that they determined a direction & distance to go? (To calculate a distance, they would need to measure the angle of the star from their zenith & also need to know size (radius) of Earth!)

(Realize that, once a direction & distance is determined, then any map could be used to determine a certain location on Earth, to go anytime later to search (for a baby born at a certain date & time)!)

IMHO, first of all, from pretty much all humans & animals very clearly having an innate sense of fairness/justice, it can be easily concluded that, if a/the God created all then that God really/absolutely cares about fairness/justice!

Of course one may ask:
If God is all good/fair/just then why is the/our world is full of evil (people/actions)?

For an/the answer, imagine that, if God created all humans who have free will (to choose/do good/right or bad/evil) & also created a/the Heaven (to reward the people who chose/done good/right) & also created a/the Hell (to punish the people who chose/done bad/evil)
then the problem would be, how to decide/show/prove, which people are really good/right (& deserve life/reward in Heaven) & which people are really bad/evil (& deserve life/punishment in Hell)?!

& if so then, realize, this would be the solution:
Create a neutral ground/world (for test) where people could freely choose & do good/right or bad/evil (w/o interference from God)!
(But, of course, people still should/must be made aware/advised/warned of what/life God expects of them (thru a/the (correct/right) religion)!)

(One may still ask: If God already knows what anybody would choose to do (in any given situation) then, why not God send people directly to Heaven or Hell w/o living in this world?
Realize, then it would not be really fair/just because people would be getting punished/rewarded for actions they did not really do!)


Speed of light (c) being constant/same for all observers (in Special Relativity) really means spacetime cannot have any medium?
(So, spacetime being a superfluid (at macro-scale) created by gas-like dynamics of virtual particles of quantum vacuum (at micro-scale) is really physically possible or not?)

Imagine that an ambulance is moving at high speed on a straight road & there is 1 person at a distance ahead/behind who is standing on the side of the road!
Realize, that person would hear siren sound of the ambulance at a higher/lower pitch/frequency than the pitch/frequency the driver hears!
But also realize that, both people would still measure the speed of siren sound to be the same (assuming same air temperature & pressure for both people)!!!

(202101052) Michelson-Morley Experiment really means light (electromagnetic waves) cannot have any kind of medium of propagation?
IMHO, if the same experiment made using sound waves, then, it would be still found that speed of sound waves always is the same, in perpendicular/different directions!
(Air temperature and/or pressure and/or wind (in any direction/speed) would change the speed of sound waves but that speed would be still always the same, in perpendicular/different directions!)

(202101063) Speed of Gravitational Waves is equal to speed of light (c) & it is no doubt same/constant for all observers, since Special Relativity is a special case of General Relativity!
But Gravitational Waves have a medium of propagation (spacetime (superfluid))!

(202101247) Light slows down when passing thru any denser medium; which is just like what sound does!
Gravitational fields are where spacetime superfluid medium is denser & so light (or gravitatioal waves) would slow down passing thru them!
(That is also why light (or gravitatioal waves) would refract passing thru them; just like any lens!)

(202101085) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: Is Light Fundamentally A Wave Or A Particle?"

Just some food for thought for anyone interested:

Interference pattern of double slit experiment still known to happen, even when using (one-by-one) molecules made of hundreds of atoms!

I for one, cannot believe molecules made of hundreds of atoms can ever pass thru both slits at the same time (to be able to create wave interference)!
& so, what is needed, IMHO, is to find an explanation for wave-like behavior, w/o ever requiring particles physically to be waves!
(But Pilot Wave Theory does not seem to be the right answer!)

I wonder if it maybe possible to simulate/model double slit experiment using a quantum computer (to show/prove interference pattern can still be generated when using only particles (& no waves))?
Maybe by simplifying/modelling the experiment as qubits falling/moving in an imaginary "Plinko Game Board"?:

(202101122) All over the world, countless people each year, who were riding in gasoline vehicles, are having collision traffic accidents & at first, they are getting "saved" by airbags, but later they are burning to death alive, because of being stuck in the wreckage of their vehicles!

This is happening because car companies are allowed to do collision safety tests of all their vehicles w/ empty gas tanks! Which is definitely an unrealistic test method because in real world traffic accidents, gas tanks are NOT empty!

All governments need to force all car companies to do all vehicle collision tests w/ full gas tanks (& batteries) (to make them really realistic safety tests)!

& then whole world would clearly see that:
Electric & diesel cars/vehicles are really safe, but gasoline & hydrogen cars/vehicles are extremely NOT safe!!!

Thankfully all gasoline vehicles (like motorcycles, cars, pickup trucks) are already in their way to become fully electric
but what about all diesel vehicles (like heavy trucks, trains, ships, agriculture/construction/mining/military vehicles)?
Right/safe solution for all of them would be to start producing biodiesel fuel for them at large/global scales; instead of trying to switch all of them to hydrogen (which would be extremely dangerous, since hydrogen gas tanks could easily cause massive explosions during traffic accidents etc)!

(One may still ask: If hydrogen vehicles are really extremely dangerous then why many car companies relentlessly keep trying to promote hydrogen vehicles?
Realize that, if they were to switch to electric vehicles then they would need to completely redesign all their vehicles & factories (at massive cost, no doubt)!
But, if they were to switch to hydrogen vehicles then they would need to make only very little design changes to all their vehicles & factories!)

(202101192) Commented on the article:

"Ask Ethan: How Does The CMB Reveal The Hubble Constant?"

So it seems, Hubble Constant is determined from the CMB data, by comparing its properties to various CMB data calculated from a theoretical model w/ varying parameters (to find which one(s) fit the best)!

I wonder if a more direct method is possible:
If 2 CMB (image) data of same location taken decades apart (for example), there should be a difference between them, because of expansion of universe!
Assuming such a difference is big enough to be really measurable using current tech, it should be possible to calculate expansion speed of universe from that difference!

(202101214) Commented on the article:

"Scientists find black holes could reach 'stupendously large' sizes"

If Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) really exist, I would think they should/must be the seeds which created almost all galaxies (& they exist as the SMBHs at centers of those galaxies today)!



Creating/causing any positive/negative sensation in general public means many more clicks/eyeballs for all mass media outlets!
But, truly sensational news is quite rare in the real world, so mass media is always like "the boy who cried wolf"!
Some smart people can surely tell they have been misled/tricked/lied (after reading/watching/listening a clickbait/fakenews article/video/podcast) but IMHO most people often cannot!
People of general public are always full of people w/ outrageously wrong views/ideas!
Where they are came from & why they cannot ever be corrected?

IMHO, this ongoing situation is constant massive harm/danger for whole humanity, going forward!
What can be done to improve the situation?
IMHO, first & foremost, facts & opinions need to be separated on all mass media, permanently!
IMHO, if mass media was criticized/pressured on this (by general public & governments) there could be improvement but it would not be permanent!
Because, the pressure & opportunity to easily create false sensational news & make more money is always present!
Sooner or later, more & more of mass media outlets would start again!
(Any which is not doing it would be in a huge income disadvantage against the ones which are doing it!)

So, only true permanent improvement/solution would be making permanent national/global law(s), which makes mandatory, for all mass media outlets, to always clearly separate (& mark so) facts & opinions!

IMHO, ALL internet social media companies/websites should/must be forced (by national/global law(s)) to:
Always force all user profiles to be private!
Always discourage strangers (in real life/world) becoming social media friends!
Never allow strangers commenting/responding to any user posts (& only allow like (& dislike) clicks)!
Never allow strangers sending messages to any users!
Never allow posting of videos of any dangerous stunts!
Never allow illegal/exploitative/manipulative/bullying/disrespectful comments/messages/content!
(Never allow social media companies/websites to provide news (feed)!)